1,069 research outputs found

    The comparative analysis of 2008 economic crisis with the samples of Turkey and Lithuania, a former warsaw pact country now part of the EU

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    1929 Büyük Buhran’dan sonra dünyanın en büyük ekonomik krizi olarak adlandırılan 2008 küresel ekonomik krizi, ülke ve ülke gruplarını ciddi boyutlarda etkisi altına almıştır. Bu ülke gruplarından en önemlilerinden biri, Avrupa Birliğidir. Krizin etkisiyle AB’nin tümünde büyüme oranları gerilerken, işsizlik oranları hızla artmıştır. Gelir etkisi sebebiyle tüketim eğiliminde düşüş görülmüş, bütçe açıkları ve kamu borcu artmıştır. Ekonomik küçülme nedeniyle bölgede cari açığın gayri safi yurtiçi hâsılaya oranı azalma eğilimine girmiştir. Kriz özellikle uluslararası ticaret zincirinde birbirine bağlı olan ülkeleri de önemli ölçüde etkilemiştir. Dolayısıyla, 2008 krizi; ticaretinin önemli bir kısmını AB’ne yapan Türkiye ve kriz öncesi dönemde AB’ye katılan Eski Doğu Bloğu ülkelerini de derinden sarsmıştır. Bu çalışmada; AB’ye katılan Eski Doğu Bloğu ülkelerinde ekonomik büyüme de 2008 krizinin etkisi Türkiye ve Litvanya örneklemiyle birlikte incelenmiştir. Krizin Eski Doğu Bloğu ülkelerinin, Türkiye ve Litvanya’nın ekonomik büyüme rakamları üzerinde negatif bir etkiye sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmada, ikinci el veriler kullanılıp, tümden gelim yöntemiyle test edilmiştir. Konu ile ilgili yazın taranmış, verilerin tarafsız ve güvenilir kuruluşlardan alınmasına dikkat edilmiştir.After Great Depression in 1929, 2008 Global Economic crisis which was called as the greatest crisis of the world took hold of country and groups of countries seriously. One of the most important groups of countries was European Union. With effect of the crisis, in all of EU while rate of growth was regressing, unemployment rate increased fast, therefore it was seen consumption pattern decrease because of income effect, budget deficits and public debt increased, because of recession the rate of current deficit to gross domestic product tended to decrease. The crisis affected countries which were interdependent in international trade chain considerably. Consequently, the crisis shook up Turkey that he did important part of trading with EU and Former Eastern Bloc countries which joined EU between 2004 and 2007. In this study; In Former Eastern Bloc countries which joined EU, 2008 crisis in rate of growth had been examined with Turkey and Lithuania samples. It was analyzed that in Former Eastern Bloc countries, Turkey and Lithuania had a negative effect on their economic growth numbers due to 2008 global economic crisis. In this research, it was used secondary data and tested them with deductive method. It was made a literature review that is related to our topic, and it was considered that data collected from objective and reliable organizations

    Carpometacarpal joint dislocations as a rare cause of Hhand pain

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    Carpometacarpal joint dislocations represent not more than 1% of all hand injuries due to stable joint structures and high-energy trauma mechanism. Unfortunately, there are many missed cases suffering from ongoing pain and loss of function because of difficulty in diagnosis. Here we present a case of a healthy 42-year male who presented to the emergency department with hand pain after a punch injury. On physical examination, painful swelling at the dorsal side of his right hand was noted. His radiographic images showed dorsal dislocation of fourth and fifth carpometacarpal joints, and the dislocations were reduced to the anatomical position by the emergency physician without any complication. In the case of carpometacarpal joint fracture or dislocations, early diagnosis and reduction are the most critical steps to avoid severe morbidity, and it is only possible with careful evaluation of physical and radiological findings. In conclusion, as seen in our case, emergency physicians should remain vigilant in the diagnosis and treatment of rare traumatic injuries

    Seismic analysis and strengthening of cylindrical steel storage water tanks

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    Silindirik çelik sıvı tankları su, petrol ve endüstriyel kimyasallar gibi çeşitli sıvıları depolamak amacıyla yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadırlar. Sıvı depolama tankları birçok farklı konfigürasyona sahiptirler; ancak bu çalışmada, tasarım ve konstrüksiyondaki sadelikleri ve diğer konfigürasyonlarla karşılaştırıldığında hidrostatik ve hidrodinamik yüklere karşı dayanımlarından dolayı, yerden destekli silindirik sıvı çelik tanklar tercih edilmektedir. Bu tez, yerden destekli silindirik (dikey) çelik su depolama tanklarının sismik tasarımına odaklanmaktadır. Üç boyutlu sonlu elemanlar analizi için, ANSIS Workbench yazılımı ile üstü-açık, düz-kapalı, konik-kapalı ve üstü-kubbe şeklinde kapatılmış tank modelleri tasarlanmıştır. Sismik analiz, El-Centro ve Kobe deprem yükleri altında dört farklı kapak şekline sahip, üç farklı duvar kalınlığındaki tanklar ile gerçekleştirilerek, eksenel deformasyon, eşdeğer gerilme ve burkulma sonuçları sırasıyla hem impulsif hem de konvektif kütleler için sunulmuştur. Sonuçlar, eksenel deformasyonun, konik ve kubbeli tanklarda ciddi şekilde azaldığını göstermektedir. Öte yandan, düz kapatılmış tankların hiçbir avantajının olmadığı görülmüştür. Duvar kalınlığı arttırıldığında, düz kapalı tanklarda eksenel deformasyonun azalmadığı ve düz çatı üzerinde bu deformasyon ve burkulmanın meydana geldiği gözlemlenmiştir. Bu tezin önemli amaçlarından biri de, silindirik çelik sıvı depolama tanklarının güçlendirilmesidir. Gerilmeleri ve burkulmaları azaltmak için tanklara epoksi-karbon sarılmıştır. Sonlu elemanlar metodu kullanılarak epoksi-karbon ile sarılmış tanklarda eksenel deformasyonun azaldığı görülmüştür. 4 mm kalınlığındaki bir tankın 6 mm kalınlığındaki korunmamış bir tanktan daha iyi bir performansa sahip olabileceği vurgulanarak, epoksi-karbon tankların güçlendirilmesi için öneriler getirilmiştir. Son olarak, kısa deprem yükü altında gerçekleştirilen etki analizi ile, tank duvarlarında meydana gelen plastik deformasyonları görebilmek için 0,22 saniyelik El-Centro deprem kaydı, deplasman kaydı olarak kullanılmıştır. Bu analiz sonucunda depremlerde meydana gelmiş burkulma şekillerine benzer sonuçlar ortaya çıkarılmıştır

    Bacterial pathogens from Diprion pini L. (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae) and their biocontrol potential

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    Microbial insecticides have become increasingly important in recent years for the control of insect pests. Among microbial insecticides, insect pathogenic bacteria and their toxins have been the most commercially successful and hold potential for further development. In this study, we investigated the isolation and identification of some potential pathogenic bacteria from Diprion pini L. (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae) which is a serious pest of pine forests worldwide. A total of eighteen bacteria were isolated, ten bacteria from dead D. pini larvae and eight bacteria from healthy larvae. The bacterial strains were characterized by their morphological features, 16 S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. In addition, these bacteria and four Bacillus thuringiensis strains (isolated from pine forest soil) were tested against D. pini larvae under laboratory conditions. The bacterial isolates were identified as Kluyvera intermedia O-1, O-8, O-10 and S-3, Proteus mirabilis O-2, Klebsiella oxytoca O-3, Bacillus sp. O-4, Pantoea agglomerans O-5 and S-5, Serratia marcescens O-6, Pseudomonas sp. O-7, Acinetobacter sp. O-9, Enterobacter sp. S-1 and S-9, Bacillus pumilus S-2, Enterobacter cancerogenus S-4, Pseudoclavibacter sp. S-6 and Arthrobacter sp. S-8. All isolates showed different insecticidal activity against the pest and the highest mortality was obtained from P. mirabilis O-2 with 100% within ten days after exposure. The highest mortality among B. thuringiensis strains was obtained from B. thuringiensis 37 - 4 with 56.67%. This is the first study of determination of the culturable bacterial diversity within D. pini and the obtained results might be beneficial for biocontrol of D. pini.Microbial insecticides have become increasingly important in recent years for the control of insect pests. Among microbial insecticides, insect pathogenic bacteria and their toxins have been the most commercially successful and hold potential for further development. In this study, we investigated the isolation and identification of some potential pathogenic bacteria from Diprion pini L. (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae) which is a serious pest of pine forests worldwide. A total of eighteen bacteria were isolated, ten bacteria from dead D. pini larvae and eight bacteria from healthy larvae. The bacterial strains were characterized by their morphological features, 16 S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. In addition, these bacteria and four Bacillus thuringiensis strains (isolated from pine forest soil) were tested against D. pini larvae under laboratory conditions. The bacterial isolates were identified as Kluyvera intermedia O-1, O-8, O-10 and S-3, Proteus mirabilis O-2, Klebsiella oxytoca O-3, Bacillus sp. O-4, Pantoea agglomerans O-5 and S-5, Serratia marcescens O-6, Pseudomonas sp. O-7, Acinetobacter sp. O-9, Enterobacter sp. S-1 and S-9, Bacillus pumilus S-2, Enterobacter cancerogenus S-4, Pseudoclavibacter sp. S-6 and Arthrobacter sp. S-8. All isolates showed different insecticidal activity against the pest and the highest mortality was obtained from P. mirabilis O-2 with 100% within ten days after exposure. The highest mortality among B. thuringiensis strains was obtained from B. thuringiensis 37 - 4 with 56.67%. This is the first study of determination of the culturable bacterial diversity within D. pini and the obtained results might be beneficial for biocontrol of D. pini

    Testing the Price Bubbles in Cryptocurrencies using Sequential Augmented Dickey-Fuller (SADF) Test Procedures: A Comparison for Before and After COVID-19

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    Bubbles in asset prices have attracted the attention of economists for centuries. Extreme increases in asset prices, followed by their sudden decline, create a turbulent effect on the economy and even invite crises in time. For this reason, some measurement techniques have been employed to investigate the price bubbles that may occur. This study explores the possible speculative price bubbles of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Binance Coin cryptocurrencies, compares them with the pre-and post-COVID-19 period, and examines asymmetric causality relationships between variables. Therefore, we analyzed the price bubbles of these cryptocurrencies using the closing price for daily data between 16.01.2018 and 31.12.2021 by the Supremum Augmented Dickey-Fuller (SADF) and the Hatemi-J (2012) asymmetric causality test. In this context, 1446 observations, 723 of which were before COVID-19 and 723 after COVID-19, were employed in the study. Looking at the SADF analysis results, we detected 103 price bubbles before COVID-19 for the three cryptocurrencies, while we determined 599 price bubbles after COVID-19. The common finding in the asymmetric causality test results is that there is a causality relationship between the negative shocks faced by one cryptocurrency and the positive shocks faced by the other cryptocurrencies

    Ultrason, alvarado skoru ve c-reaktif proteinin pediatrik appendektomilerdeki prediktör değeri

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    Aim: This retrospective study aimed to investigate the combined accuracy of appendix diameter, C reactive protein, and Alvarado score in classifying patients with negative appendectomy and acute appendicitis. Material and Methods: This descriptive observational cohort study research was conducted at the Emergency Department of a Training and Research Hospital between November 2017 and April 2019. We included the data of appendicitis cases aged under 18 years in this retrospective study and gathered data on patients` demographics, preoperative laboratory values, signs, symptoms, and final pathological diagnosis, retrospectively. Then, cases were divided into acute appendicitis or negative appendectomy groups according to formal pathology reports. Results: The final study population consisted of 60 patients; the negative appendectomy rate was 25%. The diagnostic accuracy of the multivariate model`s involving CRP, Alvarado score, and appendix diameter was 93.3%, with a sensitivity and specificity of 93.3% for identifying acute appendicitis (+LR: 14 and -LR: 0.07). Applying the model could have prevented 93.3% of negative appendectomy cases (25% to 1.7%) from undergoing unnecessary surgery in our cohort. Conclusion: In conclusion, CRP, Alvarado score, or appendix diameter should not be used individually to diagnose AA in children. However, combining these variables can increase the accuracy of acute appendicitis diagnosis and may provide a significant reduction in negative appendectomy rates.Amaç: Bu retrospektif çalışma, negatif apendektomili ve akut apandisitli hastaları sınıflandırmada apendiks çapı, C reaktif protein ve Alvarado skorunun birleşik doğruluğunu araştırmayı amaçladı. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu tanımlayıcı gözlemsel kohort çalışması, Kasım 2017 ile Nisan 2019 tarihleri arasında bir Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Acil Servisinde yürütülmüştür. Çalışmaya 18 yaş altı apandisit olguları dahil edilmiş ve hastaların demografik özellikleri, laboratuvar ölçümleri, semptom, bulgu ve nihai patoloji raporlarına ilişkin veriler retrospektif olarak toplanmıştır. Daha sonra olgular resmi patoloji raporlarına göre akut apandisit veya negatif apendektomi gruplarına ayrılmıştır. Bulgular: Nihai çalışma popülasyonu 60 hastadan oluşuyordu ve negatif apendektomi oranı %25 idi. CRP, Alvarado skoru ve apendiks çapı verilerini içeren çok değişkenli modelin tanısal doğruluğu %93.3, akut apandisit tanımlamada duyarlılık ve özgüllüğü %93.3 idi (+LR: 14 ve -LR: 0.07). Modeli uygulamanın, kohortumuzdaki negatif apendektomi vakalarının %93,3'ünü (%25 ila %1,7) gereksiz cerrahiden kurtarabileceği görülmüştür. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, CRP, Alvarado skoru veya apendiks çapı çocuklarda AA tanısında tek başına kullanılmamalıdır. Ancak bu değişkenlerin birlikte kullanımı apandisit tanısının doğruluğunu artırabilir ve negatif apendektomi oranlarında önemli bir azalma sağlayabilir

    A Comparison of Ordered and Unordered Response Models for Analyzing Road Traffic Injury Severities in the North-Eastern Turkey

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    Road traffic injuries are estimated to be one of the major causes of death worldwide and a majority of them occur in low- and middle income countries. In that respect, further studies that address to determine risk factors that may influence road traffic injury severities in the corresponding countries may contribute the existing road safety literature. This paper determines possible risk factors influencing road traffic injury severity in north-eastern Turkey. For this purpose, a retrospective cross-sectional study is conducted analysing 11,771 traffic accidents reported by the police during the sample period of 2008-2013. As the accident severity is inherently ordered, the data are analysed using both ordered and unordered response models. The estimation results reveal that several driver (age and education level), accident (speeding violation, avoiding manoeuvre and right-of-way rule), vehicle (bus/minivan, single-unit truck/heavy truck, private and single vehicles), temporal (time of day, morning peak, evening peak), environmental (summer and cloudy or rainy weather), geometry (asphalt road and road class type), and control characteristics (presence of crosswalk and traffic lights) were found to have an impact on injury severity. This paper is most probably the first attempt to analyse possible risk factors of road traffic injury severities in Turkey using both ordered and unordered response models. The evidence of this study may be valuable for future road safety policies in emerging countries

    A comparison of TOPSIS, grey relational analysis and COPRAS methods for machine selection problem in the food industry of Turkey

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    [EN] The paper aims to compare the results of the selection/choice of cream separators by using multi-criteria decision-making methods in an integrated manner for an enterprise with a dairy processing capacity of 80 to 100 tons per day operating in the Turkish food sector. A total of 7 alternative products and 7 criteria for milk processing were determined. Criterion weights were calculated using entropy method and then integrated into TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solutions), GRA (Grey Relational Analysis) and COPRAS (Complex Proportional Assessment) methods. Sensitivity analyses were carried out on the results obtained from the three methods to check for their reliability. At the end of the study, similar alternative and appropriate results were found from the TOPSIS and COPRAS methods. However, different alternative but appropriate or suitable results were obtained from the GRA method. Sensitivity analysis of the three methods showed that all the methods used were valid. In the review of available and related literature, very few studies on machine selection in the dairy and food sector in general were found. For this reason, it is thought that the study will contribute to the decision-making process of companies in the dairy sector in their choice of machinery selections. As far as is known, this paper is the first attempt in extant literature to compare in an integrated manner the results of TOPSIS, COPRAS and GRA methods considered in the study.Özcan, S.; Çelik, AK. (2021). A comparison of TOPSIS, grey relational analysis and COPRAS methods for machine selection problem in the food industry of Turkey. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 9(2):81-92. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2021.14734OJS819292Ahmed, M., Qureshi, M.N., Mallick, J., Kahla, N.B. (2019). 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    Comparative leaf and scape anatomy of some Scilla taxa in Turkey

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    Comparative anatomical study on eight Scilla taxa (S. bifolia, S. melaina, S. siberica subsp. armena, S. leepii, S. ingridae, S. mesopotamica, S. autumnalis and S. cilicica) growing in Turkey was made using light microscopy techniques. Leaf and scape anatomical properties of the taxa were compared and relationships among taxa were determined. In anatomical studies, paraffin method was used. The cross-sections of the scape, leaves and surface-sections the leaves of these taxa were taken and photographed. Length and width measurements of stomata in the upper and lower surfaces of leaves were made and the mean and standard devition values of stomata were calculated. Raphida crystals were found in the mesophyll of all taxa. On both surfaces of leaves, anomocytic type stomata were observed. The different and similar anatomical characters in the leaf and scape were determined and the taxa were classified into three groups; such as (1) S. ingridae, S. mesopotamica, S. melaina, and S. leepii are independent species with close relationships; (2) S. bifolia, S. siberica subsp. armena and S.cilicica are very close taxa; (3) S. autumnalis is different from other investigated taxa. Also, these taxa can be distinguished as mesophyll type; isolateral (S. bifolia, S. cilicica and S. siberica subsp. armena) and unifacial (S. melaina, S.leepii, S. ingridae, S. mesopotamica and S. autumnalis). According to our data, S. bifolia was considered as a complex species of Scilla genus in Turkey. © 2016 Friends Science Publishers

    Augmenting conversations through context-aware multimedia retrieval based on speech recognition

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    Future’s environments will be sensitive and responsive to the presence of people to support them carrying out their everyday life activities, tasks and rituals, in an easy and natural way. Such interactive spaces will use the information and communication technologies to bring the computation into the physical world, in order to enhance ordinary activities of their users. This paper describes a speech-based spoken multimedia retrieval system that can be used to present relevant video-podcast (vodcast) footage, in response to spontaneous speech and conversations during daily life activities. The proposed system allows users to search the spoken content of multimedia files rather than their associated meta-information and let them navigate to the right portion where queried words are spoken by facilitating within-medium searches of multimedia content through a bag-of-words approach. Finally, we have studied the proposed system on different scenarios by using vodcasts in English from various categories, as the targeted multimedia, and discussed how it would enhance people’s everyday life activities by different scenarios including education, entertainment, marketing, news and workplace