33 research outputs found

    Sociodemographic, lifestyle and medical factors associated with Helicobacter Pylori infection

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    Q4Q2Paciente adultoBackground & Aims: The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is higher in developing countries and is often linked to lower socioeconomic status. Few studies have investigated the association between H. pylori and individual level characteristics in Europe, where several countries have a high prevalence of H. pylori infection. The study aimed to identify risk factors for H. pylori infection among adults in a large clinical trial in Latvia. Methods: 1,855 participants (40-64 years) of the “Multicenter randomized study of H. pylori eradication and pepsinogen testing for prevention of gastric cancer mortality” (GISTAR study) in Latvia tested for H. pylori IgG antibodies were included in a cross-sectional analysis. Sociodemographic, lifestyle and medical factors were compared for participants seropositive (H. pylori+) and seronegative. Mutually adjusted odds ratios (OR) were calculated for H. pylori+ and factors significant in univariate analysis (education, smoking, binge drinking, several dietary habits, history of H. pylori eradication and disease), adjusting for age, gender and income. Results: Of the participants 1,044 (55.4%) were H. pylori seropositive. The infection was associated with current (OR: 1.34, 95%CI: 1.01-1.78) and former (OR: 1.38; 95%CI: 1.03-1.85) smoking, binge drinking (OR: 1.35; 95%CI: 1.03-1.78), having ≥200g dairy daily (OR: 1.37; 95%CI: 1.11-1.69), and very hot food/drinks (OR: 1.32; 95%CI: 1.03-1.69) and inversely with ≥400g vegetables/fruit daily (OR: 0.76; 95%CI: 0.60-0.96), history of H. pylori eradication (OR: 0.57; 95%CI: 0.39-0.84), peptic ulcer (OR: 0.55; 95%CI: 0.38-0.80) and cardiovascular disease (OR: 0.78; 95%CI: 0.61-0.99). Conclusions: After mutual adjustment, H. pylori seropositivity was associated with lifestyle and in particular dietary factors rather than socioeconomic indicators in contrast to the majority of other studies.https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=xFiKCkMAAAAJ&hl=eshttp://scienti.colciencias.gov.co:8081/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000264474Revista Nacional - Indexad

    Promocijas darbs

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusLatvijā ir augsta Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infekcijas un ar to saistī-tās kuņģa gļotādas atrofijas un kuņģa vēža izplatība. Lai gan līdz pat 89% no ne-kardijas kuņģa vēža gadījumiem pasaulē saistīti ar H. pylori, vairumam cilvēku ar šo infekciju kuņģa vēzis dzīves laikā neattīstīsies. Šis apstāklis atstāj vietu virknei citu faktoru, kuriem varētu būt svarīga loma kuņģa priekšvēža stāvokļu attīstībā. Pepsinogēnu noteikšana serumā ir labākā šobrīd pieejamā neinvazīvā metode kuņģa gļotādas stāvokļa izzināšanai. Tomēr pepsinogēniem piemīt mērena diagnostiska nozīme kuņģa priekšvēža stāvokļu noteikšanā un pētījumos vērojama būtiska datu atšķirība, kas varētu būt saistīta ar dažādu populāciju īpatnībām. Nav pieejami liela mēroga pētījumi par to, vai balstoties uz konkrētiem populācijas faktoriem varētu pielāgot un uzlabot pepsinogēnu diagnostiku.Balstoties uz iepriekšminētajiem apstākļiem, izvirzīts darba virsmērķis, kura sasniegšana varētu dot klīniski izmantojamu pienesumu – izstrādāt populācijai pielāgotu pieeju kuņģa priekšvēža stāvokļu seroloģiskā skrīninga uzlabošanai, identificējot ar H. pylori un kuņģa atrofijas izplatību saistītus socioekonomiskus un dzīvesveida faktorus un līdz ar to populācijas riska grupasLatvia has a high prevalence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), as well as conditions associated with the infection – atrophy of the gastric mucosa and stomach cancer. Although up to 89% of non-cardia gastric cancer cases in the world are attributable to H. pylori, most people with the infection will not develop gastric cancer during their lifetime. This leaves room for a number of other factors that could play an important role in the development of precance-rous gastric lesions. The detection of pepsinogens in serum is the best currently available non-invasive method for assessing the condition of the gastric mucosa. However, studies show that pepsinogens have a moderate diagnostic yield in identifying precancerous gastric lesions with heterogenous results, which could be due to population specific differences. There are no large scale studies pub-lished on whether pepsinogen testing could be adapted and improved based on specific population factors.Based on the abovementioned circumstances, the aim of the thesis was to develop a population tailored approach to improve serological screening for pre-cancerous gastric lesions by identifying the socioeconomic and lifestyle factors associated with the prevalence of H. pylori and gastric atrophy, so identifying risk groups in the population. This would result in clinically applicable fnding

    Does family history of cancer influence undergoing screening and gastrointestinal investigations?

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    Q2Background and Aims: Although a family history of cancer (FHC) can modify the lifestyle and attitudes towards participation in cancer screening programs, studies on this relationship show mixed results and vary across populations. The objectives of the study were to compare sociodemographic characteristics, history of gastrointestinal (GI) investigations and Helicobacter pylori eradication, and modifiable cancer risk factors between those with FHC and those with no FHC (NFHC), and to investigate the association between FHC and a history of GI investigations. Methods: A total of 3,455 questionnaires from the pilot study of the “Helicobacter pylori eradication and pepsinogen testing for prevention of gastric cancer mortality (GISTAR study)” in Latvia were analysed. We compared sociodemographic characteristics and history of GI investigations between participants with self- reported FHC and NFHC. Binary logistic regression models adjusted for socio-demographic characteristics and modifiable cancer risk factors were built for a FHC and each GI investigation. Results: Participants with a FHC were more likely to be women, have a higher education and less likely to have harmful habits (smoking, alcohol consumption) than those with NFHC. Participants with a FHC were approximately twice as likely to report recent colorectal investigations specifically for screening, than those with NFHC. In fully adjusted logistic regression models, FHC was significantly associated with a recent history of faecal occult blood tests (FOBTs), colonoscopies, and colorectal investigations (FOBT or colonoscopy) specifically for screening as part of the national organized screening programme. Conclusion. Our results indicate that those with a FHC have different patterns of health-related behaviour than those with NFHC.https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7187-9946Revista Internacional - Indexad

    Effect of Ambient Sunlight Intensity on the Temporal Phenolic Profiles of Vitis Vinifera L. Cv. Chardonnay During the Ripening Season – A Field Study

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    Grape phenolics are considered to have a significant impact on wine quality, with their quantity and dynamics being strongly influenced by environmental conditions. We investigated the effect of ambient sunlight on the temporal dynamics of phenolics in cv. Chardonnay under field conditions during the 2012 ripening season, from véraison until harvest. The phenolic profiles of the grapes were monitored at predefined time intervals by using high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and spectrophotometric (OD) analysis. The obtained concentrations were correlated with the average sunlight intensities preceding the sampling. No significant correlations were found between the hydroxycinnamic acid, hydroxybenzoic acid and stilbene content, in contrast with the strong relationships found between: (i) OD280 nm, (ii) catechin, (iii) flavanols and (iv) total polyphenols and the fluctuating dose of ambient sunlight reaching the grapes throughout the ripening season. The light-dependent dynamics of several main phenolic compounds in cv. Chardonnay during the ripening period could help to establish correlation models that increase the applicability of meteorological data in the assessment of optimal phenolic ripeness in modern viticulture. 

    The Latvian version of the Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional Assessment Report (JAMAR)

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    The Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional Assessment Report (JAMAR) is a new parent/patient reported outcome measure that enables a thorough assessment of the disease status in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). We report the results of the cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the parent and patient versions of the JAMAR in the Latvian language. The reading comprehension of the questionnaire was tested in 10 JIA parents and patients. Each participating centre was asked to collect demographic, clinical data and the JAMAR in 100 consecutive JIA patients or all consecutive patients seen in a 6-month period and to administer the JAMAR to 100 healthy children and their parents. The statistical validation phase explored descriptive statistics and the psychometric issues of the JAMAR: the three Likert assumptions, floor/ceiling effects, internal consistency, Cronbach\u2019s alpha, interscale correlations, test\u2013retest reliability, and construct validity (convergent and discriminant validity). A total of 100 JIA patients (2% systemic, 56% oligoarticular, 17% RF negative polyarthritis, 25% other categories) and 204 healthy children, were enrolled at the paediatric rheumatology centre. The JAMAR components discriminated healthy subjects from JIA patients, except for the paediatric rheumatology quality of life (HRQoL), psychosocial health (PsH) subscales, the HRQoL total score and for the school-related problems variable. All JAMAR components revealed good psychometric performances. In conclusion, the Latvian version of the JAMAR is a valid tool for the assessment of children with JIA and is suitable for use both in routine clinical practice and clinical research

    Assessment of Serum Pepsinogens with and without Co-Testing with Gastrin-17 in Gastric Cancer Risk Assessment—Results from the GISTAR Pilot Study

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    Introduction-Serum pepsinogen tests for gastric cancer screening have been debated for decades. We assessed the performance of two pepsinogen assays with or without gastrin-17 for the detection of different precancerous lesions alone or as a composite endpoint in a Latvian cohort. Methods-Within the intervention arm of the GISTAR population-based study, participants with abnormal pepsinogen values by ELISA or latex-agglutination tests, or abnormal gastrin-17 by ELISA and a subset of subjects with all normal biomarker values were referred for upper endoscopy with biopsies. Performance of biomarkers, corrected by verification bias, to detect five composite outcomes based on atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia or cancer was explored. Results-Data from 1045 subjects were analysed, of those 273 with normal biomarker results. Both pepsinogen assays showed high specificity (>93%) but poor sensitivity (range: 18.4-31.1%) that slightly improved when lesions were restricted to corpus location (40.5%) but decreased when dysplasia and prevalent cancer cases were included (23.8%). Adding gastrin-17 detection, sensitivity reached 33-45% while specificity decreased (range: 61.1-62%) and referral rate for upper endoscopy increased to 38.6%. Conclusions-Low sensitivity of pepsinogen assays is a limiting factor for their use in population-based primary gastric cancer screening, however their high specificity could be useful for triage

    Ivars Ebels (1925.13.III – 1998.26.IV)

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    Food-producing trade in the struggle against poverty of the households in rural areas : the case of the Mvila department in south of Cameroon

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    Ce travail aborde l’enjeu du vivrier marchand dans la lutte contre la pauvreté des ménages dans l’espace rural du département de la Mvila. L’agriculture vivrière est encore pratiquée par plus de 80% de la population active dans les villages de la Mvila. Pendant longtemps, les cultures vivrières sont exclusivement autoconsommées dans la cellule familiale. Aujourd’hui, s’il est vrai qu’une grande partie de leur production est encore destinée à cette fin, quelques ménages font progressivement du vivrier marchand une réelle ressource économique. L’augmentation de la commercialisation vivrière est souvent une réponse à la baisse du pouvoir d’achat de nombreux ménages agricoles ou à la croissance de la population urbaine non agricole. Cependant, indépendamment des motivations qui guident le choix du vivrier marchand, il semble souvent une opportunité financière qui peut contribuer à l’amélioration des conditions de vie dans les villages. Depuis 1960, l’État multiplie des tentatives visant à réduire les stéréotypes qui associent exclusivement l’agriculture vivrière à l’autoconsommation. Après la crise agricole de la fin des années 1980, la relance de la promotion du vivrier marchand s’intensifie. Pour atteindre cet objectif, il s’ensuit la légalisation des GIC et le financement de divers programmes de subventionnement et d’accompagnement des producteurs. Pourtant, dans les villages du département de la Mvila, la commercialisation vivrière évolue timidement. Et pour beaucoup de ménages, le vivrier marchand reste une source de revenus accessoire. Par conséquent, de façon générale, la contribution de cette activité à la réduction de la pauvreté rurale est encore insuffisante. De nombreuses raisons permettent de comprendre l’insuffisance des résultats de cette stratégie gouvernementale de lutte contre la pauvreté rurale. Il s’agit par exemple de la dépendance paysanne à la cacaoculture ou de la baisse des dynamiques des ménages ruraux autour de la commercialisation vivrière. Cette situation est aussi entretenue par l’absence de modernisation des appareils productifs et commerciaux des cultures vivrières. Un environnement qui entraîne une baisse des volumes, augmente les risques et diminue la rentabilité économique de cette activité. Et, malgré l’évidence de quelques dynamiques des organisations paysannes, l’ampleur des défis actuels restreint beaucoup la faisabilité des initiatives de lutte contre la pauvreté des ménages ruraux avec le vivrier marchand.This research examines the role of food-producing trade in fighting against poverty in the rural households of Mvila division in Cameroon. Subsistence agriculture appears to be the principal production activity in the target villages 80% of the active population interviewed is involved in such activities. For a long time, self-consumption has been the main orientation of crop production. However, food-producing trade has gained a lot of economic importance these last years. By so doing farmers find alternative income source after cocoa price has dropped while the urban population, not involved in agriculture, has significantly increased. Regardless of the motivations behind the choice of farmers, food-producing trade leads to income diversification and financial power aiming at improving the living conditions of rural people. Since 1960, the central government of Cameroon has been trying to change believes that restrict food crop production to self-consumption in the households. The crucial economic crisis associated with agricultural export products led to Food-producing trade intensification. This objective has been accompanied by Common Group Initiative (CGI) encouragement and other financing subsidy bodies in the rural areas. It is however worthy noticing that, the villages of Mvila division are far to emerge in income generating activities as many households are still timid in adopting food-producing trade. Therefore, the contribution of such activities to poverty reduction is still insufficient. This kind of contradiction can be justified by several factors, including farmer dependence on cocoa farming or farmer fatigue on agriculture and marketing in general. This situation is also sustained by the lack of modernization of the productive and commercial food crop equipments. That global environment leads to decrease of agricultural production volumes and economic return while the risks increase in rural areas. Although some farmer organizations obtain good results, the scale of the current challenges greatly restricts the feasibility of rural households' poverty alleviation initiatives

    Food-producing trade in the struggle against poverty of the households in rural areas : the case of the Mvila department in south of Cameroon

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    Ce travail aborde l’enjeu du vivrier marchand dans la lutte contre la pauvreté des ménages dans l’espace rural du département de la Mvila. L’agriculture vivrière est encore pratiquée par plus de 80% de la population active dans les villages de la Mvila. Pendant longtemps, les cultures vivrières sont exclusivement autoconsommées dans la cellule familiale. Aujourd’hui, s’il est vrai qu’une grande partie de leur production est encore destinée à cette fin, quelques ménages font progressivement du vivrier marchand une réelle ressource économique. L’augmentation de la commercialisation vivrière est souvent une réponse à la baisse du pouvoir d’achat de nombreux ménages agricoles ou à la croissance de la population urbaine non agricole. Cependant, indépendamment des motivations qui guident le choix du vivrier marchand, il semble souvent une opportunité financière qui peut contribuer à l’amélioration des conditions de vie dans les villages. Depuis 1960, l’État multiplie des tentatives visant à réduire les stéréotypes qui associent exclusivement l’agriculture vivrière à l’autoconsommation. Après la crise agricole de la fin des années 1980, la relance de la promotion du vivrier marchand s’intensifie. Pour atteindre cet objectif, il s’ensuit la légalisation des GIC et le financement de divers programmes de subventionnement et d’accompagnement des producteurs. Pourtant, dans les villages du département de la Mvila, la commercialisation vivrière évolue timidement. Et pour beaucoup de ménages, le vivrier marchand reste une source de revenus accessoire. Par conséquent, de façon générale, la contribution de cette activité à la réduction de la pauvreté rurale est encore insuffisante. De nombreuses raisons permettent de comprendre l’insuffisance des résultats de cette stratégie gouvernementale de lutte contre la pauvreté rurale. Il s’agit par exemple de la dépendance paysanne à la cacaoculture ou de la baisse des dynamiques des ménages ruraux autour de la commercialisation vivrière. Cette situation est aussi entretenue par l’absence de modernisation des appareils productifs et commerciaux des cultures vivrières. Un environnement qui entraîne une baisse des volumes, augmente les risques et diminue la rentabilité économique de cette activité. Et, malgré l’évidence de quelques dynamiques des organisations paysannes, l’ampleur des défis actuels restreint beaucoup la faisabilité des initiatives de lutte contre la pauvreté des ménages ruraux avec le vivrier marchand.This research examines the role of food-producing trade in fighting against poverty in the rural households of Mvila division in Cameroon. Subsistence agriculture appears to be the principal production activity in the target villages 80% of the active population interviewed is involved in such activities. For a long time, self-consumption has been the main orientation of crop production. However, food-producing trade has gained a lot of economic importance these last years. By so doing farmers find alternative income source after cocoa price has dropped while the urban population, not involved in agriculture, has significantly increased. Regardless of the motivations behind the choice of farmers, food-producing trade leads to income diversification and financial power aiming at improving the living conditions of rural people. Since 1960, the central government of Cameroon has been trying to change believes that restrict food crop production to self-consumption in the households. The crucial economic crisis associated with agricultural export products led to Food-producing trade intensification. This objective has been accompanied by Common Group Initiative (CGI) encouragement and other financing subsidy bodies in the rural areas. It is however worthy noticing that, the villages of Mvila division are far to emerge in income generating activities as many households are still timid in adopting food-producing trade. Therefore, the contribution of such activities to poverty reduction is still insufficient. This kind of contradiction can be justified by several factors, including farmer dependence on cocoa farming or farmer fatigue on agriculture and marketing in general. This situation is also sustained by the lack of modernization of the productive and commercial food crop equipments. That global environment leads to decrease of agricultural production volumes and economic return while the risks increase in rural areas. Although some farmer organizations obtain good results, the scale of the current challenges greatly restricts the feasibility of rural households' poverty alleviation initiatives