8 research outputs found

    Estudo anatômico do sistema arterial dorsal da mão

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    Historically, the dorsal arterial system of the hand received less attention than the palmar system. The studies concerning dorsal arterial anatomy present some controversies regarding the origin and presence of the dorsal metacarpal artery branches. Knowledge of the anatomy of dorsal metacarpal arteries is especially applied in the surgical planning for flaps taken from the dorsum of the hand. The purpose of this study is to analyze the arterial anatomy of the dorsum of the hand, compare our observations with those of previous studies from the literature, and therefore to define parameters for surgical planning for flaps supplied by the dorsal metacarpal arteries. METHOD: Twenty-six dissections were performed at the dorsum of the right hand of 26 cadavers by making a distal-based U-shaped incision. After catheterization of the radial artery at the wrist level, a plastic dye solution with low viscosity and quick solidification was injected to allow adequate exposure of even small vessels. The radial artery and its branches, the dorsal arterial arch, the dorsal metacarpal arteries, the distal and proximal communicating branches of the palmar system, and the distal cutaneous branches were carefully dissected and identified. RESULTS: The distal cutaneous branches originating from the dorsal metacarpal arteries were observed in all cases; these were located an average of 1.2 cm proximal from the metacarpophalangeal joint. The first dorsal metacarpal artery presented in 3 different patterns regarding its course: fascial, subfascial, and mixed. The branching pattern of the radial artery at the first intermetacarpal space was its division into 3 branches. We observed the presence of the dorsal arterial arch arising from the radial artery in 100% of the cases. The distance between the dorsal arterial arch and the branching point of the radial artery was an average of 2 cm. The first and second dorsal metacarpal arteries were visualized in all cases. The third and fourth dorsal metacarpal arteries were visualized in 96.2% and 92.3% of cases, respectively. There was proximal and distal communication between the dorsal arterial arch and the palmar system through the communicating branches contributing to the dorsal metacarpal artery formation. CONCLUSION: At the dorsum of the hand there is a rich arterial net that anastomoses with the palmar arterial system. This anatomical characteristic allows the utilization of the dorsal aspect of the hand as potential donor site for cutaneous flaps.Historicamente o sistema arterial dorsal da mão recebeu menos atenção em relação ao palmar. Os trabalhos que abordam a anatomia arterial dorsal apresentam pontos divergentes no que se refere a origem, a freqüência e a presença de ramos das artérias metacarpais dorsais. Este conhecimento se aplica, em especial, no planejamento cirúrgico de retalhos que tenham como área doadora o dorso da mão. O objetivo deste trabalho é o de estudar a anatomia do sistema arterial dorsal da mão, confrontando estes achados com os da literatura e desta maneira, definir parâmetros para o planejamento dos retalhos supridos pelas artérias metacarpais dorsais da mão. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Foram realizadas 26 dissecções na região dorsal da mão direita de 26 cadáveres, através de uma incisão em forma de U de base distal. Após a cateterização da artéria radial a nível do punho, foi injetado um corante plástico de baixa viscosidade e rápida solidificação que permitiu adequada visibilização até mesmo de pequenos vasos. A artéria radial e seus ramos, o arco dorsal, as artérias metacarpais dorsais, os ramos comunicantes distais e proximais do sistema palmar e os ramos cutâneos distais, foram cuidadosamente dissecados e identificados. RESULTADOS: Os ramos cutâneos distais provenientes das artérias metacarpais dorsais foram observados em todos os casos, em média, a 1,2 cm proximal a articulação metacarpo-falangeana. A primeira artéria metacarpal dorsal apresentou três padrões diferentes em relação ao seu trajeto no primeiro espaço intermetacarpal: fascial, subfascial e misto. O padrão de ramificação da artéria radial, no primeiro espaço intermetacarpal, foi o de sua divisão em três ramos. Observamos a presença do arco arterial dorsal em 100% dos casos, com sua origem na artéria radial. A distância entre a emergência do arco dorsal e o ponto de ramificação da artéria radial foi em média de 2 cm. As artérias primeira e segunda metacarpais dorsais estiveram presentes em todos os casos. As artérias terceira e quarta metacarpais dorsais estiveram presentes em 96,2% e 92,3% dos casos, respectivamente. Constatamos que houve uma comunicação proximal e distal do arco dorsal com o sistema palmar, através de ramos comunicantes que contribuíram para a formação das artérias metacarpais dorsais. CONCLUSÃO: Existe uma rica rede arterial no dorso da mão, que apresenta um grande número de anastomoses com o sistema arterial palmar, permitindo a utilização desta região como uma fonte potencial de retalhos cutâneos


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    ABSTRACT Objectives: The aim was to evaluate the viability and the outcomes of the sural flap performed with the pedicle covered by a strip of skin. Methods: A prospective cohort of 20 consecutive cases were evaluated in terms of flap viability, complication rate, and the amount of skin graft required. The location of the defects was the middle third of the tibia in 3 cases, the ankle and hindfoot in 15 cases, the middle foot in 1 case, and the forefoot in 1 case. The flap design was the same as described by Masquelet. The only modification included a strip of skin over the entire length of the pedicle. The intermediary skin between the donor site and the defect was incised and the skin was undermined to accommodate the pedicle without compression. Results: All cases had a satisfactory evolution, with adequate healing and without flap loss. Both the donor site and the pedicle were primarily closed in all cases. In one patient, the flap developed a limited area of superficial epidermolysis that healed spontaneously. Conclusion: the modified sural flap with a covered pedicle is feasible and reliable with a lower rate of complications when compared with the conventional sural flap. Level of Evidence IV, Cohort Studies


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    <div><p>ABSTRACT Objective: To compare magnetic resonance imaging and intraoperative findings in patients diagnosed with traumatic injury to the brachial plexus. Methods: Patients with a diagnosis of traumatic injury to the brachial plexus admitted to the hand and microsurgery outpatient consult of the Hospital das Clínicas at the University of São Paulo were selected during December 2016. A total of three adult patients with up to six months of injury who underwent surgical treatment were included in the study. A diffusion-weighted sequence magnetic resonance protocol and fluid-sensitive volumetric reformatting sequence were applied. The magnetic resonance results were compared with the diagnoses obtained from the injuries observed during the surgery. The study was double-blind (surgeon and radiologist). Results: A descriptive correlation was found between the magnetic resonance imaging results and the diagnostic findings from the surgeries, for both pre- and post-ganglionic injuries. Conclusion: Magnetic resonance imaging has shown to be a promising diagnostic method in preoperative assessment of brachial plexus lesions; it is less invasive than other common methods, showing not only avulsion lesions but also localized postganglionic lesions in the supra- and infraclavicular region. Level of Evidence III; Diagnostic studies - Investigating a diagnostic test.</p></div

    Estudo clínico do retalho lateral do braço ampliado A clinical study of the extended lateral arm flap

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar prospectivamente os resultados obtidos no tratamento de pacientes portadores de lesões do revestimento cutâneo de dimensões menores ou iguais a 20cm de comprimento por 10cm de largura com a utilização do retalho microcirúrgico lateral do braço ampliado distalmente ao epicôndilo lateral do cotovelo. MÉTODOS: Foram operados 23 pacientes, 69,5% do sexo masculino, 73,9% de origem traumática e a região receptora foi o membro inferior em 65.2% dos casos. A idade variou de 6 a 62 anos, com média de 32 anos. O seguimento mínimo foi de 5 meses. RESULTADOS: Obtivemos sucesso na realização em 100% dos casos. As dimensões dos retalhos variaram de 9 a 20cm em comprimento, com média de 14cm e em largura, de 3 a 8 cm, com média de 5.5cm. A maior distância entre o epicôndilo lateral e a extremidade distal do retalho foi de 8 cm, variando de 2 cm até 8 cm, com média de 4.9cm. CONCLUSÃO: O retalho microcirúrgico lateral do braço ampliado distalmente ao epicôndilo lateral do cotovelo mostrou-se seguro para a cobertura cutânea de lesões de dimensões iguais ou menores a 20cm de comprimento por 10 cm de largura, com o prolongamento do retalho até 8cm distal ao epicôndilo lateral.<br>OBJECTIVE: To prospectively evaluate the results obtained in the treatment of patients with cutaneous lesions smaller or equal to 20cm long by 10cm wide with the use of lateral arm flap extended distally to the lateral epicondyle of the elbow. METHODS: 23 patients underwent surgery, 69.5% of them male, 73.9% of traumatic origin, and the receiving region was the lower limb in 65.2% of cases. The age ranged from 6 to 62 years, with an average of 32 years. Minimum follow-up care was 5 months. RESULTS: We succeeded in 100% of cases. The size of flaps ranged from 9 to 20 cm in length, with an average of 14cm, and width, from 3 to 8cm, with an average of 5.5cm. The greatest distance between the lateral epicondyle and the distal flap was 8cm, ranging from 2cm to 8cm, with an average of 4.9cm. CONCLUSION: The lateral arm flap, extended distally to the lateral epicondyle of the elbow, was safe to cover cutaneous lesions of size equal to or smaller than 20cm long by 10cm wide, with the extension of the flap up to 8cm distal to the lateral epicondyle