3,186 research outputs found

    The ophiolite-related Mersin Melange, southern Turkey: its role in the tectonic–sedimentary setting of Tethys in the Eastern Mediterranean region

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    WOS: 000222988100001The Mersin Melange underlies the intact Mersin Ophiolite and its metamorphic sole to the south of the Mesozoic Tauride Carbonate Platform in southern Turkey The Melange varies from chaotic melange to broken formation, in which some stratigraphic continuity can be recognized. Based on study of the broken formation, four lithological associations are recognized: (1) shallow-water platform association, dominated by Upper Palaeozoic-Lower Cretaceous neritic carbonates; (2) rift-related volcanogenic- terrigenous-pelagic association, mainly Upper Triassic andesitic-acidic volcanogenic rocks, siliciclastic gravity flows, basinal carbonates and radiolarites; (3) within-plate-type basalt radiolarite-pelagic limestone association, interpreted as Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous seamounts with associated radiolarian sediments and Upper Cretaceous pelagic carbonates; (4) ophiolite-derived association, including fragments of the Upper Cretaceous Mersin Ophiolite and its metamorphic sole. Locally, the ophiolitic melange includes granite that yielded a K/Ar radiometric age of 375.7 +/- 10.5 Ma (Late Devonian). This granite appears to be subduction influenced based on 'immobile' element composition. The Mersin Melange documents the following history: (1) Triassic rifting of the Tauride continent; (2) Jurassic-Cretaceous passive margin subsidence; (3) oceanic seamount genesis; (4) Cretaceous supra-subduction zone ophiolite genesis; (5) Late Cretaceous intra-oceanic convergence/metamorphic sole formation, and (6) latest Cretaceous emplacement onto the Tauride microcontinent and related backthrusting. Regional comparisons show that the restored Mersin Melange is similar to the Beysehir-Hoyran Nappes further northwest and a northerly origin best fits the regional geological picture. These remnants of a North-Neotethys (Inner Tauride Ocean) were formed and emplaced to the north of the Tauride Carbonate Platform. They are dissimilar to melanges and related units in northern Syria, western Cyprus and southwestern Turkey, which are interpreted as remnants of a South-Neotethys. Early high-temperature ductile transport lineations within amphibolites of the metamorphic sole of the Mersin ophiolite are generally orientated E-W, possibly resulting from vertical-axis rotation of the ophiolite while still in an oceanic setting. By contrast, the commonly northward-facing later stage brittle structures are explained by backthrusting of the ophiolite and melange related to exhumation of the partially subducted northern leading edge of the Tauride continent

    An efficient hardware architecture for H.264 adaptive deblocking filter algorithm

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    This paper presents an efficient hardware architecture for real-time implementation of adaptive deblocking filter algorithm used in H.264 video coding standard. This hardware is designed to be used as part of a complete H.264 video coding system for portable applications. We use a novel edge filter ordering in a Macroblock to prevent the deblocking filter hardware from unnecessarily waiting for the pixels that will be filtered become available. The proposed architecture is implemented in Verilog HDL. The Verilog RTL code is verified to work at 72 MHz in a Xilinx Virtex II FPGA. The FPGA implementation can code 30 CIF frames (352x288) per second

    The performance of mutual funds: evidence from Turkey

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    In academic world much controversy exists regarding the performance of pension and mutual funds. Some studies have concluded that actively managed funds on average, underperform their passively managed counterparts whereas other studies have shown just the reverse. Another important debate centers on the persistence of under- and over-performance of portfolios. Still evidence from emerging markets which are characterized by high volatility in terms of terms of stock returns is scarce. Hence this study aims to fill this gap in the literature by investigating the persistence of pension and mutual fund performance in Turkey. The results of this study revealed that out of 53 funds one had an abnormal positive risk-adjusted return and one had an abnormal negative risk-adjusted return when the entire six years are taken into consideration. The different measures employed ranked the portfolios similarly and the correlation of the portfolio rankings between consecutive years was close to zero and insignificant. Therefore it is concluded that efforts to form index and intensive stock funds with the expectation of achieving superior performance in the market-place, failed as only a few superior performances were identified, and these were limited to a single period

    Türk yan sanayi perspektifinden kurumsal entegrasyon ve rekabet gücü

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    This paper examines the nature and the consequences of the relationship between suppliers and their industrial buyers. Integrated and arms’ length relationships are the two possible relationship structures that dominate industrial life. Integrated types of relationships have unique characteristics such as commitment, trust, cooperation, communication structures, and joint conflict resolution techniques of the related parties that discriminate them from traditional business relationships. Both univariate and multivariate analysis showed that firms having at least one integrated relationship performed better than those operating only in an arms’ length manner for all relational outcome variables, which include product quality, delivery reliability, process flexibility and cost leadership. These firms were also more innovative but the differences were statistically significant only for innovativeness, process flexibility and cost leadership. The findings of hierarchical regression analysis supported a two-way relationship among the four integration intensity factors (cooperation, trust, communication, joint conflict resolution) and the three relational outcome variables (product quality, process flexibility and cost leadership). Innovativeness was found to be an important mediating variable between the two integration intensity factors communication and cooperation and the two relational outcome measures product quality and process flexibility.Bu çalışmanın amacı yan sanayi ile ana sanayi arasındaki ilişkinin niteliğini ve sonuçlarını incelemektir. Piyasa bazlı ilişkiler ile entegrasyona dayalı ilişkiler günümüz endüstriyel yaşamına hükmeden iki ayrı kutup olarak kabul edilmektedir. Ancak entegrasyona dayalı ilişkilerin geleneksel ilişki tarzına kıyasla ilişkiye bağlılık, karşılıklı güven, iletişim, işbirliği, birlikte problem çözme yeteneği gibi bazı özel nitelikleri bulunmaktadır. Yapılan analiz sonucunda en az bir müşteri ile entegrasyon ilişkisi içinde olan yan sanayi firmalarının yalnızca piyasa bazlı ilişkilere sahip yan sanayi firmalarına kıyasla ürün kalitesi, teslimat etkinliği, süreç esnekliği, maliyet liderliği olarak tanımlanan tüm ilişkisel sonuçlarda ve yaratıcılık yeteneğinde gerek tek değişkenli gerekse çok değişkenli düzeyde üstünlük sağladığını ortaya koymaktadır; ancak bu üstünlük yalnızca yaratıcılık, süreç esnekliği ve maliyet liderliği faktörleri için istatistiki açıdan anlamlıdır. Hiyerarşik regresyon analizi ise, entegrasyon ilişkisini ölçen değişkenlerden işbirliği, karşılıklı güven, iletişim ve birlikte problem çözme yeteneği faktörleri ile, ilişkisel sonuçları ölçen ürün kalitesi, süreç esnekliği ve maliyet liderliği faktörleri arasında iki yönlü bir ilişki olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Yaratıcılık faktörü ise entegrasyon ilişkisini ölçen faktörlerden iletişim ve işbirliği ile ilişkisel sonuçları ölçen değişkenlerden ürün kalitesi ve süreç esnekliği arasındaki iki yönlü ilişkiyi belirleyen önemli bir aracı değişken olarak ortaya çıkmıştır

    Spoon River Anthology: Lies and Epitaphs

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    AbstractEdgar Lee Masters’ Spoon River Anthology published in 1915 is a collection of more than two hundred poems, written in the form of post-mortem autobiographical epitaphs of ordinary residents of a fictional small American town called Spoon River in Illinois. Each poem is titled with the name of a long deceased resident whose unheard yet striking story is explicitly or implicitly displayed with meticulous use of language and imagery. Along with the universal themes and its call to action for a less hostile and more embracing world, the anthology serves as a fruitful source for translation, literary study, and stylistic and discourse analysis. The primary purpose of this paper is to introduce Spoon River Anthology to practitioners of related fields and help them enhance their teaching process

    Yerel seçimler ulusal düşmanlar

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    Bu makalede, 30 Mart 2014 yerel seçimleri özelinde iktidar partisi ile Gülen Cemaati dahil muhalefet arasındaki siyasal ilişkinin, korku siyaseti dolayımıyla bir tür düşmanlaştırma stratejisine dönüşümü üzerine odaklanılmıştır. Bir yandan iktidarın gücünü tahkim eden, diğer yandan toplumu yönetilebilir itaatkâr bir kitleye dönüştüren korku siyasetinin, yerel seçim sürecinde siyaseti ve siyasal mücadeleyi kavrama biçimini nasıl etkilediği irdelenmiştir. Bu maksatla AKP lideri Erdoğan‟ın tüm miting konuşmaları ile seçim beyannamesi tanıtım toplantısı ve balkon konuşması metinleri üzerinden söylemsel bir okuma yapılmış; muhalefeti ahlaken ve siyaseten mahkûm eden korku siyasetinin, siyasal mücadeleyi iktidar-muhalefet ilişkisinden çıkartıp dost-düşman ilişkisine dönüştüren niteliği sorgulanmaya çalışılmıştır. .... In this article, the focus is on the transformation of political relationship, in particular of 30 March 2014 local elections, between the ruling party and the opposition, including the Gulen movement, into a kind of enemization strategy through politics of fear. It was investigated how the politics of fear; solidifying the power of ruling party on the one hand, and transforming the society into an obedient mass on the other, affects the way of understanding politics and political struggle during the local election process. For the purpose of the study, a discursive reading has been made on all election rally speeches, and the texts of introductory meeting for election declaration and balcony speech of JDP (Justice and Development Party) leader Erdogan; the politics of fear condemning the opposition morally and politically and its nature, which expels political struggle from power-opposition relationship and transforms into friend-enemy relationship, have been tried to be questioned

    Arbitrarily large veering triangulations with a vanishing taut polynomial

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    Landry, Minsky, and Taylor introduced an invariant of veering triangulations called the taut polynomial. Via a connection between veering triangulations and pseudo-Anosov flows, it generalizes the Teichm\"uller polynomial of a fibered face of the Thurston norm ball to (some) non-fibered faces. We construct a sequence of veering triangulations, with the number of tetrahedra tending to infinity, whose taut polynomials vanish. These veering triangulations encode non-circular Anosov flows transverse to tori.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure

    Foreign exchange denominated borrowings and corporate profits: evidence from Turkey

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    #nofulltext# (yayıncı)(yayıncı)In modern finance literature, value maximization is accepted as the primary goal of corporations. To attain this goal, firms try to decrease their cost of capital as much as possible, since firm value is calculated by discounting expected cash flows at cost of capital. Borrowing in foreign currencies is one of the tools used by firms to decrease their cost of capital. However, although firms are able to realize large spread gains in times of relative purchasing power disparity, foreign exchange risks are difficult to cover in periods of crisis where local currency depreciates. Thus, foreign exchange risks are considered one of the most important reasons of the financial fragility in times of crisis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the magnitude of foreign exchange denominated financial borrowings of Turkish manufacturing companies and the impact of these borrowings on company profits and corporate risks. It was hypothesized that companies with low operating profits and low operating risks tend to borrow in foreign currency to decrease their cost of capital and increase their after tax return in times of purchasing power disparity. However, this creates an important source of financial fragility

    Fundamental ratios and stock market performance: evidence from Turkey

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    The fundamental analysis strives to determine the approximate future market value of a firm and an important step in a fundamental analysis is the computation of basic ratios which provide an indication of firms' financial performance in several key areas. The purpose of this study is to investigate the financial performance of Turkish manufacturing companies and the impact of this performance on common stock returns for the three years from 2009 to 2012. The sample consisted of 20 chemical-sector firms quoted to the Borsa Istanbul. For each company seven key financial ratios measuring profitability, liquidity, efficiency and leverage were calculated separately for three years in the analysis. Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method is applied to rank the firms in the sample according to seven criteria, which are financial ratios. Based upon the rankings two portfolios are constructed: the first is comprised of 10 best performers and the second is comprised of 10 worst performers. The t-test which was conducted on the stock market returns of both portfolios revealed that there was no significant difference between the yearly returns of the two portfolios for any of the three years of this analysis