239 research outputs found

    Endoscopic diagnosis and treatment in gastric cancer: Current evidence and new perspectives

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    Gastric cancer is the fifth most common cause of cancer related deaths worldwide. Despite advancement in endoscopic techniques, the majority of the cases are diagnosed at late stage, when the curative treatment options are very limited. The early gastric cancer (EGC) on the other side is potentially curable, and in selected cases endoscopic resection techniques offer similar survival rates then surgical resection. The detection of EGC is endoscopically challenging and requires high quality examination. Recent data show that close to 10% of the gastric cancer cases had a previous negative endoscopy. This highlights the urgent need to improve the quality of the endoscopy services, what can be achieved by increasing the awareness of gastroenterologists and continuously monitoring the key performance indicators of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Newer endoscopic imaging techniques are also becoming commonly available to aid the detection of gastric premalignant lesions and EGC. High-definition endoscopy with image enhancement techniques is preferred over white light endoscopy to recognize these lesions, and they are also useful to determine the invasion depth of EGC. The endoscopic optical characterization of lesions is necessary for the selection of proper resection method and decide whether endoscopic resection techniques can be considered. Artificial intelligence systems aid the detection of EGC and can help to determine the depth of invasion. Endoscopic mucosal resection and endoscopic submucosal dissection requires centralized care and tertiary referral centers with appropriate expertise to ensure proper patient selection, high success rate and low adverse event rate. Appropriately scheduled endoscopic surveillance of high-risk patients, premalignant lesions and after resection of EGC is also important in the early detection and successful treatment of gastric cancer

    Nem invazív fibrosisdiagnosztika hepatitis C-vírus-infekcióban: szerepe a kezelés indikációjában, követésében és a prognózis megítélésében

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    Absztrakt A krónikus hepatitis C-vírus-infekció okozta necroinflammatio májfibrosisra és cirrhosisra hajlamosít, ami a végstádiumú májbetegség szövődményeihez vezet. A fibrosisstádium ismerete alapvető fontosságú mind az antivirális terápia indikálásában és a kórlefolyás alatti követésben, mind a prognózis előrejelzésében. Mivel a fibrosisdiagnosztikában „aranystandarnak” tekintett májbiopszia invazív és ismétlésének is korlátai vannak, előtérbe kerültek a fibrosisstádium meghatározását szolgáló nem invazív módszerek. A szérumbiomarkerek és a fizikai megközelítésen (a májtömöttség vizsgálatán) alapuló elasztográfiás eljárások, valamint ezek kombinációs algoritmusai képviselik azokat az eljárásokat, amelyek egyre inkább beépülnek a kezelési irányelvekbe, és alkalmazásuk révén csökkenthető a májbiopszia igénye. A dolgozat áttekintést ad a fibrosisdiagnosztika nem invazív módszereiről, azok szerepéről az antivirális kezelés elkezdésében, a terápiás válasz monitorozásában és a prognózis megítélésében krónikus hepatitis C-vírus-infekcióban szenvedő betegekben. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(21), 855–861

    Nkx2-3-A Slippery Slope From Development Through Inflammation Toward Hematopoietic Malignancies

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    The development of peripheral lymphoid tissues from the mesoderm is the result of a complex convergence combining lymphohematopoietic differentiation with the local specification of nonhematopoietic mesenchymal components. Although the various transcriptional regulators with fate-determining effects in diversifying the mobile leukocyte subsets have been thoroughly studied and identified, the tissue-specific determinants promoting the regional differentiation of resident mesenchyme are less understood. Of these factors, various members of the NK-class Nkx paralogues have emerged as key regulators for the organogenesis of spleen and mucosal lymphoid tissues, and recent data have also indicated their involvement in various pathological events, including gut inflammation and hematopoietic malignancies. Here, we summarize available data on the roles of Nkx2-3 in lymphoid tissue development and discuss its possible value as a developmental marker and disease-associated pathogenic trait.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: Z.K. is supported by the ÚNKP-17-4-I New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human Capacities and the postdoctoral research grant of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Pécs. This work was supported by OTKA K108429, GINOP-232-15-2016-00050, and EFOP-361-16-2016- 00004 research funds.S

    Experiences with fecal microbiota transplantation in Clostridium difficile infections via upper gastrointestinal tract

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    Dramatic changes in the epidemiology of Clostridium difficile infections have been reported from the western world in the past decade. The proportion of severe cases is significantly elevating and clinicians now have to contend with the problem of additional and more frequent episodes of recurrences including an upward trend in the mortality rate. This situation led us to investigate the possibility of the fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT). An amount of 100 ml of fecal microbiota solution was instilled into a nasojejunal (NJ) tube in 16 cases and into a nasogastric (NG) tube in 44 cases. In all of the cases, where the solution was instilled via nasojejunal tubes, the symptoms resolved within 24 h. We did not note any recurrences in this group. When the material was flushed in through nasogastric tubes, the symptoms resolved in 39 (88.64%) cases within 24 h. In this group, we have experienced a recurrent episode of C. difficile infection in five (11.36%) cases. Three of them were cured with a second transplantation. We have found that in our practice the upper gastrointestinal tract methods had the primary cure rate of 91.67%, whereas the secondary cure rate is 96.67%. When we compared the NJ and NG methods, we have found that the differences in the outcomes are not significant statistically (p = 0.3113 using Fisher’s exact probability test). In conclusion, FMT proved to be very effective, particularly in recurrent infections and in cases where conventional treatment had failed

    Endocannabinoid signaling modulates neurons of the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) via astrocytes.

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    The pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) is known as the cholinergic part of the reticular activating system (RAS) and it plays an important role in transitions of slow-wave sleep to REM sleep and wakefulness. Although both exogenous and endocannabinoids affect sleep, the mechanism of endocannabinoid neuromodulation has not been characterized at cellular level in the PPN. In this paper, we demonstrate that both neurons and glial cells from the PPN respond to cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptor agonists. The neuronal response can be depolarization or hyperpolarization, while astrocytes exhibit more frequent calcium waves. All these effects are absent in CB1 gene-deficient mice. Blockade of the fast synaptic neurotransmission or neuronal action potential firing does not change the effect on the neuronal membrane potential significantly, while inhibition of astrocytic calcium waves by thapsigargin diminishes the response. Inhibition of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) abolishes hyperpolarization, whereas blockade of group II mGluRs prevents depolarization. Initially active neurons and glial cells display weaker responses partially due to the increased endocannabinoid tone in their environment. Taken together, we propose that cannabinoid receptor stimulation modulates PPN neuronal activity in the following manner: active neurons may elicit calcium waves in astrocytes via endogenous CB1 receptor agonists. Astrocytes in turn release glutamate that activates different metabotropic glutamate receptors of neurons and modulate PPN neuronal activity

    Infliximabterápia mellett kialakuló appendicitis perianalis Crohn-betegben = Acute appendicitis in a patient with perianal Crohn’s disease receiving infliximab

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    Absztrakt: A Crohn-betegek akut hasi panaszai gyakori forrásai a nehéz differenciáldiagnosztikai helyzeteknek. Különösen igaz ez a biológiai terápiában részesülő, remisszióban lévő betegek esetében. Az akut exacerbatio mellett más gyakori kórképekre, például az oly hasonló tünettannal fellépő, igen gyakran atípusos megjelenésű akut appendicitis jelenlétére minden korosztályban gondolni kell. Infliximabterápia mellett remisszióban lévő perianalis Crohn-betegség esetében az akutan kialakuló ileocaecalis manifesztáció valószínűsége alacsony – még akkor is, ha a laboratóriumi és képalkotó vizsgálatok ezt látszanak alátámasztani. Esetünkben egy perianalis Crohn-betegség miatt infliximabterápiában részesülő középkorú nőbetegnél a remisszió ideje alatt fellépő akut hasi tünetek miatt műtétet indikáltunk, mely perforált appendicitist igazolt. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(10): 405–409. | Abstract: The differential diagnosis of acute abdominal complaints is challenging in Crohn’s disease. This is particularly true in patients in remission induced by biological therapy. In addition to the acute relapse of Crohn’s disease, other common causes, such as acute appendicitis exhibiting similar and often atypical course, should be taken into consideration irrespective of the age. An ileocecal flare-up is unlikely to occur in patients with perianal Crohn’s disease in remission induced by infliximab even if laboratory and radiological findings point towards this diagnosis. We report the case of a middle-aged woman in remission induced by infliximab who developed acute abdominal symptoms due to perforated appendicitis. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(10): 405–409