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    This article contains the results of the study conducted in Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, in 2010. This study aims at revealing and analyzing the form, function, meaning and value of the kontala using intrinsic and extrinsic approaches. The kontala was processed in such a way that it became a particular material so that its aesthetic effects could be obtained. The intrinsic approach was used to observe the structural aspect. The aspects of the study range from style, image, metaphor, symbol, and myth. The extrinsic approach was used to discuss the setting and environment. In addition to the structural theory, the functional theory was also used in this study. The functional theory of a text covers all the natures which collectively refer to or have the main and additional functions. Besides, the pragmatic approach was also used in this study. Descriptive analytic method, which could reveal and analyze the content, form, function, meaning and value of the kantola was employed. The results of the study show that the kantola, which is in the form of several poems, contain (a) satire, (b) criticism, (c) romantic love, (d) advices, (f) suggestion, (g) invitation with family and unity as the themes. The kantola functions to amuse, unify, pacify sorrow for its fans. The values contained are (a) sportiveness, (b) skill, (c) ethics and morality, (d) togetherness, (e) education, (f) religiosity, (g) patience, (h) intelligence (intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and spiritual intelligence). Based on the values contained, the kantola needs to be learned, developed and performed again in every public party as the real steps to preserve it in daily life with high creativity; its form and performance are modified and adapted

    Landscape change and its effects on the visual experience of a case study area in the Ă–resunds region

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    The study focuses on landscape change, from an historical perspective (year 1915) and as a discussion of future changes (year 2015) for a case study area in southern Sweden. The historical situation is based on map data while the situation of 2015 is a predictive modelling based on spatial planning and policy documents for the case study area. The study identifies changes in land cover and their spatial distribution within the landscape. The result is discussed in relation to perceived change as well as the areas sensitivity to change. The paper further outlines implications of the result for management and planning in the context of the European Landscape Convention.

    The Myth And Reality of Oral Literature of Ciacia People in The Island of Batuatas as Cultural Power

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    This study aims to introduce a variety of oral literatures of the fisheries community in the island of Batuatas that contain elements of myth and those that do not, (2) to reveal various elements of the myth in the oral literature, and (3) to express the relationship between myth and reality in the oral literature as a determinant of cultural power. All of the data are derived from a research report which untitled “Sastra Lisan Ciacia di Pulau Batuatas” conducted in 1994. The analysis of myth and reality is conducted by the approach of genetic structuralism that is proposed by Lucien Goldman. Result of the analysis showed that (1) the oral tradition of fisheries community in Batuatas island is containing elements of myth and there are not also. (2) The oral tradition that contains elements of the old myth are more likely to survive (as a cultural force) than those that do not. (3) The myth in the oral tradition of Ciacia Batuatas community can be a source of cultural strength when considered as a reality, but it does not become a source of cultural strength when only regarded as a myth


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    According to the philosophical view of the Bajau people, the values inherited from their ancestors which are maintained in their socio-cultural belief still constitute their supernatural strength, which is still referred to when they conceptualize and express their lives, the essence of their lives, objectives, orientation, knowledge and their interpretation of the cosmos. It is their local genius which has enabled them to survive and grow in the sea which is full of challenges. As their creative reply to numerous problems faced to make both ends meet, they have developed a social network termed as rarambangah, in which a number of people, who have the same objective to alleviate their living burden by helping, trusting and accepting each other, develop a social network

    The Harmonization of Authority of Supreme Court, Constitution Court, and the Judicial Commission

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    The Harmonization of the Authority between Supreme Court (MA) institutions The Constitutional Court (MK) and Judicial Commission (KY) is a must. It is done by way of revision of the Law of the Supreme Court, MK and KY for the harmonization of authority. However, if the revision finds a dead end, then the fifth amendment (5) of the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia (UUDNRI 1945) is limited to be reconstructed by the provision of Article 24B paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution by affirming the authority of KY clear so that it is not considered to interfere with judicial power. The harmonization can be done by adding an institution that oversees the authority of the Constitutional Court by performing reconstruction in Article 24B paragraph (1) so that there is no more tendency of absolute power. The supervised judge is a judge of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court.  Keywords: Harmonization, Authority, Supreme Court, Constitutional Court, Judicial Commission


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pihak yang memiliki kewenangan untuk membentuk lembaga penyedia jasa penyelesaian sengketa lingkungan di luar pengadilan dan tujuan penyelesaian sengketa lingkungan di luar pengadilan. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian normative dengan pendekatan per-undang-undangan dan pendekatan doktrinal. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang dikumpulkan melalui penelususran kepustakaan. Analisis data dengan analisa kualitatif. Hasil penelitian bahwa pihak yang memiliki kewenangan untuk membentuk lembaga penyedia jasa lingkungan di luar pengadilan adalah masyarakat dan pemerintah daerah maupun pemerintah pusat. Tujuan penyelesaian sengketa lingkungan di luar pengadilan adalah untuk : (1) menentukan bentuk dan besarnya ganti rugi; (2) menentukan tindakan tertentu untuk mencegah kerusakan dan atau pencemaran lingkungan; (3) menentukan tindakan guna mencegah dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan

    Analisis Pemasaran Telur Ayam Pola Kemitraan pada Kelompok Peternak Kecamatan Baruga Kota Kendari

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    Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis pemasaran telur pada usaha peternakan ayam pola kemitraan pada kelompok peternak Kecamatan Baruga Kota Kendari, dilaksanakan bulan Maret-Mei 2020. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara purposive dengan variabel pengukuran berupa karakteristik responden, lembaga pemasaran, saluran pemasaran, margin pemasaran, biaya dan keuntungan setiap lembaga pemasaran. Selanjutnya, dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada empat pola saluran pemasaran telur yaitu, (1) peternak Ă  perusahaan Ă  pedagang besar Ă  pedagang pengecer Ă  konsumen akhir, (2) peternak Ă  perusahaan Ă  pedagang besar Ă  konumen akhir, (3) peternak Ă  perusahaan Ă pedagang pengecer Ă  konsumen akhir, (4) peternak Ă  perusahaan Ă  konsumen akhir, dengan margin tertinggi saluran pemasaran ke-1 Rp. 17.500/rak dan terendah saluran pemasaran ke-4 Rp. 4.000/rak. Tetapi biaya tertinggi adalah saluran pemasaran ke-4 Rp. 5.318/rak dan saluran pemasaran dengan keuntungan tertinggi adalah saluran pemasaran ke-1 Rp. 12.182/rak. Kesimpulannya Saluran pemasaran yang paling efisien digunakan konsumen akhir adalah saluran pemasaran ke-4 karena nilai margin pemasarannya paling rendah

    Terapi Spritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan pada Keluarga Pasien yang Kritis

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    This study aims to determine the effect of SEFT therapy on anxiety levels in families of critically ill patients at the Kendari City Hospital. This study uses a quasi-experimental method with one group pretest-posttest design. The results of this study statistically and clinically showed an effect of SEFT therapy on the anxiety level of the critically ill patient's family with a p-value = 0.001 (p <0.05) and the mean difference in anxiety value > 10. In this study, there was a decrease in anxiety levels from severe anxiety. (pretest) became moderately anxious after SEFT therapy (posttest). Although the decline was only to moderate anxiety, the patient's family said they became calmer, and a feeling of resignation appeared about the critical condition of their family members. The decrease in anxiety is also marked by a reduction in the frequency of pulse and breathing to normal after being given SEFT therapy. In conclusion, SEFT decreases the anxiety level of critical patients' families.   Keywords: Anxiety, Critical Patient, Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique, Visual Analog Scale for Anxiet


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    Masalah yang dibahas dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana tingkat kebertahanan kosakata bahasa Kulisusu di Bidang Pertanian di Desa Wamboule Kecamatan Kulisusu Utara Kabupaten Buton Utara. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat kebertahanan kosakata bahasa  Kulisusu di Bidang Pertanian di Desa Wamboule Kecamatan Kulisusu Utara Kabupaten Buton Utara. Adapun manfaat penelitian ini agar menambah khazanah pengetahuan tentang kajian ekolinguistik dan hasil penelitian ini dapat menambah referensi tantang kebertahanan kosakata bahasa Kulisusu khususnya di Bidang Pertanian, penelitian ini juga dapat memberikan masukan dan pertimbangan bagi penentu kebijakan terutama lembaga pembinaan bahasa sebagai bahan masukan dalam upaya pelestarian, penggembangan, dan dokumentasi bahwa bahasa daerah sebagai salah satu unsur kebudayaan nasional. teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori ekolinguistik, penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dan deskriptif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kebertahanan kosakata bahasa Kulisusu di Bidang Pertanaian di Desa Wambule Kecamatan Kulisusu Utara Kabupaten Buton Utara mencapai 75.8%.  Kata Kunci: Kebertahanan, Kosakata, bahasa Kulisusu, Pertania
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