27 research outputs found

    The significance of competencies in corporate competitiveness and in education

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    Human resources (hereinafter referred to as HR) have always been playing a decisive role in economic life. The company’s competitiveness, success and market position greatly depends on its human factor organising and running it from the background. Although competency-based HR practices are rather expensive, it is worth the price as the costs spent on recruitment can only be covered when the most suitable, the most competent applicant is hired. On the other hand, retraining, restructuring and stressing the role of competencies in Human Resources Management are also in the centre of attention and are becoming more and more “fashionable” today. In our opinion companies should invest more money to improve their human resources by means of trainings and education, because it pays off even if in the long run and finally results in comparative advantages. Besides, competencies can also contribute to the employment of young starters or graduates of higher education.competencies, job description, job specification, competency-based HR practices, job-related competency profile

    Polska a traktat trianoński – zarys problematyki

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    The authors of this article have tried to present some issues concerning the Treaty of Trianon (1920). The first one is made up by the resolutions of the document which is called the ‘peace dictate of Trianon’ by Hungarians, and their reception in Hungary in the interwar period has also been analysed. This issue is still not well-known enough in the collective consciousness of Poles. The second significant issue is related to a problem which is controversial in Polish historiography: this is the question whether Poland ratified the Treaty of Trianon since she was obliged to do it. The opinions concerning this topic are ambiguous. Therefore, the presentation of the opinions of each of the historians provides the opportunity to give an idea of this issue. The authors conclude their article by presenting some information on the act of signing the treaty on 4th June, 1920 from the perspective of Polish newspapers, with a special regard to newspapers in Galicia being geographically the closest ones, and the most detailed ones which described the events in Hungary

    Full transcriptome analysis of early dorsoventral patterning in zebrafish

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    Understanding the molecular interactions that lead to the establishment of the major body axes during embryogenesis is one of the main goals of developmental biology. Although the past two decades have revolutionized our knowledge about the genetic basis of these patterning processes, the list of genes involved in axis formation is unlikely to be complete. In order to identify new genes involved in the establishment of the dorsoventral (DV) axis during early stages of zebrafish embryonic development, we employed next generation sequencing for full transcriptome analysis of normal embryos and embryos lacking overt DV pattern. A combination of different statistical approaches yielded 41 differentially expressed candidate genes and we confirmed by in situ hybridization the early dorsal expression of 32 genes that are transcribed shortly after the onset of zygotic transcription. Although promoter analysis of the validated genes suggests no general enrichment for the binding sites of early acting transcription factors, most of these genes carry "bivalent" epigenetic histone modifications at the time when zygotic transcription is initiated, suggesting a "poised" transcriptional status. Our results reveal some new candidates of the dorsal gene regulatory network and suggest that a plurality of the earliest upregulated genes on the dorsal side have a role in the modulation of the canonical Wnt pathway

    Hazai fafajok fotoszintézisválaszai és fotoprotektív mechanizmusai stresszkörülmények közt = Photosynthetic responses and photoprotective mechanisms of tree species under stress conditions

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    Erdőalkotó fafajainkon laboratóriumi és szabadföldi körülmények közt azt vizsgáltuk, hogyan változtatja meg a stressz minősége, erőssége, illetve a növény fejlettségi állapota a fotoszintézissel kapcsolatos stresszvédő mechanizmusokat. A kis dózisú nehézfémstressz a citokinin szint növelésével stimulálta a fotoszintézist. A közepes nehézfém (Cd) dózis hatásait kiváltó legfontosabb tényezők a Fe hiány (a tünetek a vastáplálás emelésével megszüntethetők) és a fotoszintézisgátlás okozta relatív fényfelesleg. A fényfelesleg miatt megjelenő oxidatív stressz a kezelés folyamán mérséklődött. A kifejlett levelekben a CO2-megkötés sztómazáródás miatti gátlását elsősorban a fotorespiráció erősödése védte ki, míg a fejlődő levelekben fotokémiai (víz-víz ciklus) és nem-fotokémiai kioltó folyamatok, amihez a violaxantin ciklus aktivitás és az antenna (Lhc) összetétel transzkripciós szinten szabályozott változásai is hozzájárulhattak, egyaránt szerepet játszottak. Termőhelyi/szabadföldi körülmények közt a tölgy és bükk a levélnövekedés kezdeti időszakában volt a legérzékenyebb a fotoinhibícióra. A megemelt UV-B sugárzás fokozta a fotoinhibiciós érzékenységet. A védelemben a nem-fotokémiai disszipáló mechanizmusok voltak a legfontosabbak, szoros összefüggésben a xantofill-, illetve a tölgyfajoknál újonnan kimutatott lutein-epoxid ciklus működésével. Emellett, a Cd stesszt is beleértve, fontos szerepe volt a különleges fényvédő vegyületek (flavonoidok és még nem azonosított vegyületek) felhalmozódásának. | In laboratory and field experiments, effects of stresses (heavy metals, UV-B) of different strength were studied on photosynthesis and related protective mechanisms in leaves of forest-tree species being in different developmental stage. Photosynthesis was stimulated by low-dose heavy metal treatments due to the elevated level of cytokinins in leaves. The most important impacts of moderate heavy metal (Cd) doses on photosynthesis were the Cd-induced iron deficiency (symptoms could be eliminated by increased Fe supply) and the relative light excess due to the inhibition of photosynthesis. Light excess induced oxidative stress was diminished during the treatment. Inhibition of CO2 fixation due to Cd-induced decrease in stomatal conductance was counterbalanced by the increased activity of photorespiration in leaves treated in photosynthetically competent stage, while both photochemical (water-water cycle) and non-photochemical mechanisms, which included violaxanthin cycle activity and changes in the antenna composition regulated at transcriptional level, contributed to the protection of newly emerging leaves. In field experiments, oak and beech species showed the highest sensitivity to photoinhibition at the beginning of leaf development, and the sensitivity was enhanced under elevated UV-B. Non-photochemical quenching connected with the activities of xanthophyll cycle and the newly discovered lutein-epoxid cycle was the protective mechanisms of utmost importance. Accumulation of light-protective substances such as flavonoids and yet unidentified ones (Cd stress) was also important

    A triadin szerepe a szarkoplazmatikus retikulumból történő kalcium-felszabadulás folyamatában harántcsíkolt izmon = The role of surface membrane and sarcoplasmic reticular proteins in acquired and hereditary muscle disorders

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    A szarkoplazmatikus retikulum (SR) kalcium csatornája (RyR) több fehérjével is kölcsönhatásban áll. Ide tartozik a 95 kDa-os molekulasúlyú triadint (Trisk 95), melynek alternatív splicingjával többféle molekulasúlyú izoformája jöhet létre. A Trisk 95 funkciójának felderítésére létrehozott triadin knockout (KO) egerek izmai gyengébbek és a kalciumhomeosztázisban résztvevő fehérjék expressziós szintje változott. Eredményeink szerint a triadin hiánya izom myopathiához vezethet és az általunk létrehozott állatmodellel ez jól tanulmányozható. A Trisk 95 további szerepét C2C12 izomsejteken és primer vázizomtenyészeteken tanulmányoztuk. A fehérje stabil overexpressziója csökkentette az elemi kalcium felszabadulási események (ECRE) amplitúdóját és frekvenciáját, és a depolarizáció által kiváltott Ca2+-tranzienseket. Ugyanakkor az endogén triadinexpresszió shRNS-sel történő gátlása után az ECRE-k jelentősen gyakoribbak voltak. Így feltételezhető, hogy a Trisk 95 fehérje negatívan szabályozza a RyR működését. A 32 kDa-os molekulasúlyú triadint (Trisk 32) L6.G8 myoblastokban termeltettük túl. A transzfekció nem befolyásolta a sejtek életképességét, ugyanakkor a sejtek proliferációs képessége lecsökkent. Kimutattuk a Trisk 32 és az IP3R kolokalizációját és közvetlen fizikai kapcsolatát. Funkcionális kapcsolatukat is bizonyítottuk, mivel a Trisk 32 overexpressziója szignifikánsan nagyobb amplitúdójú és felszálló meredekségű Ca2+-tranzienseket eredményezett az IP3 útvonalon keresztül. | The calcium release channel (ryanodine receptor, RyR) of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is associated with different proteins. One of them is the 95 kDa molecular weight triadin (Trisk 95) which has various isoforms with different molecular weights, all of them are splice variants of the same gene. To explore the function of Trisk 95 we generated a triadin knockout (KO) mouse which is characterized by a weaker skeletal muscle force than the control animals. Also, in case of the KO animals, the expression levels of the proteins which play role in calcium homeostasis, was changed. These results indicate that the lack of triadin can cause muscle myopathy and our animal model is suitable to investigate it. To further study the role of Trisk 95, the protein was investigated in C2C12 skeletal muscle cells and in primary skeletal muscle cultures. The constant overexpression of the protein decreased the amplitude and frequency of the elementary calcium release events (ECRE). Furthermore, the silencing of endogenous triadin expression with shRNA led to more frequent ECREs. These results suggest that Trisk 95 is a negative regulator of RyR function. Finally the 32 kDa molecular weight triadin (Trisk 32) was overexpressed in L6.G8 myoblasts. We showed the colocalization and direct physical interaction of Trisk 32 and IP3 receptor. Their functional interaction was also proved as the overexpression of Trisk 32 caused greater Ca2+-transients

    Növényevő nagyvadak rágáspreferenciái, mint a táplálkozási igények indikátorai.

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    Traditional clearcutting system homogenise forest habitats (one tree species, one age class, understory destroyed), which will be more sensitive to other human and natural impacts, such as the effect of large herbivores. Since forest game damage is a very important problem in Hungary, we hypothesised that the main target tree species (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus spp. and Robinia pseudoacacia ) are strongly preferred as browsed forage. Therefore, our study question was which woody species are selected by game browsing: 1. native (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus spp.) or non-native target tree species (Robinia pseudoacacia ) 2. other economically non or less relevant woody species. We have collected data on the species composition of the understory and the browsing impact on it in five different Hungarian even-aged forests between 2003 and 2005. Based on these investigations the non-native Robinia pseudoacacia was generally preferred (Jacobs’ selectivity index: D=0,04±0,77), meanwhile the native Fagus sylvatica and Quercus spp. (Q. cerris, Q. petraea, Q. robur) were avoided (D= -0,37±0,11; -0,33±0,85; -0,79±0,56; -0,9±0,16; respectively) among target tree species. However, economically less or not relevant species, e.g. elderberry (Sambucus spp.), blackberry (Rubus spp.) or common dogwood (Cornus sanguinea) were the most preferred ones (D=0,01±0,71; -0,12±0,58; -0,2±0,78, respectively). Our results clearly show that biodiversity conservation i.e. maintaining or establishing a multi-species understory layer can be a good solution to diminish the negative game impact on native target tree species. Due to its preference selective browsing can mitigate the penetration of Robinia pseudoacacia into native forest habitats. The herbivorous selection pattern revealed will help us in forest biodiversity conservation by facilitating positive and mitigating negative impacts of selective browsing by ungulates

    Redox and Hormonal Changes in the Transcriptome of Grape (Vitis vinifera) Berries During Natural Noble Rot Development

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    Noble rot is a favorable form of the interaction between grape (Vitis spp.) berries and the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea. The transcriptome pattern of grapevine cells subject to natural noble rot development in the historic Hungarian Tokaj wine region has not been previously published. Furmint, a traditional white Tokaj variety suited to develop great quality noble rot was used in the experiments. Exploring a subset of the Furmint transcriptome redox and hormonal changes distinguishing between noble rot and bunch rot was revealed. Noble rot is defined by an early spike in abscisic acid (ABA) accumulation and a pronounced remodeling of ABA-related gene expression. Transcription of glutathione S-transferase isoforms is uniquely upregulated, whereas gene expression of some sectors of the antioxidative apparatus (e.g., catalases, carotenoid biosynthesis) is downregulated. These mRNA responses are lacking in berries exposed to bunch rot. Our results help to explain molecular details behind the fine and dynamic balance between noble rot and bunch rot development

    Ungulate browsing shapes climate change impacts on forest biodiversity in Hungary

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    Climate change can result in a slow disappearance of forests dominated by less drought-tolerant native European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and oak species (Quercus spp.) and further area expansion of more drought-tolerant non-native black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) against those species in Hungary. We assumed that the shift in plant species composition was modified by selective ungulate browsing. Thus, we investigated which woody species are selected by browsing game. We have collected data on the species composition of the understory and the browsing impact on it in five different Hungarian even-aged forests between 2003 and 2005. Based on these investigations the non-native Robinia pseudoacacialiving under more favourable climatic conditions was generally preferred (Jacobs’ selectivity index: D=0.04±0.77), while the nativeFagus sylvatica and Quercus spp. (Q. petraea, Q. robur), both more vulnerable to increasing aridity, were avoided (D=-0.37±0.11;-0.79±0.56;-0.9±0.16; respectively) among target tree species. However, economically less or not relevant species, e.g. elderberry (Sambucus spp.), blackberry (Rubus spp.) or common dogwood (Cornus sanguinea) were the most preferred species (D=0.01±0.71; -0.12±0.58; -0.2±0.78, respectively). Our results imply that biodiversity conservation, i.e. maintaining or establishing a multi-species understory layer, can be a good solution to reduce the additional negative game impact on native target tree species suffering from drought. Due to preference for Robinia pseudoacaciaselective browsing can decelerate the penetration of this species into native forest habitats. We have to consider the herbivorous pressure of ungulates and their feeding preferences in planning our future multifunctional forests in the light of climate change impacts

    Emberi erőforrás menedzsment rendszerek és folyamatok, tudásmenedzsment a munkahelyen

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    Diplomamunkámban össze kívánom foglalni a tudásmenedzsment lényegét, a vállalati tudásmegosztási mechanizmusokat, az alkalmazottak motivációjának és a humánerőforrás-menedzsment eszközeinek hatását a tudástranszferre, fókuszba állítva a tudásmenedzsment emberi oldalát. A szakirodalom, tapasztalataim és félig strukturált interjúk elemzésével igyekszem bemutatni a tudás menedzselésének megvalósulását 6 magyarországi kis-és középvállalat esetében