10 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the Conference on Human and Economic Resources

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    This study analyzes whether Turkey ensures energy security, compared to some criteria in regard to various energy resources, or not. The paper will firstly explain the meaning of energy security and its main concepts such as energy diversity and storage. Given answer to the question how energy security is perceived in some countries like USA, EU, China, and Russia, the paper takes an interest in Turkey’s energy security. To determine the amount of energy dependency of Turkey, the paper concentrates on the consumption and production of various energy resources like coal, oil and natural gas in the country. Then it emphasizes over the diversification of energy suppliers and emergency policies under some energy crisis. Energy has a vital importance in human life and is perhaps one of the most important factors in economic growth. Until 1970, energy was cheap and easily obtained compared today. After the oil crisis of 1973 this situation has been gradually changed and most of the countries started to face with energy problem. Energy security has been the main foreign policy issue for some countries. Particularly USA puts very active foreign policies into practice for energy security. Similarly EU creates some projects to secure energy for Europe. IEA puts minimum requirement such as 90 days oil stocks to prevent possible effects of oil crisis for members. Turkey seems to be a non self-sufficient country in respect to oil and natural gas according the recent data and has to import growing energy demand from other countries. Therefore, energy security should be the main problem in Turkey’s energy policies. But there are some problems for securing energy in reality. Especially Turkey has diversification problems for natural gas unlike oil. Turkey has no storage facility for natural gas and also didn’t perform to lay minimum 90 days oil stock down as a necessary condition of IEA up to now. Finally we can say that Turkey will live serious energy security problems if it faces with any shortage in oil or natural gas.energy, security, Turkey

    Determination of women’s voting behavior; A machine learning approach in the Turkish political arena

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    Justice and Development Party (AKP) has been the ruling and biggest party in Turkey (AKP) since it has been established in 2002 and Republican People’s Party (CHP) has been the main opposition party (CHP) since then. These two parties receive about 75% of all the votes and half of the voters are females.  To our knowledge, there is no such a study focusing on women’s party preferences in Turkey. Additionally, this is one of the very few studies in Turkey concerning voters’ party preferences. Therefore, this study aims to fill this gap in the literature. In this study, the important attributes of women in party selection decisions are analyzed. Center-periphery and social mobility theories are the two main theories explaining Turkish political life. The analyzed ideological, cultural, religious, social, economic and demographic characteristics of women supporters are selected according to these theories. Machine-learning techniques are employed as predictive tools. Results show that ideological attitudes like being leftist-rightist and religious values like headscarf, fasting in Ramadan, and praying are the most important effective attributes on party selection of women. However, socioeconomic, cultural, educational and demographic atributes are not effective on party selection of women in Turkey

    Review of Economic Freedom Impact on FDI: New Evidence from Fragile and Conflict Countries

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    AbstractThe present thesis aims at investigating the macroeconomic impact of economic freedom on foreign direct investments inflows in both global and regional panel analysis concerning 156 countries through the periods of 1995-2013. Unlike existing literature, it includes often neglected nations such as Fragile and Conflict-Affected states, Sub-Saharan, Oceania, and Post-Soviet countries. This present study investigates not only the global impact of economic freedom on FDI inflows but also makes regional analysis. The paper finds a positive impact of economic freedom on FDI under fixed-effects model in global case where a unit change in economic freedom scales FDI inflows up to 0.0835 units. More specifically, all 9 regions also refer to positive and significant impact of economic freedom on FDI. The highest impact is recorded in European countries, whereas the lowest ones are documented in Oceania and Fragile-Conflict affected states

    Rent seeking theory and models

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    YÖK Tez ID: 61158ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı rant kollama teorisi ve modellerini ortaya koymanın yamsıra bu modellerden hareketle rant kollama faaliyetlerinin yol açtığı maliyetleri analiz etmektir. Öncelikle I970'lı yıllardan itibaren iktisat literatürüne giren ve ayrı bir çalışma alanı oluşturan rant kollama teorisi ve modelleri analiz edilmekte soma da bu modeller ışığında rant kollama faaliyetlerinin yol açtığı iktisadi, siyasi ve sosyal maliyetler incelenmektedir. Rant kollama modelleri çıkar ve baskı gruplarının devleti kullanarak rant elde etmek için yaptıkları faaliyet ve harcamaların topluma yüklediği maliyet üzerinde yoğunlaşmaktadırlar. Çıkar ve baskı grupları devlet üzerinde değişik mekanizmalarla baskı kurarak, ya devletin elindeki kaynakları transfer etmekte, ya da gelir temin etmelerini sağlayacak yasal düzenlemeleri devlete yaptırtmak suretiyle gelir elde etmektedirler. Devleti kullanarak gelir transferi sağlayan çıkar ve baskı gruplarının bu tür faaliyetlerinin ekonomik açıdan kalkınma ve gelişmeyi engellemenin yamsıra topluma da önemli bir maliyet yüklemekte olduğu çalışma boyunca ortaya konmaya çalışılmaktadır. Çıkar ve baskı gruplarının rant kollama faaliyetlerinin toplumun tümüne yüklediği iktisadi maliyetlerin yanında, devletin büyümesi, yolsuzlukların artması, devlete olan güvenin sarsılması gibi siyasal ve sosyal maliyetleri de bu çalışmada ortaya konmaktadır.ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the rent-seeking theory and models as well as the social costs of the rent-seeking. The study firstly analyzes the rent- seeking theory and models which have developed as a separate field in economic literature since the 1970s and then reviews the economic, political and social costs of the rent-seeking under the framework of these models. The common point of the rent-seeking models is that interest and pressure groups' rent-seeking by means of the state creates various costs to society. Interest and pressure groups make a pressure on the state through different mechanisms in order to transfer the economic resources belonging to the state as well as create a legal order which gives possibility to these groups to get revenue. It is claimed in this study that the rent-seeking of the interest and pressure groups prevents the economic development in addition to different costs to the society. It is also argued that beside the welfare costs the rent seeking of the interest and pressure groups leads to the political and social costs such as the growth of the state, the increase of the corruption and the decrease in belief to the state and other institutions

    Rant kollama teorisi ve modelleri

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Kırıkkale Üniversitesi47777

    Rant kollama teorisi ve modelleri

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Kırıkkale Üniversitesi47853

    Determination of women’s voting behavior; A machine learning approach in the Turkish political arena

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    Justice and Development Party (AKP) has been the ruling and biggest party in Turkey (AKP) since it has been established in 2002 and Republican People’s Party (CHP) has been the main opposition party (CHP) since then. These two parties receive about 75% of all the votes and half of the voters are females.  To our knowledge, there is no such a study focusing on women’s party preferences in Turkey. Additionally, this is one of the very few studies in Turkey concerning voters’ party preferences. Therefore, this study aims to fill this gap in the literature. In this study, the important attributes of women in party selection decisions are analyzed. Center-periphery and social mobility theories are the two main theories explaining Turkish political life. The analyzed ideological, cultural, religious, social, economic and demographic characteristics of women supporters are selected according to these theories. Machine-learning techniques are employed as predictive tools. Results show that ideological attitudes like being leftist-rightist and religious values like headscarf, fasting in Ramadan, and praying are the most important effective attributes on party selection of women. However, socioeconomic, cultural, educational and demographic atributes are not effective on party selection of women in Turkey.El partido de la Justicia y el Desarrollo (AKP) ha sido el mayor y predominante en Turquía desde que se estableció en 2002, y el partido de la República del Pueblo (CHP) ha sido el principal partido opositor desde entonces. Ambos partidos reciben alrededor del 75% de todos los votos. En Turquía la mitad de los votantes son mujeres. En este estudio se analizan los atributos más importantes en la decisión de las mujeresde escoger partido. No hay un estudio centrado en las preferencias políticas de las mujeres en Turquía. Además, este es uno de los pocos estudios sobre las preferencias de los votantes en Turquía. De ahí que este estudio pretenda llenar este vacío en la literatura.Dos de las principales teorías para explicar la vida política turca son la del centro-periferia y la de la movilidad social. En base a estas teorías se han escogido las características de los apoyos femeninos, tales como las ideológicas, las culturales, las religiosas, las sociales, las económicas y la demográficas. Se han usado técnicas de aprendizaje automático como herramientas predictivas. Los resultados muestran que las actitudes ideológicas como ser de izquierdas o ser de derechas y los valores religiosos como llevar velo, ayunar en Ramadán y rezar son los atributos más importantes y efectivos en la selección de partidos por parte de las mujeres. Sin embargo, los atributos socio-económicos, culturales, educativos y demográficos no son efectivos en la elección de partidos de las mujeres en Turquía

    Determination of women voting behavior: A machine learning approach in the turkish political arena

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    Justice and Development Party (AKP) has been the ruling and biggest party in Turkey (AKP) since it has been established in 2002 and Republican People’s Party (CHP) has been the main opposition party (CHP) since then. These two parties receive about 75% of all the votes. In Turkey half of the voters are females. In this study, the important attributes of women in party selection decisions are analyzed. To our knowledge, there is no such a study focusing on women’s party preferences in Turkey. Additionally, this is one of the very few studies in Turkey concerning voters’ party preferences. Therefore, this study aims to fill this gap in the literature. Center-periphery and social mobility theories are the two main theories explaining Turkish political life. The analyzed ideological, cultural, religious, social, economic and demographic characteristics of women supporters are selected according to these theories. Machine-learning techniques are employed as predictive tools. Results show that ideological attitudes like being leftist-rightist and religious values like headscarf, fasting in Ramadan, and praying are the most important effective attributes on party selection of women. However, socio-economic, cultural, educational and demographic atributes are not effective on party selection of women in Turkey