153 research outputs found

    Effect of Hoof Trimming on Milk Yield in Dairy Cows with Foot Disease

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    Backround: Milk is produced at the cost of other metabolic processes in the body and high milk yield has been associated with lameness and claw lesions. Lameness has also been associated with a decrease in milk yield. In the past, claw disorders and lameness in dairy cattle have been an increasing problem of the modern dairy industry. Hoof trimming is performed to prevent hoof lesions and improve gait by correction and maintenance of the hoof symmetry and shape. Lameness caused by hoof disorders can be treated by correct hoof trimming. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that one-time claw trimming affect the milk production in dairy cattle with hoof disorders on commercial dairy farms.Materials, Methods & Results: Milk yield level was examined before and after claw trimming in dairy cattle. Eighteen Holstein dairy cows were examined on a commercial dairy farm. Calving number, calving time, lactation number, lactation stage, culling date and milk yield in liters were detected from farm recording system. All cows were visual signs of claw disorders or lameness. Their hooves had not been were trimmed for several years. Trimming technique included leveling the 2 claws, aiming for symmetric bulbs. The axial and abaxial walls were both intended to be parts of the bearing surface and the 2 claws were trimmed flat and balanced with each other. The caudal two-thirds of the axial sole of both claws were sloped toward the interdigital area. All of the cows checked for hoof diseases. The period of observation spanned 45 d, starting day of claw trimming. The observation period was the lactation when the claw trimming was performed. Milk yield was performed one day before and 10, 30, and 45 days after hoof trimming. Cows that were in the mid to late lactation period were selected for the study. The mean days in milk for the group was 221.8 (150-272 days) and the mean number of calvings was 2.8 times (range: 2-5 times) before trimming.Discussion: The shape of the lactation curve is influenced by herd factors such as management and nutrition and individual factors like genetics, parity, and disease. Discrepancies in the literature with regard to the effect of lameness and claw lesions on milk yield are partly the result of these complex influences. Daily milk production of cows in the current study averaged 21 L/d, so milk weight represented approximately 3% of a cow’s body weight per milking. In this study cows were 2 to 5th lactation. Most hoof diseases are accrued around the time of calving. Hoof diseases is becomed visible on the bearing surface of the sole after 2 to 3 months such as white-line disease, sole ulcer, and hemorrhages. We assessed milk yield as the one time claw trimming performed, so any possible healing effect of claw trimming could have led to an underestimation of any negative effects of bad claw health on milk production. Cows with painful claw lesions eat less, are more reluctant to move, and might consequently produce less milk than cows without claw lesions. The significant associations between most claw disorders and increased yield in this study do not prove direct relationships. At claw trimming, the average lactation stage in first parity was 148 DIM; 25% of the cows were before 74 DIM and 25% were later than 226 DIM. After the claw trimming between days 10-30 and 10-45 were determined differences in milk yield (P < 0.05;  P < 0.01). In conclusion, this study showed that one time hoof trimming during the lactation period changed the milk yield of the dairy cows with hoof diseases

    False negative effect of high triglycerides concentration on vitamin D levels: A big data study

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    Background: Inaccurate test results may be a reason why vitamin D deficiency is seen as a common problem worldwide. Interferences from the sample matrix during testing are the most important factors in measurement errors. In this study, the relationship between triglycerides and total cholesterol levels and vitamin D levels in Turkey was investigated. Methods: The 25-hydroxyvitamin D test results and lipid test results studied in Turkey in 2021 were compared. Data were obtained from the Ministry of Health National Health Database. Simultaneously, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, triglyceride, and total cholesterol levels were studied, and 1,135,644 test results were taken as the basis. Results: In the group of patients with total cholesterol levels between 0-10.33 mmol/L, the proportion of patients below 20 mg/L ranged from 56.8% to 61.8%. In the patient group with cholesterol between 10.36-259 mmol/L, the rate of patients with less than 20 mg/L was between 70.8-100%, while the rate of patients with cholesterol above 100 mg/L was 0%. The mean 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was 20.1 mg/L in the patient group with a total cholesterol level between 0-10.33 mmol/L, and 16 mg/L in the patient group with a cholesterol level above 10.36 mmol/L. The mean 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was 20.11 mg/L in the patient group with triglycerides 0-10.16 mmol/L, and the 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was 12.28 mg/L in the patient group with triglycerides 10.17-113 mmol/L. The proportion of patients with vitamin D levels above 100 mg/L was found to be 0% in the group of patients with triglycerides above 10.17-113 mmol/L. Conclusions: According to this study, there is a risk of toxicity when administering vitamin D therapy in patients with high cholesterol and triglycerides levels. This study is the first of this size in the literature. High triglycerides and cholesterol levels can cause inaccurate measurement of vitamin D levels, so care should be taken when evaluating these tests

    The Transformation of Economic Structure And Bazaar of Mardin from Ottoman Period to Present - OSMANLIDAN GÜNÜMÜZE MARDİN’İN EKONOMİK YAPISI VE ÇARŞILARININ DÖNÜŞÜMÜ-

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    Mardin has a vibrant economy since centuries because of its location on the Silk Road in northern Mesopotamia where called the Fertile Crescent. The study examines the development of traditional bazaars in urban conservation area that reflects the economic structure of Mardin from the Ottoman period to the present day. The bazaars that do not exist today are detected and shown on the map by benefiting different archival documents. In the globalizing World, the traditional production has begunto disappear. In this period, Turkey's provincial capital Mardin has been also influenced. Mardin that met industrial agriculture in the last quarter of the twentieth century was introduced to the tourism industry, which is the chimney industry in 2000’s. The transformation that reflected in the commercial and social structure of Mardin with tourism is still going on. Many traditional bazaars have become places with touristic function

    V. ULUSLARARASI KÜLTÜR VE MEDENİYET KONGRESİ 21-23 Aralık 2018 Mardin Institution Of Economic Development And Social Researches Publications TAM METİN KİTABI, 2018

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    Bu metin; Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi Koordinatörlüğü tarafından kabul edilen “Mardin Kentsel Sit Alanındaki Yapıların Restorasyon Sonrası Korunmuşluk Durumu” adlı projeden türetilmiştir. 18 aylık süre belirlenen projeye MAÜ.BAP.18.MMF.015 numarası ile 20.03.2018 tarihinde başlanmıştır. Çalışmada, Mardin Artuklu ilçesi kentsel sit alanında son 20 yılda restorasyonu yapılmış tarihi yapıların korunmuşluk durumlarının analizi ve belgelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Belgeleme çalışması sonucunda, Mardin kentsel sit alanındaki restorasyon uygulamalarının sonuçları incelenerek, restorasyon öncesi yapılan planlamayla örtüşüp örtüşmediği ortaya konulmaktadır. Ayrıca sürekli bakım ve basit onarım konusunda olası eksiklikler tespit edilmektedir. Analizlerden ortaya çıkan veriler ışığında, gerekli tedbirlerin alınmasının sağlanması beklenmektedir. Böylelikle tarihi yapılardaki sürekli bakım ve onarım eksikliğinden kaynaklı bozulmaların önüne geçilmesi hedeflenmektedir. İlk etapta kentsel sit alanı ile ilgili veriler toplanmıştır. Bu bilgiler ışığında koruma projeleri kurul tarafından onaylanan anıtların listesi çıkarılmıştır. Tespit edilen anıtların korunmuşluk durumlarını gösteren fişler hazırlanmıştır. Lisans öğrencilerinden oluşan bir çalışma grubu oluşturulmuştur. Lisans öğrencilerinin alan araştırmasına katılarak bilgi, belge toplayarak analiz ve görselleştirme aşamalarında hem kendi bilgi birikimlerine hem de çalışmaya katkı sunmaları sağlanmıştır. Projenin başlangıç tarihinden günümüze kadar elde edilen verilere göre kentsel sit alanındaki tarihi yapıların %80 kadarı boş durumdadır.İKSAD -İktisadi Kalkınma ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Derneği-, Al Farabi international Journal on Social Science

    Madrasah of Mardin Sehidiye and Repair Implementations of the Madrasah (Mardin Şehidiye Medresesi ve Onarım Uygulamaları)

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    Mardin is a province in the southeast of Turkey today. In the seventh century, the city passed from the domination of the Roman Empire to the domination of the Islamic states. Mardin was a fortress city, has become a city with walls inside of that period. The artifacts of the Artuklu Principality, which ruled between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries, making Mardin the capital city, are influential in Mardin's being an important city in the Middle Ages. Artuqs have built many monuments that have survived until today in Mardin. Sehidiye Madrasa is one of these. The madrasa was built in the first half of the thirteenth century; in the Sehidiye Neighborhood, which is known by its name. It is located to the south of this road, adjacent to the mainland, to the east of the urban conservation area. The monument has been used as a mosque since it lost madrasah function, and it is called "Sehidiye Mosque" among the people. The structure has undergone a large number of repairs, as can be understood from the stylistic differences in the plan of the present day. The registered first repairs begin with the seventeenth century and continue with many practices during the republican period. With different repairs, the original plan of the madrasa constantly changes. The function with the republic has also changed as a mosque. Even the most recently repaired sections on the madrasa are thought to be the original elements of the madrasa. The aims of the article are to investigate existing repair inscription and the result of many archival researches and to date the history of the architectural parts of the madrasa that had been repaired. it have been understood that many part belonging to the last madrasa had been formed in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries by The result of The data obtained from repairs made from the past to the present day. Reconstruction implementations especially made during the republican period are gaining importance in this examination.Bitlis Eren Universit


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    Kırsal mimarinin korunması gerekli bir değer olduğu özellikle on dokuzuncu yüzyılın ikinci yarısından sonra Avrupa’da çıkarılan yasa ya da tavsiyelerle desteklenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında iki binli yılların başına kadar Avrupa’da kırsal mimarinin korunmasına yönelik çıkarılmış olan tüzük, sözleşme, karar ve tavsiyeler kronolojik sıraya göre incelenerek değerlendirilmişlerdir. Venedik Tüzüğü ( Mayıs 1964 ), Köy ve Kent Arasındaki Dengede Kırsal Canlandırma Politikalarına İlişkin İlke Kararı (73/3) (Avrupa Konseyi Bakanlar Komitesi 1973), Granada Kararı: Bölgesel Planlamada Kırsal Mimari, Avrupa Pilot Projeler Programı Sempozyumu No: 5 (1977), Kırsal Mimari Mirasa İlişkin 881/1979 No’ lu Tavsiye Kararı (Avrupa Konseyi Bakanlar Komitesi 1979), Avrupa Mimari Mirasının Korunması Sözleşmesi (3 Ekim 1985), Kırsal Mimari Mirasın Korunması ve Değerinin Arttırılması Hakkında Tavsiye (89/6) (Avrupa Konseyi Bakanlar Komitesi 1989), Kırsal Alandaki Altyapı ve Ulaşım Hakkında Tavsiye (90/12) (Avrupa Konseyi Bakanlar Komitesi 1990), Çevre Politikaları Kapsamında Bütünleşik Kültürel Çevre Koruması Üzerine Tavsiye (95/9) (Avrupa Konseyi Bakanlar Komitesi 1995), ICOMOS Geleneksel Mimari Miras Tüzüğü (1999), Avrupa'nın Kırsal ve Ada Bölgelerinde Doğal, Mimari ve Kültürel Mirasın Korunması Kararları (2006); kırsal mimari açısından ele alınan tüzük ve kararlardandır.İKSAD- İktisadi Kalkınma ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Derneği, Al Farabi international Journal on Social Science

    Bir Mimari Karşılaştırma: Mardin Zinciriye ve Kasımiye Medreseleri -An Architectural Comparison: Zinciriye and Kasimiye Madrasahs in Mardin-

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    The Monuments of the Artuqs period draw attention especially coming from the Middle Ages to the present day in Mardin where hosts different civilizations. Among these monuments, there are many similarities between the Zinciriye (Sultan İsa) Madrasah and the Kasimiye Madrasah build in Aqqoyunlu period, which was influenced by architectural of Zinciriye. This similarity gets noticed of some researchers, but the available data on comparisons are insufficient. While Kasimiye compared with madrasah of Zinciriye, which is about 100 years older than, the architectural style and lookout programs are identical. However, they are different as a plan. Whereas the masjids plans and the sliced pointed domes of both madrasahs are the same, the madrasah of Kasimiye is different with the onyx type dome, the monumental iwan rising along the two floors and the symmetrical madrasah room layouts. In the study monuments have been searched comparatively and new periodicals related to the originality of the monuments were reached, especially the republican period


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    Mardin Ulu Mosque is one of the first double minaret mosques at 12th century in Anatolia. The Mosque is located parallel to the direction of qibla with a rectangular planned scheme as similar monuments of early Islamic period seen in the Middle East. The researchers’ arguments and local legends comprise contradictions. In the study, it was tried to eliminate the inaccurate information by making analytical studies. The study aims to evaluate the authentic artifacts that survived with regard to conservation science. The study is derived from the dissertation, “Problems of Authenticity and Transformation in the Monumental Buildings of Mardin”, which has been prepared in Istanbul Technical University Graduate School of Science Engineering and Technology, Restoration Program of Department of Architecture with thesis advisor Ph.D. Gülsün Tanyeli. The authenticity and reconstitution problems of Mardin Ulu (Grand) Mosque were researched, therewith acquiring new data.İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyes


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    Artuklu Beyliği’ne başkentlik yapmış Mardin’de Ortaçağ’dan günümüze kadar farklı onarımlarla kısmen korunarak gelebilmiş anıtsal eserler bulunmaktadır. Mardin Ulu Cami, Şehidiye Medresesi, Zinciriye Medresesi ve Kasımiye Medresesi bu anıtlardandır. Kitap; ele alınan anıtların geçmiş dönem onarımlarını inceleyerek özgünlük, değişmişlik durumları üzerine kapsamlı bir biçimde, detaylı analiz ve değerlendirmelerde bulunmaktadır. Yapıların tarihçelerini, kitabelerini, mimari ve sanat tarihi değerlerini incelemektedir. Bunların yanında; geçmişten günümüze kadar farklı dönem onarımları sonucu, eserlerin mimari elemanlarının ve işlevlerinin özgünlük durumlarını, anıtların kendi dönemlerindeki yapım teknik ve yöntemlerini irdeleyerek değerlendirmektedir