12 research outputs found

    Satisfaction and attitude of bipolar patients regarding electroconvulsive therapy: Modified or unmodified

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    Objective: Ministry of Health of Turkey issued a legislation to use only modified electroconvulsivetherapy (ECT) in 2005, and this study aimed to assess satisfaction and attitude of bipolar patientsregarding modified and unmodified electroconvulsive therapy.Methods: A total of 100 patients (50 treated with modified electroconvulsive therapy (M-ECT) and 50treated with unmodified ECT (UM-ECT) with a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder (depressive or manic episode)were invited to participate in this study. Patients with euthymic mood were included.Satisfaction and attitude towards ECT were evaluated with a structured attitude questionnaire, and MECTand UM-ECT patients, and their subgroups (depressive vs. manic) were compared.Results: No significant differences were found between M-ECT and UM-ECT groups regarding age, sex,marital status and occupation. The majority of all patients (78%) were satisfied from treatment withECT and with the outcome (88%), without significant differences between modified and unmodifiedgroups. Forgetfulness (70%) and headaches (57%) occurred in all groups, with the only significant differencein forgetfulness being reported by more manic patients treated with UM-ECT. Depressive andmanic patients treated with UM-ECT reported concerns of brain damage and physical harm significantlymore frequently. While 86% of patients treated with M-ECT consented to a future treatment,this was significantly less in patients treated with UM-ECT (50%).Conclusions: Bipolar patients report a high degree of satisfaction treated either with modified orunmodified ECT but there was a significant difference in perception of adverse effects and willingnessfor receiving ECT in future

    Mission Marmara. Campagne 2008

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    Mission archéologique en Turquie (Bithynie) appuyée par le Ministère des affaires étrangères français. 2008 : Poursuite des prospections : 1. du versant N de l'Olympe/Uludağ à l'est de Bursa ; 2. des contreforts orientaux de l'Olympe/Uludağ ; 3. des contreforts SO de l'Olympe/Uludağ autour de Keles ; 4. des contreforts NO de l'Olympe/Uludağ ; 5. de la côte au Nord

    Mission Marmara. Campagne 2006

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    Mission archéologique en Turquie (Bithynie) appuyée par le Ministère des affaires étrangères français. 2006 : Poursuite des prospections : 1. du versant nord des contreforts occidentaux de l'Olympe de Bithynie/Uludağ ; 2. de la vallée du Nilüfer et de la route de la mer au piémont de l'Olympe/Uludağ ; 3. de la rive gauche du Rhyndakos (Koca dere) ; 4. de la côte au nord

    Mission Marmara. Campagne 2005

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    Mission archéologique en Turquie (Bithynie) appuyée par le Ministère des affaires étrangères français. 2005 : Etude approfondie du site et du matériel de surface des monastères découverts en 2004 à Kilise Mevkii (Arnavutköy) et à Ayazma (Mesudiye) ; découverte d'établissements civils ou militaires (Kapanca, Ketenderesi, Korsantepe) et monastiques (Sivzi) sur la côte sud, dotés d'aménagements portuaires ; découverte d'une route reliant les ports découverts de Kapanca et Ketenderesi à la vallée du Nilufer et, par delà, aux monastères du piémont du Mont Olympe/Uludağ

    Mission Marmara. Campagne 2006

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    Mission archéologique en Turquie (Bithynie) appuyée par le Ministère des affaires étrangères français. 2006 : Poursuite des prospections : 1. du versant nord des contreforts occidentaux de l'Olympe de Bithynie/Uludağ ; 2. de la vallée du Nilüfer et de la route de la mer au piémont de l'Olympe/Uludağ ; 3. de la rive gauche du Rhyndakos (Koca dere) ; 4. de la côte au nord

    Epidemiological features of Turkish patients with sarcoidosis

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    Epidemiological characteristics of sarcoidosis differ according to geographical distribution. The aim of our study was to disclose epidemiological characteristics in our country. The data was collected from investigators, who sent information on newly-diagnosed patients via internet. In 2 years 198 female and 95 mate patients were enrolled to the study (f/m:2.08). Mean age of patients was 44 +/- 13 years (17-90). Mean age of mate patients was 38 12 while mean age of female patients was 48 13 (p < 0.001). 73.4% of patients were nonsmokers (85.4% of females; 48.4% of mates; (p < 0.001)). About 50% of our 293 patients were housewives. Familial sarcoidosis was found in 3 patients' first degree relatives. Estimated annual incidence of sarcoidosis for Turkey was calculated as 4 per 100,000 person. According to our study, 2/3 of sarcoidosis patients were women; mean age of patients was 45 and the disease began 10 years later in female patients. 80% of patients were nonsmokers; negative relation between sarcoidosis and smoking was evident especially in women. Familial sarcoidosis frequency was lower compared to other studies in the literature. There was no occupational exposure history in our patients. Our incidence rate, is similar with the results of other European studies

    Clinical presentations and diagnostic work-up in sarcoidosis: A series of Turkish cases (clinics and diagnosis of sarcoidosis) Sarkoidozlu olgularda klinik görünüm ve tanısal yaklaşım: Türk olgu serisi (sarkoidoz kliniǧi ve tanı yaklaşımları)

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    Sarcoidosis is an idiopathic granulomatous disease. It usually affects the lung. The diagnosis may be problematic since the known causes of granulomatous inflammation must be excluded. This multicenter study aimed to evaluate the clinical presentations and diagnostic approaches of sarcoidosis. The study protocol was sent via internet, and the participants were asked to send the information (clinical, radiological and diagnostic) on newly diagnosed sarcoidosis cases. 293 patients were enrolled within two years. Pulmonary symptoms were found in 73.3% of the patients, and cough was the most common one (53.2%), followed by dyspnea (40.3%). Constitutional symptoms were occured in half of the patients. The most common one was fatigue (38.6%). The most common physical sign was eritema nodosum (17.1%). The most common chest radiograhical sign was bilateral hilar lymphadenomegaly (78.8%). Staging according to chest X-ray has revealed that most of the patients were in Stage I and Stage II (51.9% and 31.7%, respectively). Sarcoidosis was confirmed histopathologically in 265 (90.4%) patients. Although one-third of the bronchoscopy was revealed normal, mucosal hyperemi (19.8%) and external compression of the bronchial wall (16.8%) were common abnormal findings. The 100% success rate was obtained in mediastinoscopy among the frequently used sampling methods. Transbronchial biopsy was the most frequently used method with 48.8% success rate. Considering sarcoidosis with its most common and also rare findings in the differential diagnosis, organizing the related procedures according to the possibly effected areas, and the expertise of the team would favor multimodality diagnosis

    COVID-19 pandemic and the global perspective of Turkish Thoracic Society

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    It has been more than 3 months now since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Turkey. Globally, the number of confirmed cases and deaths reached 9,653,048 and 491,128 respectively, as reported by 216 countries by June 27, 2020. Turkey had 1,396 new cases, 194,511 total cases, and 5,065 deaths by the same date. From the first case until today, the Turkish Thoracic Society (TTS) has been very proactive in educating doctors, increasing public awareness, undertaking academic studies, and assisting with public health policies. In the present report, social, academic, and management perspectives of the pandemic are presented under appropriate subtitles. During this critical public health crisis, TTS has once again demonstrated its readiness and constructive stance by supporting public health, healthcare workers, and the environment. This review summarizes the perspective of TTS on each aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic and casts light on its contributions