14 research outputs found

    Hospitalized children’s opinions about peripheral venous access process (PVAP)

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    Research problem/aim: This study was carried out to determine the thoughts of school-age (6-12 years old) children about peripheral venous access process. Method: The study was carried out in qualitative descriptive design using semi-structured interview method. The universe of the study was composed of children aged between 6 and 12 hospitalized in the aforementioned hospital. Findings: The children who were informed before the process said the warnings were, “take a deep breath, don’t move your hand, calm down”. The children reported that they felt “excitement, sadness, pain, and fear” while the vascular access intervention was being performed. It was observed that the children had many negative emotions and experiences about vascular access process. Conclusions: Children may need both physical and psychological support for invasive process, such as vascular access process. Nurses as primary caregivers should give this support to children

    Contributions of pregnancy school program, opinions of women on the education and their post-education experiencesGebelerin, gebe okulu programı hakkındaki görüşleri ve eğitim sonrası deneyimleri

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    The purpose of finding out the opinions of pregnancy on the education given in their antenatal periods, their post-education experiences and contributions. This research was conducted retrospectively. The study was completed with 40 pregnant women who took part in the pregnancy school program and  met the study criteria. The research data were collected using a data collection form developed by the investigators. 95% of the women stated that the education that they received was helpful during their pregnancy and 72.5% stated in the process of delivery and all of them stated during their postpartum periods. 52.5% of the woman stated that they lived labour fear and all of them explained they defeated fear using education given by pregnancy school program. 70% woman found the education satisfactory, the others proposed that some topics should be detailed especially coping accidents during pregnancy and also wished husbands should participate this education. We found in the research that the pregnancy school program had contributions during pregnancy and delivery and in the postpartum period and we think that it has an important role in solving the obstetric problems.  Pregnancy school program will increase the women’s adaptation to pregnancy and decrease the workload of healthcare professionals.Extended English abstract is in the end of PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetAraştırma, gebelerin antenatal dönemde verilen eğitim hakkındaki görüşlerini, eğitim sonrası deneyimlerini ve katkılarını belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Retrospektif olarak yürütülen araştırma gebe okulu programına katılan ve çalışma kriterlerine uyan 40 gebe ile tamamlanmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen veri toplama formu ile toplanmıştır. Kadınların %95’i gebe okulunda aldıkları eğitimin gebelik döneminde, %72.5’i ise doğum sürecinde fayda sağladığını ifade etmiştir. Kadınların %52.5’i gebeliğinde doğum korkusu yaşadığını, korku yaşadığını ifade edenlerin tamamına yakını ise gebe okulundan aldığı bilgilerle bu korkuları ile baş edebildiğini belirtmiştir.  Kadınların %70’i eğitimi yeterli bulurken, diğerleri ise bazı konuların daha detaylı verilmesini, gebelikte görülen kazalar ve baş etme konusunun programa eklemesini, eşlerinde bu eğitime katılmalarını önermişlerdir. Araştırmada gebe okulu programının; gebelik, doğum ve doğum sonrası dönemde önemli katkıları olduğu belirlenmiş olup obstetrik problemlerin çözümünde önemli bir yere sahip olduğu düşünülmektedir. Gebe okulu programı kadınların gebeliğe adaptasyonunu arttıracak ve sağlık bakım profesyonellerinin iş yükünü azaltacaktır

    An evaluation of food label reading habits of individuals working in hospitals

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    Aim: The aim of this study is to determine food label reading habits of individuals working in hospitals, and raise awareness about food label reading with the help of a data collection form prepared based on the topic. Material/Methods: The research was carried out with 336 people (76 males, 260 females) between the ages of 19-60 working in various hospitals in Ankara city. Results: In this work, we found that the mean age of participant was 32.85 +/- 8.34 years old and BMI was 23.37 +/- 4.02 kg/m(2). 53.9% of the individuals stated that the most influential factor to purchase a packaged food product was their own preference. It was determined that 44.6% of the individuals always read the label of a packaged food product. 36.9% stated that this information was always effective in purchasing, and 57.1% reported the information was occasionally influential. Conclusion: Food labels can help promote the awareness of consumers about nutrition, and access right information

    Why do males prefer nursing?Erkekler hemşireliği neden tercih ediyor?

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    This descriptive study was conducted to determine the reasons why male students would choose the nursing profession. The study sample consisted of 71 students who agreed to participate in the study. It was found that 78.9% of the students marked nursing as their 1st to 5th choice and 66.2% of them were happy to study in the nursing department. The top reason for selecting the profession was that their families and community wished them to do so. Family and community encouragement and better employment opportunities were the first two factors that influenced male students in choosing their profession and they stated that they were pleased to study nursing. Although their being content with nursing education was positive in the sense that it showed that male students have internalized bearing the title of a nurse, the fact that they acted upon the wishes of their family and community rather than deciding on their career on their own may lead to problems in the future including being dissatisfied with the profession. ÖzetAraştırma erkek öğrencilerin hemşirelik mesleğini seçme nedenlerini belirlemek amacıyla tanımlayıcı tipte yapılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 71 öğrenci araştıranın örneklemini oluşturmuştur. Öğrencilerin; %78.9’unun hemşireliği 1.-5. sırada tercih ettikleri ve %66.2’sinin hemşirelik bölümünde okumaktan memnun olduğu belirlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin mesleği seçmelerinin ilk nedeni ailem ve çevrem istediği için olarak belirlenmiştir. Erkek öğrencilerin meslek seçimlerinde aile ve çevre isteği ve iş olanağının yüksek olması nedenlerinin ilk iki sırada yer aldığı ve hemşirelik okumaktan memnun oldukları belirtmişlerdir. Hemşirelik okumaktan memnun olmaları erkek öğrencilerin hemşire unvanını benimsediklerini göstermesi açısından olumlu olmasına karşın meslek seçimlerinde aile ve çevre isteği kişinin meslek seçimine kendisinin karar vermemesi nedeniyle gelecekte meslekte doyum sağlayamama gibi bir soruna neden olabileceğini düşündürmektedir

    Hemşirelerin Çocuk Hastalarda Karşılaştıkları Geleneksel Uygulamalar

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    Amaç: Bu çalışma; çocuk hemşirelerinin hastalarındakarşılaştıkları geleneksel uygulamaları belirlemekamacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı tipte olan bu çalışmanın verileriçocuk hemşirelerden elde edilmiştir. Araştırmakapsamına çocuk kliniklerinde en az beş yıldır çalışanhemşireler alınmıştır. Onam veren hemşirelerle yarıyapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılarak bireyselgörüşme yapılmıştır.Bulgular: Hemşirelerle yapılan görüşme sonrasındaailelerin çocuklarına birçok geleneksel uygulamagirişiminde bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. Bunlar; sodaiçirme, şerbet içirme, ağzına hurma verme, alnınıbant ile gerdirme, üst dudak iç bağının kesilmesi,bileğe okunmuş ip bağlamak, göbeğe para bağlama,göbeğe sıcak kaşık değdirme, aspirin ile sirke karışımıiçirme, süte ceviz koyma, idrarını içirme, yanığa salçasürme, yaraya kavrulmuş soğan koyma vb. olaraksaptanmıştır.Sonuç: Geleneksel uygulamalar çocuk sağlığınıolumsuz etkileyebilmektedir. Bu nedenle hemşireleriçinde bulunduğu toplumun kültürel özellikleri ileilgili veri toplamalı, hastalık durumunda ve sağlığıdevam ettirmek için yaptıkları uygulamaları belirleyebilmelidirler

    Investigating Children’s Perception of Nurses Through Their Drawings

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    Hospitalized children can have various fantasies about hospital, health staff, and related tools and equipment. They need to develop new coping strategies for compliance with hospitalization.This study aimed to investigate the perception of nurses by children with acute and chronic illness through their drawings. The study was carried out using a descriptive research model. “Nurses through the eyes of sick children data collection form” was used in data collection procedure. The instruction “draw a picture of a nurse, please” was used to get the children to draw a picture. The majority of the children portrayed nurses as a smiling face. The children with chronic diseases featured nurses more in their drawings and they mentioned more nurse duties. The most important sign of the progression of nursing is that the mentioning of the modern roles of nursing by the children in their drawings and expressions. As children are influenced by their emotions, thoughts, observations, and experiences while drawing pictures, nurses can determine their thoughts about the disease, hospitals, physicians, and nurses by having sick children draw pictures. © The Author(s) 2017

    Investigating Children’s Perception of Nurses Through Their Drawings

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    Hospitalized children can have various fantasies about hospital, health staff, and related tools and equipment. They need to develop new coping strategies for compliance with hospitalization.This study aimed to investigate the perception of nurses by children with acute and chronic illness through their drawings. The study was carried out using a descriptive research model. “Nurses through the eyes of sick children data collection form” was used in data collection procedure. The instruction “draw a picture of a nurse, please” was used to get the children to draw a picture. The majority of the children portrayed nurses as a smiling face. The children with chronic diseases featured nurses more in their drawings and they mentioned more nurse duties. The most important sign of the progression of nursing is that the mentioning of the modern roles of nursing by the children in their drawings and expressions. As children are influenced by their emotions, thoughts, observations, and experiences while drawing pictures, nurses can determine their thoughts about the disease, hospitals, physicians, and nurses by having sick children draw pictures. © The Author(s) 2017

    The Anxiety States of Fathers of Hospitalized Children and its Causes

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    Background: A sick child will affect family directly. The life of the family will extremely change compared to their life before the illness. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the anxiety state of fathers with hospitalized children and its causes. Method: The study used a descriptive design. It was a cross-sectional study carried out between February and June 2015. The universe of the study consisted of fathers of hospitalized children in a Children’s Hospital in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. The data collection procedure used a socio-demographic characteristics and causes of anxiety questionnaire and State Trait Anxiety Inventory-S. Results: The states causing anxiety in fathers were defined as child’s disease, hospitalization, taking medicine, being unable to accompany the child, procedures, diet, comfort and safety of the child and the father. The mean state anxiety level of the fathers was found to be 48.94 ± 11.68. Conclusion: Fathers’ anxiety can be reduced by giving them information on the child’s disease, hospital conditions and what needs to be done

    Experiences of Nurses about Traditional Practices Encountered in Women and Newborns

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    Objectives: This study was conducted to determine the experiences of nurses working in the obstetric and neonatalfields regarding the traditional practices and their results they encounter. Method: The phenomenological researchdesign, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study, and the data were collected by focus groupinterview method. Four focus group interviews, each of which consisted of about 6-8 participants, a moderator, andan assistant, were held. The data obtained from the interviews were first analyzed in terms of content, and thenthemes have emerged. Results: In the interviews, it was determined that nurses experienced many traditionalpractices for women and newborns. The findings of the study are grouped under three themes and 14 categories.These themes; "traditional practices and consequences encountered in woman health", "traditional practices fornewborn health and the consequences", and "the motivations for the implementation of traditional methods".Conclusion: Nurses observed many traditional practices. They have experienced that these traditional practices oftenhave harmful effects on women's and newborn health

    Erkekler hemşireliği neden tercih ediyor?

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    Araştırma erkek öğrencilerin hemşirelik mesleğini seçme nedenlerini belirlemek amacıyla tanımlayıcı tipte yapılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 71 öğrenci araştıranın örneklemini oluşturmuştur. Öğrencilerin; %78.9’unun hemşireliği 1.-5. sırada tercih ettikleri ve %66.2’sinin hemşirelik bölümünde okumaktan memnun olduğu belirlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin mesleği seçmelerinin ilk nedeni ailem ve çevrem istediği için olarak belirlenmiştir. Erkek öğrencilerin meslek seçimlerinde aile ve çevre isteği ve iş olanağının yüksek olması nedenlerinin ilk iki sırada yer aldığı ve hemşirelik okumaktan memnun oldukları belirtmişlerdir. Hemşirelik okumaktan memnun olmaları erkek öğrencilerin hemşire unvanını benimsediklerini göstermesi açısından olumlu olmasına karşın meslek seçimlerinde aile ve çevre isteği kişinin meslek seçimine kendisinin karar vermemesi nedeniyle gelecekte meslekte doyum sağlayamama gibi bir soruna neden olabileceğini düşündürmektedir.This descriptive study was conducted to determine the reasons why male students would choose the nursing profession. The study sample consisted of 71 students who agreed to participate in the study. It was found that 78.9% of the students marked nursing as their 1st to 5th choice and 66.2% of them were happy to study in the nursing department. The top reason for selecting the profession was that their families and community wished them to do so. Family and community encouragement and better employment opportunities were the first two factors that influenced male students in choosing their profession and they stated that they were pleased to study nursing. Although their being content with nursing education was positive in the sense that it showed that male students have internalized bearing the title of a nurse, the fact that they acted upon the wishes of their family and community rather than deciding on their career on their own may lead to problems in the future including being dissatisfied with the profession