461 research outputs found

    Consumer loans' first payment default detection: a predictive model

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    A default loan (also called nonperforming loan) occurs when there is a failure to meet bank conditions and repayment cannot be made in accordance with the terms of the loan which has reached its maturity. In this study, we provide a predictive analysis of the consumer behavior concerning a loan’s first payment default (FPD) using a real dataset of consumer loans with approximately 600,000 records from a bank. We use logistic regression, naive Bayes, support vector machine, and random forest on oversampled and undersampled data to build eight different models to predict FPD loans. A two-class random forest using undersampling yielded more than 86% on all performance measures: accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. The corresponding scores are even as high as 96% for oversampling. However, when tested on the real and balanced dataset, the performance of oversampling deteriorates as generating synthetic data for an extremely imbalanced dataset harms the training procedure of the algorithms. The study also provides an understanding of the reasons for nonperforming loans and helps to manage credit risks more consciously.WOS:000510459900012Scopus - Affiliation ID: 60105072TR - DizinScience Citation Index ExpandedQ4ArticleUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılmayan - HAYIROcak2020YÖK - 2019-2

    Awareness of health risks and communicable diseases among undergraduate maritime students

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    Background: In case of an emergency related to crew’s health the first responsible person on board isthe appointed officer of the ship. Sometimes these officers aren’t just the only responsible person butalso the only available option. Therefore, they are expected to handle various types of cases from diseaseoutbreaks to food poisoning. However, officers on board aren’t particularly trained or prepared for suchextreme circumstances. Services like Telemedical Assistances may provide great help in such moments,but the first identification and contamination of various diseases might not be possible without previouslyacquired knowledge and awareness. This study aims to examine and discover the basic health knowledgeand risk awareness of undergraduate maritime students and assess the needs for improved health trainingfor future maritime officers. Materials and methods: The study was conducted by proposing an anonymous questionnaire to the undergraduate students of maritime faculties located in Turkey. Questionnaire form was adapted from the studyof Grappasonni et al. This questionnaire examines the awareness of health risks and risks of contractingcommunicable diseases among seafarers. A total of 266 Turkish participants joined the study. Results: Basic health knowledge of the maritime students seems to be well acquired expect for the communicablediseases and food hygiene. General risk perception for most health issues especially for the communicable diseases is low for all participants. Findings note that most maritime students get their health and disease information from Internet sources. Several differences between Marine Transportation Engineering and Marine Engineering students are found, related to concerns they feel on board for health issues. All maritime students are more concerned about the risks of psychological problems due to isolation. A risk, perception and in some cases awareness shift is observed between classes. All results are limited with participants’ nationality. Conclusions: Seafarers should be educated and trained according the conditions they face on board. Animproved training method should be adopted. This way, the future officers will be qualified to intervene inemergency situations

    Molecular charecterizatin of Anopheles maculipennis complex (Diptera: Culicidae) in Turkey

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    Palearktikte altısı vektör on bir türü içeren Anopheles maculipennis kompleksi, Culicidae familyasında tanımlanan ilk sibling tür grubudur. Bu sibling türlerin sadece morfolojik verilerle tanımlanması oldukça zordur. Teşhis için, birçok araştırmacı tarafından yumurta morfolojisi kullanılmış, fakat tür içi varyasyonlar nedeniyle bu metot yeterince güvenilir bulunmamıştır. Morfolojik ve moleküler verilerin birlikte kullanılmasıyla, yakın zamanlarda üç yeni tür keşfedilmiştir. Türkiye’den komplekse ait önceki çalışmaların bir kısmı oldukça eski verilere ve diğer kısmı da yetersiz örneklem ve morfolojik karakterlere dayanmaktadır. Bu yüzden An. maculipennis kompleksi üyelerinin Türkiye’deki durumu yeterince aydınlatılamamıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, An. maculipennis kompleksinin Türkiye’deki yayılışını ve türlerin moleküler karakterlerini açıklığa kavuşturmaktır. Bu amaçla, yedi farklı coğrafik bölgeden 117 örnek toplanmış ve modern moleküler tekniklerle analizleri yapılmıştır. Örneklerin 35’inin yumurtası incelenmiş ve 117 sinin rDNA ITS2 bölgesi sekansları GenBankası sekanslarıyla karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak üç tür (An. maculipennis, An. melanoon ve An. sacharovi), bunların coğrafik örüntüsü ve hiç tür içi varyasyon olmadığı tespit edilmiştir.Anopheles maculipennis complex consisting of eleven species, six of which are vector, in Palearctic region was the first described sibling species group in family Culicidae. Identification of these sibling species is very difficult using morphological data alone. The egg morphology has been used widely by many authors, but this method has not been satisfactory enough due to the intraspecific variations,. Three new taxa have recently been discovered by using both morphological and molecular data together. Some of the previous reports on the complex known from Turkey are based on highly dated data while the others have had insufficient sampling and inadequate morphological characters. Therefore, composition of members of An. maculipennis complex has not been clarified sufficiently in Turkey. The aim of the present study was to determine the distribution and molecular identification of An. maculipennis complex in Turkey. For this purpose, 117 specimens were collected from seven different geographical regions in Turkey and analyzed by modern molecular techniques. Eggs of 35 specimens were studied and, all specimens collected were sequenced and their rDNA ITS2 sequences compared with those stored in the GenBank database. As a result, three species of An. maculipennis complex (An. maculipennis, An. sacharovi and An. melanoon) were identified and their geographical distribution pattern in Turkey was determined

    Gender prediction from Tweets with convolutional neural networks: Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2018

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    19th Working Notes of CLEF Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2018; Avignon; France; 10 September 2018 through 14 September 2018This paper presents a system1 developed for the author profiling task of PAN at CLEF 2018. The system utilizes style-based features to predict the gender information from the given tweets of each user. These features are automatically extracted by Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). The system mainly depends on the idea that the informativeness of each tweet is not the same in terms of the gender of a user. Thus, the attention mechanism is included to the CNN outputs in order to discriminate the tweets carrying more information. Our architecture was able to obtain competitive results on three languages provided by the PAN 2018 author profiling challenge with an average accuracy of 75.1% on local runs and 70.23% on the submission run

    Antalya Etnografya Müzesinde Bulunan İcazetnamelerin Tezhip Bakımından Değerlendirilmesi

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    İcazetnameler İslam kültüründe önemli bir yere sahiptir. Sanat, zanaat ve çeşitli bilim dallarında belirli bir zaman diliminde eğitim aldıktan sonra kişilere verilen bir çeşit diploma, eser üretme ve altına imza atma yetkisi, bilgilerini aktarabilme donanımına sahip olduğunun belgesi olarak görülmüştür. Genel olarak Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda ya da diğer İslam ülkelerinde her türlü alandaki eğitimler usta-çırak ilişkisi özelinde yapılmasından dolayı icazetnameler sivil olmaktadır. Özellikle İslam sanatlarında genel olarak hat sanatı ile uğraşan kişilere verildiği yönünde bilgilere ulaşılmıştır. Çok az bilgiye ulaşılabilmiş olsa da 18.yüzyıldanberi tezhip, ebru gibi diğer sanat dallarına da icazetname verildiği belirtilmektedir. Müzelerde ya da özel koleksiyonlarda bulunan icazetnameler tarihi bilgi değeri taşıdığı bilinmektedir. Bir çeşit biyografi değerinde olan bu belgeler ile dönemle ilgili bazı bilgilere ulaşmak mümkün olmaktadır. 19. yüzyılla tarihlenen Antalya Etnografya Müzesi Antalya’nın Kaleiçi semtinde yer almaktadır. Müze Alt ve Üst Konak olmak üzere iki ayrı konsepten oluşmaktadır. 1 no’ lu konakta genel olarak Türk-İslam Eserleri sergilenirken, 2 no’lu konakta ise Antalya’nın Osmanlı Dönemi ev yaşamı yansıtılmıştır. 1nolu konağın ikinci katında hilye ve icazetname gibi hat sanatı örnekleri sergilenmektedir.17. ve 19. yüzyıla ait olan icazetname örneklerinin tezhip sanatı açısından incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada dört adet icazetnamenin üslup özellikleri, desen ve motifleri incelenmiştir

    Thermoregulatory strategy may shape immune investment in Drosophila melanogaster

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    As temperatures change, insects alter the amount of melanin in their cuticle to improve thermoregulation. However, melanin is also central to insect immunity, suggesting that thermoregulatory strategy may indirectly impact immune defense by altering the abundance of melanin pathway components (a hypothesis we refer to as thermoregulatory-dependent immune investment). This may be the case in the cricket Allonemobius socius, where warm environments (both seasonal and geographical) produced crickets with lighter cuticles and increased pathogen susceptibility. Unfortunately, the potential for thermoregulatory strategy to influence insect immunity has not been widely explored. Here we address the relationships between temperature, thermoregulatory strategy and immunity in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. To this end, flies from two separate Canadian populations were reared in either a summer-or autumn-like environment. Shortly after adult eclosion, flies were moved to a common environment where their cuticle color and susceptibility to a bacterial pathogen (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) were measured. As with A. socius, individuals from summer-like environments exhibited lighter cuticles and increased pathogen susceptibility, suggesting that the thermoregulatory-immunity relationship is evolutionarily conserved across the hemimetabolous and holometabolous clades. If global temperatures continue to rise as expected, then thermoregulation might play an important role in host infection and mortality rates in systems that provide critical ecosystem services (e.g. pollination), or influence the prevalence of insect-vectored disease (e.g. malaria)

    Cüveynî’nin Makāsıd Anlayışı

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    Cüveynî, makāsıd ilminin çerçevesini oluşturan münasip mâna, maslahat, hikmet, garaz, kāide, maksad, ve usûlü’ş-şerî‘a gibi kavramları, -dağınık bir özellik arz etse de- kıyâs bölümü altında ayrıntılı bir şekilde ele almıştır. Onun yaklaşımları, konuya dair teorinin oluşum sürecinde dönüm noktasını teşkil etmiştir. Cüveynî’ye göre mâna merkezli tâlil, sırasıyla “münasip mâna, maslahat ve usûlü’ş-şerî‘a (makāsidü’ş-şerî‘a) aşamalarını takip eden bir süreç izlemektedir. Bu uyumluluk sürecine göre kıyâsta tâlil işlemi, makāsıd ile sağlaması yapılan bir formatta gerçekleşmelidir. Makāsıda uygunluk (münâsebe) şartı sayesinde Cüveynî, kontrollü bir maslahat anlayışı geliştirmeyi amaçlamıştır. O, makāsıd konularını zaruriyyât, haciyyât, tahsiniyyât ve bedeni ibadetler şeklinde kategorize etmiş; tahsiniyyâtı da maslahatın kural (kıyâs/kāide) dışı olup olmamasına bağlı olarak iki farklı düzeyde incelemiştir. Bunun sonucu olarak makāsıd konularını toplamda beş kategori altında değerlendirmiştir. Esasında Cüveynî, maslahatları külli ve cüzi şeklinde iki temel kısma ayırmıştır. Akılla kavranabilen külli maslahatlar zaruriyyât, haciyyât ve tahsiniyyâta; akılla kavranamayan cüzi maslahatlar ise sonraki usulcüler tarafından mükemmile/mütemmime gibi adlarla sistemleştirilen “ayrıntı maslahat” kavramına tekabül etmektedir. Onun -isimlerini açıkça zikretmese de- beş zaruri maslahata atıfta bulunup düşüncelerini bu bağlamda şekillendirdiği görülmektedir. Makāsıd ilmine getirdiği yenilikleriyle ve katkılarıyla Cüveynî, makāsıd tarihinde takip edilen bir çizginin öncüsü olmuş ve bu ilmin kurucu teorisyenleri arasında yer almıştır

    Nanomaterials Based Drinking Water Purification: Comparative Study with a Conventional Water Purification Process

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    One of the ways of fully securing the presence of fresh water is water treatment process. Nanomaterials and nanotechnology offers an innovative solution for water treatment. In this study, physical, chemical and microbiological improvement rates of raw water were analyzed after filtration with graphene oxide. Graphene oxide's water treatment performance; silver nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles & graphene oxide composites that are commonly used in water treatment were compared with a traditional treatment method. When compared to the traditional method, there were improvements of 50 %, 40.7 %, 86.8 % and 45.5 % for color, TIC, TOC and hardness properties, respectively in water treatment by GO-based filtration with solid liquid ratio of 0.7 % (v/v). In water treatment with GO-Ag based filtration, 39.8 %, 69.8 %, 10.3 % and 28.6 % of improvements were obtained for TIC, TOC, hardness and LSI value compared to the conventional method. Both GO at 0.7 % (v/v) solid-liquid ratio and GO-Ag nanocomposites were successful in the number of total viable microorganisms and inhibiting microorganisms such as Escherichia coli fecal (gaita-infected), Salmonella typhi, Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomona aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Among the studied parameters GO-Ag nanocomposites found to be the most suitable for drinking water treatment