243 research outputs found

    Aprendiendo en base a proyectos en la asignatura Marketing del Grado en Óptica y Optometría

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    La asignatura Marketing, materia optativa del tercer curso del grado en Óptica y Optometría, es la primera y casi única toma de contacto de los estudiantes con la vertiente comercial de su formación. Tras cuatro semestres centrados en la correcta atención al paciente, han de enfrentarse ahora a un cambio de mentalidad, pues deben empezar a ver a los pacientes también como clientes. En este curso académico 2018/2019, al objeto de mejorar la asimilación de conceptos y procedimientos y aumentar la motivación e interés de los estudiantes, se ha realizado un ciclo de mejora basado en un proyecto, de 7 horas de duración. Este ciclo consistía en la selección de la cartera de productos y servicios de un establecimiento de óptica y optometría de nueva creación. Los resultados muestran una elevada implicación, una mejora de la participación y la interacción entre pares, y una adecuada asimilación de los contenidos previstos

    La ética en la venta desde la óptica del consumidor: imagen ética de los vendedores en la relación de compraventa

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    Este trabajo pretende conocer si la actuación ética de los vendedores en la relación de compraventa ocupa algún lugar en la mente de los consumidores involucrados en la misma, si existe una imagen ética de los vendedores. Para ello, se presenta un modelo de relaciones que se somete a contrastación en el sector del automóvil. El interés de esta cuestión radica en la importancia que las organizaciones parecen conceder a la percepción de los clientes, que se considera vital para el éxito en el mercado y se suele traducir en cuantiosos esfuerzos encaminados a suscitar actitudes y comportamientos favorables sobre una gran diversidad de individuos y grupos humanos. Estos esfuerzos se manifiestan en mejoras de los productos y servicios, los sistemas de marketing, la tecnología, ..., pero si los individuos llegan a formarse una imagen ética del vendedor también deberían tomar en consideración los valores que rigen el comportamiento ético de los empleados, y muy especialmente de aquellos que establecen algún contacto directo con el cliente

    La importancia de la ética en la venta desde el punto de vista del consumidor

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    Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de la ética en la venta, más concretamente en la importancia que los consumidores conceden a la corrección ética del comportamiento de los vendedores con los que entran en contacto en una relación de compraventa. Lo que se pretende conocer es si la actuación ética de los vendedores en la relación de compraventa ocupa algún lugar en la mente de los consumidores involucrados en la misma, si existe una imagen ética de los vendedores. Para ello, se presenta un modelo de relaciones que se somete a contrastación en el sector del automóvil. Los resultados muestran la existencia de dicha imagen y ponen de manifiesto algunos de los factores que afectan a dicha imagenRACT: This paper focuses on the study of ethics in personal selling. The aim of this article is to know the importance of ethics in personal selling for consumers. After carrying out a revision of the previous academic research, we outline a relational model. This model is going to be tested in automobile sales market. The results of our empirical study show that customers have an ethics image of the salesperson’s fir

    An application in the hotel sector

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    This article deals with the study of Corporate Responsibility (CR) under the European Customer Satisfaction Index (ECSI). The methodology of this empirical study, conducted among 629 customers staying at hotels in the city of Seville, is based on structural equation modeling (PLS). The results obtained demonstrate the applicability of the European model to the hotel sector, although not all the relationships from the original model have been proven. The main contributions are derived from a better understanding of the model's components, a variable not studied before having been incorporated: the importance of Corporate Responsibility (CR). Moreover, it means to contribute to the field of research on CR as, despite the growing interest in the subject, the effects of this construct are still poorly understood

    Impact of the perceived importance of a hotels's corporate responsibility on tourists' complaints behaviour

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    This work is centred on the study of the Corporate Responsibility (CR) of hotel firms and its influence on tourists’ complaints behaviour. The methodology of the empirical study, carried out among 629 customers lodging in hotels in the city of Seville, is based on structural equations modelling (PLS). The results obtained show that there is a significant relation between the perceived importance of CR and the tendency to complain. The latter also significantly affects the number of complaints a person files. Likewise, a significant and negative effect of the tourists’ satisfaction on the complaints filed is noted. The main contributions stem from a better knowledge about the antecedents of complaints behav - iour. This comes from having incorporated the variable of the importance of CR, which has not been studied before. On the other hand, the work means to offer a contribution to the field of CR research as, despite the growing interest in the topic, the effects of this construct on customers still remain little known

    Behaviour-based identification of student communities in virtual worlds

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    VirtualWorlds (VW) have gained popularity in the last years in domains like training or education mainly due to their highly immersive and interactive 3D characteristics. In these platforms, the user (represented by an avatar) can move and interact in an artificial world with a high degree of freedom. They can talk, chat, build and design objects, program and compile their own developed programs, or move (flying, teleporting, walking or running) to different parts of the world. Although these environments provide an interesting working place for students and educators, VW platforms (such as OpenCobalt or OpenSim amongst others) rarely provide mechanisms to facilitate the automatic (or semi-automatic) behaviour analysis of users interactions. Using a VW platform called VirtUAM, the information extracted from different experiments are used to analyse and define students communities based on their behaviour. To define the individual student behaviour, different characteristics are extracted from the system, such as the avatar position (in form of GPS coordinates) and the set of actions (interactions) performed by students within the VW. Later this information is used to automatically detect behavioural patterns. This paper shows how this information can be used to group students in different communities based on their behaviour. Experimental results show how community identification can be successfully perform using K-Means algorithm and Normalized Compression Distance. Resulting communities contains users working in near places or with similar behaviours inside the virtual world.This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the project ABANT (TIN2010-19872/TSI)

    Relevance of Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts on Residents’ Satisfaction with the Public Administration of Tourism

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    Those in charge of tourism destinations face the need to create tourism development models compatible with the essence of the localities that they manage. These models have to be sustainable, both environmentally and socially, and also must become drivers of the local economy. However, tourists also generate negative impacts in the locality which, when they are perceived by the residents, can give rise to a rejection of visitors. Hence, improving the tourism management is necessary. This is why to know the residents’ perceptions about the impacts of tourism is essential. Moreover, measuring the impact effects on their satisfaction with the public administration of the destination can be of great usefulness. This study falls into this research line, as it proposes a model to measure these impacts and their effect on satisfaction. To do so, an empirical study is performed among residents in the city of Seville (southern Spain, one of the most visited destinations in the world), based on subjective economic, social, and environmental indicators. The results show that the citizens value three types of impacts, the social impact coming after the economic impact as to its influence on their satisfaction with the administration. Based on this, we postulate that the efforts made to attract events to the city, or to improve connections to access a broader market, must be approached as public procurements in which selection criteria that are compatible with the destination’s positioning and strategy prevail. Social and environmental criteria should be considered among these criteria

    Iconography of the main pre-hispanic deity of death in central Mexico

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    El dios Mictlantecuhtli es representado con una imagen compuesta por una serie de atributos bien identificados. Sin embargo varios de ellos no han sido satisfactoriamente explicados. En este artículo proponemos una nueva interpretación para algunos de ellos, y subrayamos la corrección de un antiguo error que ha sido reiterado a través de generaciones de investigadores.The death god, Mictlantecuhtli has been pictured as a complex set of very well-known atributes or symbols. Yet, several of them have not been satisfactorily explained. In this paper we propose a new interpretation for some of them, and we stress the correction of an old mistake that has been repeatedly reproduced through generations of researchers

    El sector de la aceituna de mesa: orientación internacional en política de marca de las empresas españolas

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    El sector de la aceituna de mesa se está viendo afectado por la competencia de terceros países, que con productos de peor calidad y unos precios más bajos, están restando mercado a las empresas españolas. Esta nueva competencia, consecuencia de la creciente internacionalización de todas las economías mundiales, está motivando que las empresas busquen mecanismos de diferenciación de sus productos en los mercados internacionales. Las modernas técnicas de control de calidad y la incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías al sector de envasado, han convertido al producto español en el de mayor calidad del mundo, por lo que una de esas ventajas podría estar en la competencia con una política activa de marca propia. Fundamentándonos en ello, en la presente investigación pretendemos analizar la orientación internacional en política de marca de las empresas españolas del sector de la aceituna de mesa.The spanish olive sector is being affected by the competition of non European Union countries that with products of worse quality and lower prices are subtracting market to the Spanish companies. This new competition, consequence of the growing internationalization of every economy, is motivating companies to look for mechanisms of diferenciación for their products in the international markets. The modern techniques of quality control and the incorporation of new technologies to the packing sector have transformed the Spanish product in the highest quality product throughout the world. Thus, an advantage could be the competition through an active brand policy. Therefore, the present investigation aims to analyze the international orientation of brand policies within Spanish companie