118 research outputs found


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    A recursive digital filter construction method is considered for simulation of inertial element as a typical component of complex dynamic object. New computational formulas are obtained. Their high accuracy as compared to traditional ones is shown. Decomposition of initial model of simulated object by convolution operations with several typical exponential kernels is proposed instead of traditional operations of integration and differentiation

    Regularized Methods of Noisy Signals Differentiation in Real Time

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    One particular case of solving the problem of interpreting observations is considered, when the instrument function of the measuring transducer is a pure integrator. In this case, the problem of interpretation is reduced to differentiating the output signal of the measuring transduce

    Методи еквівалентного перетворення моделей складних динамічних систем

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    Proposed and considered the formal description of equivalent conversions which can be applied to obtain the various models of different kinds of complex dynamic systems (including electrical systems, power installations, etc.), as well as for transition from one representation to another. The set of basic operations which realize elementary conversions of models is described. The methods and algorithms for conversion of differential equations into integral or integro-differential are consideredЗапропоновано та розглянуто формальний опис еквівалентних перетворень, які можна застосувати для отримання різних моделей складних динамічних систем (включаючи електричні системи, енергоустановки тощо), а також для переходу від одного представлення до іншого. Описано набір основних операцій, які реалізують перетворення моделей. Розглянуто методи та алгоритми перетворення диференціальних рівнянь в інтегральні та інтегро-диференціальн

    Implementation of Integral Explicit Macromodels by Means of Quick-Acting Algorithms

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    A class of mathematical models of dynamic objects in the integral macromodels form, built on the «input-output» principle is considered. The possibility of reducing errors and increasing speed of the modeling process using quadrature formulas based on integral macromodels in the Volterra operators form (Volterra-Hammerstein) is investigated. The constructive algorithms of numerical modeling procedures are proposed using the method of dividing kernels.Розглянуто клас математичних моделей динамічних об'єктів у формі інтегральних макромоделей, що побудовані на принципі «вхід-вихід» Досліджується можливість зменшення помилок та підвищення швидкості процесу моделювання з використанням квадратурних формул на основі інтегральних макромоделей у формі операторів Вольтерра (Вольтерра-Хаммерштейн). Запропоновано конструктивні алгоритми про

    Implementation of Integral Explicit Macromodels by Means of Quick-Acting Algorithms

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    A class of mathematical models of dynamic objects in the integral macromodels form, built on the «input-output» principle is considered. The possibility of reducing errors and increasing speed of the modeling process using quadrature formulas based on integral macromodels in the Volterra operators form (Volterra-Hammerstein) is investigated. The constructive algorithms of numerical modeling procedures are proposed using the method of dividing kernels


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    A mathematical model for the process of a gas jet outflow with account of diffusion in space filled with another gas is considered. A calculation algorithm is suggested for the concentration of the initial gas in the jet and the velocity of the mixed jet. The region of sharp change in the concentration of the initial gas is determined. The problem under consideration relates to the study of the processes of technical constructions tightness control and increasing sustainability of technological processes.A mathematical model for the process of a gas jet outflow with account of diffusion in space filled with another gas is considered. A calculation algorithm is suggested for the concentration of the initial gas in the jet and the velocity of the mixed jet. The region of sharp change in the concentration of the initial gas is determined. The problem under consideration relates to the study of the processes of technical constructions tightness control and increasing sustainability of technological processes

    A Method of Model Experiments for Regularizing the Problem of Recovery of the Input Signal of the Linear Object by the Integral Dynamic Model

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    The method of determining the parameter of regularization for solving the problem of restoring the input signal of a linear stationary object under the conditions of the existence of measurement errors and the process of solving is considered. The proposed method of model experiments allows to separate errors of different types and restore the real input signa


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    Relevancy of the problem of simplification of mathematical models for different classes of objects and phenomena, particularly in the context of dynamic problems while designing computer control systems, is substantiated. Approaches to solving the problem of mathematical models reduction using the concept of coefficient of concordance between characteristics of models and source data accuracy are proposedRelevancy of the problem of simplification of mathematical models for different classes of objects and phenomena, particularly in the context of dynamic problems while designing computer control systems, is substantiated. Approaches to solving the problem of mathematical models reduction using the concept of coefficient of concordance between characteristics of models and source data accuracy are propose

    Numerical simulation of dynamic object based on convolution operations

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    A recursive digital filter construction method is considered for simulation of inertial element as a typical component of complex dynamic object. New computational formulas are obtained. Their high accuracy as compared to traditional ones is shown. Decomposition of initial model of simulated object by convolution operations with several typical exponential kernels is proposed instead of traditional operations of integration and differentiation.Розглянуто метод побудови рекурсивного цифрового фільтра для імітації ланки — типового елементу складного динамічного об’єкта. Отримано нові розрахункові формули. Показано їх високу точність порівняно з традиційними та доцільність декомпозиції вихідної моделі об’єкта, що імітується, за операціями згортки з декількома типовими експоненціальними ядрами замість традиційних операцій інтегрування та диференціювання

    Adaptation and Implementation of Modern Learning Techniques in Master of Sustainable Manufacturing: Cultural Challenges, Effects and Potential for Improvement

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    AbstractIn the modern and globally integrated world, international cooperation in education plays significant role in making the teaching and learning process more effective, innovative and sustainable. Modern learning methods differ significantly from each other as well as from the classic ones. This article gives an overview of utilization of flexible learning methods, flipped classroom and describes subsequent changes from post communistic towards modern teaching style and challenges that professors have to cope with to adopt it. The process of implementation of techniques within Master of sustainable manufacturing program developed during the run of Eurasia project is presented and the outcomes are discussed. The study is based on empirical data from project development meetings, interviews with participants, students’ satisfaction and academic results