274 research outputs found

    Composição química do óleo essencial de 40 acessos de sacaca (Croton cajucara Benth) do banco de germoplasma da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental.

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    A coleção de germoplasma de sacaca (Croton cajucara Benth.) da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental teve início em 1997, com acessos coletados em 15 localidades da Região Norte, objetivando realizar o estudo de variabilidade entre elas, a conservação do germoplasma da espécie e selecionar genótipos superiores para a produção de biomassa (folhas) com maior potencial para a produção de óleo essencial rico em linalol. Dois morfotipos, definidos principalmente pela diferença na coloração das folhas, foram identificados na coleção e denominados sacaca branca e sacaca vermelha. Dentro das ações previstas nesta rede, está a avaliação da composição química dos óleos essenciais

    Fine-tuning the BFOLDS fire regime module to support the assessment of fire-related functions and services in a changing Mediterranean mountain landscape

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    Fire simulation models are useful to advance fire research and improve landscape management. However, a better understanding of these tools is crucial to increase their reliability and expansion into research fields where their application remains limited (e.g., ecosystem services). We evaluated several components of the BFOLDS Fire Regime Module and then tested its ability to simulate fire regime attributes in a Mediterranean mountainous landscape. Based on model outputs, we assessed the landscape fire regulation capacity over time and its implications for supporting the climate regulation ecosystem service. We found that input data quality and the adjustment of fuel and fire behaviour parameters are crucial to accurately emulating key fire regime attributes. Besides, the high predictive capacity shown by BFOLDS-FRM allows to reliably inform the planning and sustainable management of fire-prone mountainous areas of the Mediterranean. Moreover, we identified and discussed modelling limitations and made recommendations to improve future model applications.A. Sil received support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through Ph.D. Grant SFRH/BD/132838/2017, funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, and by the European Social Fund - Operational Program Human Capital within the 2014–2020 EU Strategic Framework. P.M. Fernandes contributed in the framework of the UIDB/04033/2020 project, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An intelligent multi-agent memory assistant

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    World population is ageing and increasingly scarce resources are required to cover the needs of everyone adequately. Medical conditions, especially memory problems, restrict the daily life of a broad slice of the elderly population, affect their independence. To prevent this, providing the right care and assistance while having in mind the costs implicated is essential. One possible path is to work with resources that we already have today and create innovative solutions to achieve the required level of support. There are not many solution either technological or not to prevent memory loss. In this work we present a possible solution aimed at restoring or maintaining the independence of elderly people, through the use of so-called Memory Assistants. We thus present an Intelligent Multi-Agent Memory Assistant designed to help people with memory problems remember their events and activities. The implementation of an event manager, free time manger, medication remainder and a sensory system, to manage and monitor the user, we aim to improve their quality of life and increase their independence

    Rendimento e composição química do óleo essencial de Calyptranthes sp. (Myrtaceae).

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    A Amazônia é a região com a maior biodiversidade vegetal do planeta. A ocorrência, na Amazônia, de espécies aromáticas contendo substâncias de valor medicinal e comercial normalmente encontradas no óleo essencial de espécies exóticas cultivadas, requer a caracterização química. Algumas destas espécies, ainda selvagens, como Calyptranthes sp. (Myrtaceae), apresentam potencial de cultivo para a obtenção destas substâncias. Calyptranthes sp., conhecida como laranjarana, limorana, é um arbusto de ocorrência em área de igapó na Amazônia e atualmente sem valor comercial. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o rendimento e a composição química do óleo essencial desta espécie. Folhas frescas foram coletadas no município de Coari - AM e enviadas para Manaus - AM.Também em: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ÓLEOS ESSENCIAIS, 4., 2007, Fortaleza. Anais... Fortaleza: Padetec, 2007. p. 21

    Farmland abandonment decreases the fire regulation capacity and the fire protection ecosystem service in mountain landscapes

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    This study explored and applied the concepts of Fire Regulation Capacity (FRC) and Fire Protection Ecosystem Service (FPES) in the assessment of the effects of landscape change in a mountain fire-prone landscape in Portugal. We adopted a modeling and simulation approach using BFOLDS-FRM with landscape data for years 1990 and 2006 (observed) and with three landscape scenarios for 2020. Proxy indicators for FRC (burned area and fire intensity) and for economic damage by fire (loss of provisioning ES) were used to establish trends in the supply and value of FPES. We found decreased FRC to restrain simulated fires burning over 100 ha from 1990 on and to regulate Very High and Extreme fire intensity levels, particularly under our 2020 scenario of Forest expansion. FPES is also expected to decrease, as indicated by higher fire-related damages, particularly if fuel hazard increases in the landscape. However, there were differences among scenarios, suggesting potential tradeoffs between FPES and the supply of provisioning ES. Planning and management in this and similar areas experiencing farmland abandonment must consider fire trends and patterns, since landscape change is a major driver affecting FRC and FPES, which may further be decreased by future climatic conditions.Â. Sil received support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through Ph.D Grant SFRH/BD/132838/2017. This research was partially funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors–COMPETE and by Portuguese national funds through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the projects PTDC/AAG-MAA/4539/2012/FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER- 027863 (IND_CHANGE) and UID/AGR/04033/2019. We thank two anonymous reviewers and the editor for extremely valuable comments and suggestions on the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Embrapa avalia fonte alternativa de linalol: a sacaca.

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    O óleo essencial de sacaca é bastante rico em linalol, substância muito valorizada pela indústria de perfumes, como constituinte de fragâncias do tipo lavanda.bitstream/item/176888/1/S8609.pd

    Dinâmica circadiana no teor de óleo essencial e percentagem de dilapiol em população natural e cultivada de Piper aduncum, na Amazônia brasileira.

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    O metabolismo secundário dos vegetais é influenciado pelas condições ambientais. As espécies aromáticas variam o teor e composição química do seu óleo essencial ao longo do ritmo circadiano. Em Piper aduncum, espécie aromática, rica em dilapiol, avaliou-se a dinâmica circadiana no teor de óleo essencial e dilapiol (%) em duas populações, nas condições edafoclimáticas de Manaus, AM. A população natural situava-se em área na borda de floresta enquanto que a cultivada foi instalada em área aberta no campo experimental da Embrapa.Também em: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ÓLEOS ESSENCIAIS, 4., 2007, Fortaleza. Anais... Fortaleza: Padetec, 2007. p. 21

    Modeling Architectures and Reference Models: Development and Maintenance Open Source ERP

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    The adoption Enterprise Resource Planning (ERPs) by small and medium-sized businesses may not possible its cost. At same time, whenever adapt ERP specific needs company, user becomes dependent developers due to the lack access and knowledge respective code. Free and open source software can promote advantages companies, however, for their adoption, it is necessary to develop techniques tools facilitate implementation and maintenance code. This article highlights the importance of defining modeling architectures and reference models for development and maintenance open source ERPs, especially the ERP5 project

    Private costs on water conservation: study case at Cantareira Mantiqueira Corridor Region.

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    This study aims to evaluate the private opportunity cost for an extensive forest recover program in the Cantareira-Mantiqueira Corridor Region and discuss its results focusing on three central questions: i. what is the private opportunity cost of forest restoration for the main land use activities in the Cantareira-Mantiqueira Corridor Region? ii. how the private opportunity costs varies throughout the region? iii. What are the most cost-effectiveness PES strategies available for the Cantareira- Mantiqueira Corridor Region

    Assessment of chemical hazards in insect meal production for aquaculture feeds

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    Abstract of communication presented at the 74th EAAP International Congress on Animal Science. Lyon, France, 26 August-1 September 2023N/