78 research outputs found

    A low-power reconfigurable ADC for biomedical sensor interfaces

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    This paper presents a 12-bit low-voltage low-power reconfigurable Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). The design employs Switched Capacitor (SC) techniques and implements a Successive Approximation (SA) algorithm. The ADC can be tuned to handle a large variety of biopotential signals, with digitally selectable resolution and input signal amplitude. It achieves 10.4-bit of effective resolution sampling at 56kS/s, with a power consumption below 3μW from a 1V voltage supply.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2006-03022Junta de Andalucía TIC-0281

    Internet as an information source in the purchasing process: towards a comprehensive consumer approach

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    Traditional purchasing processes have become more complex and sophisticated with the appearance of the internet. The increasing number of internet users and the ease of access to information are pushing businesses to revise their communication strategies and management plans for online and offline channels. This study analyses the relationship between the information search and the point of purchase in multichannel environments. The main result of this research is that a comprehensive analysis of the consumer and the ability to track their online and offline purchasing habits can provide businesses with valuable data to deploy information resources in a way that optimally meets consumer needs according to the products offered

    Design considerations for a low-noise CMOS image sensor

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    This paper reports a Low-Noise CMOS Image Sensor. Low-noise operation is achieved owing to the combination of a noise-enhanced pixel, the use of a two-step ADC architecture and the analysis, and the optimization thereof, of the noise contributed by the readout channel. The paper basically gathers the sensor architecture, the ADC converter architecture, the outcome of the noise analysis and some basic characterization data. The general low-noise design framework is discussed in the companion presentation.Junta de Andalucía TIC 2012-2338Office of Naval Research (USA) N00014141035

    Risaralda: competitividad y desarrollo regional. Generación de un lenguaje común entre actores

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    Risaralda convive con procesos de globalización con los cuales cada vez se tienen menos barreras y, por tanto, estar preparados para competir en este escenario es un imperativo para la región. La búsqueda de la competitividad es uno de los caminos posibles. El mejoramiento de los niveles de competitividad de la región no es solo tarea del sector empresarial sino que implica un trabajo en la sociedad en todos los niveles dirigentes. Uno de los mecanismos que permiten su mejoramiento es el desarrollo de estudios de futuro y, dentro de ellos, el uso de la prospectiva como herramienta. En este contexto es importante definir los principales retos del departamento de Risaralda en materia de competitividad y las acciones que se deben emprender por parte de los actores de desarrollo regional

    Utilização de compostos derivados da biomassa para solução de problemas industriais do setor de biocombustíveis

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    In face to the problems of energy shortage, the biodiesel, a renewable fuel, appears as alternative source to the fuels derived from petroleum. However, for treating of a product derived from organic sources (vegetable oils and animal fats), it presents significant susceptibility to the oxidative degradation, being necessary for the increase of the useful life of this biofuel in the processing, use and storage, the dosage of chemical components that delay and/or minimize such deterioration. In this sense, the present work shows the evaluation of the antioxidant potentiality of the Cashew Nut Shell Liquid constituents when added to the canola biodiesel. The formulations (biodiesel/antioxidant) were submitted to "Schaal Oven Storage Stability Test" - method of accelerated oxidation and subsequently, analyzed by spectroscopy of molecular absorption in UV region (240 to 300 nm) and acidity index determination. The CNSL constituents presented good results in the retard of the evolution of the oxidation process, in agreement with the following order: hydrogenated cardol > hydrogenated cardanol > technical CNSL.Key words: biodiesel, oxidation, CNSL.Em face aos problemas de escassez energética, o biodiesel, um combustível renovável, surge como alternativa viável frente aos combustíveis derivados do petróleo. Contudo, por se tratar de um produto oriundo de fontes orgânicas (óleos vegetais e gorduras animais), apresenta significativa susceptibilidade a degradação oxidativa sendo necessário para o aumento da vida útil deste biocombustível nas etapas de processamento, utilização e estocagem, a dosagem de componentes químicos que retardem e/ou minimizem tal deterioração. Neste sentido, o referido trabalho apresenta a avaliação da potencialidade antioxidante de constituintes do Liquido da Casca da Castanha de caju - LCC, quando adicionados ao biodiesel de canola. As formulações (biodiesel/antioxidante) foram submetidas ao “Schaal Oven Storage Stability Test” – método de oxidação acelerada e posteriormente, analisadas por espectroscopia de absorção molecular na região UV (240 a 300 nm) e determinação do índice de acidez. Os antioxidantes avaliados apresentaram resultados satisfatórios quanto a eficiência no retardo da evolução do processo de oxidação, de acordo com a seguinte ordem: cardol hidrogenado > cardanol hidrogenado > LCC técnico.Palavras-chave: biodiesel, oxidação, LCC

    Characterization of wine grape from different regions of Mendoza (Argentina)

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    En las últimas décadas, la actividad vitivinícola de la provincia de Mendoza (Argentina) apunta a mejorar la calidad de sus uvas y sus vinos, para optimizar las condiciones de competencia en el plano internacional. En Mendoza, desde 1999 la Fundación Instituto de Desarrollo Rural (IDR) se propuso determinar el comportamiento agronómico y la caracterización fenológica de las variedades de vid de mayor utilización en la elaboración de vinos en todas las zonas productivas de la provincia. A partir de 2005 y mediante un convenio específico con la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, se realizaron, en esta Institución, los análisis físicos y químicos con el objetivo de describir los mostos de variedades viníferas blancas y tintas. Este proceso permitió generar una herramienta para el desarrollo de estrategias de optimización de calidad de los productos. Se estudiaron las variedades Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Malbec y Bonarda y se realizó una caracterización zonal empleando los Índices de Tonietto (IF), de Winkler (IW) y de Huglin (IH). Los resultados de los análisis físico-químicos de los mostos de variedades tintas durante las cosechas 2005, 2006 y 2007 muestran que existe correlación inversa entre los índices climáticos estudiados y los contenidos de antocianos y polifenoles. Se observa también que las variedades de ciclo largo, como Bonarda, encuentran limitantes importantes en zonas frías para alcanzar contenidos de azúcar comercialmente aceptables (mínimo 220 g/L).The wines of Mendoza, Argentina, have an important place in the world. During the last decades production has been concentrated on quality wines, instead of common wines, to meet the demands of the international market.Rural Development Foundation has tried to determine the agricultural behaviour and the phenolic characterization of the most widely used varieties in Mendoza since 1999. In 2005, due to a specific agreement with the Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, phisical and chemical tests were made in this institution to describe musts of white and red vitis vinifera varieties.The resulting information has been a fundamental tool, for developing strategies to obtain quality products. The representative varieties of Mendoza, such as Chardonay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Malbec and Bonarda were studied. Tonietto, Winkler and Huglin indexes were used for the climatic characterization. Results of analyses of must of red varieties from 2005, 2006 and 2007 vintages show inverse correlation between climatic indexes and antocyanes –polyphenols contents. Large cicle varieties, as Bonarda, do not get sugar comercial levels (220 g/L) at cold zones.Fil: González, Graciela. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Biomatemática y FisicoquímicaFil: Nazrala, Jorge José Bautista. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ciencias Enológicas y AgroalimentariasFil: Beltrán, Miguel Ángel. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Biomatemática y FisicoquímicaFil: Navarro, Armando. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Biomatemática y FisicoquímicaFil: De Borbón, Liliana. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Biomatemática y FisicoquímicaFil: Senatra, Liliana. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Biomatemática y FisicoquímicaFil: Albornoz, Liliana. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Biomatemática y FisicoquímicaFil: Hidalgo, Andrea. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Biomatemática y FisicoquímicaFil: López, Marcela. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Biomatemática y FisicoquímicaFil: Gez, María Inés. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Biomatemática y FisicoquímicaFil: Mercado, Laura. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Biomatemática y FisicoquímicaFil: Poetta, Silvia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Biomatemática y FisicoquímicaFil: Alberto, Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Biomatemática y Fisicoquímic

    Identification of factors associated with diagnostic error in primary care

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    Background Missed, delayed or incorrect diagnoses are considered to be diagnostic errors. The aim of this paper is to describe the methodology of a study to analyse cognitive aspects of the process by which primary care (PC) physicians diagnose dyspnoea. It examines the possible links between the use of heuristics, suboptimal cognitive acts and diagnostic errors, using Reason’s taxonomy of human error (slips, lapses, mistakes and violations). The influence of situational factors (professional experience, perceived overwork and fatigue) is also analysed.Methods Cohort study of new episodes of dyspnoea in patients receiving care from family physicians and residents at PC centres in Granada (Spain). With an initial expected diagnostic error rate of 20%, and a sampling error of 3%, 384 episodes of dyspnoea are calculated to be required. In addition to filling out the electronic medical record of the patients attended, each physician fills out 2 specially designed questionnaires about the diagnostic process performed in each case of dyspnoea. The first questionnaire includes questions on the physician’s initial diagnostic impression, the 3 most likely diagnoses (in order of likelihood), and the diagnosis reached after the initial medical history and physical examination. It also includes items on the physicians’ perceived overwork and fatigue during patient care. The second questionnaire records the confirmed diagnosis once it is reached. The complete diagnostic process is peer-reviewed to identify and classify the diagnostic errors. The possible use of heuristics of representativeness, availability, and anchoring and adjustment in each diagnostic process is also analysed. Each audit is reviewed with the physician responsible for the diagnostic process. Finally, logistic regression models are used to determine if there are differences in the diagnostic error variables based on the heuristics identified.Discussion This work sets out a new approach to studying the diagnostic decision-making process in PC, taking advantage of new technologies which allow immediate recording of the decision-making process.The authors gratefully acknowledge funding of this research from the Spanish Research Agency. Ministry of Health (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias) FIS PI10/01468 and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

    Uncovering Tumour Heterogeneity through PKR and nc886 Analysis in Metastatic Colon Cancer Patients Treated with 5-FU-Based Chemotherapy

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    Colorectal cancer treatment has advanced over the past decade. The drug 5-fluorouracil is still used with a wide percentage of patients who do not respond. Therefore, a challenge is the identification of predictive biomarkers. The protein kinase R (PKR also called EIF2AK2) and its regulator, the non-coding pre-mir-nc886, have multiple e ects on cells in response to numerous types of stress, including chemotherapy. In this work, we performed an ambispective study with 197 metastatic colon cancer patients with unresectable metastases to determine the relative expression levels of both nc886 and PKR by qPCR, as well as the location of PKR by immunohistochemistry in tumour samples and healthy tissues (plasma and colon epithelium). As primary end point, the expression levels were related to the objective response to first-line chemotherapy following the response evaluation criteria in solid tumours (RECIST) and, as the second end point, with survival at 18 and 36 months. Hierarchical agglomerative clustering was performed to accommodate the heterogeneity and complexity of oncological patients’ data. High expression levels of nc886 were related to the response to treatment and allowed to identify clusters of patients. Although the PKR mRNA expression was not associated with chemotherapy response, the absence of PKR location in the nucleolus was correlated with first-line chemotherapy response. Moreover, a relationship between survival and the expression of both PKR and nc886 in healthy tissues was found. Therefore, this work evaluated the best way to analyse the potential biomarkers PKR and nc886 in order to establish clusters of patients depending on the cancer outcomes using algorithms for complex and heterogeneous data.This research was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (DTS15/00174; PIE16-00045), by the Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad de la Junta de Andalucía and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), references SOMM17/6109/UGR (UCE-PP2017-3) and (PI-0441-2014), and by the Chair “Doctors Galera-Requena in cancer stem cell research” (CMC-CTS963). This research was also funded partially by RTI2018-098983-B-I00