8 research outputs found

    Confiance, coopération et autonomie : pour une école du XXIe siÚcle

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    L’intime de l’AntiquitĂ© Ă  nos jours

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    La question de l’intime et de ses variations au cours du temps fait l’objet depuis peu d’un fort intĂ©rĂȘt parmi les chercheurs. Mais la recherche en la matiĂšre reste inĂ©puisable, tant la notion est difficile Ă  cerner selon les Ă©poques. L’ouvrage propose une approche interdisciplinaire de l’étude de l’intime et de ses espaces, de l’AntiquitĂ© (souvent nĂ©gligĂ©e par les travaux consacrĂ©s Ă  la littĂ©rature française) Ă  nos jours, qui croise les regards d’archĂ©ologues, d’historiens, d’historiens de l’art, de littĂ©raires, de philosophes et d’anthropologues, afin de dĂ©limiter les contours de cette notion floue et d’analyser son Ă©volution dans la diachronie. Le mot intime provient du superlatif latin intimus (comparatif interior), « ce qui est le plus intĂ©rieur » et s’inscrit dans la dialectique du dedans et du dehors. C’est la prise de conscience de l’existence d’un « dehors » et d’un « dedans » qui entraĂźne l’idĂ©e de soi. L’intime est d’abord une question de lieu. Deux voies parallĂšles se dĂ©veloppent Ă  partir du mot latin : d’une part l’intime comme Ă©tant le plus profond et le plus secret, cachĂ© Ă  autrui, d’autre part l’intime comme Ă©tant ce qui nous associe Ă©troitement Ă  autrui. L’intime porte en lui une contradiction entre la radicalisation d’un intĂ©rieur, dĂ©robĂ© Ă  autrui, et l’« union intime », l’« ami intime », qui suscitent une ouverture Ă  l’Autre. L’intime dit Ă  la fois le retrait et le partage. Ce sont les rapports du dedans et du dehors qui sont fondamentalement mis en jeu. L’intime est une catĂ©gorie qui ne va pas de soi. Dans une premiĂšre partie, des articles d’archĂ©ologues et d’historiens montrent que l’espace rĂ©servĂ© Ă  l’intime dans les demeures est une lente conquĂȘte. Dans une seconde partie, c’est la naissance de l’espace intĂ©rieur de l’intime qui est interrogĂ©e par des chercheurs spĂ©cialistes de philosophie et de littĂ©rature latines. La troisiĂšme partie envisage l’intime comme construction de l’individu « moderne » Ă  travers l’étude des pratiques du soin de soi, en lien avec une histoire du corps, mais aussi avec une histoire des femmes dont l’« intimitĂ© » pose question aux hommes. La quatriĂšme partie envisage des scĂ©nographies littĂ©raires de l’intime Ă  partir de quelques cas particuliers. Comment dire l’intime, le reprĂ©senter, si ce n’est Ă  travers des motifs privilĂ©giĂ©s, comme la chambre, la fenĂȘtre, lieux symboliques qui disent la profondeur, le secret, l’invisible, qui suggĂšrent l’indicible


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    Éclat et diversitĂ© des thĂšmes. Quatre contributions de ce numĂ©ro apportent un Ă©clairage sur les enjeux entourant diffĂ©rentes maniĂšres de « se soustraire » du milieu de travail, que ce soit en limitant l’accĂšs au courriel aprĂšs les heures de travail, par des absences prolongĂ©es du travail, par des « temps d’arrĂȘt » pour exprimer sa souffrance au travail et ultimement
 par l’acte suicidaire. Les autres contributions lĂšvent le voile sur les conditions de travail, la santĂ© et la sĂ©curitĂ© dans des contextes encore peu Ă©tudiĂ©s comme les raids en environnement polaire, les nanomatĂ©riaux, le milieu scolaire dans lequel travaillent les professeurs d’éducation physique et les changements technologiques dans le secteur de la santĂ©

    Effects of Standard-Dose Prophylactic, High-Dose Prophylactic, and Therapeutic Anticoagulation in Patients With Hypoxemic COVID-19 Pneumonia The ANTICOVID Randomized Clinical Trial

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    International audienceImportance Given the high risk of thrombosis and anticoagulation-related bleeding in patients with hypoxemic COVID-19 pneumonia, identifying the lowest effective dose of anticoagulation therapy for these patients is imperative. OBJECTIVES To determine whether therapeutic anticoagulation (TA) or high-dose prophylactic anticoagulation (HD-PA) decreases mortality and/or disease duration compared with standard-dose prophylactic anticoagulation (SD-PA), and whether TA outperforms HD-PA; and to compare the net clinical outcomes among the 3 strategies. DESIGN, SETTINGS, AND PARTICIPANTS The ANTICOVID randomized clinical open-label trial included patients with hypoxemic COVID-19 pneumonia requiring supplemental oxygen and having no initial thrombosis on chest computer tomography with pulmonary angiogram at 23 health centers in France from April 14 to December 13, 2021. Of 339 patients randomized, 334 were included in the primary analysis-114 patients in the SD-PA group, 110 in the HD-PA, and 110 in the TA. At randomization, 90% of the patients were in the intensive care unit. Data analyses were performed from April 13, 2022, to January 3, 2023. INTERVENTIONS Patients were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to receive either SD-PA, HD-PA, or TA with low-molecular-weight or unfractionated heparin for 14 days. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES A hierarchical criterion of all-cause mortality followed by time to clinical improvement at day 28. Main secondary outcome was net clinical outcome at day 28 (composite of thrombosis, major bleeding, and all-cause death). RESULTS Among the study population of 334 individuals (mean [SD] age, 58.3 [13.0] years; 226 [67.7%] men and 108 [32.3%] women), use of HD-PA and SD-PA had similar probabilities of favorable outcome (47.3% [95%CI, 39.9% to 54.8%] vs 52.7%[95%CI, 45.2%to 60.1%]; P = .48), as did TA compared with SD-PA (50.9% [95%CI, 43.4%to 58.3%] vs 49.1% [95%CI, 41.7%to 56.6%]; P = .82) and TA compared with HD-PA (53.5%[95%CI 45.8% to 60.9%] vs 46.5% [95%CI, 39.1% to 54.2%]; P = .37). Net clinical outcome was met in 29.8% of patients receiving SD-PA (20.2%thrombosis, 2.6%bleeding, 14.0% death), 16.4% receiving HD-PA (5.5%thrombosis, 3.6%bleeding, 11.8%death), and 20.0% receiving TA (5.5% thrombosis, 3.6% bleeding, 12.7%death). Moreover, HD-PA and TA use significantly reduced thrombosis compared with SD-PA (absolute difference, -14.7 [95%CI -6.2 to -23.2] and -14.7 [95%CI -6.2 to -23.2], respectively). Use of HD-PA significantly reduced net clinical outcome compared with SD-PA (absolute difference, -13.5; 95%CI -2.6 to -24.3). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE This randomized clinical trial found that compared with SD-PA, neither HD-PAnor TAuse improved the primary hierarchical outcome of all-cause mortality or time to clinical improvement in patients with hypoxemicCOVID-19 pneumonia; however, HD-PA resulted in significantly better net clinical outcome by decreasing the risk of de novo thrombosis

    Effects of Standard-Dose Prophylactic, High-Dose Prophylactic, and Therapeutic Anticoagulation in Patients With Hypoxemic COVID-19 Pneumonia The ANTICOVID Randomized Clinical Trial

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    International audienceIMPORTANCE Given the high risk of thrombosis and anticoagulation-related bleeding in patients with hypoxemic COVID-19 pneumonia, identifying the lowest effective dose of anticoagulation therapy for these patients is imperative. OBJECTIVES To determine whether therapeutic anticoagulation (TA) or high-dose prophylactic anticoagulation (HD-PA) decreases mortality and/or disease duration compared with standard-dose prophylactic anticoagulation (SD-PA), and whether TA outperforms HD-PA; and to compare the net clinical outcomes among the 3 strategies. DESIGN, SETTINGS, AND PARTICIPANTS The ANTICOVID randomized clinical open-label trial included patients with hypoxemic COVID-19 pneumonia requiring supplemental oxygen and having no initial thrombosis on chest computer tomography with pulmonary angiogram at 23 health centers in France from April 14 to December 13, 2021. Of 339 patients randomized, 334 were included in the primary analysis-114 patients in the SD-PA group, 110 in the HD-PA, and 110 in the TA. At randomization, 90% of the patients were in the intensive care unit. Data analyses were performed from April 13, 2022, to January 3, 2023. INTERVENTIONS Patients were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to receive either SD-PA, HD-PA, or TA with low-molecular-weight or unfractionated heparin for 14 days. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES A hierarchical criterion of all-cause mortality followed by time to clinical improvement at day 28. Main secondary outcome was net clinical outcome at day 28 (composite of thrombosis, major bleeding, and all-cause death). RESULTS Among the study population of 334 individuals (mean [SD] age, 58.3 [13.0] years; 226 [67.7%] men and 108 [32.3%] women), use of HD-PA and SD-PA had similar probabilities of favorable outcome (47.3% [95%CI, 39.9% to 54.8%] vs 52.7%[95%CI, 45.2%to 60.1%]; P = .48), as did TA compared with SD-PA (50.9% [95%CI, 43.4%to 58.3%] vs 49.1% [95%CI, 41.7%to 56.6%]; P = .82) and TA compared with HD-PA (53.5%[95%CI 45.8% to 60.9%] vs 46.5% [95%CI, 39.1% to 54.2%]; P = .37). Net clinical outcome was met in 29.8% of patients receiving SD-PA (20.2%thrombosis, 2.6%bleeding, 14.0% death), 16.4% receiving HD-PA (5.5%thrombosis, 3.6%bleeding, 11.8%death), and 20.0% receiving TA (5.5% thrombosis, 3.6% bleeding, 12.7%death). Moreover, HD-PA and TA use significantly reduced thrombosis compared with SD-PA (absolute difference, -14.7 [95%CI -6.2 to -23.2] and -14.7 [95%CI -6.2 to -23.2], respectively). Use of HD-PA significantly reduced net clinical outcome compared with SD-PA (absolute difference, -13.5; 95%CI -2.6 to -24.3). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE This randomized clinical trial found that compared with SD-PA, neither HD-PAnor TAuse improved the primary hierarchical outcome of all-cause mortality or time to clinical improvement in patients with hypoxemicCOVID-19 pneumonia; however, HD-PA resulted in significantly better net clinical outcome by decreasing the risk of de novo thrombosis