735 research outputs found

    Differential Geometry of the q-plane

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    Hopf algebra structure on the differential algebra of the extended qq-plane is defined. An algebra of forms which is obtained from the generators of the extended qq-plane is introduced and its Hopf algebra structure is given.Comment: 9 page

    Two-parameter nonstandard deformation of 2x2 matrices

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    We introduce a two-parameter deformation of 2x2 matrices without imposing any condition on the matrices and give the universal R-matrix of the nonstandard quantum group which satisfies the quantum Yang-Baxter relation. Although in the standard two-parameter deformation the quantum determinant is not central, in the nonstandard case it is central. We note that the quantum group thus obtained is related to the quantum supergroup GLp,q(11)GL_{p,q}(1|1) by a transformation.Comment: 10 page

    On the Differential Geometry of GLq(11)GL_q(1| 1)

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    The differential calculus on the quantum supergroup GLq(11)_q(1| 1) was introduced by Schmidke {\it et al}. (1990 {\it Z. Phys. C} {\bf 48} 249). We construct a differential calculus on the quantum supergroup GLq(11)_q(1| 1) in a different way and we obtain its quantum superalgebra. The main structures are derived without an R-matrix. It is seen that the found results can be written with help of a matrix R^\hat{R}Comment: 14 page

    Brief ampelographic characterization of indigenous grapevine cultivars subjected to clonal selection in Turkey

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    A unique national clonal selection programme is still being conducted on 24 indigenous table (15 white, 6 black, 3 red), 16 wine (7 white, 9 red) and 4 raisin (2 white seedless, 2 white seeded) grape cultivars in 9 agricultural regions of Turkey. As the results of this programme, 127 candidate clones belonging to 13 cultivars have been selected This paper also includes a brief ampelographic description of the indigenous Turkish grape cultivars subjected to clonal selection, based mainly on fruit characteristics, growth, productivity and ripening periods in their primary locations

    The effects of different pot length and growing media on seedling quality of Crimean juniper (Juniperus excelsa Bieb.)

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    The aim of this study was to determine appropriate pot length and growing medium for Crimean Juniper seedlings (Juniperus excelsa Bieb.), which will be used for afforestation of extreme areas. For this purpose, polyethylene pots of 11 cm width and 20, 25 and 30 cm lengths were used. As growing medium, 13 different treatments were used, containing different ratios of forest soil, pumice, creek sand and humus collected from the species’ natural forest environments. The experimental design was a randomized block with 3 replications under open field conditions. Some morphological properties of the seedlings, such as seedling height, root collar diameter, shoot and root fresh and dry weights and shoot/root ratios (fresh and dry weights) were measured on 1 + 0 year old seedlings. Statistical analyses indicated that when pot length increased, the seedling quality improved. The seedlings with the best quality in terms of the measured criteria can be grown in 11 cm x 30 cm pots. In respect to the growing media, 70% forest soil + 15% humus + 15% pumice or creek sand should be used

    Exact mean field concept to compute defect energetics in random alloys on rigid lattices

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    In modern materials science modeling, the evolution of the energetics of random alloys with composition are desirable input parameters for several meso-scale and continuum scale models. When using atomistic methods to parameterize the above mentioned concentration dependent function, a mean field theory can significantly reduce the computational burden associated to obtaining the desired statistics in a random alloy. In this work, a mean field concept is developed to obtain the energetics of point-defect clusters in perfect random alloys. It is demonstrated that for a rigid lattice the concept is mathematically exact. In addition to the accuracy of the presented method, it is also computationally efficient as a small box can be used and perfect statistics are obtained in a single run. The method is illustrated by computing the formation and binding energy of solute and vacancy pairs in FeCr and FeW binaries. Also, the dissociation energy of small vacancy clusters was computed in FeCr and FeCr-2%W alloys, which are considered model alloys for Eurofer steels. As a result, it was concluded that the dissociation energy is not expected to vary by more than 0.1 eV in the 0?10% Cr and 0?2% W composition range. The present mean field concept can be directly applied to parameterize meso-scale models, such as cluster dynamics and object kinetic Monte Carlo models.Fil: Bonny, G.. Sck-Cen Centre Detude de Lénergie Nucléaire; FranciaFil: Castin, N.. Sck-Cen Centre Detude de Lénergie Nucléaire; FranciaFil: Pascuet, Maria Ines Magdalena. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Çelik, Y.. Sck-Cen Centre Detude de Lénergie Nucléaire; Franci

    Optimal Deployment of Tethered Drones for Maximum Cellular Coverage in User Clusters

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    Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) assisted cellular communication is gaining significant interest recently. Although it offers several advantages over terrestrial communication, UAV communication suffers from two main shortcomings. The typical untethered UAV (uUAV) has a limited battery power supply and therefore limited flying time, and it needs an extra wireless backhaul link to connect users to the core network. In this paper, we propose the utilization of the tethered UAV (tUAV) to assist the cellular network, where the tether provides power supply and connects the tUAV to the core network through high capacity link. The tUAV however has a limited mobility due to the limited tether length. A stochastic geometry-based analysis is provided for the coverage probability of an UAV-assisted cellular network where the mobile users located within a circular hot-spot. For that setup, we analyze and compare two scenarios: (i) utilizing uUAV and (ii) utilizing tUAV, for offloading the terrestrial base station (TBS). We capture the aforementioned limitations of each of the uUAV and the tUAV in our analysis. A novel user association analysis is provided given the TBS and the UAV locations. Next, we study the optimal locations of the uUAV and the tUAV to maximize the coverage probability. Multiple useful insights are revealed. For instance, numerical results show that tUAVs outperform uUAVs when the tether length is above 75 m, given that the uUAV is available for 80% of the time due to its battery limitations.Comment: Accepted at the IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communication

    Risk-based analytical modelling of managerial processes in shipping business

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    Gemi işletmeciliği faaliyetleri uluslararası platformda, yüksek rekabet koşulları altında ve her geçen gün yükselen öz-denetim olgusu gibi kısıtlar altında yürütülmektedir. Bu tür kısıtlar, gemi işletmeciliğinde profesyonel anlayışa geçişe ve yenilikçi yürütme faaliyetlerine sürekli gelişim hedefi ile yönelimi tetikler. Son yıllarda, sertifikalandırma kuruluşları ve denizcilik danışmanlık grupları gemi işletmeciliği idarecilerine Entegre Yönetim Sistemini (EYS) ileri bir çözüm aracı olarak önermektedir. Gemi işletmeciliğinde EYS uygulamalarının kapsamı uluslararası tanınmış standartların gemi güvenliği ve gemilerden kaynaklanan kirliliğin önlenmesi ile ilgili zorunlu denizcilik kurallarıyla birleştirilmesi esası üzerinedir. Bu noktada, standart gereksinimlerinin uyumluluğu ve ilgili kuralların gemi işletmeciliği yönetim organizasyonuna entegrasyonu iki temel sorun olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu araştırma ile Bulanık Bilgi Aksiyomu (BBA), Hata Ağacı Analizi (HAA), Analitik Ağ Süreci (AAS) ve diğer başlıca Çok Ölçütlü Karar Verme (ÇÖKV) yöntemlerini de içeren bir Risk Bütünleşik Karar Destek Sistemi (RBKDS) geliştirildi. RBKDS, Veri Tabanlı Yönetim Sistemi (VTYS), Model Esaslı Yönetim Sistemi (MEYS), BBA esaslı Model Seçim Arayüzü (BBA-MSA), Entegre Süreç Yönetim Modülü (ESYM), İdari Karar Verme Modülü (IKVM) ve Risk Kontrol Ve Yönetim Modülü (RKYM) gibi unsurların bütünleştirilmesi ile oluşmuştur. Tamamlanan prototip uygulama ile RBKDS’ın EYS’nin süreç temelli entegrasyonu ve gemi işletmeciliğinde yönetimsel süreçlerin risk temelli analitik çözümü konusunda gemi işletmeciliği idarecilerini destekleyen nitel çıktılar ortaya koyduğu görülmüştür. Süreç idaresi prosedürlerinin yeniden tasarımına karar desteğinin yanı sıra, RBKDS, ayrıca farklı standartlar arası uyumsuzluk risklerini de göz önünde bulundurarak yönetimsel süreçler üzerine etkin karar vermeyi sağlamaktadır.   Anahtar Kelimeler: Gemi işletmeciliği, karar destek sistemi, entegre yönetim sistemi.Relevance to legislation in shipping business cycle, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) principally governs the safety and environmental protection via Flag State Implementation (FSI) and regional Port State Control (PSC) authorities in accordance with the designated Memorandum Of Understandings (MOUs). Although the IMO has adopted various conventions, mainly concerning marine safety, security, pollution prevention, and other relevant issues, enforcement of the international commitments and standards in trading activities of ships necessitate the involvement of maritime stakeholders. The IMO declared that there are now enough regulations in place and the problem is one of implementation and enforcement. In accordance with the recent trends in international maritime legislation, the implementation process of regulatory regime has become a competitive factor for the market players to achieve the sustainable development target in maritime transportation industry. Industrial response to this trend recalls the self-regulation. It is appeared as relatively a new regime for shipping business initiatives in maritime transportation industry. Extensively, the self-regulation dominates the industry and it mainly enforces the maritime stakeholders involvement in enhancement of the safety/environmental aspects for shipping business. Beside safety and environmental contributions, the self-regulation spontaneously ensures legislative performance of the relevant organizations such as classification societies, insurers, cargo owners, shippers, shipbrokers, ship managers, terminal operators and, ship financiers in trading activities satisfactorily. Implementation of an Integrated Management System (IMS) is one of the most effective and concrete instruments of managing the self-regulation phenomenon in order to respond to increasing demands from maritime society. In principle, the concept of IMS practices in shipping business is based on combining internationally recognized voluntary standards with the mandatory maritime 8regulations that are mainly concern with ship safety and the prevention of pollution from ships. In the early design phase of an IMS, cooperative efforts of maritime consultancies and relevant shipping executives targets to enable maximum improvement in managerial processes while reducing the costs and excessive bureaucracy in implementation of redesigned procedures. As potential clients, the third party groups such as cargo owners and contracted charterers have closely monitored the performance effects of IMS integration into professional shipping companies. Therefore, the managerial efforts are extremely valuable for the purpose of benefit from IMS implementations, which increase the reputation of ship management companies and provide an enormous trading advantage in maritime transportation industry. This research develops a Risk Integrated Decision Support System (RIDSS) based on a multi-methodological background includes Fuzzy Axiomatic Design (FAD) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), as well as Analytic Network Process (ANP) and other principal MCDM methods. The initial focus of the RIDSS is to reveal quantitative outcomes in order to encourage relevant shipping executives towards process-based integration of an IMS also to enhance risk-based analytical modelling of managerial processes in shipping business. The RIDSS consists of various modules such as Database Management System (DBMS), Model Base Management System (MBMS), FAD-based Model Selection Interface (FAD-MSI), Integrated Process Management Module (IPMM), Executive Decision-Making Module (EDMM), and Risk Control And Management Module (RCMM) with a high level of integrity. To demonstrate the proposed RIDSS, the mostly encountered managerial processes in commercial, technical, and operational levels of shipping business are then addressed and modelled. Specifically, the prototype application of the RIDSS incorporates the following process:(i) shipboard personnel recruitment, (ii) familiarization and training, (iii) performance appraisals of marine suppliers, (iv) marine equipment/spare purchasing, (v) fleet maintenance planning, (vi) accident analysis and prevention, (vii) Ship docking operations management, (viii) performance measurement for emergency drills. Besides decision aid to redesigning of process execution procedures through IMS requirements, the RIDSS also enables an effective decision-making on managerial processes even considering the potential risks of regulatory incompliance.  Keywords: Shipping business, decision support system, integrated management system.

    Turkish Adaptation of Generalized Expectancy for Success Scale: Reliability and Validity Studies

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    The aim of this study is to adapt the Generalized Expectancy for Success Scale, which was developed by Fibel and Hale (1978) and revised by Hale et al. (1992) into Turkish in terms of adaptation, reliability and adaptation. This study modelled by survey is a scale adaptation study. The scale was adapted into Turkish culture in terms of language equivalence, reliability and validity. The population of the study consisted of the students of the Kazim Karabekir Faculty of Education, Faculty of Literature, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Theology of Atatürk University. All students in the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Literature, the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Theology and the 4th grade students who are subject to the pedagogical formation program were tried to be reached and as a result, the research was conducted with 1450 students. The results have shown that the scale had language validity and translation period was implemented successfully. According to exploratory factor analysis’s results, the structure was consisted of three factors- 21 items, which explained 46, 6% of variance. According to study results, it is determined that the adapted version of the scale is used as a reliable and valid instrument to assess the generalized expectancy for success of Turkish university students. The scale is also used to determine sub-dimensions e.g. individual expectancy, social interaction and failure as well as the generalized expectancy for success