8 research outputs found

    Determination of Temporal Change in Agricultural Land Use in Trabzon with GIS

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    Agricultural land has a very important at the point of people's vital activities from past to present. Especially in areas where high efficiency is obtained, people use agricultural land as a means of subsistence. This contributes to the benefit for the society and the revival of the country's economy. Agricultural lands lose their quality and cause the emergence of non-agricultural uses due to factors such as the need for living spaces increasing from day to day, developing technologies and population growth. Therefore, this situation affects negatively the sustainable use of agricultural land. In general, when the fertile agricultural land is examined, I., II. and III. class agricultural lands the most fertile agricultural lands. All these lands have been accepted as areas to be protected and various restrictions have been brought to these lands. In this context, there is report of the Working Group on the Sustainable Use of Agricultural Land for the Development Ministry's 2023 Targets. There are some regulatory initiatives in this report about the vision of the future. Consequently, soil protection, balanced use and development has unearthed the implementation of the policy after making the necessary plans, very well-defined properties, defining in detail by exploiting the developing science and technology possibilities. Trabzon province is chosen as the pilot region, the use of agricultural land (in selected areas of urban-rural and plateau) land use capability classes ongoing changes from past years are discussed depending on I., II. and III. the class of land use. In this context, as it is based on the province of Trabzon and mainly based on non-agricultural use, spatiotemporal changes of agricultural land use capability are examined using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology considereng the satellite imagery and soil data of the different time periods (2002, 2005, 2009 and 2017)Tarım arazileri, insanların yaşamsal faaliyetlerini sürdürme noktasında geçmişten günümüze önemli olmuştur. Özellikle yüksek verimin elde edildiği alanlarda insanlar, tarım topraklarını geçim kaynağı olarak kullanmışlardır. Bu durum gerek toplumsal fayda sağlanmasına gerekse de ülke ekonomisinin canlanmasına katkıda bulunmaktadır. Ancak gelişen teknolojiler, nüfus artışı, yaşam alanlarına ihtiyacın günden güne artması gibi etkenlerden dolayı tarım toprakları giderek niteliğini yitirmekte ve tarım dışı kullanımların ortaya çıkmasına sebep olmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu durum sürdürülebilir tarım toprağı kullanımını olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Genel olarak verimli tarım arazileri incelendiğinde, en çok tarımsal verime sahip olan topraklar I. sınıf araziler olarak sınıflandırılmakla birlikte, diğer önemli verimli tarımsal topraklar ise II. ve III. sınıf araziler vasfında yer almaktadır. Tüm bu topraklar, korunması gereken alanlar niteliğinde kabul edilmiş, bu toprakların kullanımında çeşitli sınırlamalar getirilmiştir. Bu bağlamda, Kalkınma Bakanlığının 2023 hedeflerinde, Tarım Arazilerinin Sürdürülebilir Kullanımı Çalışma Grubu Raporu bulunmaktadır. Bu raporda; toprağın korunması, dengeli kullanılması, ayrıca gelişen bilim ve teknoloji olanaklarından faydalanılarak özelliklerinin çok iyi belirlenmesi, sonrası gerekli planların yapılarak politikaların uygulanması vurgulanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Trabzon ilinde arazi kullanım kabiliyeti sınıflarına (AKKS) göre tarımsal faaliyetler açısından verimli olan I., II. ve III. sınıf tarım arazilerinde meydana gelen yapılaşma miktarı zamansal değişime bağlı olarak irdelenmiş ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. Seçilen çalışma alanları kıyaslama yapmak adına kentsel, kırsal ve yayla niteliğindeki alanlardan olmak üzere farklı bölgelerden seçilmiştir. Seçilen bölgeler için farklı zamanlara rastlayan (2002, 2005, 2009 ve 2017 yıllarına ait) uydu görüntüleri ve toprak verileri temin edilerek, tarım niteliği açısından verimli olan arazilerde zaman içerisindeki değişimler incelenmiştir

    Forecasting future climate boundary maps (2021–2060) using exponential smoothing method and GIS

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    Future-oriented forecasts have an important place in making forward-looking decisions and planning. At the beginning of these studies is the monitoring and detection of climate change. The climate is very variable. Therefore, by making predictions about the climate, preliminary information about how and to what extent the climate will change can be obtained, and accordingly, necessary precautions can be taken quickly. This study aims to produce predictive climate boundary maps using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), in which climate classification methods and time series methods are evaluated to monitor and determine the changes caused by the climate in 13 selected provinces in Turkey. The triple exponential smoothing method and the Erinc climate classification method were discussed. The data were obtained from the General Directorate of Meteorology (GDM) between 1930 and 2020, and each year's precipitation efficiency index (Im) of the Erinc climate classification method was calculated. It is divided into two classes for forecasting and testing current indices: test Im indices (1930–2014) and forecast test Im indices (2015–2020). MAD, MSE, and MAPE criteria were calculated to determine whether the Im estimates were meaningful. However, the accuracy of the estimates was ensured by considering the MAPE criteria for this study. After this stage, the analyses were performed again with test Im indices (1930–2020) and forecast Im indices (2021–2060), and Im indices predictions for the future were made. Finally, the obtained forecast indices were subjected to GIS interpolation analyses (Kriging and IDW), and future climate boundary maps were produced. Thanks to the outputs obtained from the study, how the climate classes of any region will be in the future and to what extent they will change will be provided by evaluating the climate classification and time series methods together. It will contribute to different studies in this field with its innovative analysis approach

    Producing climate boundary maps using GIS interface model designed with Python

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    Climate and its effects need to be examined within a more planned and comprehensive framework to prevent the unfavorable impact of climate change. Thus, climate effects on the ecosystem can be identified by determining the geographical boundaries of different climate types. The Koppen, Trewartha, Thornthwaite, Erinc, Aydeniz, De Martonne, and De Martonne-Gottman methods are used in the classification of climates. These methods enable the regional differences of climate types to be determined and their changes over the years to be examined. A number of studies examining climate classes have produced graphic findings and maps. The absence of new approaches has resulted in climate classifications still being carried out via manual studies. However, a program for identifying and representing these methods in a convenient, fast, and automated way could facilitate the completion of analyses in a shorter time. The programming languages developed in recent years have made it easy to design interface models that can perform analyses faster and easier than prolonged manual methods. In this study, a climate boundary determination interface model, designed using the Python programming language, was developed for use in the ArcGIS 10.6 program to determine geographical climate boundaries automatically. The provinces of Artvin, Ordu, Rize, Trabzon, Giresun, Bayburt, and Samsun (Turkey) were chosen as the study area to test the interface model. The resulting interface model design is expected to: (1) address the dimensions of climate change in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change studies; (2) identify the climate changes in our country as an objective of the National Climate Change Strategy; and (3) determine the land-use changes caused by climate boundaries and examine the ownership dimension of the adaptation process in the declaration published by the International Geodesy Federation in 2014

    Yurtdışına doğrudan yatırım yapan türk işletmelerinde strateji-yapı ilişkisi

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    Yıldırım, Mehmet Halit ( Aksaray, Yazar )Bu çalışmada yurtdışına doğrudan yatırım yapan Türk işletmelerinin kullanmış oldukları uluslararası yapı tiplerinin hangi şartlar altında nasıl bir değişim gösterdiğinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Yurtdışına yatırım yapan 41 işletmenin Parametrik olmayan Korelasyon testi ve Kruskal Wallis testine tabi tutulduğu çalışmada, elde edilen bulgular araştırma modelinde kullanılan değişkenlere ilişkin önemli ve anlamlı sonuçlar vermektedir. İşletmelerin büyüklüğü, yatırım yapılan ülke sayısı, üretilen ürün çeşidi, yurtdışı bağlı kuruluşların satışlarının ve imalatının toplam satışlara ve imalata oranı, bağlı kuruluş sahiplik oranı, yurtdışı yatırım deneyimleri ve uluslararasılaşma derecesi ile kullandıkları yapı arasında ilişki bulunmuştur. Bu durum, yazında yer alan diğer çalışmalarla paralellik göstermektedir. Yurtdışı yatırım stratejileri (yeni yatırım, ortak girişim, birleşme, satınalma vb.), kadrolama yaklaşımları ve merkezileşme dereceleri ile kullandıkları yapı arasında ilişki bulunamamıştır.The purpose of this study is to determine how the international structure types used by the Turkish enterprises making direct investments abroad are affected by which dimensions. Questionnaire was conducted to 41 companies. In order to analyze the data, Non-parametric Correlation and Kruskal Wallis were used. The analyzes give important and significant results about the variables used in the research model. It is found that there is a relationship between the structure types used by the companies and following variables: the size of the companies, number of countries invested in, diversity of the products manufactured, the ratio of sales and production of affiliates abroad to total sales and production, ownership rate of the affiliates, overseas investment experience of the companies, and the degree of internationalization of the companies. These results are consistent with the results of other studies in the literature. No relationship is found between the structure types and investment strategies for the international markets (greenfield investment, joint-venture, merger, acquisition, etc..), employment approaches, and the degree of centralization

    Multicriteria decision and sensitivity analysis support for optimal airport site locations in Ordu Province, Turkey

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    ABSTRACTIn the study carried out in the Ordu province of Turkey, 16 criteria to be used in airport site selection were handled and evaluated by subjecting them to successive processes in the GIS environment. Each criterion was weighted with the AHP method, and a map of suitability for airport site selection was obtained in the GIS environment using these weights. The most suitable place for the airport in Ordu province was detected by evaluating the nine regions determined according to the resulting map. Then, the alternative areas preferred from the most suitable areas were evaluated according to the total scores from the classification intervals with a scenario where the criterion weights were assumed to be equal. Finally, sensitivity analysis was performed to identify those who played an active role in the site selection analysis or not. Thus the sensitivity of the site selection analysis was tested