74 research outputs found

    Attenuation of Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Colorectal Oncogenesis by Food Constituents: Ischaemia/Reperfusion Injury and Induced Colitis in Rodents

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    The enteric microbiota is increasingly implicated as a central factor in the development of intestinal inflammation in humans and experimental animals, and the intestinal environment is considered important in both colorectal cancer development and modulation of mucosal immunity. Diet-induced changes in the different populations of the intestinal microbiota can be achieved by use of probiotic bacteria, dietary fibre and berries rich in phenolic compounds. The present thesis aims to find relevant animal models with clinical similarities and use these models to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effects of feed supplements. Supplementation of L. plantarum and rose hip in combination decreases lipidperoxidation in caecum independently of the vitamin C content and inhibits the growth of Enterobacteriaceae, in response to ischaemia/reperfusion injury. An attempt was made to understand how the immune system is regulated and responds to variations in the composition of the intestinal microflora during DSS-induced acute colitis. An increased immunological response against LPS, increased populations of regulatory T-cells and higher levels of IL-6, IL-17 and KC were found. The amount of lactobacilli decreased, while that of Akkermansia, the total amount of bacteria and the incidence of Enterobacteriaceae increased. As revealed by T-RFLP patterns, the composition of the bacterial flora changed during induction of colitis and there was a complex close relationship in comparison to multiple immune parameters. Supplementation of probiotics and blueberry husks decreased disease activity, Enterobacteriaceae load, bacterial translocation and inflammation, and increased lactobacilli count and affected bacterial fermentation in the gut. Long-term colonic inflammation promotes carcinogenesis and histological abnormalities of the liver. Two different ways of inducing chronic inflammation and colorectal tumours were investigated and cyclic DSS administration showed similar clinical and histopathological features of both colon and liver. Dysplastic lesions and a continuous mucosal inflammation were observed along with increased Enterobacteriaceae load and liver dysfunction. Also, the SCFAs patterns coincide with clinical findings. Supplementation of probiotics and blueberry husks during cyclic DSS administration delayed carcinogenic development as evaluated by lower numbers of dysplastic lesions. The mucosa was less affected after feed supplementation which may be favourable for SCFA absorption. Enterobacteriaceae load was decreased, especially by the addition of probiotics, and lactobacilli count was increased. Judged by histopathological evaluation, bacterial translocation and the concentration of propionic acid in blood, supplementation of probiotics seemed to moderate the negative liver effects and protect against injury, i.e. the findings indicated the potential of probotics and blueberry husks in prevention of colonic inflammation and tumour development

    DÀr Àldre och lÀkare möts i depressionen, en fenomenologisk studie om tvÄ perspektiv pÄ Àldredepression

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    The aim for this study was to examine the meaning constitution of elderly depression among self-identified elders and general practitioners (GP’s) in Sweden. An additional aim was to investigate possible juxtapositions of their life-worlds. The research question was stated as follows: How is meaning constituted around the concept of elderly depression among self-identified elders and GP’s in primary care? Open interviews were recorded and transcribed. A phenomenological analysis with focus on the singularity was conducted using a method based on MCA-Minerva. The perspective of the self-identified elder consisted of eleven areas of meaning constitution among which lacking social network, bodily functions and society was thought of as a negative influence on depression and social connection was seen has having a positive effect on the well-being. Ten areas of meaning constitution were found in the life world of the GP. Lacking social network, difficulties for GP’s and the hidden depression were areas of constitution influencing the meaning of elderly depression among the GP’s. The singular perspective was validated through the remaining informants’ narrative. The outcome indicates a fragmented conception of depression held by the GP, whereas the elderly conceive depression as state involving the totality of the life situation.Studiens syfte var att undersöka konstituering av mening kring Ă€ldredepression bland sjĂ€lvidentifierade Ă€ldre och primĂ€rvĂ„rdslĂ€kare i Sverige. Ett ytterligare syfte var att urskilja möjliga skĂ€rningspunkter mellan deras livsvĂ€rldar. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningen var följande: Hur konstituerar primĂ€rvĂ„rdslĂ€kare och sjĂ€lvidentifierade Ă€ldre mening kring begreppet Ă€ldredepression? Hur förhĂ„ller sig dessa perspektiv till varandra? Öppna intervjuer spelades in och transkriberades. En fenomenologisk analys genomfördes med utgĂ„ngspunkt i singulariteten med hjĂ€lp av MCA-Minerva. Elva konstitueringsomrĂ„den framkom hos de sjĂ€lvidentifierade Ă€ldre, varav brist pĂ„ social samvaro, kroppsliga funktioner och samhĂ€llet var negativt vĂ€rderade. Social samvaro ansĂ„gs ha en positiv inverkan pĂ„ mĂ„endet. Tio konstitueringsomrĂ„den urskiljdes i lĂ€karens livsvĂ€rld. Brist pĂ„ samhörighet, svĂ„righeter för lĂ€karen och den dolda depressionen influerade bland annat meningskonstitueringen kring Ă€ldredepressioner hos lĂ€karen. Det singulĂ€ra perspektivet validerades genom de övriga deltagarnas narrativ. Resultaten indikerar ett, frĂ„n lĂ€karen, fragmenterat och delvis motsĂ€gelsefullt meningskonstituerande kring Ă€ldredepressioner, emedan den sjĂ€lvidentifierade Ă€ldre ser depression hos Ă€ldre som ett tillstĂ„nd orsakat av livssituationens totalitet

    Mammors upplevelser av att avsluta eller komplettera amningen innan barnet Àr sex mÄnader

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    Amningsfrekvensen i Sverige Àr sjunkande och den sjunker i takt med barnets Älder. Rekommendationerna frÄn WHO Àr att helamma sitt barn i sex mÄnader. Syftet med studien var att fÄ en djupare förstÄelse för hur mammor upplever att inte helamma sitt barn i sex mÄnader. En kvalitativ intervjustudie har genomförts med 12 mammor. En kvalitativ innehÄllsanalys tillÀmpades för att analysera materialet. Resultatet indikerade att amningsfrÄgan framkallade mÄnga kÀnslor och var tÀtt förknippad med mammornas upplevelser av sitt moderskap. Mammorna hade en stark önskan att kunna amma. Att inte kunna amma medförde dÄligt samvete och dessa kÀnslor fanns kvar Àven efter avslutad amning. Mammorna i studien uttryckte osÀkerhet dÄ de inte hade kontroll över mÀngden bröstmjölk som barnet fick i sig. BekrÀftelse och stöd var betydelsefulla delar i amningsprocessen. Slutsatsen Àr att de ammande mammorna efterlyser ett inkÀnnande förhÄllningssÀtt vid amningsrÄdgivning och att amningsrÄdgivaren har förstÄelse för kÀnsligheten kring amning. Det föreligger ett stort behov av stöd och bekrÀftelse hos mammorna

    Effects on Microbiota Composition after Consumption of Quinoa Beverage Fermented by a Novel Xylose-Metabolizing L. plantarum strain

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    Demands for novel lactic acid bacteria with potential to be used as probiotics along with healthy fermented plant-based products increase worldwide. In this study, a novel Lactiplantibacillus plantarum P31891 strain with enzymatic capacity to degrade tannins and ferment xylose was used as starter culture for fermentation of a quinoa-based beverage. The probiotic potential of the selected strain was evaluated in healthy volunteers. Twenty participants consumed the beverage for 14 days; microbiota changes in saliva and faecal samples were analyzed by Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP), Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and qPCR; and gastrointestinal well-being and digestive symptoms were recorded. The results indicated that the consumption of the beverage with Lactiplantibacillus plantarum P31891 in a probiotic dose (1012 CFU/mL) increased the number of Lactobacillus in the feces but not in saliva. Overall, the bacterial community did not seem to be influenced by the bacterium or by the beverage, as expressed by the diversity indexes, butspecific genera were affected, as reflected in changes in amplicon sequence variants. Consequently, Lactiplantibacillus plantarum P31891 showed potential to be categorized as a probiotic strain in the fermented quinoa-based beverage

    Colorectal Oncogenesis and Inflammation in a Rat Model Based on Chronic Inflammation due to Cycling DSS Treatments

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    Inflammation is known to be linked with development of colorectal cancer, and the aim was to assess the malignant potential and degree of inflammation in a dextran-sulphate-sodium-(DSS-) induced cyclic colonic tumour model (CTM) in rats and to compare it with the azoxymethane-(AOM-) induced CTM model. Tumours developed in both groups, although, in the DSS group, the colonic mucosa appeared edematous and the number of haemorrhagic erosions and quantity of dysplastic lesions were higher as well as the mucosal concentration of myeloperoxidase and faecal viable count of Enterobacteriaceae. The livers were affected as evaluated by steatosis, parenchymal loss, haemorrhage, and inflammatory infiltrations, and higher proportions of acetate and lower proportions of butyrate in colonic content were found. The DSS model seems to mimic the clinical situation and may be valuable for investigation of inflammation-related dysplasia and colon cancer, as well as for altered liver function by endogenous inflammatory mediators

    Blueberry Husks and Probiotics Attenuate Colorectal Inflammation and Oncogenesis, and Liver Injuries in Rats Exposed to Cycling DSS-Treatment.

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    Long-term colonic inflammation promotes carcinogenesis and histological abnormalities of the liver, and colorectal tumours frequently arise in a background of dysplasia, a precursor of adenomas. Altered colonic microbiota with an increased proportion of bacteria with pro-inflammatory characteristics, have been implicated in neoplastic progression. The composition of the microbiota can be modified by dietary components such as probiotics, polyphenols and dietary fibres. In the present study, the influence of probiotics in combination with blueberry husks on colorectal carcinogenesis and subsequent liver damage was evaluated.Colorectal tumours were induced in rats by cyclic treatment with dextran sulphate sodium (DSS). Blueberry husks and a mixture of three probiotic strains (Bifidobacterium infantis DSM 15159, Lactobacillus gasseri, DSM 16737 and Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 15313) supplemented a basic diet fortified with oats. The condition of the rats was monitored using a disease activity index (DAI). A qualitative and quantitative histological judgement was performed on segments of distal colon and rectum and the caudate lobe of the liver. The formation of short-chain fatty acids, bacterial translocation, the inflammatory reaction and viable count of lactobacilli and Enterobaceriaceae were addressed.Blueberry husks with or without probiotics significantly decreased DAI, and significantly reduced the number of colonic ulcers and dysplastic lesions. With a decreased proportion of blueberry husk in the diet, the probiotic supplement was needed to achieve a significant decrease in numbers of dysplastic lesions. Probiotics decreased faecal viable count of Enterobacteriaceae and increased that of lactobacilli. Blueberry husks with or without probiotics lowered the proportion of butyric acid in distal colon, and decreased the haptoglobin levels. Probiotics mitigated hepatic injuries by decreasing parenchymal infiltration and the incidence of stasis and translocation. The results demonstrate a dietary option for use of blueberry husks and probiotics to delay colonic carcinogenesis and hepatic injuries in the rat model

    Oral Administration of Lactobacillus plantarum

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    Objective. To clarify the effect of Lactobacillus plantarum 299v on the salivary cortisol and salivary IgA levels in young adults under examination stress. Design. Forty-one students with an upcoming academic exam were included in a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study. The probiotic bacteria or the placebo product was administered in capsules once a day during 14 days. Saliva was collected and a perceived stress test was filled out at each sampling occasion. Saliva was collected for cortisol analysis by Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay (ECLI) and salivary IgA was analysed by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Abundance of lactobacilli was evaluated by cultivation of saliva on selective medium and identification of L. plantarum 299v was done on randomly selected colonies by a random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) typing. Results. A significant difference in cortisol levels was found between the treatment group and the placebo group (P < 0.05), together with a significant increase in levels of lactobacilli in the treatment group compared with the placebo group (P < 0.001). No significant changes were found for salivary IgA. Conclusion. A probiotic bacterium with ability to reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) prohibited increased levels of the stress marker cortisol during the examination period. The registration number of the study is NCT02974894, and the study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov

    Matematik pÄ en förskola ­ Vad stÄr i lÀroplanen och behövs Àmnesdidaktiska kunskaper?

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    SyfteSyftet med vÄr fallstudie Àr att undersöka om nÄgra lÀrare följer förskolans lÀroplan nÀr det gÀller matematik. Vi vill ocksÄ ta reda pÄ matematikinnehÄllet pÄ en förskola samt om lÀrarna dÀr vet vad barnen lÀr sig för matematik. HuvudfrÄgorFöljer nÄgra lÀrare förskolans lÀroplan nÀr det gÀller matematik? Vad för matematikinnehÄll arbetar man med? Hur vet dessa lÀrare vad barnen lÀr sig för matematik? Metod och material För att söka svar pÄ vÄra frÄgor sÄ har vi valt tre undersökningsmetoder, vilket brukar kallas för trianguleringsmetoden. Först valde vi intervjuer vilka vi sedan kompletterade med observationer för att se om lÀrarna gjorde det de berÀttade vid intervjuerna. Dessutom har vi samtalat med nÄgra barn och stÀllt frÄgor för att fÄ en inblick i deras grundlÀggande taluppfattning. Resultat Fallstudien tycks visa att om lÀrare saknar Àmnesdidaktiska kunskaper sÄ verkar man fÄ problem med att följa lÀroplanens intentioner, vilket ocksÄ kan försvÄra möjligheten till att arbetet med förskolans hela matematikinnehÄll pÄ ett grundlÀggande sÀtt. Dessutom tycks det uppstÄ brister i att följa och dokumentera barnens lÀrande och man verkar fokusera mer pÄ "görande". Betydelse för lÀraryrket Eget intresse för matematik hos lÀrare Àr bra men Àmnesdidaktiska kunskaper tycks ha en avgörande betydelse för förskolans matematik och det finns behov av kompetensutveckling för att barn ska ges möjligheter att strÀva mot mÄlen

    An explorative literature review on misinterpretations of confidence intervals

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    Confidence intervals are presented in various scientific fields and are used to justify claims,although in several studies it has been shown that various groups of people, for example researchers, teachers and students incorrectly interpret the confidence interval. To get an overview over articles which studies how confidence intervals are misinterpreted we have performed an explorative literature review. The search for articles to include was conducted in a semi-structured way, and the explorative literature review exist of 36 articles. The results are presented in tables, where the articles have been placed in the table of the relevant misinterpretation. In this study there are five different tables which are probability fallacies, precision fallacies, likelihood fallacies, overlaps fallacies and miscellaneous fallacies. This paper state that confidence intervals are commonly misinterpreted accordingly to our first four categories. In the last category, the less common misinterpretations are presented, at least less common based on the articles included in this paper

    An explorative literature review on misinterpretations of confidence intervals

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    Confidence intervals are presented in various scientific fields and are used to justify claims,although in several studies it has been shown that various groups of people, for example researchers, teachers and students incorrectly interpret the confidence interval. To get an overview over articles which studies how confidence intervals are misinterpreted we have performed an explorative literature review. The search for articles to include was conducted in a semi-structured way, and the explorative literature review exist of 36 articles. The results are presented in tables, where the articles have been placed in the table of the relevant misinterpretation. In this study there are five different tables which are probability fallacies, precision fallacies, likelihood fallacies, overlaps fallacies and miscellaneous fallacies. This paper state that confidence intervals are commonly misinterpreted accordingly to our first four categories. In the last category, the less common misinterpretations are presented, at least less common based on the articles included in this paper
