167 research outputs found

    Expression of matrilins in embryo and newborn mice

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    Monetary Regimes in Open Economies.

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    This thesis presents a two-country open economy framework for the analysis of strategic interactions among monetary authorities and wage bargaining institutions. From this perspective, the thesis investigates the economic consequences of replacing flexible and fixed exchange rate regimes with a monetary union, such as the European Economic and Monetary Union. It shows that fixing a currency creates a flatter Phillips curve and increases the aggressiveness of wage demands by labor unions. Compared to the existing literature, this open economy approach shows diametrically opposite results from replacing a regime of fixed exchange rates with a monetary union. This framework also shows that the high conservativeness of a central bank is beneficial for a foreign economy. Furthermore, the thesis studies the effects of shocks across countries and shows that optimal monetary policy reverses the direct effect of a productivity shock on foreign output. Hence, it reveals a mechanism that can explain the output anomaly identified by Backus, Kehoe and Kydland, that productivity shocks generate positively correlated output across countries. Understanding these mechanisms allows policymakers to consider the strategic implications of the design of institutions and policy in an open economy.

    Evaluation of an online fermentation monitoring system

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    The need to introduce promising bioethanol production technologies calls for advanced laboratory techniques to study experiment designs and to obtain their results in a quick and reliable way. Real time monitoring based on general principles of ethanol fermentation, such as effluent CO2 volume, avoids time consuming steps, long lasting analyses and delivers information about the process directly. A device based on the above features and capable for real time monitoring on parallel channels was developed by the authors and is described in this paper. Both for calibration and for fermentation, test runs were carried out on different days and channels. Statistical evaluation was based on the obtained data. According to the t-test (P=0.05) and Grubbs analysis, the calibration method is reliable regardless of the date of calibration. When evaluating the fermentation results by ANCOVA acceptable standard derivations were obtained as impact of channel (58.8 ml), date (82.1 ml) and incorporating all impacts (116.2 ml). The final ethanol concentrations calculated based on the gas volume were compared to ones determined by HPLC and an average difference of 10% was found. Thus, the device proved to be advantageous in monitoring fermentation

    New ‘kids’ on the voltage‐gated proton channel block

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    So far one gene for Hv1 has been detected in studied species. The work presented by Chaves et al. in The FEBS Journal reported an ‘Unexpected expansion of the voltage-gated proton channel family’. They searched for proton channel candidates and found three sequences in the genome of Aplysia californica (Ac), which were named AcHv1, AcHv2 and AcHv3. Based on electrophysiological experiments, AcHv1 and AcHv2 are voltage-gated channels. While AcHv1 behaves like Hv1 in other species, that is, it is voltage and pHdependent, it can be inhibited by zinc and conducts protons outwardly, AcHv2 conducts protons inwards at symmetrical pH. AcHv3 constantly leaks protons, and its C-terminal part contains several cytoplasmic retention motifs. Through carefully designed and carried out electrophysiological experiments, Chaves et al. determined the biophysical parameters of all three proton channels, such as the voltage and the pH dependence, the threshold-voltage, the gating charge and the time constants of activation and inactivation

    Processing sweet sorghum into bioethanol - an integrated approach

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    Numerous evidences have been provided that juice of sweet sorghum and the leftover after squeezing, the bagasse can be a proper feedstock for bioethanol production. The possibility to integrate a side stream of sweet sorghum processing into the biomass-to-ethanol process was investigated in this study. The liquid fraction, a side stream of the necessary pretreatment of the bagasse was utilized as carbon source for Trichoderma reesei RUT-C30 to produce cellulase enzymes for biomass conversion. However, to overcome the inhibitory nature of the liquid fraction, pre-adaptation of the fungus on solid media was carried out previous to submerged fermentations. The results show that with this approach the lag phase caused by the inhibitors could be markedly shortened and an enhancement of the final enzyme production could be achieved when comparing the pre-adapted strains to reference

    Application of air cathode microbial fuel cells for energy efficient treatment of dairy wastewater

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    Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) offer a promising new solution for wastewater treatment due to their advantageous characteristics: lower energy demand and less excess sludge compared to the conventional activated sludge wastewater treatment technology. In this study, two systems of single chamber air cathode MFCs with a working volume of 14 L were investigated for the energy efficient treatment of dairy wastewater. Biomass-originated carbon cathode and noble-metal free cathode catalyst were applied to meet the demand for a lower investment cost. Influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) was in the range of 900 to 3830 mg L⁻¹, while hydraulic retention time was ~ 2.4 days. Systems provided 156 mW m⁻³ and 170 mW m⁻³ maximum power densities and coulombic efficiencies of 11.5 % and 12.8 % in average. Organic removal efficiency of 71.1 ± 8.0 % was observed when influent COD was between 900 and 1500 mg L⁻¹, however effluent quality and removal efficiency (67.9 ± 12.6 %) deteriorated as influent COD was increased (1500 - 3830 mg L⁻¹). At high influent CODs (over 3000 mg L⁻¹), an organic elimination rate of 0.82 ± 0.11 kg COD m⁻³d⁻¹ was calculated, that can be considered as the upper limit of organic removal in the systems. Based on the results, MFCs may offer a potential solution for small-scale dairy factories for the pretreatment of their effluent to meet the criteria for wastewater discharge to sewer systems. The modular MFC design also facilitates to tailor the system to actual capacity requirements

    Sistema de losas postensadas para fundaciones en arcillas expansivas

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    Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)Los sistemas de Losas Postensadas en arcillas expansivas, han tenido una amplia difusión en Estados Unidos, como consecuencia de la búsqueda de alternativas de fundación sobre este tipo de suelos. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal, exponer el sistema de losas postensadas, como solución de fundación para arcillas expansivas, y su aplicación en nuestro país, además de plantear y analizar las variables que fundamentan la problemática de este tipo de suelos en las fundaciones. Finalmente realizar un análisis técnico económico del sistema y compararlo con soluciones tradicionales. El desarrollo del tema se fundamentó en el conocimiento de la arcilla expansiva, su problemática y los elementos que componen el sistema. Sin embargo, la metodología y conceptos de diseño, se extrajeron de la normativa y experiencia, recopilada de Instituto del postensado de Texas, Estados Unidos. Para esto último fue necesario, investigar las variables relacionas con el clima, de manera de convalidar el sistema a la realidad nacional. Se concluye que el sistema de Losas Postensadas sobre Arcillas Expansivas, tiene grandes ventajas técnicas y económicas, si bien su utilización esta limitada por las variables que fundamentan su diseño, esta debe ser considerada como una alternativa concreta, y aplicable, dentro de las ya conocidas en nuestro país. De todas maneras se espera un incremento de su utilización, una vez que el sistema sea mayormente difundido.The systems of post tensioning slab on the ground have been widely disseminated in the United States, as a result of the search for alternatives foundation on such soils. This investigation has as its main objective, to expose the system of slabs post tensioning as foundation for solving expansive clays, and its application in our country, as well as raise and analyze the variables that underlies the problem of this type of soil foundations. Finally conduct a technical and economic analysis of the system and compare it with traditional solutions. The development of this theme was based on the knowledge of the expansive clay, their problems and the elements of the system. However, the methodology and design concepts, were extracted from the standard and experience gathered from the Post Tensioning Institute of Texas, USA. Finally it was necessary to investigate the related variables climate in order to validate the system in to the national reality. It concludes that the system of post tensioned slabs on expansive clay, has great technical and economic advantages, although its use is limited by the variables behind its design, this should be considered as an alternative practicaI and applícable, within the already known in our country. Anyway it is expeeted an increase in its use, once the system is most widespread

    The effects of functional balance training on balance, functional mobility, muscle strength, aerobic endurance and quality of life among community-living elderly people

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    Aim. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of functional training on balance, functional mobility, muscle strength, aerobic endurance and quality of life among community-dwelling elderly people. Material and methods. Eighteen women were in the exercise group taking part in functional training program for 25 weeks; the control group did not participate in any exercise program. The Fullerton test for balance, Timed Up and Go test for functional mobility, Five-Times-Sit-to-Stand Test for lower limb strength, Two-Minute-Step-in-Place Test for endurance and the quality of life were measured at baseline and after 25 weeks. Results. After the training period in the exercise group the balance and the functional mobility improved more significantly than in the control group (p = 0.027; p = 0.0004, respectively). The quality of life showed a marginal significance (p = 0.083). In terms of lower limb muscle strength and aerobic endurance, the difference between the groups did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.276; p = 0.147). Conclusion. This 25-week functional training improves balance, functional mobility, as well as quality of life among community-living elderly adults; however functional training exercises might require to be completed with more tailored strength exercises. Clinical Rehabilitation Impact. Based on our results, functional training might be a promising exercise program for improving balance, functional mobility and quality of life for community-living elderly people