14 research outputs found

    Effet du glyphosate sur la fusariose de l'épi chez le blé et l'orge selon différents travaux du sol

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    La fusariose de l'épi est une maladie grave des cultures céréaliÚres du Québec. Il a été établi que la quantité de résidus de culture laissée par le travail du sol et l'application de glyphosate pouvaient augmenter l'intensité de cette maladie. L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer l'effet du glyphosate, appliqué sur un précédent cultural de soya, sur l'intensité de la fusariose du blé et de l'orge et la production d'inoculum de Fusarium graminearum selon trois travaux du sol : labour à l'automne, travail réduit du sol au printemps et semis direct. L'expérience a été répétée sur deux années (2007-2008), à deux stations expérimentales localisées au Québec. Généralement, l'application de glyphosate n'a pas influencé significativement l'intensité de la fusariose ou la production d'inoculum de F. graminearum, quel que soit le travail du sol exécuté. En revanche, l'effet du cultivar était fortement significatif. Ce dernier facteur, combiné aux conditions climatiques et à l'inoculum aérien de F. graminearum présent au-dessus des parcelles, serait davantage associé à l'intensité de la maladie que l'application de glyphosate

    La valorisation des ressources humaines en gestion stratégique des ressources humaines

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothÚques de l'Université de Montréal

    Awareness Tool for Safe and Responsible Driving (OSCAR) : A Potential Educational Intervention for Increasing Interest, Openness and Knowledge About the Abilities Required and Compensatory Strategies Among Older Drivers

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    Abstract : Objective: This pilot study aimed to verify the impact of the awareness tool for safe and responsible driving (OSCAR) on older adults’ (1) interest, openness, and knowledge about the abilities and compensatory strategies required for safe driving; (2) awareness of changes that have occurred in their own driving abilities; and (3) actual utilization of compensatory strategies. Methods: A preexperimental design, including a pretest (T0) and posttest (T1) 8 to 10 weeks after exposure to the intervention, was used with 48 drivers aged between 67 and 84. The participants had a valid driving license and drove at least once a week. Results: Overall, the results demonstrate that OSCAR increased interest, openness, and knowledge about the abilities and compensatory strategies of older drivers (P < .01). After exposure to OSCAR, the majority of the participants confirmed that changes had occurred in at least one of their abilities. Moreover, half of the older drivers reported having started using 6 or more compensatory strategies. Conclusion: In summary, in addition to increasing older adults’ interest, openness, and knowledge to discussion about driving, OSCAR also improved awareness of the changes that could negatively impact safe driving and enhanced utilization of compensatory strategies. While promoting safe driving and the prevention of crashes and injuries, this intervention could ultimately help older adults maintain or increase their transportation mobility. More studies are needed to further evaluate OSCAR and identify ways to improve its effectiveness

    La violence physique Ă  l’école secondaire : point de vue des intervenants scolaires sur l’implication parentale

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    School-family collaboration and parental involvement are important elements in the problem of physical violence in high school. This qualitative research conducted through semi-structured interviews with eight school intervenants, documents their point of view on parental involvement and associated factors in physical violence situations. The results highlight the influence of parental involvement in violent behaviors among teenagers. The study indicates importance of a parental support in physical violence and the importance of these actors in resolving the problem. It would be relevant for future studies to look into parental experiences in order to better understand their needs and support them in their parenting role that influence their teens’ behavior in high school

    Les expĂ©riences de maltraitance vĂ©cues par les mĂšres durant leur enfance et le lien entre l’environnement dans lequel l’enfant grandit et la rĂ©ponse Ă  ses besoins

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    Plusieurs Ă©tudes documentent le lien entre l’environnement dans lequel un enfant grandit et la rĂ©ponse qu’il reçoit Ă  ses besoins. Bien que les facteurs parentaux et environnementaux jouent un rĂŽle indĂ©niable sur la qualitĂ© de la rĂ©ponse qu’un parent peut offrir aux besoins de son enfant, un nombre grandissant d’études met l’accent sur l’histoire de trauma de certains parents comme ayant prĂ©sĂ©ance sur ces facteurs et expliquant le cheminement difficile une fois parent.Objectif : La prĂ©sente Ă©tude vise Ă  vĂ©rifier le rĂŽle mĂ©diateur du cumul des facteurs de risque propres au parent sur le lien entre les expĂ©riences de maltraitance durant l’enfance et la rĂ©ponse difficile aux besoins des enfants. Elle examine Ă©galement le rĂŽle modĂ©rateur du vĂ©cu de maltraitance sur le lien entre le cumul des facteurs de risque liĂ©s Ă  l’environnement et la rĂ©ponse difficile aux besoins des enfants.MĂ©thode : Un Ă©chantillon de 59 mĂšres d’enfants ĂągĂ©s de 2 Ă  5 ans a rĂ©pondu Ă  l’outil Place aux parents. L’outil a permis de mesurer la rĂ©ponse aux besoins, ainsi que les facteurs parentaux (ex : santĂ© mentale, consommation, relation conjugale
) et environnementaux (ex. : dĂ©mĂ©nagements, sĂ©curitĂ© du quartier, accĂšs aux ressources) auxquels l’enfant est exposĂ©. Le vĂ©cu de maltraitance durant l’enfance a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ© en utilisant le Childhood Trauma Questionnaire.RĂ©sultats : Les rĂ©sultats indiquent que le vĂ©cu de maltraitance explique mieux la rĂ©ponse aux besoins des enfants que le cumul des facteurs de risque parentaux. De plus, un environnement moins favorable est liĂ© Ă  une rĂ©ponse plus difficile aux besoins des enfants, mais seulement pour les parents n’ayant pas de vĂ©cu de maltraitance. Pour les parents ayant un vĂ©cu de maltraitance, la rĂ©ponse aux besoins des enfants demeure difficile, peu importe l’environnement dans lequel ils se trouvent.Discussion : Les rĂ©sultats de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude soulĂšvent l’importance de porter une attention au vĂ©cu de maltraitance des parents dans le soutien offert aux familles. Les interventions qui portent une attention particuliĂšre au passĂ© de trauma des parents pourraient s’avĂ©rer la voie vers une amĂ©lioration de la rĂ©ponse aux besoins des enfants.Several studies have documented the influence of various parental and environmental factors on child maltreatment. Although these factors play an undeniable role in the quality of the response that a parent can offer his child’s needs, a growing number of studies emphasize that a history of childhood maltreatment can take precedence over these factors and explain the difficulties once a parent.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to test the mediating role of the parental risk factors on the relationship between a history of childhood maltreatment and the response to children needs. It also examines the moderating role of maltreatment on the relationship between environmental risk factors and the response to children needs.Methodology: A sample of 59 mothers of children aged 2 to 5 years completed the Room for Parent. The tool measures response to children needs, as well as parental factors (e.g., mental health, substance use, marital relationship...) and environmental factors (e.g., moves, neighborhood safety, access to resources) to which the child is exposed. The experience of childhood maltreatment was measured using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire.Results: The results indicate that the history of maltreatment offers a better explanation of the response to children needs than the parental risk factors. In addition, more risk factors in the environment are associated with a more difficult response to children needs, but only for parents without a history of maltreatment. For parents with a history of maltreatment, meeting children needs remained difficult, regardless of the environment in which they found themselves.Discussion: The results of this study highlight the importance of experiences of childhood maltreatment. Interventions must pay particular attention to parents trauma histories to help them to improve their response to children needs

    Linoleic acid supplementation of cell culture media influences the phospholipid and lipid profiles of human reconstructed adipose tissue.

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    Reconstructed human adipose tissues represent novel tools available to perform in vitro pharmaco-toxicological studies. We used adipose-derived human stromal/stem cells to reconstruct, using tissue engineering techniques, such an adipose tridimensional model. To determine to what extent the in vitro model is representative of its native counterpart, adipogenic differentiation, triglycerides accumulation and phospholipids profiles were analysed. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis software revealed pathways enriched with differentially-expressed genes between native and reconstructed human adipose tissues. Interestingly, genes related to fatty acid metabolism were downregulated in vitro, which could be explained in part by the insufficient amount of essential fatty acids provided by the fetal calf serum used for the culture. Indeed, the lipid profile of the reconstructed human adipose tissues indicated a particular lack of linoleic acid, which could interfere with physiological cell processes such as membrane trafficking, signaling and inflammatory responses. Supplementation in the culture medium was able to influence the lipid profile of the reconstructed human adipose tissues. This study demonstrates the possibility to directly modulate the phospholipid profile of reconstructed human adipose tissues. This reinforces its use as a relevant physiological or pathological model for further pharmacological and metabolic studies of human adipose tissue functions