1,887 research outputs found

    Robust och kostnadseffektiv automatisering av mekanisk ogrÀsrensning för ekologisk odling av socker

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    Idag rensas ogrÀs för hand i kravodlingen. För att minska kostnaderna för ogrÀsrensningen behövs en automatisering av ogrÀsbekÀmpningen. Undersökningar har visat att man med effektiv ogrÀsrensning i ekologisk odling av sockerbetor kan fÄ minst lika hög skörd jÀmfört med konventionell odling. Forskningsprojektet har syftat till att utveckla bildanalysmetoder som kan hantera de skillnader som finns i plantors utseende inom och mellan fÀlt (plantstorlek, ogrÀsarter, ogrÀstryck, jordtyp med mera). För att identifiera och skilja pÄ grödor och ogrÀs anvÀnder vi oss av en kamera. En viktig del har varit att verifiera metoderna i fÀlt med avseende pÄ robusthet och realtidsegenskaper. Ett led i dessa test har varit att utveckla specialanpassad utrustning för ÀndamÄlet. Resultat Kontextmetoden bygger pÄ en matematisk modell av raden med grödor. Den anvÀnds för att hitta de plantor som har störst sannolikhet att vara en gröda. Metoden har testats mot en databas. Cirka 90% av betorna hittades, och cirka 60% av ogrÀset. TvÄ tester genomfördes, med vÄr försöksmaskin inklusive rensningsverktyg, i fÀlt hos en ekologisk odlare. Testen visade att 99% av sockerbetorna stod kvar och att cirka 60 % av ogrÀset i raden togs bort. Anledningen till att en del ogrÀs stod kvar beror pÄ att uppkomsten inte Àr 100% att rensningsverktyget hade vissa begrÀnsningar, och att en del ogrÀs överlappar med sockerbetorna. Problemet med lÄg uppkomst och att dÀrigenom ogrÀs anses vara en sockerbeta (dvs. ogrÀset vÀxer dÀr sockerbetan skulle ha vÀxt) har lösts genom att kombinera kontextmetoden med metoder av klassificering av enskilda plantor mha av plantornas utseende sÄsom fÀrg, form och storlek. Genom att kombinera metoderna har vi visat att man blir mindre kÀnslig för trÀningsfel hos klassificeraren som anvÀnder sig av fÀrg och form och dÀrmed ocksÄ mer robust. Man blir ocksÄ mer robust mot högt ogrÀstryck. Den totala klassificeringsgraden ökar med 3-8% jÀmfört med att bara anvÀnda sig av fÀrg och form. Vi har utvÀrderat metoden pÄ tvÄ databaser och den totala klassificeringsgraden var mellan 92-98%. Genom att anvÀnda oss av Active Shape Models har vi Àven kunnat skilja ut fler sockerbetor som överlappar med ogrÀs. FinansiÀrer och samarbetspartners Jordbruksverket, Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning (Projnr: 0344001) SockernÀringens BetodlingsUtveckling AB, MAPRO

    Clinical Aspects of Pediatric Head Injury

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    Traumatic head injury is one of the leading causes to severe morbidity and death among children. Specific and national management guidelines for pediatric head injuries are lacking in Sweden, and management routines are consequently based on adult guidelines or local guidelines. The objectives of this thesis were to investigate the current management of pediatric head injury in Sweden and to explore the possibility of introducing a brain injury marker, protein S100B, for optimizing pediatric head injury management. Paper I, a survey in 51 Swedish hospitals, shows that the management routines vary from hospital to hospital, especially concerning criteria for computed tomography, admission, and discharge. The children are initially managed by general surgeons and pediatricians, although several other departments are involved after the admission of the child. Less than one third of the hospitals reported the use of a standardized observation scheme. The study concludes the urgent need for standardized and updated routines for pediatric head injury management. Paper II shows that children admitted to a neurosurgical unit after head injury do well. However, pediatric head injury management based solely on adult guidelines, loss of consciousness or amnesia is not reliable, since there is a non-negligible risk of missing a clinically relevant intracranial hematoma. Before a serum marker can be properly evaluated in clinical trials, there is a need for knowing the reference levels of the marker. Capillary sampling in young children is sometimes easier and less painful and time consuming than venous sampling. In Paper III simultaneous capillary, venous and arterial samples were drawn and compared. The results show that analysis of capillary S100B is possible, but differ from venous concentrations by an average of 0.08 ”g/L, while arterial and venous samples can be considered nearly equal. Hence, separate reference levels for capillary and venous S100B are required. Paper IV therefore investigates both capillary and venous reference values for S100B in 465 neurologically healthy children. Pediatric S100B reference levels are age-related and higher than those set for adults (venous S100B: 0.14 ”g/L for 3-16 year old vs. 0.10 ”g/L for adults), while capillary S100B for 3-16 year old is 0.40 ”g/L. These reference levels should be used in the evaluation of future studies

    Re-engineering a database driven software tool: Rebuilding, automating processes and data migration

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    This thesis aims to re-engineer a database driven software tool that is used to insert engine related data and generate an EIAPP Technical File that is needed for certification of marine engines to show that they comply with IMO’s emission regulations specified in MARPOL Annex VI and NTC 2008. The need for an updated tool has emerged as the way of working is to be changed, from document management to content management. The current tool is also divided into two different tools, one for engines built in Italy and one for engines built in Finland, which leads to another objective that is to merge these tools into one. The tools are built-in Microsoft Access which does no longer suit the needs. Therefore, the last purpose of the research is to conduct a data migration from Microsoft Access to SQL Server. The research was divided into theoretical and empirical research. The theoretical part first presented the theory behind software engineering and software re-engineering. Then the theory behind databases and data migration was explored to at last go through the emission regulation and certification for marine diesel engines to better understand why the tool is needed. In the empirical part, first, the existing tool and the certification process were inspected. Furthermore, the research method, the constructive research approach was discussed, that focuses on producing a construction (solution) to a real-world problem in practice. At last, a more in-depth analysis of the tool was made to propose a plan on how to re-engineer the tool, which included an implementation process plan. The main result of this research is a re-engineered EIAPP tool that has the front-end in Microsoft Access and back-end in SQL Server. The tables have been restructured to comply with the change to only use one document number for the whole Technical File. The forms have been redesigned and processes have been automated to make the tool more reliable and efficient. The new re-engineered tool has more than 50 % fewer objects and fewer lines of code compared to the two existing tools. In addition, the research provides suggestions on how to further develop the certification process and the toolDenna avhandlings syfte Ă€r att Ă„terutveckla ett databasdrivet mjukvaruverktyg som anvĂ€nds för att sĂ€tta in motor relaterad data och generera en EIAPP Teknisk Fil som krĂ€vs för certifiering av motorer för att visa att de uppfyller och följer IMO:s utslĂ€ppsbestĂ€mmelser som anges i MARPOL:s bilaga VI och NTC 2008. Behovet av ett uppdaterat verktyg har uppkommit eftersom strukturen och arbetsĂ€ttet skall Ă€ndras, frĂ„n dokumenthantering till innehĂ„llshantering. Det nuvarande verktyget Ă€r ocksĂ„ indelat i tvĂ„ olika verktyg, ett för motorer byggda i Italien och ett för motorer byggda i Finland, vilket leder till ett annat syfte som Ă€r att slĂ„ samman dessa verktyg till ett. Verktygen Ă€r byggda i Microsoft Access som inte lĂ€ngre passar behoven. DĂ€rför Ă€r det sista syftet med forskningen att utföra en datamigrering frĂ„n Microsoft Access till SQL Server. Forskningen delades in i teoretisk och empirisk forskning. Den teoretiska delen presenterade först teorin bakom mjukvaruteknik och omstrukturering (re-engineering) av mjukvara. Sedan undersöktes teorin bakom databaser och datamigrering för att till slut genomgĂ„ utslĂ€ppsreglering och certifiering av marina diesel motorer. I den empiriska delen inspekterades först det befintliga verktyget och certifieringsprocessen. Vidare diskuterades konstruktiva forsknings strategin, som fokuserar pĂ„ att producera en konstruktion (lösning) till ett verkligt problem i praktiken. Till sista gjordes en mera djupgĂ„ende analys av verktyget för att föreslĂ„ en plan för hur man skall omstrukturera (re-engineer) verktyget, som inkluderade en implementeringssprocessplan. Huvudresultatet av denna forskning Ă€r ett omstrukturerat EIAPP verktyg som har frontend i Microsft Access och backend i SQL Server. Tabellerna har omstrukturerats för att uppfylla Ă€ndringen i att bara anvĂ€nda ett dokumentnummer för hela tekniska filen. Formerna har omarbetats och processer har automatiserats för att göra verktyget mera tillförlitligt och effektivt. Det nya omstrukturerade verktyget har mer Ă€n 50 % fĂ€rre object och fĂ€rre kodrader jĂ€mfört med de tvĂ„ befintliga verktygen. Dessutom ger forskningen förslag pĂ„ hur man kan vidareutveckla certifieringsprocessen och verktyget

    Local algorithms in (weakly) coloured graphs

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    A local algorithm is a distributed algorithm that completes after a constant number of synchronous communication rounds. We present local approximation algorithms for the minimum dominating set problem and the maximum matching problem in 2-coloured and weakly 2-coloured graphs. In a weakly 2-coloured graph, both problems admit a local algorithm with the approximation factor (Δ+1)/2(\Delta+1)/2, where Δ\Delta is the maximum degree of the graph. We also give a matching lower bound proving that there is no local algorithm with a better approximation factor for either of these problems. Furthermore, we show that the stronger assumption of a 2-colouring does not help in the case of the dominating set problem, but there is a local approximation scheme for the maximum matching problem in 2-coloured graphs.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Lifting Problems and Their Independence of the Coefficient Field

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    Our aim is to find out new things about lifting problems in general and Oort groups in particular. We would like to know more about what kind of rings are needed to find liftings to characteristic 0 of covers of curves in characteristic p. For this, we use explicit parametrization of curves and model theory of algebraically closed fields and valued fields. The geometric machinery we need includes local-global principle of lifting problems and HKG-covers of ring extensions. We won’t use formal or rigid geometry directly, although it is used to prove some of that machinery. Also we need some model theoretical results such as AKE-principles and Keisler-Shelah ultrapower theorem. To be able to use model theoretical tools we need to assume some bounds on the complexity of our curves. The standard way to do this is to bound the genus. What we want is that for the finite group G, the curves of a fixed genus can be lifted over a fixed ring extension. This kind of question — where both the curve and the ring are bounded — is well suited for model theoretical tools. For a fixed finite group G, we will show that for genus g and an algebraic integer π, the statement “every G-cover Y → P 1 with genus g has a lifting over W (k)[π]” does not depend on k. In other words, it is either true for all algebraically closed fields k or none of them. This gives some reason to believe that being an Oort group does not depend on the field k. Also it might help in finding explicit bounds on the ring extension needed

    Wozu körperliche AktivitÀt?

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    There is a pronounced plasticity and adaptability in the structural and/or functional properties of cells, tissues, and organ systems in the human body when exposed to various stimuli. While there is unanimous agreement that regular physical activity is essential for optimal function of the human body, it is evident that extrinsic factors, such as diet, smoking, exercise habits, are reflected in the morbidity and mortality statistics, especially in the elderly. Aging is obligatorily associated with reduced maximal aerobic power and reduced muscle strength, i.e., with reduced physical fitness. As a consequence of diminished exercise tolerance, a large and increasing number of elderly persons will be living below, at, or just above "thresholds" of physical ability, needing only a minor intercurrent illness to render them completely dependent. Physical training can readily produce a profound improvement of functions essential for physical fitness in old age. Adaptability to regular physical activity serves to cause less disruption of the cells\u27 "milieu interieur" and minimizes fatigue, thereby enhancing performance and the economy of energy output during physical demands of daily activities. Regular physical activity reduces the risk of premature mortality in general, and of coronary heart disease, hypertension, colon cancer, and diabetes mellitus in particular. Physical activity also improves mental health and is important for the health and optimal function of muscles, bones, and joints. The most recent recommendations advise people of all ages to include a minimum of 30 min of physical activity of moderate intensity, such as brisk walking, on most, if not all, days of the week.Die ausgedrĂŒckte PlastizitĂ€t und die AnpassungsfĂ€higkeit von strukturellen und/oderfunktionellen Charakteristiken von Zellen, Geweben und Organsystemen im menschlichen Körper ist bemerkbar unter dem Einfluss von verschiedenen Reizen. Trotz einer vollkommenen Übereinstimmungen bezug auf die Bedeutung von regelmĂ€ĂŸigen KörperĂŒbungen/körperlichen AktivitĂ€ten, die als wesentlich fĂŒr das optimale Funktionieren vom menschlichen Körper betrachtet werden, ist es offensichtlich, dass sich die extrinsischen Faktoren, wie z.B. Nahrung (DiĂ€t), Rauchen oder körperliche AktivitĂ€t, in den Statistiken reflektieren, die die Krankheiten (MorbiditĂ€t) und die Sterblichkeit (MortalitĂ€t), besonders in bezug auf die Ă€lteren Personen, beschreiben. Die reduzierte maximale aerobe KapazitĂ€t und die reduzierte Muskelkratt, d.h. die reduzierte körperliche LeistungsfĂ€higkeit, sind mit dem Altern verbunden. Dies resultiert in einer erhöhten Anzahl von Ă€lteren Leuten, die unter oder knapp ĂŒber der ‘Schwelle’ von körperlichen LeistungsfĂ€higkeiten leben oder leben werden, so dass jede Krankheit genĂŒgen wĂŒrde, solche Menschentotal abhĂ€ngig zu machen. Das Training von körperlichen LeistungsfĂ€higkeiten kann sehr schnell zur einen wesentlichen und grĂŒndlichen Verbesserung von denjenigen Funktionen fĂŒhren, die fĂŒr den guten Status und fĂŒr die LebensqualitĂ€t (Fitness) in hohem Alter notwendig sind. Die Anpassung auf die regelmĂ€ĂŸige physische BetĂ€tigung dient dazu, die Anzahl von verursachten Unterbrechungen und Störungen in der intrazellulĂ€ren Umgebung zu vermindern, und die ErmĂŒdung so viel wie möglich zu reduzieren, so dass sich auf diese Weise die Ergebnisse und die Ökonomie vom Stoffwechsel und Energieverbrauch verbessern werden. Die regelmĂ€ĂŸige physische BetĂ€tigung reduziert sowohl die Risiken des vorzeitigen Todes, als auch die Risiken von Koronarkrankheiten, erhöhtem Blutdruck, Darmkarzinom und Diabetes. KörperĂŒbungen verbessern auch die mentale Gesundheit und ergeben sich als wichtig fĂŒr die Gesundheit und das optimale Funktionieren von Muskeln, Knochen und Gelenken. Die neuesten Forschungen beweisen die Empfehlung, dass man sich tĂ€glich wenigstens 30 Minuten physisch betĂ€tigen sollte (z. B. schnelles Gehen)

    Fast distributed approximation algorithms for vertex cover and set cover in anonymous networks

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    We present a distributed algorithm that finds a maximal edge packing in O(Δ + log* W) synchronous communication rounds in a weighted graph, independent of the number of nodes in the network; here Δ is the maximum degree of the graph and W is the maximum weight. As a direct application, we have a distributed 2-approximation algorithm for minimum-weight vertex cover, with the same running time. We also show how to find an f-approximation of minimum-weight set cover in O(f2k2 + fk log* W) rounds; here k is the maximum size of a subset in the set cover instance, f is the maximum frequency of an element, and W is the maximum weight of a subset. The algorithms are deterministic, and they can be applied in anonymous networks.Peer reviewe

    The meaning of innovation capital

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    A larger study surrounding innovation capital has taken place at Lund University in Sweden. The purpose of the study was to examine what meaning the management, research department and the financial analysts perceive in the reported information about innovation capital. The authors have found some prominent patterns that arose during the interviews. The different perspectives between the research department and management affects the meaning of the reported information. The company representatives value information higher for value creation than financial analysts, and also, the internal information is more important for the value creation than the external information. Today, innovation capital is a small part of the discussion on what creates value in businesses. Since there is a lack of innovation capital information in the external reports, financial analysts does not use it as a basis for investment decisions. One can see how other types of information have increased the value of the companies in which the meaning is equal regardless of role or position within or outside the company. The problem arises if the perceived meaning differ both in companies and with the financial analysts. Different perceived meanings of innovation capital can lead to separate opinions on how important the information is for value creation. In order to provide information to improve the value creation, an understanding of the meaning is required. Otherwise, it will be impossible and unnecessary to measure and report innovation capital both internally and externally. Understanding each other’s interpretations of the meaning should make it possible to change and improve the reported information. Getting closer to a similar perceived meaning of the information is a necessity for development around the measurement and reporting of innovation capital. Therefore a study of the perceived meaning of innovation capital is needed. One can imagine how the innovation capital is communicated in a chain from its origins to a valuation of the information. It is in this chain, the study discovered what meaning ascribed to different people. Emergences of innovations were expected to arise in the research department where research managers compile information about it. It was expected that this information would be shared with the management who subsequently selects what information to be presented externally to fairly present the company's entire value, both financial and intellectual value. The model explains how the authors captured information in the communication chain described. The internal information was assumed to include innovation capital and report further in the external information. This study comprised six companies with representatives from the research department and the management. Also, four financial analysts have been interviewed. The following three sections explain the findings of the study. In three companies it was clear that the person who represented the research department and the person who represented the management had different perspectives when they answered the questions. The researchers often tied their meaning to an ongoing project or another part of the research. The person from the management explained from an investor or end-user perspective. This perspective arises most likely from the profession, that one gets used to tie information to its own reference point. This means that experience and work tasks might affect the way one perceives meaning of information. The different contexts are assumed to contribute to these perspectives. The study did not discover a certain perspective from the analysts. Another pattern found in the study was that the company representatives generally gave a significantly higher valuation of the information for its role as a creator of value in relation to the analysts. This applied to both internal and external information. One can assume that what the company reported externall
