443 research outputs found

    Design and evaluation of a software prototype for participatory planning of environmental adaptations.

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    Sustainable Distribution of Responsibility for Climate Change Adaptation

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    To gain legitimacy for climate change adaptation decisions, the distribution of responsibility for these decisions and their implementation needs to be grounded in theories of just distribution and what those aected by decisions see as just. The purpose of this project is to contribute to sustainable spatial planning and the ability of local and regional public authorities to make well-informed and sustainable adaptation decisions, based on knowledge about both climate change impacts and the perceptions of residents and civil servants on what constitutes a sustainable distribution of responsibility. Our aims are: (1) a better understanding of the practical implications of theories about just distribution of responsibility for the choice of local and regional climate adaptation measures; (2) knowledge about what residents and civil servants consider a sustainable distribution of responsibility for climate adaptation measures; and (3) a better understanding of conflicts concerning the distribution of responsibilities and systematic knowledge about the possibilities to manage them. In this interdisciplinary project, we study six municipalities and their residents, and two county administrative boards, all in Sweden, using mixed methods: value theory, document studies, interviews, focus groups, and surveys

    Wintergardens : proposals on plant combinations

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    MÄnga privatpersoner har tillgÄng till ett inglasat uterum eller balkong i anslutning till sitt hem. Dessa miljöer kan anvÀndas som grönskande vintersvala rum med vÀxter anpassade till rummets förutsÀttningar. Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att undersöka och sammanstÀlla ett urval av odlingsvÀrda vÀxter för privata inglasade miljöer. MÄlet Àr att ta fram förslag pÄ vÀxtkombinationer för miljöer med varierande förutsÀttningar dÀr intentionen Àr att skapa hÄllbara planteringar för vintersvala rum. Som avgrÀnsning i arbetet ska urvalet av vÀxter som rekommenderas vara tillgÀngligt i svensk detaljhandel. För att nÄ syftet med studien anvÀnds olika metoder. En litteraturgenomgÄng berör vÀxtslÀkten, klimat, marklÀra, vÀxtfysiologi och vÀxtskydd. En översiktlig uppskattning av befintlig marknad genomförs genom intervjuer med yrkesverksamma inom omrÄdet. Alla vÀxter har observerats vid olika studiebesök vid trÀdgÄrdsanlÀggningar, dÀr ett besök vid National Botanic Garden of Wales Àr beskrivet ingÄende. En vÀxtlista revideras under arbetets gÄng för att slutligen sammanstÀllas och presenteras i gestaltningsförslag. En inglasad balkong och ett inglasat uterum, belÀgna i tre olika vÀderstreck gestaltas. Presentationen av gestaltningsförslagen har hÀmtat inspiration frÄn ett avsnitt ur boken Mitt hem och min trÀdgÄrd (1963) av Gunnar Martinsson och Lena Larsson. Resultatet av studien visar pÄ hur det finns möjligheter för privatpersoner att skapa hÄllbara, intressanta och sköna grönskande vintersvala rum. OdlingsvÀrda vÀxter, lÀmpliga för vintersvala rum, gÄr att finna i vegetationsomrÄden i medelhavsklimat och i fuktiga varmtempererade klimat. En diskussion angÄende utbud och efterfrÄgan belyser svÄrigheten för konsumenten att göra vÀl fungerande vÀxtval i handeln. Med förstÄelse för vÀxtens naturliga vÀxtplats kan hÄllbara planteringar skapas

    Factor analysis of evaluated and linearly scored traits in Swedish Warmblood horses

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    Assessment protocols to describe the various aspects of conformation, gait and jumping traits on a linear scale were introduced at young horse tests for Swedish Warmblood horses in 2013. The traits scored on a linear scale are assumed to be less subjective and more easily compared across populations than the traditional evaluated traits that are scored relative to the breeding goal. However, the resulting number of traits is considerable, and several of the traits are correlated. The aim of this study was to investigate the interrelationship between the different evaluated and linearly scored traits in Swedish Warmbloods using factor analysis. In total, 20,935 horses born 1996-2017 had information on evaluated traits, and 5450 of these also had linearly scored trait records assessed since 2014 when the protocol was updated. A factor analysis with varimax rotation was performed separately for evaluated and linearly scored traits using the Psych package in R. Height at withers was included in both analyses. A total of four factors for evaluated traits and 14 factors for linearly scored traits were kept for further analysis. Missing values for individual traits in horses with linearly scored trait records were imputed based on correlated traits before factor scores were calculated using factor loadings. Genetic parameters for, and correlations between, the resulting underlying factors were estimated using multiple-trait animal models in the BLUPF90 package. Heritability estimates were on a similar level as for the traits currently used in the genetic evaluation, ranging from 0.05 for the factor for linearly scored traits named L.behaviour (dominated by traits related to behaviour) to 0.59 for the factor for evaluated traits named E.size (dominated by height at withers and conformation). For both types of traits, separate factors were formed for jumping and gait traits, as well as for body size. High genetic correlations were estimated between such corresponding factors for evaluated traits and factors for linearly scored traits. In conclusion, factor analysis could be used to reduce the number of traits to be included in multiple-trait genetic evaluation or in genomic analysis for warmblood horses. It can also contribute to a better understanding of the interrelationships among the assessed traits and be useful to decide on subgroups of traits to be used in several multiple-trait evaluations on groups of original traits

    Consequences of specialized breeding in the Swedish Warmblood horse population

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    In many European warmblood studbooks, clear specialization toward either jumping or dressage horses is evident. The Swedish Warmblood (SWB) is also undergoing such specialization, creating a possible need for separate breeding programs and a discipline-specific Young Horse Test (YHT). This study investigated how far specialization of the SWB breed has proceeded and the potential consequences. Individuals in a population of 122,054 SWB horses born between 1980 and 2020 were categorized according to pedigree as jumping (J), dressage (D), allround (AR), or thoroughbred (Th). Data on 8,713 J horses and 6,477 D horses assessed for eight traits in YHT 1999-2020 were used to estimate genetic parameters within and between J and D horses and between different periods. Future scenarios in which young horses are assessed for either jumping or dressage traits at YHT were also analyzed. More than 80% of horses born in 1980-1985 were found to be AR horses, while 92% of horses born in 2016-2020 belonged to a specialized category. The average relationship within J or D category was found to increase during the past decade, whereas the relationship between these categories decreased. Heritability estimates for gait traits were 0.42-0.56 for D horses and 0.25-0.38 for J horses. For jumping traits, heritability estimates were 0.17-0.26 for J horses and 0.10-0.18 for D horses. Genetic correlations between corresponding traits assessed in J and D horses were within the range 0.48-0.81, with a tendency to be lower in the late study period. In the future scenarios, heritability and genetic variance both decreased for traits that were not assessed in all horses, indicating that estimation of breeding value and genetic progress for these traits could be affected by a specialized YHT. However, ranking of sires based on estimated breeding values (EBVs) and accuracy of EBVs was only slightly altered for discipline-specific traits. With continued specialization in SWB, specialization of the YHT should thus be considered

    Health economic evaluation of the Lund Integrated Medicines Management Model (LIMM) in elderly patients admitted to hospital.

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    To evaluate the cost effectiveness of a multidisciplinary team including a pharmacist for systematic medication review and reconciliation from admission to discharge at hospital among elderly patients (the Lund Integrated Medicines Management (LIMM)) in order to reduce drug-related readmissions and outpatient visits

    What we know and need to know about factors that protect youth from problems: A review of previous reviews

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    AbstractThe purpose of this article is twofold: 1) To review previous research reviews concerning which factors that have been identified as protecting youth from externalizing and internalizing problem behavior, and 2) To suggest key areas of focus for future research. From the 30 identified reviews, it is clear that there is a quite extensive list of factors that can be considered protective for youth. However, from this review of reviews, it is also clear that many important questions remain unanswered. We list a number of areas within the field that deserve further attention in future research

    New regression models for long-term cognitive change in Donepezil treated Alzheimer patients.

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    Objectives: To analyse and present regression models that can describe the long-term change in cognitive function (MMSE and ADAS-cog) of patients treated with donepezil for three years (n=435). Methods: The Swedish Alzheimer Treatment Study (SATS) is an open, 3-year, multicentre study in a routine clinical setting. Patients with the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Diseases received the cholinesterase inhibitor donepezil. The patients were assessed with several rating scales including MMSE, ADAS-cog at baseline and every 6 months for a total period of three years. In the first model we used a 6-month interval method. A regression model was fitted from the variables change in score between visits and the baseline score. For the 269 patients with at least 4 assessments each we also calculated a longitudinal regression model for the dependent variable ADAS-cog score at different intervals. In addition, we compared the scores from our model with those predicted by the Stern equation. Results: There was a significant quadratic component between baseline scores on MMSE and ADAS-cog and 6 months mean cognitive change (p<0,05). The 6 months rate of cognitive change in donepezil treated patients was strongly dependent on the baseline scores. The longitudinal regression model for the 269 patients showed that multiple linear regression analysis could be used to predict ADAS-cog score at different intervals (p<0,001). A different slope was observed between our model and the Stern equation. Conclusions: Regression models can predict the outcome of cognitive changes in donepezil treated patients. We also observed different outcomes compared to previous models concerning untreated patients

    Food, Mobility, and Health in a 17th and 18th Century Arctic Mining Population in Silbojokk, Swedish SĂĄpmi

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    Established in 1635, the silver mine of NasafjĂ€ll and the smeltery site in Silbojokk in Swedish SĂĄpmi were used during several phases until the late 19th century. Excavations in Silbojokk, c. 40 km from NasafjĂ€ll, have revealed buildings such as a smeltery, living houses, a bakery, and a church with a churchyard. From the beginning, both local and non-local individuals worked at the mine and the smeltery. Non-locals were recruited to work in the mine and at the smeltery, and the local SĂĄmi population was recruited to transport the silver down to the Swedish coast. Females, males, and children of different ages were represented among the individuals buried at the churchyard in Silbojokk, which was used between c. 1635 and 1770. Here we study diet, mobility, and exposure to lead (Pb) in the smeltery workers, the miners, and the local population. By employing isotopic analysis, ÎŽ13C, ÎŽ15N, ÎŽ34S, 87Sr/86Sr and elemental analysis, we demonstrate that individuals in Silbojokk had a homogenous diet, except for two individuals. In addition, both local and non-local individuals were all exposed to Pb, which in some cases could have been harmful to their health.&nbsp;La mine d’argent de NasafjĂ€ll et la fonderie de Silbojokk dans le territoire SĂĄpmi en SuĂšde ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablies en 1635. Elles ont fait l’objet de plusieurs phases d’utilisation jusque vers la fin du 19e siĂšcle. Des fouilles effectuĂ©es Ă  Silbojokk, Ă  une quarantaine de kilomĂštres de NasafjĂ€ll, ont permis de dĂ©couvrir des structures comme une fonderie, des maisons d’habitation, une boulangerie ainsi qu’une Ă©glise et un cimetiĂšre. DĂšs le dĂ©but, des gens de la rĂ©gion ou d’ailleurs ont travaillĂ© Ă  la mine et Ă  la fonderie. Des gens d’ailleurs ont Ă©tĂ© recrutĂ©s pour travailler Ă  la mine et Ă  la fonderie, tandis que la population locale de SĂĄmis a Ă©tĂ© engagĂ©e pour transporter l’argent sur la cĂŽte suĂ©doise. Femmes, hommes et enfants d’ñges diffĂ©rents figurent parmi les personnes enterrĂ©es au cimetiĂšre de Silbojokk, utilisĂ© entre les annĂ©es 1635 et 1770 environ. Ici, nous Ă©tudions le rĂ©gime alimentaire, la mobilitĂ© et l’exposition au plomb (Pb) des ouvriers de la fonderie, des mineurs et de la population locale. À l’aide d’une analyse isotopique, ÎŽ13C, ÎŽ15N, ÎŽ34S, 87Sr/86Sr et de l’analyse des Ă©lĂ©ments, nous dĂ©montrons que les personnes de Silbojokk avaient un rĂ©gime homogĂšne, sauf deux d’entre elles. De plus, les gens de la rĂ©gion et d’ailleurs ont tous Ă©tĂ© exposĂ©s au Pb, ce qui aurait pu nuire Ă  la santĂ© de certains.&nbsp

    Inköp av ekologiska frukter och grönsaker: Hur hanterar ICA sina inköp av ekologiska frukter och grönsaker?

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    Denna uppsats undersöker hur en inköpare hanterar sina inköp av ekologiska frukter och grönsaker utifrĂ„n tvĂ„ frĂ„gestĂ€llningar: Vilka faktorer pĂ„verkar inköparen vid inköp av ekologiska frukter och grönsaker och hur pĂ„verkar de inköpsprocessen? Hur ser inköparens planerade beslut ut i jĂ€mförelse med de faktiska besluten? EfterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ ekologiska livsmedel har ökat betydligt de senaste Ă„ren i takt med att konsumenterna har blivit alltmer hĂ€lso- och miljömedvetna. Livsmedelsbutikernas ekologiska utbud ökar kraftigt men trots detta fyller det idag inte konsumenternas behov. Eftersom Sverige inte har ett fördelaktigt klimat för att odla ekologiskt Ă€r det svĂ„rt att erbjuda konsumenter ett brett och varierat utbud av ekologiska frukter och grönsaker Ă„ret runt. Detta skapar en problematik för inköparna inom ett livsmedelsföretag som vill tillhandahĂ„lla sina kunder denna möjlighet. Det innebĂ€r att livsmedelsföretag importerar ekologiska frukter och grönsaker i olika utstrĂ€ckning beroende pĂ„ sĂ€song. Vi anser att det Ă€r intressant att studera hur en inköpare hanterar inköpen av de ekologiska produkterna. Uppsatsen s empiriska material har hĂ€mtas frĂ„n den marknadsledande livsmedelskedjan ICA . Undersökningen identifierar faktorer som huvudsakligen pĂ„verkar inköparen vid inköp av ekologiska frukter och grönsaker. Dessa faktorer Ă€r konsumenten, inköparens egenskaper, produktkvaliteten, leverantören och certifiering. Inköparen bör anvĂ€nda sig av tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€ttet ”decide as you go” för att anpassa inköpsprocessen efter den specifika situationen
