53 research outputs found

    Antioxidant potentials of the extracts from 14 selected medicinal plants: Antioxidant capacity and importance

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    Most of the medicinal plants possess interesting antioxidant properties. The present study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant capacity of some medicinal plants from Turkey, such as Anthemis tinctoria L. (Compositae), Inula britannica L. (Compositae), Malabaila secacul Banks & Sol (Apiaceae), Zosima absinthifolia (Vent) Link (Apiaceae), Thymus sipyleus Boiss. (Lamiaceae), Phlomis armeniaca Willd. (Lamiaceae), Sideritis galatica Bornm. (Lamiaceae), Sedum acre L. (Crassulaceae), Potentilla erecta Uspenski ex Ledeb. (Rosaceae), Digitalis lamarckii Ivan (Scrophulariaceae), Glaucium grandiflorum Boiss. & Huet var. grandiflorum (Papaveraceae), Fumaria asepala Boiss. (Papaveraceae), Centranthus longiflorus Stev. (Valerianaceae), Allium rotundum L. (Amaryllidaceae). The ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of the 14 species were screened by using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging, superoxide anion (SO) radical scavenging, and lipid peroxidation (LPO) assays. The methanol and ethyl acetate extracts of Potentilla erecta have the highest DPPH scavenging activity (IC50=0.014 and 0.03 mg/mL, respectively). The maximum inhibition of LPO has been exhibited by ethyl acetate extract of Glaucium grandiflorum var. grandiflorum (IC50=0.34 mg/mL) followed by methanol extracts of T. sipyleus (IC50=0.38 mg/mL). The methanol extract of A. rotundum demonstrated the highest SO activity (IC50=0.11 mg/mL). In conclusion, these extracts have a high potential for antioxidant activity may be considered to use free radical-related diseases


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    Amaç: Transrektal ultrasonografi eşliğinde prostat biyopsilerinde (TRUS-Bx) işlem bitiminde uygulanan diclofenac supozituarın hastalarda ağrı ve rahatsızlık kontrolü üzerine olan etkisi araştırılmıştır. Gereç ve yöntem: Anormal parmakla rektal inceleme ve/veya yüksek serum PSA değeri nedeni ile TRUS-Bx yapılan 100 olgu çalışmaya alındı. TRUS-Bx, sadece rektum içine intrarektal 20 cc (çift uygulama) %2'lik lidokain jel (5 cc perianal bölgeye, kalan 15 cc rektum içine) uygulamasını takiben TRUS eşliğinde 18 Gauge Tru-cut biyopsi iğnesiyle, 10-12 kadranda gerçekleştirildi. Ellibeş hastaya işlem bitiminde rektal olarak 100 mg diclofenac sodyum (Voltaren® suppozituar) verildi. Kırkbeş hastaya ek ilaç verilmedi. Biyopsi sonrası, vizüel analog skala (VAS) kullanılarak ağrı ve rahatsızlık skorları işlem sonrası ilk 12 saat sonunda diclofenac alan ve almayan gruplarda karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Biyopsi sonrası ortalama ağrı ve rahatsızlık skorları diclofenac alan grupta sırasıyla 2 ± 0,9 ve 2,4 ± 0,7 olarak tespit edilirken tedavisiz grupta sırasıyla 1,9 ± 1 ve 2,2 ± 1,1 olarak bulundu. İşlem sonrası ilk 12 saatlik değerlendirmede diclofenac alan grupta ağrı ve rahatsızlık skorlarının (0,9 ± 0,8, 1,1 ± 0,9) tedavisiz gruba (1,3 ± 0,6, 1,4 ± 0,8) göre daha düşük olduğu görüldü. Gruplar karşılaştırıldığında 12. saatteki ağrı skorları arasındaki farkın istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu saptandı (p=0,01) rahatsızlık skorlarında fark gözlenmesine rağmen istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde değildi (p= 0,084). Her iki grup arasında yaş, önceki biyopsi sayısı, kor biyopsi sayısı, prostat hacmi, biyopsi öncesi serum PSA düzeyi ve komplikasyonlar bakımından anlamlı farklılık saptanmadı. Voltaren alan gruptaki hastalar biyopsi sonrasında daha rahat bir gün geçirdiklerini ifade ettiler. Sonuç: TRUS biyopsi yapılan hastalarda tek doz diclofenac suppozituar etkin, güvenli bir şekilde işlem sonrası dönemde ağrı kontrolünü sağlamakta, hastaya konfor ve hayat kalitesinde artış sağlamaktadır. SUMMARY Objective: Transrectal ultrasonography-guided prostate biopsy (TRUS-Bx) is the gold standart for the diagnosis of prostate cancer. There are various methods defined in the current literature for the control of pain dring this procedure. In this study we have evaluated the efficacy of intrarectal administration of voltaren suppository administered at the end of biopsy for control of pain and discomfort. Material and method: 100 consecutive men underwent TRUS-Bx prostate biopsies for serum PSA elevation and/or suspicious digital rectal examination findings for prostate cancer were included in this study. TRUS-Bx were performed with 18 G Trucut biopsy needle from 10-12 cores after intrarectal administration of 20 cc (twice) %2 Lidocaine gel (5 cc on perianal region, 15 cc into the rectum). Fifty-five patients received voltaren treatment at the end of biopsy. No additional treatment were given in the second group of 45 patients. After the biopsy; a self-administrated 10-point linear visual scale was used to determine and compare the pain and discomfort scores of the two groups (diclofenac and no treatment) at 12 hour after biopsy. Results: The mean pain and discomfort scores after the biopsy whom were given 100 mg voltaren were 2 ± 0.9 and 2.4 ± 0.72.0; for no treatment group these scores were 1.9 ± 1 and 2.2 ± 1.1 respectively. The 12 hour evaluation showed that pain and discomfort scores in voltaren group (0.9 ± 0.8 and 1.1 ± 0.9) were lower than no treatment group (1.3 ± 0.6 vs 1.4 ± 0.8). When two groups were compared, the difference for pain scores was statistically significant (p=0.01). Although discomfort scores at 12th hour diminished, the difference did not reach statistical significance (p=0.084). There were not any considerable differences between the two groups regarding the age, previously performed biopsies, the core numbers, prostate volume, pre-biopsy serum PSA values and the complications of the procedure. Patients in the voltaren arm expressed a more comfortable day after biopsy. Conclusion: Diclofenac suppository administration after biopsy for relief of pain during TRUS-Bx is an effective, safe and simple method and enhance patient comfort and quality of life

    Role of central dopaminergic system in premature ejaculation produced by elevated thyroid hormone levels

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    AMAÇ VE HİPOTEZÇalışmamızda ötroidik ve hipertroidik sıçanlarda intraserebroventriküler kateter iledopamin agonisti verilerek ejakülasyonun sağlanması ve tiroid hormonunun ortaya çıkardığıprematür ejakülasyonda santral dopaminerjik sistemin rolünün araştırılması amaçlanmıştır.YÖNTEMÇalışmada ağırlıkları 300-350 gram olan Wistar türü 16 adet erkek sıçan kullanıldı.Çalışma başlangıcında denekler her bir grupta sekiz sıçan olacak şekilde iki gruba ayrıldı.Hipertiroidizm oluşturulacak sıçanlara; 14 gün süre ile günde bir kez 250 micg/kg dozdaolmak üzere subkutan enjeksiyon yolu ile tiroksin hormonu verildi. Sıçanlar son enjeksiyongününü takiben birinci gün içerisinde operasyona alındı. Operasyonlar intraperitoneal 1.2gr/kg üretan ile sağlanan anestezi altında uygulandı. Paxinos ve Watson sıçan beyin atlasınırehber alarak stereotaksik olarak sol serebral ventriküle kanül implantasyonu yapıldı.Sonrasında tek taraflı seminal vezikül (SV) kateterizasyonu ve bulbospongioz (BS) kasdiseksiyonu yapıldı. Tüm sıçanlarda intraserebroventriküler olarak 20 micg dozda verilen 7-OH-DPAT enjeksiyonu öncesi ve sonrası SV basınç ölçümleri ve BS kas elektromiyografik(EMG) aktivite ölçümleri yapıldı.BULGULARHipertiroid sıçanlarda 7-OH-DPAT enjeksiyonu ile ilk ejakülasyon anı arasındaki süreanlamlı olarak daha kısa bulundu (p=0,0065). 7-OH-DPAT enjeksiyonu sonrası SV basıncıartışların maksimum amplitüd değerleri ile kontrol grubu arasında istatistiksel farklılıksaptandı (p=0,0053). Hipertiroidik gruptaki sıçanların seminal vezikül kontraksiyonu ilebulbospongiosus kas kontraksiyonu arasındaki interval süreleri kontrol grubuylakarşılaştırıldığında anlamlı olarak daha kısa bulundu (p=0,0187). Ejakülasyon ile ilgilideğerlendirilen diğer parametrelerin ise gruplar arasında farklılık göstermediği saptandı.2SONUÇSonuç olarak bu parametrelerin oluşum mekanizmasında hipertiroidik ve ötiroidiksıçanlarda intraserebral D3 reseptörlerinin katkısı olduğu; primer olarak noradrenejik,dopaminerjik ve serotoninerjik yolakların etkisi olan ejakülasyon fizyo-farmakolojisinindeğerlendirilmesinde reseptörlerin rollerinin ve etki mekanizmalarının açığa çıkması için dahafazla çalışmaya ihtiyaç olduğu düşülmektedir. PURPOSEIn our study we aimed to investigate the role of central dopaminergic system byadministration of preferential D3 agonist 7-OH-DPAT in premature ejaculation produced byelevated thyroid hormone levels.METHODSA total of 16 adult male Wistar rats weighing 300 to 350 gm were used in the study. Atthe beginning of the study the animals were separated randomly into two groups. Eigth ratswere operated as a control group after subcutan injection of %0.9 NaCl and eigth rats wereadministered subcutaneously L-thyroxine (T4) for 14 days to induce moderatehyperthyroidism. Following the day after the last injection operations were performed. Ratswere anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of urethane for 1.2 gm/kg body weight. Leftcerebral ventricle was cannulated stereotaxically coordinates according to Paxinos andWatson's (1998) rat brain atlas. Rats underwent seminal vesicle (SV) catheterization andbulbospongiosus (BS) muscle dissection. Electromyographic (EMG) recordings of BSmuscles and SV pressure measurements were performed in all groups before and afteradministration of 20 micg 7-OH-DPAT intracerebroventricularly.RESULTSThe time interval between 7-OH-DPAT administration and first ejaculation weresignificantly reduced in hyperthyroid rat group (p= 0,0065). Maximum amplitude of theseminal vesicle pressure values in hyperthyroidism group compared with the control grouprevealed a statistically significant difference (p=0,0053). In hyperthyroidism group, timeinterval between the contraction of the seminal vesicle and bulbospongiosus musclecontraction were significantly shorter than control group (p=0,0187). All of the other resultsmeasured in hyperthyroidism and control group did not differ significantly from each other.4CONCLUSIONSWe propose that D3 receptors may have a key role in ejaculation and thyroid hormoneincrease related premature ejaculation. Further studies are needed to clarify this issue

    The Diagnostic and Prognostic Significance of MicroRNA-21 in Non-muscle Invasive Bladder Tumors

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    Bladder cancer (BC) is one of the commonly diagnosed urological cancers that causes human death, ranked as the seventh most common cancer worldwide. To date, no reliable diagnostic tool has been defined to recognize non-muscle invasive bladder tumors other than cystoscopy. For this reason, scientists have focused on finding new non-invasive biomarkers that can be used to diagnose BC with higher specificity and sensitivity. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic role and prognostic significance of microRNA-21 (miR-21) in non-muscle invasive bladder tumors. In this review, the overall diagnostic performance of miR-21 was discussed on non-invasive BC based on a literature search of PubMed and Cochrane Library. Although findings are insufficient, promising results have been reported regarding circulating miR-21 as a biomarker for BC prospective studies with larger numbers of participants are needed

    Are Haematological Parameters Reliable for Differential Diagnosis o Testicular Torsion and Epididymitis?

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    Objective: Acute scrotum is a urological emergency that can result in loss of the testis if the differential diagnosis is not made immediately. Testicular torsion (TT) and epididymo-orchitis (EO) are the two most common causes of acute scrotum. Our aim was to evaluate the utility of haematological parameters for the diagnosis of both TT and EO and for differential diagnosis of these two conditions

    Should the Double-J Stent Be Removed Endoscopically after a Ureteroscopic Stone Surgery?

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    Objective: Ureterorenoscopic stone surgery (USS) is the primary method of ureteral stone treatment. Double-J (JJ) stenting is an integral part of a USS, and most urologists prefer to use it without an extraction string. The probable reason for such preference could be the lack of reliable and sufficient data on JJ stent use with an extraction string

    A novel method for pain control: infiltration free local anesthesia technique (INFLATE) for transrectal prostatic biopsy using transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

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    Purpose To describe a novel method for the control of pain during prostate biopsies, infiltration free local anesthesia technique (INFLATE) for transrectal prostatic biopsies with no further needle insertions for local anesthetic infiltration. Methods A total of 138 men with elevated prostate-specific antigen levels and/or abnormal digital rectal examination findings were included in the study. Of the patients, 73 were assigned to the INFLATE group and 65 to the TRUS-PNB group. Demographic data, PSA levels, findings of digital rectal examinations, and multiparametric prostatic magnetic resonance imaging were recorded. In the INFLATE group, a two-channel TENStem eco basic device with two electrodes was used for pain control during the biopsy. For the TRUS-PNB group, 60 mg lidocaine gel was given intrarectally in addition to infiltration of a prilocaine and bupivacaine mixture (5 mL of 2% prilocaine + 5 mL of 0.25% bupivacaine). Pain perception was assessed using a linear numeric rating scale. Results The mean ages, BMIs, prostate volumes, and PSA levels were similar between the two groups (p > 0.05). Of the 56 participants with prostate adenocarcinoma, 28 were in the INFLATE group, and 28 were in the TRUS-PNB group with a 40.6% overall cancer detection rate. The mean preoperative and post-operative pain scores during probe insertion, biopsy and post-biopsy were similar between the groups (p > 0.05). Conclusion The results of the study confirmed that INFLATE for transrectal prostate biopsy using a TENS device could safely and effectively be used for pain control with the advantage of two fewer needle attempts with no increase in significant complications