420 research outputs found

    Türkiye aphidiinae faunasına (hymenoptera: braconidae) yeni kayıtlar ile katkılar

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    Samples were collected from eight different habitats by using either a sweeping-net and Malesian trap in Edirne province of European Turkey in the Spring, Summer and Autumn of 2014. A total of six genera and 27 species have been identified. Of these, nine species (Aphidius eadyi Starý, Gonzales & Hall, 1980, A. rosae Haliday, 1834, A. picipes (Nees, 1811), Binodoxys acalephae (Haliday, 1833), Ephedrus persicae Frogatt, 1904, Lysiphlebus confusus Tremblay & Eady, 1978, Praon abjectum (Haliday, 1833), P. pubescens Starý, 1961, P. yomenae Takada, 1968) are new records for the Edirne Aphidiinae fauna and seven of them (Aphidius smithii Sharma & Subba Rao, 1959, A. microlophii Pennachio & Tremblay, 1987, Lysiphlebus fritzmuelleri Mackauer, 1960, Praon athenaeum Kavallieratos & Lykouressis, 2000, P. flavinode (Haliday, 1833), P. nonveilleri Tomanović & Kavallieratos, 2003, P. uroleucon Tomanović & Kavallieratos, 2003) are new records for Turkish Aphidiinae fauna.Edirne ili Aphidiinae faunasını tespit etmeye yönelik 2014 yılı ilkbahar, yaz ve sonbahar mevsimleri içinde yapılan bu çalışmada örnekler atrap ve Malezya tuzakları kullanılarak sekiz farklı habitattan toplanmıştır. Aphidiinae altfamilyasına ait 6 cins ve 27 tür saptanmıştır. Tespit edilen türlerin 9’u (Aphidius eadyi Starý, Gonzales & Hall, 1980, A. rosae Haliday, 1834, A. picipes (Nees, 1811), Binodoxys acalephae (Haliday, 1833), Ephedrus persicae Frogatt, 1904, Lysiphlebus confusus Tremblay & Eady, 1978, Praon abjectum (Haliday, 1833), P. pubescens Starý, 1961, P. yomenae Takada, 1968) Edirne Aphidiinae faunası için, 7’si (Aphidius smithii Sharma & Subba Rao, 1959, A. microlophii Pennachio & Tremblay, 1987, Lysiphlebus fritzmuelleri Mackauer, 1960, Praon athenaeum Kavallieratos & Lykouressis, 2000, P. flavinode (Haliday, 1833), P. nonveilleri Tomanović & Kavallieratos, 2003, P. uroleucon Tomanović & Kavallieratos, 2003) Türkiye Aphidiinae faunası için yeni kayıttır

    İnceburun (Kaş) ve Çayağzı (Demre) (Antalya-Türkiye) arasındaki bölge florasına katkılar

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    This study includes the flora of İnceburun (Kaş) and Çayağzı (Demre) regions, which comprises one of the important tourism centers in Turkey. Twelve field trips were made to study area at different times of the year 2018-2019. The collected plant species were pressed and dried according to herbarium procedures and stored after plant identification. In this area, a total of 414 plant taxa and 266 genera, belonging to 66 families, were determined. The number of endemic and rare taxa found in the research area is 28. The family represented by the highest number of taxa was Fabaceae (49 taxa), followed by Asteraceae (48 taxa), Lamiaceae (32 taxa), Poaceae (23 taxa), Apiaceae (18 taxa), Caryophyllaceae (15 taxa), Brassicaceae (14 taxa), Orchidaceae (14 taxa), Boraginaceae (12 taxa), and Plantaginaceae (12 taxa). According to National Red Lists based on criteria and categories of the IUCN, one taxon is critically endangered (CR), two taxa are endangered (EN), eleven taxa are vulnerable (VU), seven taxa are conservation dependent (CD), three taxa are near threatened (NT), four taxa are least concern (LC), of these, Ophrys argolica H.Fleischm. is assessed as VU at a global level. Fifteen taxa are included under CITES Appendix II and two species are also protected under Appendix I of the Bern Convention. Maquis, phrygana, forest, rocky, halophytic, and sand dune are the main vegetation types in the area.Bu çalışma, Türkiye'nin önemli turizm merkezlerinden birisi olan İnceburun (Kaş) ve Çayağzı (Demre) arasındaki bölgenin florasını içermektedir. Çalışma alanına 2018-2019 yılllarındaoniki arazi çalışması yapılmıştır. Toplanan bitki örnekleri standart herbaryum prosedürlerine göre preslenip kurutulduktan sonra bitki teşhisleri yapılarak saklanmıştır. Bu alanda 66 familyaya ait toplam 414 takson ve 266 cins tespit edilmiştir. Endemik ve nadir bitki taksonlarının sayısı 28’dir. En fazla taksonla temsil edilen familyalar sırası ile; Fabaceae (49 takson), Asteraceae (48 takson), Lamiaceae (32 takson), Poaceae (23 takson), Apiaceae (18 takson), Caryophyllaceae (15 takson), Brassicaceae (14 takson), Orchidaceae (14 takson), Boraginaceae (12 takson) ve Plantaginaceae (12 takson)’dir. IUCN kriterlerine ve kategorilerine dayalı Ulusal Kırmızı Listeye göre, bir tür kritik kategoride, iki taksondan tehlikede kategorisinde (EN), onbir takson duyarlı kategorisinde (VU), yedi takson korumaya tabi kategorisinde (CD), dört takson ise düşük riskli kategorisinde (LC), üç takson tehlikeye yakın kategorisinde (NT) yer almaktadır. Ophrys argolica H.Fleischm türü küresel seviyede VU kategorisinde değerlendirilmektedir. CITES listesinde yer alan 15 takson ve Bern sözleşmesinde yer alan 2 takson çalışma alanı içerisinde yayılışa sahiptir. Çalışma alanındaki vejetasyon tipleri maki, frigana, orman, kaya, halofitik ve kumuldur

    Examination of the Relationship Between TPACK Competencies and Mathematics Teaching Anxiety: The Mediating Role of Mathematics Anxiety

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    This study aimed at exploring the mediating role of mathematics anxiety in the relationship between TPACK competencies and mathematics teaching anxiety. This mediation role stated in the hypothesis of the study was tested through structural equation modeling using data from 426 pre-service mathematics teachers selected through criterion sampling. TPACK Competencies Scale, Mathematics Anxiety Scale, and Mathematics Teaching Anxiety Scale were used to collect data. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and path analysis. The study revealed a negative relationship between TPACK competencies and mathematics anxiety, and mathematics teaching anxiety, while there was a positive relationship between mathematics anxiety and mathematics teaching anxiety. The results suggested that pre-service teachers' mathematics anxiety had a mediating role in accounting for the relationship between TPACK competencies and mathematics teaching anxiety. In addition, TPACK competencies explained 68% of the total variance in mathematics teaching anxiety through mathematics anxiety in the structural equation model. The findings are discussed in light of the related literature, and implications are offered for practitioners and researchers.   

    The Investigation Of Pre-School Children’s Print Awareness And Skills For Writing Preparation

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    The goal of the study is to investigate the pre-school children’s print awareness and skills for writing preparation. Descriptive research method was used in the study. The children attending kindergarten classes in the primary schools of five different central districts of Ankara province in 2009-2010 academic year formed the study group of the research. The sampling of the research consists of 376 children who were chosen via stratified sampling method. Control List for the Evaluation of Pre-School Children’s Preparation Skills for Writing and Control List for the Evaluation Pre-School Children’s Print Awareness were used as data collection tools. At the end of the research, it was found that the total grade average of the children in their skills for writing preparation was 7.74 and that number corresponded to 70.4 %. Children’s print awareness grade average was 6.38 and that number corresponded to 37.5 %. The obtained correlation which was calculated to identify the relation between children’s print awareness and their skills for writing preparation was 0.262. It was revealed that there has been a low-level but positive relation between print awareness and skills for writing preparation.Araştırmanın amacı okul öncesi eğitim kurumuna devam eden (61-72 aylık) çocukların yazı farkındalığı ve yazmaya hazırlık becerilerini incelemektir. Araştırmada betimsel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini 2009- 2010 eğitim öğretim yılında, Ankara ilindeki beş merkez ilçede (Altındağ, Çankaya, Keçiören, Mamak, Yenimahalle) ilköğretim okullarına bağlı anasınıfına devam eden çocuklar oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemi tabakalama yöntemi ile belirlenmiş 376 çocuktan oluşmuştur. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak Okul Öncesi Dönemdeki Çocukların Yazmaya Hazırlık Becerilerini Değerlendirme Kontrol Listesi ve Okul Öncesi Dönemdeki Çocukların Yazı Farkındalığını Değerlendirme Kontrol Listesi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda, çocukların yazmaya hazırlık becerilerinde toplam puan ortalamasının 7.74 olduğu ve bu ortalamanın %70.4’e karşılık geldiği tespit edilmiştir. Çocukların yazı farkındalığı puan ortalamasının ise 6.38 olduğu ve bu ortalamanın %37.5’e karşılık geldiği belirlenmiştir. Çocukların yazı farkındalığı ile yazmaya hazırlık becerileri arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek için elde edilen korelasyon katsayısı 0.262’dir. Yazmaya hazırlık becerileri ile yazı farkındalığı arasında düşük düzeyde ancak olumlu yönde bir ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir

    New records of Aphid Parasitoids (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae) from Turkey

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    Aphid parasitoid, as one of the most important natural enemies of aphid, has been sporadically studied in Turkey. Our findings should contribute to better knowledge of the Turkish and Near East aphidiins fauna. All specimens were collected by sweeping from western and northern Turkey, especially from Marmara and the Black Sea region during the 1989–2004 period. We present new data for Aphidiinae of Turkey and Near East which include eight new species (Toxares deltiger Hal., Aphidius urticae Hal., Ephedrus lacertosus (Hal.), Lipolexis gracilis Först., Monoctonus crepidis (Hal.), Praon abjectum (Hal.), Praon longicorne Marsh., Praon pubescens Starý) and two new genera (Toxares and Lipolexis). We pointed out basal position ofT. deltiger within Aphidiinae with emphasis on several plesiomorphous character states, such as braconid type of wing venation, large number of longitudinal placodes on flagellomeres 1 and 2 and short and triangular ovipositor sheath.We presumed the small fovea on median part of mesonotum in T. deltiger as an apomorphic character. Newly recorded species will help estimate their possible role in agroecosystems of targeted areas

    El efecto del entrenamiento cinético de vida en el aprendizaje de la técnica de tiro-put glide y parámetros motóricos

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    This study determined the effect of life kinetic (LK) training on the learning of glide techniques, shot performance and motor parameters of students in the faculty of sports sciences. A total of 54 students, 24 females (19.2±2.1years) and 30 males (19.6 ± 1.9 years), who were studying in faculty of sports sciences participated in the research.  Students participated in the track and field lesson twice a week for 12 weeks. The experimental group was made to exercise LK training for 30 minutes before each lesson after the general warm-up. Before and after the 12-weeks of training, measurements were taken from students two times. Willcoxon T-test was applied in order to determine whether or not there were differences between the pre-test and post-test which were applied before and after the training program. Mann Whitney U test was used in order to determine whether or not there was a difference between the two groups. Statistical significance level was taken as p<0.05As a result of the research, statistically significant differences were determined between the experimental and control group in the shot put distance, glide technique, agility, visual reaction, auditory reaction parameters. In brief, it may be stated that LK training positively affected the development of skills and technical learning of students.  Este estudio determinó el efecto del entrenamiento cinético de la vida (LK) sobre el aprendizaje de técnicas de deslizamiento, rendimiento de tiro y parámetros motores de estudiantes de la facultad de ciencias del deporte. Participaron de la investigación 54 estudiantes, 24 mujeres (19,2 ± 2,1 años) y 30 hombres (19,6 ± 1,9 años), que cursaban estudios en la facultad de ciencias del deporte. Los estudiantes participaron en la lección de pista y campo dos veces por semana durante 12 semanas. Se hizo que el grupo experimental ejercitara el entrenamiento LK durante 30 minutos antes de cada lección después del calentamiento general. Antes y después de las 12 semanas de formación, se tomaron medidas de los estudiantes dos veces. Se aplicó la prueba T de Willcoxon para determinar si existían diferencias entre la prueba previa y la prueba posterior que se aplicaron antes y después del programa de entrenamiento. Se utilizó la prueba U de Mann Whitney para determinar si había o no una diferencia entre los dos grupos. El nivel de significancia estadística se tomó como p <0.05 Como resultado de la investigación, se determinaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el grupo experimental y control en la distancia de lanzamiento de bala, técnica de planeo, agilidad, reacción visual, parámetros de reacción auditiva. En resumen, se puede afirmar que la formación LK afectó positivamente el desarrollo de habilidades y el aprendizaje técnico de los estudiantes

    The discrepancies between assessments of physicians in microfilm examination for tuberculosis screening

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    Objectives: Microfilm (MF) are used in community based screening for tuberculosis (TB) in Turkey. This study aimed differences in evaluation between various physicians.Materials and Methods: In the Mardin Prison, 253 microfilms(MFs) were obtained during periodic TB screening in January 2006. A chest disease specialist doctor, a radiologyspecialist doctor and a general practitioner doctor assessed the MFs separately. The results were classified as i) Normal, ii) Active TB disease findings, iii) and Sequel TB disease findings.Results: A total of 13 MFs were not taken into considerationbecause of technically unsatisfactory radiographs. The end results were as follows; three physicians had agreed about diagnosis in 159 MFs (66.2%). In 81 MFs (33.8%) at least one physician had a different opinion about microfilm. The general practitioner reported 19 MFs (8%) as active TB disease findings and the radiology specialistdoctor reported 22 MFs (9%) as active TB disease. However, the chest diseases specialist doctor reported 26 MFs (11%) as having active TB disease findings. No significant difference was found in active TB diagnosis between three physicians (p>0.05). The frequency of sequelTB diagnosis was higher in Chest disease specialist compared with other physicians (p<0.05).Conclusion: Although MF is a fast screening method, considerable disagreement was found in evaluating abnormalfindings among reporting physicians. As TB is a disease with various radiologic appearances, usage of microbiological diagnostic modalities should be added to subjective radiographic methods

    Morfología y tipificación de Szovitsia callicarpa (Apiaceae)

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    The poorly known monotypic genus Szovitsia Fisch. &amp; C.A.Mey, in the Apiaceae family, is here revised. Szovitsia callicarpa Fisch. &amp; C.A.Mey. is an annual herb with a restricted distribution in the Caucasus region and adjacent areas of northwestern Iran and northeastern Turkey. The genus is unusual within the family because of the transverse plicae covering its fruits. In this study, morphological, micromorphological, and anatomical characters of S. callicarpa are reviewed. In addition, a previous lectotypification of the name S. callicarpa is discussed and amended.Se revisa Szovitsia Fisch. &amp; C.A.Mey, un género monotípico y poco conocido en la familia de las Apiaceae. Szovitsia callicarpa Fisch. &amp; C.A.Mey. es una hierba anual con una distribución restringida a la región del Cáucaso y áreas adyacentes del noroeste de Irán y noreste de Turquía. El género es inusual dentro de la familia debido a los pliegues transversales que cubren sus frutos. En este estudio se revisan los caracteres morfológicos, micromorfológicos y anatómicos de esta especie. También se discute y modifica una lectotipificación previa del nombre S. callicarpa

    Is household contact screening enough in tuberculosis patients? A Village screening results

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    Objectives: Transmission of tuberculosis (TB) disease occurs with droplet infection and contact time and intensity are important factors in contagion. In this report, the results of a village TB screening were presented, due to a non-compliant patient that abandoned regular TB treatment. Materials and methods: In ‘Diyarbakir No.1 Tuberculosis Dispensary, TB treatment was started in a 18 year-old male patient with the diagnosis of ‘new sputum smear positive lung tuberculosis’. However, this patient lost to follow-up of therapy in the second month. After three months, the patient was found again and then anti-TB drugs were began for the diagnosis of ‘treatment after interruption smear positive lung tuberculosis’. Therefore directly observed TB treatment was given to this patient and therapy resulted in complete cure.Results: Patient was an inhabitant of a village bound to Diyarbakir city and 810 people lived there, thus a microfilm screening was performed in this village. Microfilms of 485 persons were taken and tuberculin skin test (TST) was performed to 225 people in this investigation. Sputum smear was obtained from 15 people. Four additional people diagnosed as pulmonary TB so these people received antituberculosis therapy. Eighteen people took prophylactic isoniazid therapy due to positive TST reactivity. Four patients with TB were close relatives of the index patient. In this village, tuberculosis prevalence was 617 per thousand in 2006. Conclusion: In low-socioeconomic people, TB patient should be looked for not only with passive methods, but also with active methods. Furthermore, TB scanning should be carried not only in index patient’s household contacts, but also in persons having close relationships with him because of social life

    Value of a new inflammatory parameter in malignant pleural mesothelioma prognosis

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    Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) generallyassociated with asbestos exposure is a tumor withpoor prognosis. Modified Glasgow Prognostic Score(GPS) which may be a prognostic parameter in patientswith MPM is a designed based score including increasedC-reactive protein (CRP) levels and decreased albumin.In this study we aimed to investigate the effect of GPSscore on the prognosis of MPM and the role of other potentialfactors.Methods: In this retrospective planned study 140 histologicaldiagnosed MPM patients were included.Results: Mean age of 140 MPM patients were 52.92years (83 male and 57 female). A total of 91 patients hadenvironmental asbestos exposure and exposure timewas the 31 years. Symptoms of the patients started approximately4.8 months before the application. The mostfrequently seen symptoms were in 125 patients dyspnea,in 94 patients chest pain and in 22 patients weight loss.GPS score of the patients were as follows; 64 patientstwo, 14 patients one, 22 patients zero. Of the patients,112 died and 28 were alive. Mean survival time was 14months. Patients with GPS score 2 lived for 10 months,GPS score 1 lived for 15 and GPS score 0 lived for 18months. This difference was statistically significant. Furthermore,the male sex and age older than 65 years werefound as poor prognostic parameters on the survival.Conclusion: A simple and inexpensive parameter able tobe used to estimate the prognosis of MPM patients couldnot be developed .GPS score increases in inflammatoryconditions. GPS is a simple and inexpensive parameterthat can be used for detecting the severity of patients withMPM.Key words: Modified Glasgow Prognostic Score, MalignantPleural Mesothelioma, Prognosi