970 research outputs found

    Black Box White Arrow

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    The present paper proposes a new and systematic approach to the so-called black box group methods in computational group theory. Instead of a single black box, we consider categories of black boxes and their morphisms. This makes new classes of black box problems accessible. For example, we can enrich black box groups by actions of outer automorphisms. As an example of application of this technique, we construct Frobenius maps on black box groups of untwisted Lie type in odd characteristic (Section 6) and inverse-transpose automorphisms on black box groups encrypting (P)SLn(Fq){\rm (P)SL}_n(\mathbb{F}_q). One of the advantages of our approach is that it allows us to work in black box groups over finite fields of big characteristic. Another advantage is explanatory power of our methods; as an example, we explain Kantor's and Kassabov's construction of an involution in black box groups encrypting SL2(2n){\rm SL}_2(2^n). Due to the nature of our work we also have to discuss a few methodological issues of the black box group theory. The paper is further development of our text "Fifty shades of black" [arXiv:1308.2487], and repeats parts of it, but under a weaker axioms for black box groups.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1308.248

    Designing 3D scenarios and interaction tasks for immersive environments

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    In the world of today, immersive reality such as virtual and mixed reality, is one of the most attractive research fields. Virtual Reality, also called VR, has a huge potential to be used in in scientific and educational domains by providing users with real-time interaction or manipulation. The key concept in immersive technologies to provide a high level of immersive sensation to the user, which is one of the main challenges in this field. Wearable technologies play a key role to enhance the immersive sensation and the degree of embodiment in virtual and mixed reality interaction tasks. This project report presents an application study where the user interacts with virtual objects, such as grabbing objects, open or close doors and drawers while wearing a sensory cyberglove developed in our lab (Cyberglove-HT). Furthermore, it presents the development of a methodology that provides inertial measurement unit(IMU)-based gesture recognition. The interaction tasks and 3D immersive scenarios were designed in Unity 3D. Additionally, we developed an inertial sensor-based gesture recognition by employing an Long short-term memory (LSTM) network. In order to distinguish the effect of wearable technologies in the user experience in immersive environments, we made an experimental study comparing the Cyberglove-HT to standard VR controllers (HTC Vive Controller). The quantitive and subjective results indicate that we were able to enhance the immersive sensation and self embodiment with the Cyberglove-HT. A publication resulted from this work [1] which has been developed in the framework of the R&D project Human Tracking and Perception in Dynamic Immersive Rooms (HTPDI

    Spectral expansion for singular conformable fractional Sturm-Liouville problem

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    With this study, the spectral function for singular conformable fractional Sturm-Lioville problem is demonstrated. Further, we establish a Parseval equality and spectral expansion formula by terms of the spectral function

    NREM Parasomnias: An Important Comorbidity in Epilepsy Patients of Pediatric Age

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    Objectives: We here aimed to investigate our pediatric group of patients to reveal the comorbidity of epilepsy and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) parasomnias and their clinical and polysomnographic characteristics.Methods: We retrospectively investigated all patients at the age of 18 or younger internalized within the last two years patients for a full night polysomnographic evaluation in our Sleep and Wake Disorders Unit. The diagnosis of epilepsy was made on the basis of clinical findings and electroencephalography findings; and the diagnosis of NREM parasomnia was made according to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders.Results: A total of 29 male (67.4%) and 14 female (32.6%) patients were investigated. Nineteen (44.2%) out of 43 patients were diagnosed as epilepsy. Nine (47.4%) of the patients with epilepsy also had delta-alpha paroxysms (DAP) and partial wakefulness during sleep – which are the characteristics polysomnographic features of NREM parasomnias.Conclusion: We observed a high comorbidity of epilepsy and NREM parasomnia in pediatric group of patients investigated in our sleepcenter. The arousal parasomnias are increasingly being reported to be more common in patients with epilepsy, probably due to shared commonphysiopathological mechanism characterized by pathological arousals originating in abnormal thalamo-cortical circuits produced by the central pattern generators

    German and Turkish Name Giving Traditions

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    From primitive societies to modern societies, human has given names to their children, each other, animals and objects around him. While doing this, they are affected by several elements. The purpose of this study is to analyze, through which name giving criteria people make their name choice for their children. It’s possible to see German as a pioneer of the western culture and Turkish as the pioneer of the eastern culture. The criteria, that affect the name choices in this languages and name giving traditions and their features, that come up through the name giving criteria are analyzed separately in both languages. After that, the name giving traditions of these languages are compared in terms of their similarities and differences through examples. At the same time the name giving traditions before the acceptance of both Islam and Christianity are mentioned. After the analysis it’s aimed to identify how far both societies are affected by the sociocultural name giving traditions and to conclude that name giving ceremonies are applied with influence of cultural and religious aspects

    The Role of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia on Ottoman Foreign Policy at the Time of Selim III

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    The Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia had an important place in the relations of the Ottoman Empire with the Central and Eastern European States. From the second half of the 17th century, Greek families (Phanariot) from the Phanar area of Istanbul gained important function in the Ottoman foreign policy and diplomacy. The most important of these functions were the interpretation for the central administration and the Ottoman navy. Subsequently, they also carried out other interpreting services such as embassy translations. Instead of traditional Boyars, the Princes/Hospodars (Voivods) of Wallachia and Moldavia were appointed by the Sultan from among these Greek families form 1711 onwards. The reign of these Greek families in Wallachia and Moldavia lasted about 110 years until the Greek Revolt of Mora in 1821. As source of information about Russia, Poland, Austria and Prussia, these princes played a key role for the Ottoman foreign policy. In this context, this paper will examine the role of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia on Ottoman foreign policy within the context of Europeanisation of Ottoman Diplomatic channels in the era of Selim III (1789-1807)

    Ankara Et Borsası'nın Etkin Piyasa Hipotezine Uygunluğunun Araştırılması Research of Suitability of The Ankara Meat Exchange with The Efficient Market Hypothesis

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı; AEB (Ankara Et Borsası) bünyesinde oluşan koyun karkas ve dana karkas et fiyatlarının etkin piyasa hipotezine uygunluğunun araştırılmasıdır. Araştırma kapsamında 2010-2016 yılları arasında haftalık koyun karkas ve dana karkas et fiyat endeksleri kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen endeksler TL (Türk Lirası) ve (ABDDoları)deg˘erleriu¨zerindenzamanserilerinedo¨nu¨s\ctu¨ru¨lerek,ADFvePPbirimko¨ktestkullanılarakzamanserilerininrassalharekethipotezineuygunlug˘uaras\ctırılmıs\ctır.Ayrıcaolus\cturulanendeksverilerininbirbirleriileolanilis\ckileriGrangerNedensellikAnaliziilearas\ctırılmıs\ctır.Aras\ctırmanınsonucundaAEBnınherikiendeksinindezayıfformdaetkinoldug˘usonucunaulas\cılmıs\ctır.TheaimofthisstudytodeterminethecompatibilityofsheepcarcassandbeefcarcassmeatpricesofAME(AnkaraMeatExchange)withaneffectivemarkethypothesis.Inthescopeofthisresearchweeklysheepcarcassandbeefcarcassmeatpriceindexeswereusedbetween20102016.IndiceswhichobtainedswasconvertedtotimeseriesusingTL(TurkishLira)and (ABD Doları) değerleri üzerinden zaman serilerine dönüştürülerek, ADF ve PP birim kök test kullanılarak zaman serilerinin rassal hareket hipotezine uygunluğu araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca oluşturulan endeks verilerinin birbirleri ile olan ilişkileri Granger Nedensellik Analizi ile araştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda AEB’nın her iki endeksinin de zayıf formda etkin olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. The aim of this study to determine the compatibility of sheep carcass and beef carcass meat prices of AME (Ankara Meat Exchange) with an effective market hypothesis. In the scope of this research weekly sheep carcass and beef carcass meat price indexes were used between 2010-2016. Indices which obtaineds was converted to time series using TL (Turkish Lira) and (US Dollar) values, and the suitability of the time series to the random motion hypothesis was investigated using the ADF and PP unit root test. Inaddition, the relationship between the generated index data and each other was investigated by Granger Causality Analysis. As a result of the research, it is concluded that both indexes of AEB are effective in weak form

    Gestão democrática e participativa nas audiências públicas : uma proposta ao exercício da cidadania

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    Orientador : Diana Gurgel PegoriniTrabalho (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas. Curso de Especialização em Gestão Pública MunicipalInclui referênciasResumo : Objetivando fortalecer a gestão democrática participativa como exercício de cidadania, o presente projeto busca quantificar a participação das pessoas comuns na construção do seu meio político e social contextualizado no município de Itapoá, Estado de Santa Catarina. Por meio da análise da conjuntura atual, quantificar o quão participativa esta se construindo esta sociedade, permitira identificar primeiramente o quão se move a vontade popular. Em segundo momento, poder apurar qualitativamente esta participação, como exercício de fato e de direito da cidadania, princípio basilar de nossa Carta Magma. A participação do cidadão de forma democrática, é que legitima a transformação social. Este projeto enseja encontrar meios para ampliar quantitativa e qualitativamente esta participação, estudando soluções para a efetiva participação popular no âmbito municipal, tomando por base, a participação dos cidadãos na elaboração das peças orçamentárias no município de Itapoá. Considerando a grande conquista para a sociedade, que é abertura da participação popular nos orçamentos, assim chamados orçamento participativo, nota-se a reduzida participação popular se comparados aos números do censo demográfico. Esta participação nas elaborações das peças orçamentárias, infelizmente não é privilégio dos cidadãos em todos os países do planeta, é gritante a falta de democracia assistidas em muitos países, assim, insta mais ainda enfatizar, a grande importância e alta relevância que deve ter aos povos que gozam deste direito. O estudo foi feito, tendo em vista a sabida baixa participação dos cidadãos nas audiências públicas que discutem o Pano Plurianual, a Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias e a Lei Orçamentária Anual, com o ensejo de descobrir as causas e encontrar soluções para a reversão do quadro