21 research outputs found

    A Comparative Performance Analyze Model and Supplier Positioning in Performance Maps for Supplier Selection and Evaluation

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    AbstractIn supply chain, supplier has an important role and in this situation supplier evaluation and selection is gained more significance for companies. So that, it is purposed to improve an evaluation model to evaluate and select suppliers more effectively by correlate with company's supply chain. For that reason, a form is designing to collect data from concerned company's personnel and performance measuring model which includes scoring methodology and correlation analysis that is called as “Performance-Effect” analysis in this study. With this model, it is proposed to divest supplier evaluation from its general evaluation concept by presenting alternative selection criteria, suppliers and methods for working with positioning of these in performance maps

    Moisture sorption characteristics of pistachio

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    [EN] In this study, the moisture adsorption isotherm of pistachio was determined at 25°C and relative humidity (10-90%), using the standard static, gravimetric method. Eleven sorption models were tested to fit the experimental data. A non-linear regression analysis method was used to evaluate the constants of the sorption equations. The GAB equation gave the best fit to the experimental data for a wide range of water activity, while BET gave the best fit for a water activity range of 0.1-0.5. The agreement between experimental and predicted values of these models was found to be satisfactory.Koç, B.; Atar, G.; Çağlar, N. (2018). Moisture sorption characteristics of pistachio. En IDS 2018. 21st International Drying Symposium Proceedings. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1871-1878. https://doi.org/10.4995/IDS2018.2018.7826OCS1871187

    Functional properties of dried tarragon affected by drying method

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    [EN] arragon is a small shrubby perennial herb in the Asteraceae family. It is cultivated for the use of its aromatic leaves in seasoning, salads, sauces, vinegars, mustard and spices. In this study, tarragon was dried in two different drying equipment (infrared (ID) and microwave dryers (MD)) to compare the drying and final product properties (moisture content, water activity and colour change). Three different output power levels of 125, 250 and 500 W were used for MD, whereas the ID treatment involved three drying temperature levels that were 60, 70 and 80°C. A comparison of the drying kinetics, MD was more effective in shortening drying time when compared with ID.Koç, B.; Çağlar, N.; Atar, G. (2018). Functional properties of dried tarragon affected by drying method. En IDS 2018. 21st International Drying Symposium Proceedings. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1075-1082. https://doi.org/10.4995/IDS2018.2018.7834OCS1075108

    Important interaction between urethral taste bud-like structures and Onuf's nucleus following spinal subarachnoid hemorrhage: A hypothesis for the mechanism of dysorgasmia

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    Background: We previously postulated that orgasmic sensation may occur through recently discovered genital taste bud-like structures. The interaction between the pudendal nerve and Onuf's nucleus may be important for developing orgasmic information. The study aims to investigate whether ischemic damage to Onuf's nucleus-pudendal network following spinal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) causes taste bud degeneration or not. Methods: The study was conducted on 22 fertile male rabbits who were divided into three groups: control (GI; n = 5), SHAM (GII; n = 5) and study (GIII; n = 12). Isotonic solution, .7 cm(3), for the SHAM, and .7 cm(3) homologous blood was injected into spinal subarachnoid spaces at S2 level of the study group. Two weeks later, Onuf's nucleus, pudendal ganglia and the taste bud-like structures of the penile urethra were examined histopathologically. Degenerated neuron densities of Onuf's nucleus, pudendal ganglia and atrophic taste bud-like structures were estimated per mm(3) and the results analyzed statistically. Results: The mean degenerated neuron densities of taste bud-like structures, Onuf's nucleusand pudendal ganglia were estimated as 2 +/- 1/mm(3), 5 +/- 1/mm(3), 6 +/- 2/mm(3) in GI; 12 +/- 4/mm(3), 35 +/- 9/mm(3), 188 +/- 31/mm(3), in GII and 41 +/- 8/mm(3), 215 +/- 37/mm(3), 1321 +/- 78/mm(3), in GIII. Spinal SAH induced neurodegeneration in Onuf's nucleus, pudendal ganglia and taste budatrophy was significantly different between GI/GII (p <.005); GII/GIII (p <.0005) and GI/GIII(p<.0001). Conclusion: Ischemic neuronal degenerations of Onuf's nucleus and pudendal ganglia following spinal SAH lead to genital taste bud-like structure atrophy. This mechanism may be responsible for sexual anhedonia and sterility in cases with spinal cord injury, which has not been documented so far. More studies are needed. (C) 2020 Asociacion Espanola de Andrologia, Medicina Sexual y Reproductiva. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. All rights reserved

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of Primary Synovial Osteochondromatosis

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    Giriş ve Amaç: Sinoviyal osteokondramatozis sinovial dokunun mezenkimal kalıntılarının kartilajinöz metaplazisi sonucu gelişir. Genellikle eklem aralıklarında ve tenosinoviyumda kalsifiye kartilajinöz oluşumlar ile karakterizedir. Tek eklem tutulumu yapar ve sıklıkla diz, kalça ve el bileği tutulur. Nadir de olsa kondrosarkoma malign dejenerasyon gösterebilmektedir. Patolojik olarak ispatlanmış farklı anatomik lokalizasyonlardaki sinoviyal osteokondromatozisli on olgumuza ait MR bulgularını sunmayı amaçladık. Yöntem ve Gereçler: Sinoviyal osteokondromatozis tanısı almış on olgunun MR incelemeleri retrospektif olarak iki farklı radyolog tarafından birlikte tekrar değerlendirildi. Hastaların demografik ve klinik özellikleri ve lezyonların yerleşimi, şekli, uzanımı ve MR sinyal özellikleri değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Tanı alan 10 olgunun 6'sı erkek,4'ü kadın olup yaş ortalaması 50 bulunmuştur.(14-70 yaş) Hastaların geliş yakınmaları eklem ağrısı (n: 5), şişlik (n: 5) olarak belirtilmiştir. İki lezyon ayak bileğinde, 4 lezyon diz ekleminde, 2 lezyon omuz ekleminde ve 1 lezyon kalça ekleminde ve 1 lezyon dirsek ekleminde tespit edilmiştir. Röntgenografide tüm olguların ilgili eklem aralığında milimetrik noduler kalsikasyonlar izlenmiştir. Sadece 1 olguda kemik tutulumu da izlenmiştir. Omuz eklemi tutulumu olan olgularda ekstraartikülerbursal ve tenosinovial tutulum da izlenmiştir. Kalça eklemi tutulan olguda iliopsoas ve eksternalobturatuar bursalar da tutulmuştur. Tartışma ve Sonuç: Sinoviyal osteokondromatozisin direkt grafi ve MR bulguları genellikle tipiktir. Sinoviyal osteokondromatoziste MR intraartiküler lezyonun bursalara uzanımını ve kemik erozyonlarını göstermekte de oldukça başarılıdır.Introduction: Primary synovial chondromatosis is an uncommon benign monoarticular disorder. It is characterized by proliferation and metaplastic transformation of the synovium. It is generally characterized by calcified cartilagenous structures in the joint space or in the tenosynovium. It involves one joint and knee, hip, wrist are commonly affected joints. Malignant degeneration into chondrosarcoma has been reported but is rare. Here, we aimed to present MR images of 10 patients with primary synovial osteochondromatosis. Material and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 10 pathologically confirmed cases of synovial chondromatosis. Patients' demographics and clinical presentations were reviewed. Imaging was evaluated by two musculoskeletal radiologists with agreement by consensus. Images were evaluated for lesion location, shape, extent and signal characteristics on MR. Results: Among the ten patients, 6 were male, 4 were female with a mean age of 50. (14-70 years) Lesion locations included knee (n=4), ankle (n = 2), shoulder (n = 2), elbow (n = 1), hip (n = 1). Radiographs commonly showed milimetric nodular calcifications. Only one lesion involved adjacent bone. The two patients with shoulder involvement also involved extraarticular bursa and tenosynovium. The case with the hip involvement also involved iliopsoas and external obturator bursa. Discussion and Conclusion: The radiographic and magnetic resonance imaging findings of synovial osteochondromatosis is typical. MRI is successful in determining the bone erosions and bursal extent of the intraarticular lesion

    Profiles and Interventions Related to Individualized Developmental Care of Neonatal Nurses in Turkey

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    Amaç: Araştırma, Türkiye’de Sağlık Bakanlığına bağlı kurumların Yenidoğan ünitelerinde görev yapan hemşirelerin profillerini ve bireyselleştirilmiş gelişimsel bakıma yönelik uygulamalarını belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirildi.Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı nitelikteki araştırmanın verileri OcakMayıs 2015 tarihleri arasında Türkiye’nin 79 ilindeki 2.965yenidoğan hemşiresinden anket formu aracılığıyla toplandı.Elde edilen verilerin analizinde yüzdelik, aritmetik ortalama,Pearson ki-kare ve varyans analizi (ANOVA) kullanıldı.Bulgular: Türkiye’deki yenidoğan hemşirelerin yaş ortalamalarının 31,846,60 yıl, %60,7’sinin çalışma deneyiminin 0-4yıl, %52,8’inin lisans mezunu, %83,6’sının bireyselleştirilmişgelişimsel bakım hakkında bilgi sahibi olduğu belirlendi.Hemşirelerin eğitim, sertifika programlarına katılım ve bireyselleştirilmiş gelişimsel bakım uygulama durumları arasındakifarkların bölgeler arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğusaptandı (p0,001).Sonuç: Türkiye’deki yenidoğan hemşirelerinin bireyselleştirilmiş gelişimsel bakım yaklaşımı konusunda bilgi sahibi oldukları ancak uygulamaların halen yeterli düzeyde olmadığı,hemşirelerin eğitim durumları ve uyguladıkları yöntemlerinbölgeler arasında farklılıklar göstediği belirlendi.Objective: This study was conducted to determine profiles andinterventions related to individualized developmental care ofneonatal nurses in Neonatal Units of the Health Ministry inTurkey.Methods: The data of this descriptive study were collectedfrom 2965 neonatal nurses in Turkey’s 79 provinces betweenJanuary to May 2015 using questionnaire forms. Percentage,arithmetic mean, Pearson chi square and variance (ANOVA)were used in the analysis of the obtained data.Results: The mean age of neonatal nurses was 31.846.60years. While 60.7% of them had 0-4 years of work experience,and 52.8% of them had bachelor’s degree. Most (83.6’s%) ofthem had information about individualized developmentalcare. Statistically significant interregional differences werefound as for nurses’ participation in training, and certificateprograms and application of individualized developmentalcare (p0.001).Conclusion: It has been determined that neonatal nurses inTurkey have information on individualized developmental careapproach, but the practices were still not at an adequate level,and also the educational status of nurses and the methods theyapplied showed differences between the regions