238 research outputs found

    Humanistas y legistas en la universidad española del Renacimiento

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    También en las universidades peninsulares al comienzo de la edad moderna se produjo un enfrentamiento entre humanistas y legistas, que condujo a un debate sobre el valor del derecho romano y el peso que este tenía que tener en la enseñanza.Abstract: During the Renaissance, the confrontation between humanists and legists in Iberian universities led to a debate concerning the value of Roman Law, and the importance that it should be given it should be given in education. education.Publicad

    La evolución de las Hermandades en el siglo XV.

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    La evolución de las Hermandades en el siglo XV.

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    Transcriptional profile of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola NPS3121 in response to tissue extracts from a susceptible Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivar

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Pseudomonas syringae </it>pv. phaseolicola is a Gram-negative plant-pathogenic bacterium that causes "halo blight" disease of beans (<it>Phaseolus vulgaris </it>L.). This disease affects both foliage and pods, and is a major problem in temperate areas of the world. Although several bacterial genes have been determined as participants in pathogenesis, the overall process still remains poorly understood, mainly because the identity and function of many of the genes are largely unknown. In this work, a genomic library of <it>P. syringae </it>pv. phaseolicola NPS3121 was constructed and PCR amplification of individual fragments was carried out in order to print a DNA microarray. This microarray was used to identify genes that are differentially expressed when bean leaf extracts, pod extracts or apoplastic fluid were added to the growth medium.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Transcription profiles show that 224 genes were differentially expressed, the majority under the effect of bean leaf extract and apoplastic fluid. Some of the induced genes were previously known to be involved in the first stages of the bacterial-plant interaction and virulence. These include genes encoding type III secretion system proteins and genes involved in cell-wall degradation, phaseolotoxin synthesis and aerobic metabolism. On the other hand, most repressed genes were found to be involved in the uptake and metabolism of iron.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study furthers the understanding of the mechanisms involved, responses and the metabolic adaptation that occurs during the interaction of <it>P. syringae </it>pv. phaseolicola with a susceptible host plant.</p

    Implementation of a green chemistry practice for the teaching of spectrophotometry

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    In the laboratory of Instrumental Analysis the topics of quantification of analytes by colorimetry are addressed, this practice was initially performed using potassium dichromate as a chemical reagent that is toxic and causes damage to the environment. Based on the objective of the practice (to facilitate the teaching of colorimetry) and to reduce the negative impact on the environment and the health of students, an alternative practice was designed that uses a red plant dye to replace the potassium dichromate; the dye is a low-cost and relatively harmless compound for both health and the environment. The practice was carried out with ten student volunteers, who worked individually, from the powder dye prepared a solution and then a series of dilutions to determine the concentration of a test sample. The experience could be carried out individually in work teams and the concentration of a problem sample provided could be determined. The implemented practice is a green alternative for teaching colorimetry in university students

    Bibliografía [Cuadernos del Instituto Antonio de Nebrija de estudios sobre la Universidad. 1999, nº 2]

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    Antonio Castillo. Escritura y escribientes (Enrique Villalba).-- Juan Carlos Domínguez Nafría. El jurisconsulto Benito Gutiérrez (M. Martínez Neira).-- Estado de la Universidad de Alcalá [1805], estudio preliminar de José Luis Peset (Pascual Marzal).-- Ramón González Navarro. Universidad y economía: el colegio mayor de San Ildefonso (A. Álvarez de Morales).-- Nathalie Gorochov. Le Collége de Navarre (Pascual Tamburri).-- J.L. Guereña y otros. L'Université en Espagne et en Amérique Latine, vol. I y II (Carolina Rodríguez).-- Luis Miguel Gutiérrez Torrecilla, Pedro Ballesteros Torres. Cátedras y catedráticos de la Universidad de Alcalá (Olga López).-- Luis Lorente. La real y pontificia Universidad de Toledo (M. Martínez Neira).-- M.G. Núñez Muñoz (coord.). Historia de la Universidad de la Laguna (Carolina Rodríguez).-- Laura Pasquino. Adolfo Levi. 1878-1948 (E. Hernández Sandoica).-- Antonio Pérez Martín. Españoles en el Alma Mater Studiorum (Pascual Tamburri).-- Juan Luis Polo Rodríguez. La universidad salmantina del antiguo régimen (J. Alejo Montes).-- Jaume Porta y Manuel Lladonosa (coords.). La universidad en el cambio de siglo (Carmen Merino).-- Renán Silva. Universidad y sociedad en el Nuevo Reino de Granada (Enrique Villalba).-- Sociedad Española de Historioa de la Educación (ed.). La universidad en el siglo XX (España e Iberoamérica) (CArmen Merino).-- Pascual Tamburri Bariain. Juristas y estudiantes españoles en Bolonia antes de la fundación del Colegio de España (M.A. Bermejo Castrillo).-- Luis Reis Torgal. A Universidade e o Estado Novo: 1926-1961 (E. Hernández Sandoica).-- C.Singer. Vichy, l'Université et les juifs. Id., L'Université libérée. L'Université épurée (Carolina Rodríguez).-- André Tuilier. Histoire de l'Université de Paris (A. Álvarez de Morales).-- Carlos Vattier Fuenzalida. Gumersindo de Azcárate (M. Martínez Neira).-- Olga Weijers. Le manieinent du savoir: XIII-XIV siècles. Id., La disputatio (A. Álvarez de Morales)Publicad