99 research outputs found

    Readability of texts in secondary school mathematics course books

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    This study aimed to investigate the readability of the fifth-, sixth, seventh and eighth-grade mathematics course books prepared in deference to the 2017 curriculum and distributed to schools by MEB. This study utilized the descriptive document analysis which is a qualitative research method. Readability of the mathematics course books were subjected to a quantitative analysis by Çetinkaya-Uzun Readability Formula. Addressing the readability levels of the texts in secondary mathematics course books, this study performed analyses of average word and average sentence lengths of the texts in secondary school course books. These analyses showed that there is no linear correlation between grade level and word and sentence length averages. Readability scores and levels of the text in the analyzed secondary school mathematics course books are not in parallel with the grade level. Accordingly, readability scores of information and solution texts in the fifth-grade course book were lower than the scores in other grades' course books whereas readability scores of question texts were lower than the scores in all grades' course books but the eighth-grade course book. Readability levels of the text in the analyzed secondary school mathematics course book were found to be on frustration level and educational level. Course books should also include independent texts with readability scores and level

    Readability of Texts in Secondary School Mathematics Course Books

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    This study aimed to investigate the readability of the fifth-, sixth, seventh and eighth-grade mathematics course books prepared in deference to the 2017 curriculum and distributed to schools by MEB. This study utilized the descriptive document analysis which is a qualitative research method. Readability of the mathematics course books were subjected to a quantitative analysis by Çetinkaya-Uzun Readability Formula. Addressing the readability levels of the texts in secondary mathematics course books, this study performed analyses of average word and average sentence lengths of the texts in secondary school course books. These analyses showed that there is no linear correlation between grade level and word and sentence length averages. Readability scores and levels of the text in the analyzed secondary school mathematics course books are not in parallel with the grade level. Accordingly, readability scores of information and solution texts in the fifth-grade course book were lower than the scores in other grades' course books whereas readability scores of question texts were lower than the scores in all grades' course books but the eighth-grade course book. Readability levels of the text in the analyzed secondary school mathematics course book were found to be on frustration level and educational level. Course books should also include independent texts with readability scores and levels

    Improvement of long type pepper lines resistant to Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV)

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    Pepper is widely grown vegetable crops after tomato and watermelon in the world. One of the most important diseases on pepper production is caused by Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). The best way for the control of this disease is to use resistant varieties. This study aimed to improve TSWV resistant lines to use as a parent in long type pepper breeding studies. Three genotypes resistant to TSWV were crossed with the susceptible Serademre 8 used to be commercial. Pedigree method was applied as the breeding method. Three populations were self-pollinated for five generations. The progenies for each of populations were tested against TSWV. Mechanical inoculations were performed in each generation and the selected resistant plants were grown for self-pollination to achieve next generation. Molecular tests were applied to the plants in stages F1 and F5. Virulent strain isolated from infected pepper plants was used as a disease material in the mechanical inoculations. CAPS marker (SCAC568) linked to the TSWV resistance gene (Tsw) was used in the molecular test for verification of mechanical test. In this study, 10 lines resistant to TSWV with good features were developed. Some of the obtained TSWV resistant lines have been transferred to private sector seed companies for use in pepper breeding programs

    Experience of Lung Surgery in the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Objective: During the pandemic, elective cases other than those requiring emergency thoracic surgery were postponed. Depending on the magnitude of the impact the pandemic posed on hospitals and clinics, there have been changes in the number and variety of cases of thoracic surgery. The intention behind conducting this study was to share the experiences gained by a thoracic surgery clinic during the pandemic period. Methods: Altogether, 214 patients were included in the study. Patient data that were recorded included those on age, gender, lung pathology, duration of hospital stay, positivity for COVID-19, survival, and causes of death. Results: Of the 214 patients operated on, 12 died during the postoperative period. Eight of these patients died due to their primary disease and one died due to gastrointestinal bleeding, whereas the remaining three patients died due to COVID-19 infection. Conclusions: If opportunities and facilities favorable for the administration of surgical treatment are made available, surgical treatment services can be offered safely to all patient

    Çocuklarda Akrep Zehirlenmeleri ve Yönetimi

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    Amaç: Akrep zehirlenmesi tanısı ile Çocuk Yoğun Bakım Ünitemize yatan hastaları geriye dönük olarak inceleyerek hastaların klinik ve laboratuvar bulgularını, tedavi yöntemlerini ve sonuçlarını değerlendirmek. Gereç ve yöntem: Ocak 2012-Ekim 2013 tarihleri arasında Çocuk Yoğun Bakım ve Yoğun Bakım Servislerinde akrep zehirlenmesi tanısı ile tedavi edilmiş olan 30 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Bu hastaların klinik ve laboratuvar bulguları, tedavi yöntemleri incelendi. Bulgular: Hastaların yaşları ortalama 6,6±4 yıl olup, 12’ si %40 kız, 18’ i %60 erkek idi. Tüm hastalara antivenom tedavisi uygulandı. 9 hastaya prazosin, 8 hastaya dopamin, 3 hastaya dopamin ve dobutamin tedavisi uygulandı. Vakaların 5’ünde kalp yetmezliği ve 2’sinde akciğer ödemi gelişti. Laboratuvar sonuçları; hemoglobin 11,8±1 g/dl 9,6-13,1 , lökosit 10,5±3,1 bin/mm3 6,3-12,6 , trombosit 284±42 bin/mm3 , kan şekeri 135±50 mg/dL , kreatin kinaz miyokard izoenzimi CK-MB 40±22 U/

    Spor lisesini kazanan ve kazanamayan öğrencilerin yetenek test puanlarının karşılaştırılması

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    The purpose of the study was comparing the differences between the scores of the students who passed and who could not pass Aptitude Tests for sports high schools. The study was conducted with 101 students (male: n=67; female: n=34) who took and succeeded the Aptitude Test in 2017-2018 academic year among 206 students (male: 152; female: 54), and with 105 students (male: n=85; female: n=20)students who could not pass the test. The students participated in the coordination track, 30-m speed, standing long jump, rhythm tests, and received scores according to their performances. The Sports Player Background Scores (if any) were added to their scores and the Sportive Success Scores (SSS) were determined. The Sports Player Background Scores (if any) were added to their scores and the Sportive Success Scores (SSS) were determined. Mann-Whitney U test was used in comparisons to identify the difference between academic success and ability test points of male and female participants who passed or failed the test, and Kruskal Wallis H test was used to identify the difference among the groups. At the end of the study, the difference in sports ability test points of the female and male participants who passed the test and the ones who failed the test were statistically significant. Male and female partıcipants in third category had the highest point in sports ability tests and school placement.Çalışmanın amacı 2017-2018 öğretim yılında spor lisesi yetenek sınavına girerek başarılı olup kayıt yaptırma hakkı kazanan ve başarısız olup elenen öğrencilerin yetenek testlerindeki başarı puan farklılıklarını karşılaştırmaktır. Çalışma 2017-2018 öğretim yılında spor lisesi yetenek sınavına giren 206 (erkek:152; kadın:54) kişi arasından sınavı kazanan n=101 (erkek:67 kadın:34) ve kazanamayan n=105 (n=85 erkek; n= 20 kadın) aday ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yetenek sınavına giren öğrenciler; koordinasyon parkuru, 30 m sürat, durarak uzun atlama, ritim testlerine katılarak derecelerine göre puan almışlardır. Bu testler tamamlandıktan sonra aldıkları puanlara ek olarak varsa sportif özgeçmiş puanları eklenmiş ve Sportif Başarı Puanları (SBP) belirlenmiştir. Sınavı kazanan ve kazanamayan kadın ve erkek adayların akademik başarıları ve yetenek test puanları arasındaki farklılığı belirlemek için ikili karşılaştırmalarda Mann-Whitney U testi, gruplar arasındaki farklılığı belirlemek için Kruskal Wallis H testi kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda; sınavı kazanan erkek ve kadın adayların kazanamayanlara göre sportif yetenek test puanları arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıdır. Üçüncü kategoride yer alan erkek ve kadın adaylar okula yerleştirme ve sportif başarı testlerinde en yüksek puanları almışlardır

    Relationship Between Acute Appendicitis and Platelet Indices in Childhood

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    Introduction: Appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix vermiformis. Clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis in children is still a problem. Platelet indices, platelet distribution width and mean platelet volume have been evaluated for some infectious and inflammatory diseases. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether platelet distribution width values and mean platelet volume were decisive for the diagnosis of appendicitis in children. Methods: In our hospital, 504 pediatric patients who presented with acute abdomen and received the diagnosis of acute appendicitis between 2011 and 2016, and 106 children living in the same region, who attended the pediatric outpatient clinics for general follow-up, were included in the study. The patient and control groups were analyzed for gender, age, platelet count, platelet distribution width and mean platelet volume. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was drawn to describe the parameters that may be statistically significant. Results: There was a significant difference in platelet distribution width and mean platelet volume values between the two groups (p14.3 fL for platelet distribution width for the diagnosis of appendicitis with a sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of 77.6%, 85.8%, 96.3%, and 44.6%, respectively. A cut-off value of <9.35 fL for mean platelet volume was used for the diagnosis of appendicitis with a sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of 78.1%, 81.1%, 95.2%, and 43.9%, respectively. Conclusion: Our results suggest that platelet distribution width and mean platelet volume may be used for the diagnosis of appendicitis in children with the sensitivity of at least 77.6% and 78.1%, respectively. Mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width, which can easily be investigated in complete blood count, may serve as markers for the diagnosis of appendicitis in children, however, further large-scale studies are needed

    Examination of Pollen Grain Viability and Germination Capability By in Vitro Tests in Some Grape Cultivars (Vitis Vinifera L.)

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    DergiPark: 246276trakyafbdBu araştırma, 2003 yılı tam çiçeklenme döneminde; 23 adet üzüm çeşidinin (Gamay, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Boğazkere, Öküzgözü, Clairette, Cinsaut, Emir, Papaz Karası, Alicante Bouschet, Riesling, Kalecik Karası, Semillon, Trakya İlkeren, Yalova İncisi, Muscat Ottonel, Hafızali, İtalya, Hamburg Misketi, Tekirdağ Çekirdeksizi, 2B-56, Kozak Beyazı ve Cabernet Sauvignon), polen canlılık oranı ve in vitro polen çimlenme gü-cünü belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. En yüksek polen canlılık oranı Trakya İlkeren ve İtalya çeşitlerinde (%100); en düşük ise Chardonnay çeşidinden (%54.8) elde edilmiştir. Polen çimlenme oranlarına bakıldığında Chardonnay (%19.675), Pinot Noir (%23.450) ve Gamay (%30.025) çeşitleri en düşük; Boğazkere (%81.400) ve Clairette (%80.925) çeşitleri ise en yüksek çimlenme oranlarını vermişlerdir. Araştırmada incelenen diğer çeşitler bu değerler arasında çimlenme oranlarına sahip olmuşlardır.This research was carried out to determine pollen grain viability and pollen germination capability of 23 grape cvs. (Gamay, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Bogazkere, Okuzgozu, Clairette, Cinsaut, Emir, Papaz Karasi, Alicante Bouschet, Riesling, Kalecik Karasi, Semillon, Trakya Ilkeren, Yalova Incisi, Muscat Ottonel, Hafizali, Italya, Hamburg Misketi, Tekirdag Cekirdeksizi, 2B-56, Kozak Beyazi and Cabernet Sauvignon) in vegetation period of 2003 year. While cv. Trakya Ilkeren and cv. Italya have the highest viable pollen (100%); cv. Chardonnay has the lowest pollen viability ratio (54.8%) in examined cultivars. When it was examined the ratio of pollen germination capability, cv. Chardonnay (19.675%), cv. Pinot Noir (23.450%) and cv. Gamay (30.025%) gave the lowest ratio; cv. Bogazkere (81.400%) and cv. Clairette (80.925%) have the highest ratio. The other cultivars which were examined had grain germination values which were between this range

    Survival and Stage in Lung Cancer

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    Purpose: Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Although the 5-year survival rates of for non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) ranges from 20% to 70%. The present study investigates the rates of early recurrence in a total of 83 patients operated for NSCLC and presents the related findings in reference to the data available in the literature. Materials and Methods: Patients who underwent lung resection for malignancy between March 2019 and September 2021 were retrospectively examined. The patient data, including age, gender, presence of preoperative chemotherapy administration, opera-tions performed, operation dates, pathology results, postoperative staging, survival, and relapses, were documented. Results: A total of 83 patients who underwent lung resection for malignancy between March 2019 and September 2021 were examined. The patients had a median age of 62 years. Of the total number of patients four patients developed recurrence and 79 continued their follow-up without any recurrence. Of the patients who underwent lung resection, eight (9.6%) patients died within the first postoperative 2-year period. The mean survival period of these eight patients was 14.6 months (7–20 months). Conclusion: Although various parameters, such as age, gender, pathological type, and location of the tumor are examined and compared, according to the available data on the long-term survival of surgical patients, it is known that the only parameter that affects survival is the pathological stage of the patient

    A Child with Acute Appendicitis Secondary to Blunt Abdominal Trauma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    We present a child with abdominal pain and vomiting after blunt abdominal trauma (BAT). He had tenderness, guarding and rebound on the bilateral lower quadrant of the abdomen. He had no abrasion on the abdominal skin surface. He had marked leukocytosis and increased C-reactive protein level. Contrast-enhanced abdominal computed tomography revealed inflamed appendicitis. He was operated by pediatric surgeons and, an perforated appendix was illustrated on pathological examination. BAT and acute appendicitis (AA) are independently very frequent issues. In pediatric emergency departments, BAT and AA are very frequent issues, however, coexistence of these two condition in the same patient is rare. This case report and review of the literature showed that occurrence of AA after BAT should be considered by emergency physicians