29 research outputs found

    Rationales for transitioning to electric buses in Swedish public transport

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    Public transport systems in different parts of the world are currently undergoing a change characterised by the introduction of battery-powered electric buses in everyday operations. The introduction of electric buses brings new challenges such as high investment costs and technology concerns, as well as new forms of collaboration between both established and new actors. The aim of this paper is to disentangle different actors’ rationale for the transition, identifying underlying interests in and expectations of the electric bus system. With a focus on the Swedish context, we found that whilst common rationales exist, these are influenced by collective expectations and different underlying interests for the actor groups. We found that the interests of the actors are grounded in expectations of future developments, but also relate to the experience that the transition is occurring faster than previously anticipated. The results show a high degree of consensus regarding the transition to electric buses, although the actors have varying resources and action spaces with which to influence the transition, which is largely determined by the institutional and local context

    Формы и системы оплаты труда работникам предприятия (на примере ОАО «Гомельхлебпром» филиал «Мозырский хлебозавод»)

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    Ligands for identifying protein aggregates are of great interest as such deposits are the pathological hallmark of a wide range of severe diseases including Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease. Here we report the synthesis of an azide functionalized fluorescent pentameric oligothiophene that can be utilized as a ligand for multimodal detection of disease-associated protein aggregates. The azide functionalization allows for attachment of the ligand to a surface by conventional click chemistry without disturbing selective interaction with protein aggregates and the oligothiophene-aggregate interaction can be detected by fluorescence or surface plasmon resonance. In addition, a methodology where the oligothiophene ligand is employed as a capturing molecule selective for aggregated proteins in combination with an antibody detecting a distinct peptide/protein is also presented. We foresee that this methodology will offer the possibility to create a variety of multiplex sensing systems for sensitive and selective detection of protein aggregates, the pathological hallmarks of several neurodegenerative diseases.Funding Agencies|Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research; Ehrling Persson Foundation; ERC Starting Independent Researcher grant (Project: MUMID)</p

    Whisky, läder och svarta kläder : En studie i språkbruk av reklam och livsstilsmagasin riktade mot män

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    Denna studie är skriven inom fältet för språkvetenskap med fokus på hur reklamtexter använder värderande språk och språkliga strategier för att tilltala en manlig målgrupp, och i förlängning förstärka fördomar och heteronormativa värderingar genom språket som utgångspunkt. Studien har utgått från kvalitativ innehållsanalys samt diskursanalys för att besvara frågeställningarna, och metoden som brukats är närläsning av materialet som utgörs av diverse reklamannonser och artiklar ur livsstilsmagasin riktade mot män. Den teoretiska bakgrund som använts är genusteori, mediateori och språklig teori i kombination, framförallt utifrån etablerade teorier om den konstruerade och hegemoniska manligheten. Resultatet av studien är att även om källmaterialet varit alltför begränsat för att  dra definitiva slutsatser om den manliga reklamvärldens språkbruk i helhet, finns ändå tydliga tendenser att skaparna av dessa material använder språkliga strategier baserade på normativa värden för att tilltala sin primära konsumentgrupp

    Whisky, läder och svarta kläder : En studie i språkbruk av reklam och livsstilsmagasin riktade mot män

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    Denna studie är skriven inom fältet för språkvetenskap med fokus på hur reklamtexter använder värderande språk och språkliga strategier för att tilltala en manlig målgrupp, och i förlängning förstärka fördomar och heteronormativa värderingar genom språket som utgångspunkt. Studien har utgått från kvalitativ innehållsanalys samt diskursanalys för att besvara frågeställningarna, och metoden som brukats är närläsning av materialet som utgörs av diverse reklamannonser och artiklar ur livsstilsmagasin riktade mot män. Den teoretiska bakgrund som använts är genusteori, mediateori och språklig teori i kombination, framförallt utifrån etablerade teorier om den konstruerade och hegemoniska manligheten. Resultatet av studien är att även om källmaterialet varit alltför begränsat för att  dra definitiva slutsatser om den manliga reklamvärldens språkbruk i helhet, finns ändå tydliga tendenser att skaparna av dessa material använder språkliga strategier baserade på normativa värden för att tilltala sin primära konsumentgrupp

    To Peer Into The Abyss : a psychoanalytical analysis of edgar allan poe's the imp of the perverse

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    This essay is based on the premise of psychoanalytical literal theory through a perspective of the author-imprint, or the mirroring neural-effect of the author as an external persona - a force influencing, constructing and enforcing traits, intertextual messages and sublime meanings of the subconscious in the primary text material – the short story Imp of the Perverse, published by Edgar Allan Poe in 1845. The aim is to view this short story in light of Poe's empirically documented destructive personality, proposing that the message of the story, in itself, is more than simply a tale, but part of a larger contextual idea sprung from the pained soul of the author. As primary source for the hypothesis statement, theories by Freud and the later constructions on psychoanalysis as a tool for interpreting literature have been used, such as the collected works of Kurzweil &amp; Phillips (Literature and Psychoanalysis). Further reference will be made to extensive autobiographical works on Poe himself, combined with specific research within the psychoanalytical field by authors such as Dr. Liebig (Criminal Insanity and Hypersensibility in Edgar Allan Poe), M. Bonaparte (The Life and Works of E.A. Poe, a psycho-analytic interpretation) and more. The results of this paper found that the dysfunctional lifestyle and neurotic tendencies of Edgar Allan Poe strongly indicate a connection between his psychological state, his experiences and the message of The Imp of the Perverse. The claim, then, is that Edgar Allan Poe did indeed fuel his short story with direct elements of his own psyche and moral values

    To Peer Into The Abyss : a psychoanalytical analysis of edgar allan poe's the imp of the perverse

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    This essay is based on the premise of psychoanalytical literal theory through a perspective of the author-imprint, or the mirroring neural-effect of the author as an external persona - a force influencing, constructing and enforcing traits, intertextual messages and sublime meanings of the subconscious in the primary text material – the short story Imp of the Perverse, published by Edgar Allan Poe in 1845. The aim is to view this short story in light of Poe's empirically documented destructive personality, proposing that the message of the story, in itself, is more than simply a tale, but part of a larger contextual idea sprung from the pained soul of the author. As primary source for the hypothesis statement, theories by Freud and the later constructions on psychoanalysis as a tool for interpreting literature have been used, such as the collected works of Kurzweil &amp; Phillips (Literature and Psychoanalysis). Further reference will be made to extensive autobiographical works on Poe himself, combined with specific research within the psychoanalytical field by authors such as Dr. Liebig (Criminal Insanity and Hypersensibility in Edgar Allan Poe), M. Bonaparte (The Life and Works of E.A. Poe, a psycho-analytic interpretation) and more. The results of this paper found that the dysfunctional lifestyle and neurotic tendencies of Edgar Allan Poe strongly indicate a connection between his psychological state, his experiences and the message of The Imp of the Perverse. The claim, then, is that Edgar Allan Poe did indeed fuel his short story with direct elements of his own psyche and moral values

    Glutaredoxins, structure, function and mechanism

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    Thioredoxin (Trx) and glutaredoxin (Grx) are small (9-12 kDa) intracellular disulfidereducing enzymes. They were orginally described as hydrogen donors for ribonucleotidereductase (RR), the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of ribonucleotides todeoxyribonucleotides. A fundamental difference between Trx and Grx is that Trx is reducedby a specific flavoenzyme, whereas Grx is reduced by the ubiquitous tripeptide glutathione(GSH). In addition to being a hydrogen donor for RR, Grx has a general GSH-mixeddisulfide oxidoreductase activity. A third hydrogen donor system RR must be present in E.coli, since mutants lacking both Trx and Grx are viable. Characterization of such mutantsshowed a large (25-fold) increase of RR levels, and the presence of a glutathione-dependenthydrogen donor system. Two novel glutaredoxins (Grx2 and Grx3) were purified tohomogeneity. Grx3 was shown to be an active, albeit inefficient hydrogen donor for RR,whereas Grx2 was inactive. The combination of the increased levels of RR and thehydrogen donor activity of Grx3, provides a credible explanation for the viability of thedouble mutant. Grx2 and Grx3 showed active sites typical of glutaredoxins, Cys-Pro-Tyr-Cys, but Grx2 had an atypical molecular size of 27 kDa. The primary structure of Grx3 was determined by amino acid sequence analysis.Cloning and overexpression of the gene for Grx3 enabled preparation of protein for adetermination of the secondary structure by NMR. This established that Grxl and Grx3are closely related 9 kDa proteins with 33% sequence identity and similar folds. The twoproteins shared similar activities as reductants of GSH-mixed disulfides, but Grx3 had amuch lower ability than Grxl to serve as a reductant of regular disulfide substrates, e.g., RRor insulin disulfides. The reduction of GSH-mixed disulfide substrates was found to involveonly the N-terminal of the two active site cysteine residues, as determined by theconstruction of active site mutants (CPYS) of Grx1 and Grx3. The reduced forms of both Grxl and Grx3 had similar propensities to form a mixeddisulfide with glutathione, described by the similar values for the equilibrium constant K1 -a result which is compatible with the similar activities of the two enzymes as GSH-mixeddisulfide reductants. The subsequent formation of the active site disulfide (K2) is muchmore favoured in Grxl, and provides an explanation for the different abilities to serve asdisulfide reductants. This also suggested a difference in redox potential between Grxl andGrx3, resulting from a difference in the relative stabilities of the oxidized forms of the twoproteins. A novel method for determinations of redox potentials was developed. Applicationof this technique allowed the determination of the standard state redox potentials for Grx1and Grx3 to -198 and -233, respectively. This difference of 35 mV, could be furthercorroborated by applying the linkage between the stability of the disulfide bond (i.e., redoxpotential) and the difference in conformational stability between the oxidized and reducedforms of the proteins. Grxl, the better disulfide reductant, was more stable (1.0 kcal/mol)in its oxidized form than its reduced form. The reverse situation was the case for Grx3,where the reduced form was more stable (0.78 kcal/mol) . Several studies have shown that the sequence of the active site tetrapeptide is animportant determinant of the redox potential for several members of the thioredoxinsuperfamily. The 35 mV difference in redox potential between Grx1 and Grx3 demonstratesthe importance of other factors. In the case of Grxl and Grx3, the difference in redoxpotential originates from a difference in the relative stabilities of the oxidized forms of theproteins, relative to the reduced forms (which have similar stabilities).Stockholm 1996 ISBN 91-628-2094-

    Detektion av Amfetamin med Grafen Kvantprickar

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    Amphetamine abuse is an enduring problem in many developed nations, including Sweden. It causes lasting damage both to its users and in the form of increased strain on healthcare services. It is therefore critical that police be equipped with the tools necessary to rapidly and accurately identify any samples in order to combat this scourge. Current analysis methods rely on large complex machines such as gas-chromatographs. This causes a significant bottleneck as all samples must be sent to lab for analysis. In this report the potential application of graphene quantum dots(GQDs) as a sensor for amphetamine has been studied. These offer a potentially quick and cheap analysis method that could be integrated into an easily portable detector. It was found that GQDs synthesised by a simple method from citric acid shows increased photo-luminescence in the presence of amphetamine. The response is largely linear with increasing concentrations of amphetamine within an interval of 1mM-200mM. This indicates they may very well serve as a sensing element of an amphetamine detector.Amfetaminmissbruk har länge varit ett problem i många industrialiserade länder, inklusive Sverige. Det skapar långvariga skador både på dess användare och i form av ökade kostnader för hälsovården. Det är därför kritiskt att polisen ges de verktyg som behövs för att snabbt och precist kunna analysera prov. Nuvarande analysmetoder använder sig av stora avancerade maskiner so som gas-kromatografer. Detta skapar en flaskhals då alla prov som tas måste skickas till labb för analys. I denna rapport har användningen av grafen kvantprickar (GQD) som en sensor för amfetamin studerats. Dessa har potentialen att ge en snabb och enkel analysmetod som skulle kunna integreras i portabel sensor. GQD:er syntetiserade med en simpel metod från citronsyra visas i dessa experiment ha ökad fotoluminiscens när de är lösta tillsammans med amfetamin. Denna respons är linjär relativt till koncentrationen av amfetamin inom intervallet 1mM-200mM. Detta indikerar att dessa GQD:er mycket väl kan användas som ett sensorelement i en amfetamindetektor

    Detektion av Amfetamin med Grafen Kvantprickar

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    Amphetamine abuse is an enduring problem in many developed nations, including Sweden. It causes lasting damage both to its users and in the form of increased strain on healthcare services. It is therefore critical that police be equipped with the tools necessary to rapidly and accurately identify any samples in order to combat this scourge. Current analysis methods rely on large complex machines such as gas-chromatographs. This causes a significant bottleneck as all samples must be sent to lab for analysis. In this report the potential application of graphene quantum dots(GQDs) as a sensor for amphetamine has been studied. These offer a potentially quick and cheap analysis method that could be integrated into an easily portable detector. It was found that GQDs synthesised by a simple method from citric acid shows increased photo-luminescence in the presence of amphetamine. The response is largely linear with increasing concentrations of amphetamine within an interval of 1mM-200mM. This indicates they may very well serve as a sensing element of an amphetamine detector.Amfetaminmissbruk har länge varit ett problem i många industrialiserade länder, inklusive Sverige. Det skapar långvariga skador både på dess användare och i form av ökade kostnader för hälsovården. Det är därför kritiskt att polisen ges de verktyg som behövs för att snabbt och precist kunna analysera prov. Nuvarande analysmetoder använder sig av stora avancerade maskiner so som gas-kromatografer. Detta skapar en flaskhals då alla prov som tas måste skickas till labb för analys. I denna rapport har användningen av grafen kvantprickar (GQD) som en sensor för amfetamin studerats. Dessa har potentialen att ge en snabb och enkel analysmetod som skulle kunna integreras i portabel sensor. GQD:er syntetiserade med en simpel metod från citronsyra visas i dessa experiment ha ökad fotoluminiscens när de är lösta tillsammans med amfetamin. Denna respons är linjär relativt till koncentrationen av amfetamin inom intervallet 1mM-200mM. Detta indikerar att dessa GQD:er mycket väl kan användas som ett sensorelement i en amfetamindetektor