73 research outputs found

    Design and application of educational workshops for the healthy use of the Internet and online social networks in adolescents: description of a pilot study

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    En este artículo se presenta el desarrollo e implementación de unos talleres educativos para adolescentes que fomentan el uso adaptativo de Internet y de las redes sociales. El buen uso de las redes sociales sirve cómo protección frente a los riesgos derivados de usos inadecuados de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Asimismo, la orientación pedagógica en etapas de vulnerabilidad como la adolescencia, en la que hay una clara inmadurez emocional, social y contextual, es esencial para fomentar el desarrollo de nuevas habilidades psicológicas. En este trabajo se pretende mostrar el proceso de elaboración interdisciplinar de unos talleres educativos sobre el buen uso de las redes sociales y su aplicación piloto en ocho centros educativos de secundaria y bachillerato. Los resultados muestran la importancia de atender este tipo contenidos sociotecnológicos en estas etapas evolutivas con el fin de cubrir ciertos déficits y dudas, sensibilizar sobre el concepto de identidad digital y hacer un uso ético, crítico y responsable de la tecnología en general, y de las redes sociales en particular.This article presents the development and implementation of educational workshops for adolescents to promote the adaptive use of the Internet and online social networks. The adaptive use of these applications serves as a protection against the risks arising from inappropriate uses of information and communication technologies. Likewise, pedagogical orientation in stages of vulnerability such as adolescence, in which there is a clear emotional, social and contextual immaturity, is essential to foster the development of new psychological skills. This paper aims to show the process of interdisciplinary elaboration of educational workshops on the adaptive use of social networks and their pilot application in eight secondary and high school education centers. The results show the importance of addressing this type of sociotechnological content in these developmental stages in order to address certain deficits and doubts, and raising awareness of the concept of digital identity in order to make ethical, critical and responsible use of technology in general and of social networks in particular

    Comparing the generation of DTM in a forest ecosystem using TLS, ALS and UAV-DAP, and different software tools

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    [EN] Remote sensing and photogrammetry techniques have demonstrated to be an important tool for the characterization of forest ecosystems. Nonetheless, the use of these techniques requires an accurate digital terrain model (DTM) for the height normalization procedure, which is a key step prior to any further analyses. In this manuscript, we assess the extraction of the DTM for different techniques (airborne laser scanning: ALS, terrestrial laser scanning: TLS, and digital aerial photogrammetry in unmanned aerial vehicle: UAV-DAP), processing tools with different algorithms (FUSION/LDV© and LAStools©), algorithm parameters, and plot characteristics (canopy and shrub cover, and terrain slope). To do this, we compare the resulting DTMs with one used as reference and extracted from classic surveying measurements. Our results demonstrate, firstly, that ALS and reference DTMs are similar in the different scenarios, except for steep slopes. Secondly, TLS DTMs are slightly less accurate than those extracted for ALS, since items such as trunks and shrubs cause a great occlusion due to the proximity of the instrument, and some of the points filtered as ground correspond to these items as well, therefore a finer setting of algorithm parameters is required. Lastly, DTMs extracted for UAV-DAP in dense canopy scenarios have a low accuracy, however, accuracy may be enhanced by modifying the processing tool and algorithm parameters. An accurate DTM is essential for further forestry applications, therefore, to know how to take advantage of the available data to obtain the most accurate DTM is also fundamental.The authors are thankful for the financial support provided by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER, in the framework of the project CGL2016-80705-R.Crespo-Peremarch, P.; Torralba, J.; Carbonell-Rivera, JP.; Ruiz Fernández, LÁ. (2020). Comparing the generation of DTM in a forest ecosystem using TLS, ALS and UAV-DAP, and different software tools. ISPRS. 575-582. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2020-575-2020S57558

    Analyzing TLS Scan Distribution and Point Density for the Estimation of Forest Stand Structural Parameters

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    [EN] In recent decades, the feasibility of using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) in forest inventories was investigated as a replacement for time-consuming traditional field measurements. However, the optimal acquisition of point clouds requires the definition of the minimum point density, as well as the sensor positions within the plot. This paper analyzes the effect of (i) the number and distribution of scans, and (ii) the point density on the estimation of seven forest parameters: above-ground biomass, basal area, canopy base height, dominant height, stocking density, quadratic mean diameter, and stand density index. For this purpose, 31 combinations of TLS scan positions, from a single scan in the center of the plot to nine scans, were analyzed in 28 circular plots in a Mediterranean forest. Afterwards, multiple linear regression models using height metrics extracted from the TLS point clouds were generated for each combination. In order to study the influence of terrain slope on the estimation of forest parameters, the analysis was performed by using all the plots and by creating two categories of plots according to their terrain slope (slight or steep). Results indicate that the use of multiple scans improves the estimation of forest parameters compared to using a single one, although using more than three to five scans does not necessarily improves the accuracy. Moreover, it is also shown that lower accuracies are obtained in plots with steep slope. In addition, it was observed that each forest parameter has a strategic distribution depending on the field of view of the TLS. Regarding the point density analysis, the use of 1% to 0.1% (¿136 points·m¿2) of the initial point cloud density (¿37,240.86 points·m¿2) generates an R2adj difference of less than 0.01. These findings are useful for planning more efficient forest inventories, reducing acquisition and processing time as well as costs.This research has been funded by the project PID2020-117808RB-C21 MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the grant PEJ2018-002924-A Fondo de Garantia Juvenil en I+D+i ESF Investing in your future.Torralba, J.; Carbonell-Rivera, JP.; Ruiz Fernández, LÁ.; Crespo-Peremarch, P. (2022). Analyzing TLS Scan Distribution and Point Density for the Estimation of Forest Stand Structural Parameters. Forests. 13(12):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/f13122115122131

    Classification of UAV-based photogrammetric point clouds of riverine species using machine learning algorithms: a case study in the Palancia river, Spain

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    [EN] The management of riverine areas is fundamental due to their great environmental importance. The fast changes that occur in these areas due to river mechanics and human pressure makes it necessary to obtain data with high temporal and spatial resolution. This study proposes a workflow to map riverine species using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) imagery. Based on RGB point clouds, our work derived simple geometric and spectral metrics to classify an area of the public hydraulic domain of the river Palancia (Spain) in five different classes: Tamarix gallica L. (French tamarisk), Pinus halepensis Miller (Aleppo pine), Arundo donax L. (giant reed), other riverine species and ground. A total of six Machine Learning (ML) methods were evaluated: Decision Trees, Extra Trees, Multilayer Perceptron, K-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forest and Ridge. The method chosen to carry out the classification was Random Forest, which obtained a mean score cross-validation close to 0.8. Subsequently, an object-based reclassification was done to improve this result, obtaining an overall accuracy of 83.6%, and individually a producer¿s accuracy of 73.8% for giant reed, 87.7% for Aleppo pine, 82.8% for French tamarisk, 93.5% for ground and 80.1% for other riverine species. Results were promising, proving the feasibility of using this cost-effective method for periodic monitoring of riverine species. In addition, the proposed workflow is easily transferable to other tasks beyond riverine species classification (e.g., green areas detection, land cover classification) opening new opportunities in the use of UAVs equipped with consumer cameras for environmental applications.Carbonell-Rivera, JP.; Estornell Cremades, J.; Ruiz Fernández, LÁ.; Torralba, J.; Crespo-Peremarch, P. (2020). Classification of UAV-based photogrammetric point clouds of riverine species using machine learning algorithms: a case study in the Palancia river, Spain. ISPRS. 659-666. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B2-2020-659-2020S65966

    El concierto económico y el cálculo del cupo: una comparación de sus resultados con los del sistema de financiación común

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el funcionamiento del sistema de concierto económico (convenio) que regula la financiación de las Comunidades Forales, haciendo un especial hincapié en la metodología de cálculo del cupo y los resultados financieros que ésta genera. La literatura en esta materia, y más concretamente, la que compara los resultados del sistema de financiación foral con los generados por el sistema de financiación de las comunidades autónomas de régimen común, es muy escasa. En este trabajo se hace una simulación de aplicación del sistema común a los territorios forales que permite comparar ambos modelos de financiación, y pone en evidencia las grandes diferencias de recursos que proporcionan uno y otro a las comunidades autónomas

    Generación de un curso en línea masivo y abierto (MOOC) como resultado de una acción Marie Skłodowska-Curie

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    [EN] The results of European projects are often presented in lengthy deliverables, making it difficult for interested parties to understand the methodologies followed and the results obtained. In recent years, the use of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as an educational tool has increased significantly, in some ways necessitated by the restrictions experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper shows the guidelines for the generation of a MOOC as a result of a European Marie Skłodowska-Curie project in which different institutions from four European countries have participated. Course enrolment data show that the creation of a MOOC course with appropriate dissemination has attracted dozens of interested people from different parts of the world.[ES] Los resultados de los proyectos europeos suelen ser presentados en extensos entregables, dificultando que las personas interesadas puedan entender las metodologías seguidas y los resultados obtenidos. En los últimos años se ha incrementado notablemente la utilización de cursos en línea masivos y abiertos (MOOCs) como herramienta educacional, en cierto aspecto de forma necesaria por las restricciones vividas durante la pandemia de COVID-19. En este trabajo se muestran las directrices para la generación de un MOOC como resultado de un proyecto europeo Marie Skłodowska-Curie en el que han participado diferentes instituciones de cuatro países europeos. Los datos de matriculación en el curso muestran que la creación de un curso MOOC con su debida publicidad ha atraído a decenas de personas interesadas de diferentes partes del planeta.La financiación ha sido aportada por la ayuda BES-2017-081920 financiada por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la Comisión Europea a través del proyecto MAIL H2020-MSCA-RISE2018 (grant agreement 823805).Carbonell Rivera, JP.; Torralba Pérez, J.; Ruiz Fernández, LÁ. (2022). Generación de un curso en línea masivo y abierto (MOOC) como resultado de una acción Marie Skłodowska-Curie. En In-Red 2022 - VIII Congreso Nacional de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1291-1299. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.158491291129

    Comparación de sistemas de manejo de suelo en olivar en ensayos de simulación de lluvia

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    El objetivo de este estudio es comparar la influencia de dos sistemas de manejo de suelo utilizados en olivar, cubierta vegetal y laboreo convencional, en la generación y calidad de las aguas de escorrentía y la erosión asociada a estos fenómenos. Se parte de la convicción de que la cubierta vegetal, al reducir el flujo superficial y la pérdida de suelo, ha de disminuir en principio la contaminación de las aguas superficiales

    Study of C, N, P and K Release from Residues of Newly Proposed Cover Crops in a Spanish Olive Grove

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    Cover crops (CC)s are increasingly employed by farmers in olive groves. Spontaneous soil cover is the most commonly used CC. Its continuous utilization changes ruderal flora. It is necessary to study new CCs. Living CCs provide C and nutrients to soil during decomposition. Information on this issue in olive groves is scarce. A 4-year field study involving grab sampling of Brachypodium distachyon, Sinapis alba and spontaneous CC residues was conducted to study C and nutrient release from cover crop residues. Throughout the decomposition cycles, C, N and P release accounted for 40 to 58% of the C, N and P amounts in the residues after mowing. Most K was released (80–90%). Expressed in kg per hectare, the release of C and N in Brachypodium (C: 4602, N: 181, P: 29, K: 231) and Sinapis (C: 4806, N: 152, P: 18, K: 195) was greater than that in spontaneous CC (C: 3115, N: 138, P: 21, K: 256). The opposite results were observed for K. The Rickman model, employed to estimate the amount of C, N and P in residues, yielded a good match between the simulated and measured values. In comparison to spontaneous CC, the newly proposed CCs have a higher potential to provide soil with C and N

    Soil Management, Irrigation, and Fertilisation Strategies for N2O Emissions Mitigation in Mediterranean Agricultural Systems

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    Feeding a growing population, which will reach 10 billion in 2050, is a major challenge. Another major challenge is to increase crops’ productivity in a sustainable way, as the increase in agricultural inputs may lead to greenhouse gas emissions, including N2O fertiliser. Several factors can influence N2O emissions such as irrigation, the soil management system, or the type of fertiliser used. The aim of this research is to study the impact of each above-mentioned factor on N2O emissions during three growing seasons in a maize field, considering three nitrogen fertilisers: urea (U), ammonium nitrate (AN), and a fertiliser with the nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP); two irrigation strategies: on demand (100%) and deficit irrigation (75% of demand); and a comparison of two soil management systems: conventional tillage (T) systems and no-tillage (NT) system. The interactions among the three factors and their effects on emissions were analysed through a principal component analysis. Higher emissions were recorded in plots that received the highest irrigation dose. The most favourable management to reduce N2O emissions derived from agricultural activity for maize crops under a Mediterranean climate was the NT soil management, using a fertiliser with nitrification inhibitor and an irrigation dose of 75% of conventional irrigation