30 research outputs found

    Negotiating normality and deviation : father's violence against mother from children's perspectives

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    The aim of this study is to contribute to understanding of how children try to understand and interpret their own father and his (possibly) violent actions against their mother in relation to their general conceptualizations concerning fathers and violence. A general social psychological and interactionist approach is related to the children’s selves as the organizing and experiencing structures, the family as the arena for experiences and communicative interaction, and society as a structure of norms and general ideas. The study is based on interviews with ten children, who were eight to twelve years old at the time of the interview and whose mothers had escaped from their fathers’ violence to a Women’s House. Qualitative interpretation of each child’s complex abstracted and generalized conceptualizations of fathers and violence enabled the understanding of individual themes as crucial parts of each child’s logically unified and conciliated symbolic meaning through the theoretical construct of negotiation. The study results in the identification of three alternative theoretical approaches to meaning-conciliation. One can be described as ‘conceptual fission’ in the general conception of fathers, one as ‘conceptual fission’ in the conception of the own father and one as negotiating the extension of the opposite of violence, described as ‘goodness’. These negotiations can be understood as parts of distancing violence from either one subgroup of fathers, from the overall, essential or principle understanding of the own father within the child’s relationship with him, or from fathers altogether, including the child’s own. The children’s attempts to combine normalization of their father as an individual with resistance to his violent acts are interpreted as indicating the difficulty that the combination of the social deviancy of violence and the family context constitutes for many children

    Negotiating normality and deviation : father's violence against mother from children's perspectives

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    The aim of this study is to contribute to understanding of how children try to understand and interpret their own father and his (possibly) violent actions against their mother in relation to their general conceptualizations concerning fathers and violence. A general social psychological and interactionist approach is related to the children’s selves as the organizing and experiencing structures, the family as the arena for experiences and communicative interaction, and society as a structure of norms and general ideas. The study is based on interviews with ten children, who were eight to twelve years old at the time of the interview and whose mothers had escaped from their fathers’ violence to a Women’s House. Qualitative interpretation of each child’s complex abstracted and generalized conceptualizations of fathers and violence enabled the understanding of individual themes as crucial parts of each child’s logically unified and conciliated symbolic meaning through the theoretical construct of negotiation. The study results in the identification of three alternative theoretical approaches to meaning-conciliation. One can be described as ‘conceptual fission’ in the general conception of fathers, one as ‘conceptual fission’ in the conception of the own father and one as negotiating the extension of the opposite of violence, described as ‘goodness’. These negotiations can be understood as parts of distancing violence from either one subgroup of fathers, from the overall, essential or principle understanding of the own father within the child’s relationship with him, or from fathers altogether, including the child’s own. The children’s attempts to combine normalization of their father as an individual with resistance to his violent acts are interpreted as indicating the difficulty that the combination of the social deviancy of violence and the family context constitutes for many children

    Trappan-modellen för samtal med barn som upplevt vÄld i familjen : en utvÀrdering för metodutveckling

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    Föreliggande rapport har tillkommit inom enheten för FoU-stöd vid Regionförbundet i Uppsala lĂ€n. Initiativet till utvĂ€rderingen togs av personal som arbetar med barn i vĂ„ldsutsatta familjer vid Trappan, en RĂ„d och stödverksamhet i Uppsala kommun. Barn som lever i familjer dĂ€r vĂ„ld ingĂ„r i vardagen far mycket illa. Vart tionde barn har nĂ„gon gĂ„ng sett eller hört en förĂ€lder – oftast mamma – bli slagen. PĂ„ initiativ frĂ„n RĂ€dda Barnen utvecklades under slutet av 1990-talet en modell för krissamtal med barn i vĂ„ldsutsatta miljöer. Modellen kallas Trappan och den presenteras bl a i Inger Ekboms och Ami Arnells bok ”och han sparkade mamma
”. Trappan-modellen har sedan dess spridits över landet, men nĂ„gon utvĂ€rdering som inkluderar barnen och som fokuserar pĂ„ effekter har inte tidigare gjorts. Trappan-modellen anvĂ€nds i Uppsala kommun sedan 2000. Personalens erfarenheter Ă€r att insatsen verkar ge ett betydelsefullt stöd till barnen, men man hade ett behov av att fĂ„ mer tillförlitlig kunskap om Trappan-modellens effektivitet. Studien har genomförts av fil dr Åsa KĂ€llström Cater, frĂ„n Örebro Universitet, med ekonomiskt stöd via projektmedel frĂ„n LĂ€nsstyrelsen. Eftersom studien gjorts med begrĂ€nsade resurser har det inte funnits möjligheter att göra ett upplĂ€gg med kontrollgrupp, men Regionförbundets FoU-verksamhet var angelĂ€gna om att anlita en forskare för att fĂ„ ett vetenskapligt hĂ„llbart upplĂ€gg pĂ„ utvĂ€rderingen. En referensgrupp med representanter frĂ„n Trappan, frĂ„n IFO-ledningen i Uppsala kommun, professor Elisabet NĂ€sman vid Sociologiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet samt FoU-stöd har följt projektet. Resultatet av utvĂ€rderingen visar att Trappan-samtalen kan förbĂ€ttra barnens allmĂ€nna psykiska hĂ€lsa och livssituation

    Children’s talk about fathers’ regret : making sense of fathers’ violence against mothers

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate children’s sense-making about their fathers’ attitudes about using violence against the child’s mother. More specifically, we examine various ways in which the children reflect on whether, and if so how, their father showed regret. Method: This study used data from interviews with 31 children (14 boys and 17 girls) aged between 10 and 14 years, using a semi-structured interview guide. The children’s narratives were analyzed using discourse analysis. Results: We found that most of the children in this study positioned their fathers as regretful in relation to two discourses - on violence and on fatherhood - that are prominent in the interviews. Some children, however, positioned their fathers as inconsistent or non-regretful, saying they did not express regret emotionally, did not change their behavior, did not communicate regret, or communicated it in a self-contradictory way. In their narratives the children sometimes used interpretative repertoires - about feelings, actions, and communication - to explain why they thought their father did or did not regret his use of violence. Conclusion: Positioning one’s father as regretful after having committed IPV can be a way to make the father’s attitudes about the violence understandable, both to the children and to others. Discourses on violence and fatherhood can, however, constrain children’s narratives about their fathers’ violence, which is important to keep in mind when working with children who have been exposed to IPV and making decisions that concern them

    Hur SOS Barnbyars mentorprogram motsvarar unga migranters behov och förvÀntningar

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    Editors: Björn Johansson och Daniel UhnooKÀnslor av tillhörighet bland EBO-placerade ungdomar i ett transnationellt sammanhan

    Hur SOS Barnbyars mentorprogram motsvarar unga migranters behov och förvÀntningar

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    Editors: Björn Johansson och Daniel UhnooKÀnslor av tillhörighet bland EBO-placerade ungdomar i ett transnationellt sammanhan

    Hur SOS Barnbyars mentorprogram motsvarar unga migranters behov och förvÀntningar

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    Editors: Björn Johansson och Daniel UhnooKÀnslor av tillhörighet bland EBO-placerade ungdomar i ett transnationellt sammanhan