6 research outputs found

    Relaci贸n entre Antecedente Empresarial Familiar y el Emprendimiento de Micro y Peque帽as Empresas

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    The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between the family business background and the entrepreneurship of micro and small enterprises. A total census of 123 companies registered in the Business Incubator of the Facultad de Contadur铆a y Administraci贸n of the Universidad Aut贸noma de Chihuahua in Chihuahua, Mexico, was carried out. The research was descriptive and exploratory; using the analyticalsynthetic method, with a transectional design, performed between April and June 2016. The dependent variable was the generation of companies and the independent variable was to have a family business background. The main results indicate that the majority of entrepreneurs with companies in operation, have a family business background. However, it is not decisive to not have a relative with a company, and other factors can also influence the entrepreneurship of new companies, among which may be the support provided by the business incubator

    An谩lisis Diagn贸stico De Percepci贸n En Adultos J贸venes Sobre Participaci贸n Pol铆tica Y Voto Electr贸nico En M茅xico

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    Mexico is challenging the perfection of democracy exercised by the people through voting. The objective of the research was to determine the feasibility of the exercise of electronic voting in Mexico, according to the political perception of young adults. The analysis is focused in the persons between 25 to 46 years old. This is a segment of the population of great importance within the economically active population in Mexico, and by the number of voters in this range, they have great influence on the results of the elections. The work was done from an analysis of the database obtained from the territorial survey conducted nationwide by the Center for Social and Political Studies (CESOP) of the LXII Legislature of the Chamber of Deputies in Mexico between November 21 and December 2, 2014; 1,400 interviews were conducted with 18 senior citizens spread over 132 municipalities throughout the country. The results were grouped into two variables, the first being the Political Participation with three indicators and the second, the Electronic Vote with six indicators. Cronbach Alfa Coefficient was obtained, with a value of 0.715.To measure the internal consistency of the research work, a multivariate factor analysis was performed. The main results indicate that they have low interest in politics. Their intention to vote is high on the following elections. The majority believes that electronic voting, people would come with greater certainty to cast the vote

    Percepci贸n y nivel de confianza de la sociedad chihuahuense hacia los Millenials

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    Objective: Evaluate the perception and the trust level of the chihuahuan society towards the Millennial generation. Statement of the problem: In recent years, the ideas and stereotypes that are held towards the members of the Millennial generation are mostly negative, so it is necessary to study and analyze in depth the characteristics of these people, and take into account the perceptions about this generation. Methodology: The research was of an applied type, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational design. The population of interest and the unit of analysis were people of this generation located in Chihuahua City. The sampling was probabilistic. The sample size was defined with a confidence level of 95% and an error of 5% and 425 people were worked on. The variable evaluated was the perception and trust level. The measurement instrument was a questionnaire that requested sociodemographic data and was made up of 14 questions related to the perception and trust level towards the millennial generation. A descriptive and correlational analysis was carried out. The K-media test was used to identify response groups. The chi square test was used to identify dependence between variables. Results: The main characteristics of the Millennial generation were: they are extroverts, dreamers and optimists. The perception of chihuahuan society towards the Millennial generation is negative and a low trust level was detected.Objetivo: Evaluar la percepci贸n y el nivel de confianza de la sociedad chihuahuense hacia a generaci贸n Millennial. Planteamiento del problema: En estos 煤ltimos a帽os, las ideas y estereotipos que se tienen hacia los integrantes de la generaci贸n Millennial son en su mayor铆a de car谩cter negativo, por lo que es necesario que se estudie y analice a fondo las caracter铆sticas de estas personas, y tomar en cuenta las percepciones sobre esta generaci贸n. Metodolog铆a: La investigaci贸n fue de tipo aplicada, con un dise帽o no experimental, transeccional descriptivo y correlacional. La poblaci贸n de inter茅s y la unidad de an谩lisis fueron personas de esta generaci贸n ubicados en la ciudad de Chihuahua. El muestreo fue de tipo probabil铆stico. El tama帽o de la muestra se defini贸 con un nivel de confianza del 95% y un error del 5% y se trabaj贸 425 personas. La variable evaluada fue la precepci贸n y nivel de confianza. El instrumento de medici贸n fue un cuestionario que solicit贸 datos sociodemogr谩ficos y estuvo integrado por 14 preguntas relacionados con la percepci贸n y el nivel de confianza hacia la generaci贸n millennial. Se llev贸 cabo un an谩lisis descriptivo y correlacional. Se utiliz贸 la prueba de K medias para identificar grupos de respuesta. Se utiliz贸 la prueba de chi cuadrada para identificar dependencia entre variables. Resultados: Las principales caracter铆sticas de la generaci贸n Millennial fueron: Son extrovertidos, so帽adores y optimistas. La percepci贸n de la sociedad chihuahuense hacia la generaci贸n Millennial es negativa y se detect贸 un nivel de confianza baj

    Percepci贸n y nivel de confianza de la sociedad chihuahuense hacia los Millenials

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    Objective: Evaluate the perception and the trust level of the chihuahuan society towards the Millennial generation. Statement of the problem: In recent years, the ideas and stereotypes that are held towards the members of the Millennial generation are mostly negative, so it is necessary to study and analyze in depth the characteristics of these people, and take into account the perceptions about this generation. Methodology: The research was of an applied type, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational design. The population of interest and the unit of analysis were people of this generation located in Chihuahua City. The sampling was probabilistic. The sample size was defined with a confidence level of 95% and an error of 5% and 425 people were worked on. The variable evaluated was the perception and trust level. The measurement instrument was a questionnaire that requested sociodemographic data and was made up of 14 questions related to the perception and trust level towards the millennial generation. A descriptive and correlational analysis was carried out. The K-media test was used to identify response groups. The chi square test was used to identify dependence between variables. Results: The main characteristics of the Millennial generation were: they are extroverts, dreamers and optimists. The perception of chihuahuan society towards the Millennial generation is negative and a low trust level was detected.Objetivo: Evaluar la percepci贸n y el nivel de confianza de la sociedad chihuahuense hacia a generaci贸n Millennial. Planteamiento del problema: En estos 煤ltimos a帽os, las ideas y estereotipos que se tienen hacia los integrantes de la generaci贸n Millennial son en su mayor铆a de car谩cter negativo, por lo que es necesario que se estudie y analice a fondo las caracter铆sticas de estas personas, y tomar en cuenta las percepciones sobre esta generaci贸n. Metodolog铆a: La investigaci贸n fue de tipo aplicada, con un dise帽o no experimental, transeccional descriptivo y correlacional. La poblaci贸n de inter茅s y la unidad de an谩lisis fueron personas de esta generaci贸n ubicados en la ciudad de Chihuahua. El muestreo fue de tipo probabil铆stico. El tama帽o de la muestra se defini贸 con un nivel de confianza del 95% y un error del 5% y se trabaj贸 425 personas. La variable evaluada fue la precepci贸n y nivel de confianza. El instrumento de medici贸n fue un cuestionario que solicit贸 datos sociodemogr谩ficos y estuvo integrado por 14 preguntas relacionados con la percepci贸n y el nivel de confianza hacia la generaci贸n millennial. Se llev贸 cabo un an谩lisis descriptivo y correlacional. Se utiliz贸 la prueba de K medias para identificar grupos de respuesta. Se utiliz贸 la prueba de chi cuadrada para identificar dependencia entre variables. Resultados: Las principales caracter铆sticas de la generaci贸n Millennial fueron: Son extrovertidos, so帽adores y optimistas. La percepci贸n de la sociedad chihuahuense hacia la generaci贸n Millennial es negativa y se detect贸 un nivel de confianza bajo. &nbsp

    El origen de la universidad Incluyente en M茅xico: Su evoluci贸n y retos

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    Desde el desarrollo de los tiempos, la educaci贸n ha ido evolucionando, ya que esto ha tra铆do la inclusi贸n de alumnos con diversas variantes en su desarrollo, y con esto podemos ver que en M茅xico, ha sido una continua inclusi贸n dentro de las formas de educar. En la que hemos visto un crecimiento de matr铆cula muy adecuado y lo que nos indica un desarrollo continuo del proceso de crecimiento de la UACH. En el proceso de realizaci贸n de esta investigaci贸n pudimos ver como se ha ido incrementando la matr铆cula y la aceptaci贸n de los alumnos con discapacidad, los cuales han ido ganando terreno en el 谩mbito educativo. Al final concluimos, que a pesar de todo, y pese a todos los altibajos que ha sufrido nuestra econom铆a y sociedad, se acaba de dar un vuelco a ver las necesidades de este sector tan da帽ado, y tan fr谩gil de nuestra sociedad, esos peque帽os-grandes guerreros, que no importando su condici贸n, luchan por seguir en esta tierra, por ganar un espacio y que quieren ser tratados, como lo que son Unos Seres Especiales, aquellos, que por naturaleza, por accidente o por enfermedad, dejaron de desarrollar alg煤n sentido, o bien lo desarrollan poco, pero que al entrar al habito educativo pueden lograr sus metas y sus ideales

    Entrevista con Liliana 脕lvarez Loya en la reuni贸n semestral Oto帽o 2012

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    Reuni贸n Semestral Oto帽o 2012. Tema; Aplicaciones. Formato; v铆deo/flv.Entrevista con representante del Gobernador del Estado de Chihuahua.Entrevista con Liliana lvarez en la Reunin de Otoo 2012_ CUDI.flv/C