53 research outputs found

    İçerik Analizinin Parametreleri

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    This study defines the content-analysis under three sub-headings “meta-analysis, meta-synthesis and descriptive content analysis” and illuminates the parameters of the content analysis expected to be published in the special issue. It is aimed to outline the guidelines for the researchers concerning how to do a systematic content analysis instead of simple descriptive one. Overall, it is thought that the meta-analysis and descriptive content analysis, which take the criteria into account, will get the educational researchers, practitioners, policy makers and institutions to grasp the outcomes demanded.Bu çalışmada içerik analizi çalışmaları; meta-analiz, meta-sentez ve betimsel olmak üzere üç alt başlık altında tanımlanmakta ve özel sayıda beklenen içerik analizi parametreleri açıklanmaktadır. Böylece, yalın bir betimlemenin ötesine geçilerek sistematik içerik analizleri yapılabilmesi konusunda araştırmacılara yol gösterici bir dokümanın sunulması hedeflenmektedir. Oluşturulan parametreleri dikkate alan meta-sentez veya betimsel içerik analizi çalışmalarının eğitimle ilgili araştırmacı ve kurumlara beklenen katma değerleri kazandıracağı düşünülmektedir


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    Amaç: Hemorajik şok, dolaşımdaki kan volümünün azalması ile meydana gelir.Vücuttaki tüm organlarda doku hipoperfüzyonuna ve hipoksisine sebep olur. Uzamışiskemi sonrası organların kan dolaşımında en önemli fonksiyon bozukluğu,reperfüzyon başladığında kapiller kan akımındaki azalmadır ve kapiller no-reflow olarakadlandırılır.Hemorajik şokta amaç sadece zamanında hacmi yerine koymak değil, organlardakiiskemi reperfüzyon (İ/R) sonrası no-reflow fenomenini engellemeye yönelik olmalıdır.Reperfüzyon amacıyla kullanılan sıvıların organlarda no-reflow fenomenini engellemeyeyönelik etkinliklerini belirlemek amacıyla çalışma planlanmıştır.Yöntem: Bu çalışmada hemorajik şok oluşturulan ratlara (ortalama arteriyel basıncı40 mmHg\'ye azalıncaya kadar kontrollü kanatılarak) 60 dk sonra grup 2 (n=5) de %0,9 NaCl sıvısı, grup 3 (n=5) de jelatin sıvısı, grup 4 (n=5) de hidroksi etil nişasta(hydroxyethyl starch, 130 kD) sıvısı ve grup 5 (n=5) de dekstran 40 sıvısı ileresüsitasyon yapıldı. Grup 1 (n=3) kontrol grubu olarak kullanıldı ve tüm gruplarınçeşitli organlarında (karaciğer, akciğer, böbrek, beyin, bağırsak ve kalp) resüsitasyondan60 dakika sonra çini mürekkebi ile perfüze olan kapiller sayıları histopatolojikinceleme ile belirlendi.Bulgular: Kalp, akciğer, karaciğer, bağırsak ve beyin dokularında HES 130 kD vedekstran 40 resüsitasyonunda perfüze olan kapiller sayısının, %0,9 NaCl ve jelatinresüsitasyonuna göre istatiksel olarak anlamlı fazla olduğu saptandı.Sonuç: Çini mürekkebi perfüzyon yöntemi kullanarak hemorajik şokta İ/R sonrasıno-reflow fenomenini, kalp, akciğer, karaciğer, bağırsak ve beyin dokularında jelatin ve%0,9 NaCl sıvısının engellemediği, HES 130 kD\'nin ve dekstran 40 sıvılarının ise noreflowfenomenini engellediği saptandı.Objective: Hemorrhagic shock is caused by a decrease in the circulating bloodvolume. It causes hypoperfusion and hypoxia of the tissues in all organs of the body.The principal functional impairment in circulation of these organs is reduction ofcapillary blood flow at establishment of reperfusion and it is called the "no-reflowphenomenon".The objective of treatment in hemorrhagic shock should not solely be institution ofvolume on time but to prevent no-reflow phenomenon after ischemia-reperfusion(I/R) of the organs. This study was planned to investigate the efficiency of several Method: In this study, rats were resuscitated with saline in group 2 (n=5), gelatinesolution in group 3 (n=5), hydroxyethyl starch, 130 kD (HES 130 kD) in group 4(n=5) and dextran 40 in group 5 (n=5) after formation of hemorrhagic shock(controlled bleeding till a mean arterial pressure of 40 mm Hg is reached). Group 1(n=3) constituted the control group. The number of ink perfused capillaries werecounted hystopathologically in the organs (liver, lungs, kidney, brain, colon andheart) in all groups 60 minutes following resuscitationin. Indian drawing ink wasused for this purpose.Results: In comparison with the saline and gelatine groups, capillary perfusion in theheart, lung, liver, colon and brain tissues were found to be significantly improved inHES 130 kD and dextran 40 groups.Conclusions: It was concluded that using the ink perfusion method, the no-reflowphenomenon was not prevented with saline and gelatine resuscitation in the heart,lung, liver, colon and brain tissues following IR in hemorrhagic shock, while noreflowphenomenon was prevented with HES 130 kD and dextran 40 resuscitation

    The effect of costal cartilage resection on the chest wall development in rabbits: Morphometric evaluation

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    Bu çalışmadaki amacımız, kostal kartilaj rezeksiyonu yapılan genç tavşanlarda büyümeye bağlı olarak hemitoraks gelişiminin etkilenip etkilenmediğinin araştırılması ve varsa bunu etkileyen faktörleri belirlemektir. 6 haftalık 50 tane erkek Yeni Zelanda beyaz tavşanı beş eşit gruba ayrıldı. Kontrol grubunda (n=10) her hangi bir cerrahi müdahale yapılmadı. Normal toraks gelişimi izlendi. İki adet kostal kartilajın subperikondrial rezeksiyonu Grup 2'de parsiyel (Sağ 3 ve 4); Grup 3'de aynı kostal kartilajların total rezeksiyonu yapıldı. Grup 4'de dört adet kostakondral rezeksiyonu (Sağ 3- 6 arası) parsiyel ve sonunda Grup 5'de bu kostal kartilajın total gerçekleştirildi. Tavşanların göğüs duvarı ön-arka (anteroposterior), sağ-sol (horizantal) ve yukarı-aşağı (vertikal) çapları ölçüldü. Karşılaştırma hem kendi hem de gruplar arasında yapıldı. Ön-arka göğüs çapı yan grafide dördüncü (D3) ve yedinci (D4) vertebradan diafragmaya paralel olarak ölçüldü. PA akciğer grafisinden, dördüncü ve yedinci vertebradan her iki hemitoraks için sağ-sol çap (horizantal- torasik genişlik) ölçüldü ( D6; sağ dördüncü vertebra, D7; sağ yedinci vertebra, D8; sol dördüncü vertebra, D9; sol yedinci vertebra). 6. ve 24. haftada yapılan ölçümlerin farkının yüzde değişimleri arasında D3, D4, D8 ve D9 parametrelerinde farklılık istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı. Rezeksiyonun gerçekleştirildiği sağ hemitoraksa ait D6 (Grup 3 hariç) ve D7 (Grup 2 hariç) parametrelerinde bütün gruplarda azalma göstermiştir. Rezeksiyon yapılamayan sol hemitoraksa ait simetrik D8 ve D9 parametrelerinde ise tersine bütün gruplarda büyümede artış istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı. Sonuç olarak, toraks gelişimi ve kemik maturasyonunun henüz tamamlanmadığı genç tavşanlarda yaptığımız rezeksiyonlar; toraks duvar gelişimini bütün boyutlarda rezeksiyon yapılamayan alanlara kıyasla az veya çok etkilemiştir. Özellikle ön-arka ve sağ-sol yönde bu etkilenme daha belirgindir. Kostal kartilaj rezeksiyonları zararsız bir işlem değildir. Büyüme merkezinin korunmadığı ve/veya rezeke edilen kosta sayısının en az dört olduğu durumlarda bu etkilenme daha belirgindir. Bu sonuçlara göre, göğüs duvarı rezeksiyonlarının yapılma yaşı ile ilgili kanaatimiz aksi bir zorunluluk 55yoksa kemik gelişiminin tamamlanmasından sonra yapılması yönündedir. Eğer daha erken yapılacaksa da hem büyüme merkezi mutlaka korunmalı hem de rezeke edilecek kosta sayısı mümkün olduğu kadar kısıtlı tutulmalıdır.THE EFFECT OF COSTAL CARTILAGE RESECTION ON THE CHEST WALL DEVELOPMENT IN RABBITS: MORPHOMETRIC EVALUATION We have made this experimental study to evaluate, if any, the effect of costal cartilage resections on the chest wall development of young rabbits. Fifty apparently healthy, New Zealand, 6 weeks of age, male white rabbits were evaluated in five groups, each including 10 subjects. Rabbits in group I served as a control group for the observation of normal thoracic growth. No surgery was made on this group. Rabbits in group 2 underwent partial subpericondrial resection of the two costal cartilages (right 3rd and 4th costal cartilages); rabbits in group 3 underwent total resection of the same costal cartilages. Those in group 4 underwent partial subpericondrial resection of the four costal cartilages (right 3rd - 6th costal cartilages) and finally rabbits in group 5 underwent total resection of those costal cartilages. Anteroposterior (AP), horizontal and vertical diameters of chest walls of rabbits were measured within 6th and 24th weeks. Comparisons were made between and within groups The AP chest diameter was measured at the levels of both 4th (D3) and 7th (D4) vertebras parallel to the diaphragm by using lateral chest radiograms. From the PA chest radiographs, the horizontal chest diameter (thoracic width) for each hemithorax was measured at the levels of 4th and 7th vertebra (D6;right at 4th, D7;right at 7th, D8;left at 4th, D9;left at 7th vertebrae). The differences were statistically significant for the percentage change ratios of the parameters of D3, D4, D8 and D9 for each subject between 6th and 24th week measurements. The percentage change ratios of the parameters of AP (D4, D3) and horizontal (D6, D7, D8, D9) diameters were affected by the operations except the vertical diameter (D5). A significant decrease in the parameters of D6 (excluding group 3) and D7 (excluding group 2) was observed in subjects operated on the right hemithorax. There was a statistically significant increase in the percentage change ratios of the parameters of D8 and D9 (for left hemithorax). 57In conclusion; this study has revealed that the costal cartilage resections performed in young rabbits whose skeletal maturation and thoracic development has not been completed affected the chest wall development in resected hemithoraces of all subjects compared to the unresected left hemithoraces, and it was, especially, more significant in AP and horizontal diameters. The costal cartilage resection is not an innocent procedure. This effect is more prominent in the setting of unsaved growth center of rib and/or at least four cartilages resection. Our opinion about the age onset of such chest wall resections is to postpone these operations, if not urgent, until the maturation of skeletal development is completed. If the operation is mandatory, both the growth centers of ribs should be saved and the number of costal cartilages that will be resected should be limited and, possibly, less than four

    Meandering pulmonary vein: Very rare incidental finding

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    Meandering pulmonary vein (MPV) is a rarely seen pulmonary vascular anomaly and confused with the scimitar syndrome which is more commonly seen. In this paper, we presented a case of left MPV which mimes arteriovenous malformation. A 30-year-old man was referred to our clinic for pulmonary nodule detected in routine evaluation before employment examination. Diagnosis of MPV was made by Pulmonary CT angiography. It showed abnormal drainage of upper lob pulmonary vein to the inferior pulmonary vein and form abnormal common pulmonary vein which shouldn't be exist. Because of any symptoms no further examination was recommended. According to our best knowledge to date only 17 cases reported in the literature. MPV diagnosis has been significantly changed by the means of advances in CT technology. Non-invasive diagnosis is possible with modern multisectional CT that clearly shows the anatomy of veins and enables the detailed MPV examination. Hereby, unnecessary radiological examination or surgery can be prevented.f veins and enables the detailed MPV examination

    Comparison of before and after COVID-19 urology practices of a pandemic hospital

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to compare the effects of COVID-19 on urology practice using pre- and post-pandemic data of a pandemic hospital.Material and methods: March 11 is considered as the beginning of COVID-19 and, changes in the number of the outpatient clinic examinations, non-surgical procedures, and surgery in the 8-week period before and during the pandemic were evaluated by weeks. Age, gender, and comorbid diseases of the operated patients were compared statistically. The symptoms, complaints, mortality, and morbidity conditions of the patients were recorded by contacting them. Descriptive data and chi-square test were used.Results: The number of COVID-19 cases has been reported as 8,916 for the hospital, 88,412 for the city and 150,593 for the country. The mean age of the operated patients before and after 11 March was 51 and 47, and comorbidities were 79 and 40, respectively, and there was no statistically significant difference(p<0.05). The number of patients examined was 2,309 and 868, the number of operated patients 173 and 94, the number of patients undergoing non-surgical procedures were 371 and 174, respectively. The names and numbers of surgical and non-surgical procedures are listed according to European Association of Urology (EAU) priority classification. In follow-up, no complication because of COVID-19 was observed in any patient.Conclusion: Our study showed that, although the numbers have decreased, similar operations can be performed in daily urology practice without any contamination and mortality during the pandemic compared to the prepandemic period, by taking precautions and following the algorithms

    Combined effects of hydrogen and TiO

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    Efforts to reduce the dependency on fossil-based fuels have intensely been researched by scientists recently. Therefore, in internal combustion engines, the usability of various alternative fuels is still being evaluated. The present study experimentally focused on the illumination of the combined impacts of nanoparticle additives and hydrogen fuel on the performance and emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine. For this purpose, diesel fuel and combinations of diesel fuel, terebinth oil biodiesel, titanium dioxides nanoparticle, and hydrogen were utilized. Reduced engine performance caused by biodiesel was compensated with the use of nanoparticles. Further improvement was also observed with hydrogen addition. Emission results showed that carbon monoxide (CO) emission values can be reduced with biodiesel, nanoparticle additive, and hydrogen since they all have positive effects to enhance combustion quality and avoid incomplete combustion. On the other hand, oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emission was increased due to a rise in cylinder temperature with the use of biodiesel, nanoparticle, and hydrogen

    Analysis of patients undergoing urological intervention amid the COVID-19: Experience from the pandemic hospital

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    Purpose It is reported that surgical procedures performed during the COVID-19 pandemic are accompanied by high complications and risks. In this study, the urological interventions applied with appropriate infrastructure and protocols during the pandemic in the pandemic hospital that is carrying out the COVID-19 struggle are analyzed. Methods Urological interventions were reviewed in the 5-week period between March 11 and April 16. The distribution of outpatient and interventional procedures was determined by weeks concurrently along with the COVID-19 patient workload, and data in the country, subgroups were further analyzed. Patients intervened were divided into four groups as Emergency, High, Intermediate, and Low Priority cases according to the EAU recommendations. The COVID-19-related findings were recorded; staff and patient effects were reported. Results Of the 160 interventions, 65 were minimally invasive or open surgical intervention, 95 were non-surgical outpatient intervention, and the outpatient admission was 777. According to the priority level, 33 cases had emergency and high priority, 32 intermediate and low priority. COVID-19 quarantine and follow-up were performed at least 1 week in 22 (33.8%) operated patients at the last week, 43 (66.2%) patients who were operated in the previous 4 weeks followed up at least 2 weeks. No postoperative complications were encountered in any patient due to COVID-19 during the postoperative period. Conclusion In the COVID-19 pandemic, precautions, isolation, and algorithms are required to avoid disruption in the intervention and follow-up of urology patients; priority urological interventions should not be disrupted in the presence of necessary experience and infrastructure

    The effect of morphine delta receptor activity on ischemic postconditioning in lung ischemia reperfusion injury

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    OBJECTIVE: In the context of the physiopathology of lung damage due to ischemia and reperfusion injury, we aimed to reveal the effects of the addition of morphine sulfate to ischemic postconditioning (PC) protocol. METHODS: In the present study, 48 Wistar albino female rats were employed. Group 1 was accepted as the Sham group that underwent thoracotomy through the fifth left intercostal space. Ischemia-reperfusion (IR) group: Thoracotomy and IR period. IRPC group: thoracotomy, IR period and ischemic PC. In IRPC3 and IRPC30 groups, in addition to ischemic PC different doses of morphine sulfate (3 μmol and 30 μmol) was administered. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-1, and IL-10 levels were measured in the biochemical assessment of the lung tissue samples obtained. RESULTS: TNF-α and IL-1 (pro-inflammatory cytokines) have lower values, and IL-10 (anti-inflammatory cytokine) have higher values both in the groups which have been subject to PC and morphine. TNF-α and IL-1 levels in lung tissue were statistically significant between the IRPC3 group and the IR and IRPC groups. In addition, IL-10 level in lung tissue was statistically significant between the IRPC3 group and the IRPC group. CONCLUSION: In the present study conducted with experimental animals where morphine was also injected beside ischemic PC protocols, statistically significant differences were determined in the lung tissue analyses when we compared pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine values. We firmly believe that adding morphine to the lung transplantation protocols and PC will decrease IR damage