27 research outputs found

    Dichotomous Structures: The Metaphors Knowledge is Light and Ignorance is Darkness in English and Serbian = Dichotome Strukturen: Die Metaphern Wissen ist Licht und Unwissenheit ist Dunkelheit im Englischen und Serbischen

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze how image-schematic structures build the foundation of the conceptual metaphors KNOWLEDGE IS LIGHT and IGNORANCE IS DARKNESS in English and Serbian idioms with the components Eng. light and dark, as well as Serb. svetlo(st) and mrak / tama. Since the source domains in question, namely LIGHT and DARKNESS, as well as their target domain counterparts, KNOWLEDGE and IGNORANCE, represent bipolar concepts, it can be hypothesized that the image-schematic structures underlying the idioms would reflect these conceptual dichotomies. The results show that there are different ways in which image-schemas may lend structure to the metaphorical interaction between bipolar source and target domains. These conceptual dichotomies can manifest themselves in two ways: on the one hand, as different constellations of schemas along a temporal dimension in a single schematic structure, or, on the other hand, as two mutually incompatible alternative structures differing in one or more specific schemas

    Brennende Gefühle: Die Strukturmetapher Emotion ist Feuer in Deutschen, Serbischen und Ungarischen Phraseologismen = Burning Emotions: The Structural Metaphor Emotion is Fire in German, Serbian and Hungarian Idioms

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    The metaphorical correlation in our conceptual system between emotions and fire can first and foremost be traced back to our experiences regarding our own bodies ‒ certain emotions induce specific somatic reactions that result in a rise of body temperature. This rise in temperature can be conceptualized as a fire in one's own body, which is also reflected in the language. The goal of this paper is the conceptual analysis of German, Serbian and Hungarian idioms based on the structural metaphor EMOTION IS FIRE to uncover the various aspects of this metaphor that are relevant from a cognitive linguistic point of view, as well as the similarities and differences in the manner in which these languages conceptualize emotions. It was determined that the analyzed languages conceptualize different emotions as fire, while this metaphor may structure these different emotions in similar ways. Relevant differences in the conceptualization could be determined regarding how ontological and orientational metaphors are utilized, how dynamic transitions between emotions (or the intensification of an emotion) are conceptualized, and what may represent the antagonist from a force-dynamic perspective

    Feledésbe merült kutyák : A magyar kutya vezérszavú frazémák archaikus rétege kognitív nyelvészeti megközelítésben = Forgotten dogs : A cognitive linguistic approach to archaic Hungarian idioms with the component kutya (’dog’)

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    A dolgozat a kutya vezérszavú archaikus frazémák kognitív nyelvészeti elemzését tűzte ki célul, hogy fényt derítsen arra, vajon felfedezhetőek-e közös jellemzők ezen frazémák között, és ezzel magyarázatot találjon arra, milyen tényezők vezethetnek a frazémák köznyelvi használatból való kiveszéséhez. Az archaikus frazémák vizsgálata kimutatta, hogy egy frazémának a használatból való kiveszése többek között különböző kognitív jelenségekkel hozható kapcsolatba, melyek közül a kutya prototípusának elváltozása, a falu fogalmi keret redukálódása és egyes fogalmaknak a fogalmi rendszerből való kiveszése voltak azok a tényezők, amelyek hozzájárulhattak ezeknek a köznyelvi használatból való kiveszéséhez

    A fordítás fordítása : A német fordítás hatása a magyar visszafordítások kommunikatív dinamizmusára = Translated Translation : The Effect of a German Translation on the Communicative Dynamism of Hungarian Back-Translations

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    A dolgozat azt vizsgálja, hogy hogyan hat ki egy magyar szöveg német fordítása olyan szövegek kommunikatív dinamizmusára, amelyek ennek a német fordításnak a visszafordításai magyar nyelvre. A szerző összesen öt szöveget elemez a téma-réma tagolásuk szempontjából: Kosztolányi Dezső Pacsirta című művének első fejezetét, annak német fordítását, valamint három hallgatói fordítást, amelyek a német szöveg visszafordításai voltak. Az elemzés kimutatta, hogy a német szöveg nem volt jelentős kihatással a hallgatói fordítások rematikus szakaszaira. Ezzel szemben a tematikus szakaszok számára jelentős mértékben kihatott a német fordítás, mivel egyrészt (kisebb mértékben) ahhoz vezetett, hogy bizonyos (az eredeti szövegben található) tematikus szakaszok a hallgatói fordításokból hiányozzanak, és másrészt (lényegesen nagyobb mértékben) növelte is a tematikus szakaszok számát

    Comparison of phytoplankton of 80s and late 90s in a large side arm of the Danube River (Soroksár-Danube/Hungary)

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    The chlorophyll-a content, abundance and taxonomic composition of phytoplankton were studied in the Soroksár-Danube between 1984-87 and 1999. Samples were taken biweekly in the 80’s, monthly in 1999 at Dunaharaszti (the upper part of the side arm) and at Ráckeve (the lower part of the side arm) and from the main arm of the Danube River to compare the qualitative and quantitative composition of phytoplankton. The potential trophic state of Soroksár-Danube is hypertrophic, the actual trophic level is meso-, eutrophic in winter and eu- hypertrophic in other seasons. When the annual water discharge was low, the phytoplankton abundance became higher int he Soroksár Danube compared to the main arm, caused by a high abundance of centric diatoms. When the annual water discharge was high, the abundance of phytoplankton was similar to the main arm. In the other cases, the abundance of phytoplankton of the upper part of the Soroksár-Danube was similar to the main arm, but that of the lower part was different from it (two-three times higher). The much abundant phytoplankton of the side arm flowing back to the main arm can increase the trophic level of the river

    Egy Stochod-i oroszlán naplója

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    Szakdolgozatomban a debreceni 3. népfelkelő gyalogezred egyik utászkatonájának, naplóit dolgoztam fel. A naplókon keresztül, bepillantást nyerhetünk a fronton töltött mindennapokba, kapcsolatokba a bajtársak és a civil lakosok között. Megismerhetjük a műszaki alakulatoknál szolgálatot teljesítő katonák feladatait, és mindennapjait a vonalak előtt, és azok mögött. Mindezt Laboncz András népfelkelő emlékiratain keresztül.egységes, osztatlanTörténelemtanár és állampolgári ismeretek tanára; Könyvtárostaná

    Chlorophyll-a determination with ethanol – a critical test

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    Chlorophyll-a content is widely used as an indicator of the quality of freshwater bodies. Quantification of chlorophyll-a is a routine procedure in the test laboratories of water works, and in research laboratories. Although attempts have been made to standardise the measurement procedure, there are nonetheless many procedures currently in use. This work is focused on a careful re-examination of the ISO: 10260, 1992 standard, which prescribes 90% (v/v) ethanol for chlorophyll extraction and measurement. Chlorophyll contents of cultures of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus Nägeli and the chlorophyte Scenedesmus acutus Meyen were determined by means of a series of concentrations of ethanol/water mixtures which were employed as extracting agents – the water content was gradually decreased from 20 to 0%. The extraction procedure was verified by measuring the amount of retained water after using both water and oil pumps for filtering the samples. The spectroscopic effects of the presence of water were studied and the molecular background of these spectral phenomena is discussed. The extraction yields obtained with 90% ethanol were compared to those obtained with methanol and acetone. On the basis of the calculated error level, improvements to the ISO: 10260, 1992 standard method have been suggested

    Periphhyton and phytoplankton in the Soroksár-Danube in Hungary. I. Periphytic algae on reed stems

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    Periphyton spamles from the reed-belt and phytoplankton samples were taken in November 1996 and in January, April, July 1997 at the upper part of the Soroksár-Danube (the second largest side arm of river Danube in Hungary) at Taksony, and in July, November 1998, January, April 1999 at the middle part of the side arm at Ráckeve. The aim of this study was to investigate the seasonal and vertical distribution of periphyton growing on old and green reed stemps at both parts of the side arm, focussed on taxonomic composition, abundance and chlorophyll a content. Based on the chloropyll a content of the phytoplankton the upper part of the side arm at Taksony was oligotrophic in November an July (in July caused by a flood), mesotrophic in Januray and eutrophic in April. The middle part of the Soroksár-Danube was eutrophic in April and July, oligotrophic in November and January at Ráckeve The values of abundance and chlorophyll a of periphyton were the highest at the middle part of Soroksár-Danube, while that of phytoplankton was the highest at the upper part. A few diamonts showed the same distribution along the reed stems. Relative abudance of Amphora libyca, Cocconeis placentula and Eunotia arcus increased close to the bottom, while that of Fomphonema minutum, G. paravulum, Navicula capitatoradiata and Nitzschia dissipata decreased