3,741 research outputs found
Rudiments of Holography
An elementary introduction to Maldacena's AdS/CFT correspondence is given,
with some emphasis in the Fefferman-Graham construction. This is based on
lectures given by one of us (E.A.) at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.Comment: 60 pages, additional misprints corrected, references adde
The aim of this paper is to analyze a competitiveness strategy based on sustainability to lead the way to a model ofresponsible and competitive development. The analysis takes as its starting point the assumption that the maturity of asustainable business strategy positively affects competitiveness. The used method is the critical analysis. Amongother results of this analysis concludes that the current business strategy seeks a system ecologically appropriate,economically viable and socially fair to reach sustainable equilibrium. This strategy based on sustainability must bepromoted by the institutions and strengthened by the capabilities and resources that each company counts on todevelop advantages to foster the overall development and achieve the maximization of benefits from the tangible andintangible perspectives
Sustainability as a model of responsible development and competitive
[Resumo] O obxectivo do presente artigo é analizar mediante o método analítico a estratexia da competitividade en función da estratexia da sustentabilidad para dar a pauta a un modelo de desenvolvemento responsable e competitivo. Tendo como punto de partida a seguinte afirmación: A madurez dunha estratexia sustentable nas empresas afecta positivamente á competitividade. Entre os resultados do presente establécese que a estratexia empresarial actual busca un sistema ecoloxicamente adecuado, economicamente viable e socialmente xusto para chegar ao equilibrio sustentable, impulsado polas institucións e fortalecido das capacidades e recursos cos que conta cada empresa para desenvolver vantaxes que impulsen o desenvolvemento global e logren a maximización de beneficios desde unha prespectiva tanxible e intanxible.[Abstract] The aim of this paper is analyzed by the analytical method competitiveness strategy based on sustainability strategy to lead the way to a model of responsible development and competitive. Taking as its starting point the following statement: The maturity of a sustainable business strategy positively affects competitiveness. The results of this states that the current business strategy seeks an ecologically appropriate, economically viable and socially just to reach sustainable equilibrium promoted by the institutions and strengthened the capabilities and resources that each company has to develop benefits promote the overall development and achieve the maximization of benefits from a perspective tangible and intangible.
Cryptanalysis of a novel cryptosystem based on chaotic oscillators and feedback inversion
An analysis of a recently proposed cryptosystem based on chaotic oscillators
and feedback inversion is presented. It is shown how the cryptosystem can be
broken when Duffing's oscillator is considered. Some implementation problems of
the system are also discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, latex forma
Strain balanced quantum posts
Quantum posts are assembled by epitaxial growth of closely spaced quantum dot
layers, modulating the composition of a semiconductor alloy, typically InGaAs.
In contrast with most self-assembled nanostructures, the height of quantum
posts can be controlled with nanometer precision, up to a maximum value limited
by the accumulated stress due to the lattice mismatch. Here we present a strain
compensation technique based on the controlled incorporation of phosphorous,
which substantially increases the maximum attainable quantum post height. The
luminescence from the resulting nanostructures presents giant linear
polarization anisotropy.Comment: Submitted to Applied Physics Letters (7th March 2011). 4 pages, 4
OptEEmAL: Decision-Support Tool for the Design of Energy Retrofitting Projects at District Level
Designing energy retrofitting actions poses an elevated number of problems, as the definition of the baseline, selection of indicators to measure performance, modelling, setting objectives, etc. This is time-consuming and it can result in a number of inaccuracies, leading to inadequate decisions. While these problems are present at building level, they are multiplied at district level, where there are complex interactions to analyse, simulate and improve. OptEEmAL proposes a solution as a decision-support tool for the design of energy retrofitting projects at district level. Based on specific input data (IFC(s), CityGML, etc.), the platform will automatically simulate the baseline scenario and launch an optimisation process where a series of Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) will be applied to this scenario. Its performance will be evaluated through a holistic set of indicators to obtain the best combination of ECMs that complies with user's objectives. A great reduction in time and higher accuracy in the models are experienced, since they are automatically created and checked. A subjective problem is transformed into a mathematical problem; it simplifies it and ensures a more robust decision-making. This paper will present a case where the platform has been tested.This research work has been partially funded by the European Commission though the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 680676. All related information to the project is available at https://www.opteemal-project.eu
Características y sentido de las prácticas de gestión humana en pequeñas empresas
With the purpose of understanding the human resource practices in the small productive units of the industrial, commercial, and services sectors, a research was conducted in 47 small businesses applying a qualitative approach using deep interviews and focus groups. Besides accepting that many principles of human resources proper of big businesses do not apply in the small ones, another three theoretical assumptions were made: The recognition of the rationality of the small entrepreneur, the value of the person as a source of competitive advantage, and the importance of human resources for organizational success. The fi ndings show interesting results to entrepreneurs, unions, academics, and those who are responsible for the formulation of business politics in the region.Con el fin de comprender las prácticas de gestión humana en las pequeñas unidades productivas de los sectores industrial, comercial y de servicios, se llevó a cabo una investigación en 47 pequeñas empresas, con la aplicación de una metodología cualitativa utilizando entrevistas a profundidad y grupos foco. Además de aceptar que muchos principios de gestión humana propios de la gran empresa no son aplicables en la pequeña, se asumieron otros tres supuestos teóricos: el reconocimiento de la racionalidad del pequeño empresario, el valor de la persona como fuente de ventaja competitiva y la importancia de la gestión humana para el éxito organizacional. Los hallazgos muestran resultados interesantes para empresarios, gremios, académicos y responsables de la formulación de la política empresarial en las regiones
Características y sentido de las prácticas de gestión humana en pequeñas empresas
Con el fin de comprender las prácticas de gestión humana en las pequeñas unidades productivas de los sectores industrial, comercial y de servicios, se llevó a cabo una investigación en 47 pequeñas empresas, con la aplicación de una metodología cualitativa utilizando entrevistas a profundidad y grupos foco. Además de aceptar que muchos principios de gestión humana propios de la gran empresa no son aplicables en la pequeña, se asumieron otros tres supuestos teóricos: el reconocimiento de la racionalidad del pequeño empresario, el valor de la persona como fuente de ventaja competitiva y la importancia de la gestión humana para el éxito organizacional. Los hallazgos muestran resultados interesantes para empresarios, gremios, académicos y responsables de la formulación de la política empresarial en las regiones
Integration Host Factor (IHF) binds to the promoter region of the phtD operon involved in phaseolotoxin synthesis in P. syringae pv. phaseolicola NPS3121
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Pseudomonas syringae </it>pv. phaseolicola, the causal agent of halo blight disease in beans, produces a toxin known as phaseolotoxin, in whose synthesis participate a group of genes organized within the genome in a region known as the "Pht cluster". This region, which is thought to have been acquired by horizontal gene transfer, includes 5 transcriptional units, two monocistronic (<it>argK, phtL</it>) and three polycistronic (<it>phtA, phtD, phtM</it>), whose expression is temperature dependent. So far, the regulatory mechanisms involved in phaseolotoxin synthesis have not been elucidated and the only well-established fact is the requirement of low temperatures for its synthesis. In this work, we searched for regulatory proteins that could be involved in phaseolotoxin synthesis, focusing on the regulation of the <it>phtD </it>operon.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study we identified the global regulator IHF (Integration Host Factor), which binds to the promoter region of the <it>phtD </it>operon, exerting a negative effect on the expression of this operon. This is the first regulatory protein identified as part of the phaseolotoxin synthesis system. Our findings suggest that the Pht cluster was similarly regulated in the ancestral cluster by IHF or similar protein, and integrated into the global regulatory mechanism of <it>P. syringae </it>pv. phaseolicola, after the horizontal gene transfer event by using the host IHF protein.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study identifies the IHF protein as one element involved in the regulation of phaseolotoxin synthesis in <it>P. syringae </it>pv. phaseolicola NPS3121 and provides new insights into the regulatory mechanisms involved in phaseolotoxin production.</p
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