2,748 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de un equipo didáctico para prácticas en asignaturas de control e identificación

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    En este artículo se presentan los detalles de un equipo didáctico desarrollado por los autores bajo las especificaciones dadas por los profesores del departamento DISA de la UPCT. Se ha tratado de crear un equipo que permita realizar el más amplio abanico de prácticas en las asignaturas de regulación y control de sistemas de este departamento. Además se hizo un esfuerzo especial en conseguir un equipo sencillo de manejo, robusto, fiable, seguro, versátil y de arquitectura abierta, características que a nuestro entender hay que cumplir para conseguir un buen equipo didáctico. En este articulo se muestran los detalles constructivos así como sus posibilidades como equipo de prácticas en las asignaturas de automática.Los autores desean mostrar su agradecimiento al Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática de la UPCT por su apoyo y apuesta por una iniciativa de este tipo

    Herramienta para la implantación hardware de controladores sobre FPGAs

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    Barcelona, 12-14 de septiembre de 2001Deseamos agradecerle al departamento de electrónica, tecnología de computadoras y proyectos su apoyo técnico en la realización de este proyecto. Además deseamos agradecer al CEDETEL su apoyo económico

    Nación y democracia: Entrevista a José Álvarez Junco

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    José Álvarez Junco (1942) is a reference in the political history of Spain. As the culmination of a career linked to democratic commitment -he has been director of the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies and a member of the Council of State of Spain- and to critical analysis, in 2002 he received the National Essay Award for his work Mater Dolorosa. The idea of ​​Spain in the 19th century. Professor at the Complutense University, he held the Prince of Asturias Chair at Tufts University in Boston for almost a decade. Among his works we must highlight: La Comuna en España, Siglo XXI (1971); The political ideology of Spanish anarchism, 1868-191 O, Siglo XXI (1976); The "Emperor of the Parallel". Alejandro Lerroux and populist demagogy, Alianza (1999); Sorrowful Mother. The idea of ​​Spain in the 19th century, Taurus (2001); and useful gods. Nations and nationalisms, Galaxy Gutenberg (2011). On the occasion of a seminar that was intended to bring order to the national story about Al Ándalus, held in Madrid, at Casa Árabe, where we were invited, I spoke to him about coming to Granada to interview him. He accepted, with his proverbial bonhomie immediately. Here is the result of that conversation on April 11, 2018, at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Granada, in the presence of the dean of the Faculty, Professor José Antonio Pérez Tapias.José Álvarez Junco (1942) es un referente de la Historia política de España. Como culminación de una carrera vinculada al compromiso democrático -ha sido director del Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales y miembro de Consejo de Estado de España- y al análisis crítico en el año 2002 recibió el Premio Nacional de Ensayo por su obra Mater Dolorosa. La idea de España en el siglo XIX. Catedrático de la Universidad Complutense, detentó durante casi una década la cátedra Príncipe de Asturias de la Universidad de Tufts en Boston. Entre sus obras hemos de destacar: La Comuna en España, Siglo XXI ( 1971 ); La ideología política del anarquismo español, 1868-191 O, Siglo XXI (1976); El "Emperador del Paralelo". Alejandro Lerroux y la demagogia populista, Alianza ( 1999); Mater Dolorosa. La idea de Espaiia en el siglo XIX, Taurus (2001); y Dioses útiles. Naciones y nacionalismos, Galaxia Gutenberg (2011). Con motivo de un seminario que pretendía poner orden en el relato nacional sobre al Ándalus, celebrado en Madrid, en Casa Árabe, donde fuimos invitados, le hablé de venir a Granada a hacerle una entrevista. Aceptó, con su proverbial bonhomía de inmediato. Aquí está el resultado de aquella conversación de 11 de abril de 2018, en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Granada, en presencia del decano de la Facultad, profesor José Antonio Pérez Tapias

    Spontaneous vegetation colonizing abandoned metal(loid) mine tailings consistently modulates climatic, chemical and biological soil conditions throughout seasons

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    This study aimed to evaluate whether the improvement in soil conditions induced by the vegetation spontaneously colonizing abandoned metal(loid) mine tailings from semiarid areas is consistent throughout seasons and to identify if the temporal variability of that conditions is of similar magnitude of that of the surrounding forests. Soil climatic (temperature and moisture), chemical (pH, electrical conductivity and water-soluble salts and metal(loid)s) and biological (water-soluble organic carbon and ammonium, microbial biomass carbon, dehydrogenase and β-glucosidase activity, organic matter decomposition and feeding activity of soil dwelling organisms) parameters were seasonally evaluated for one year in bare soils and different vegetated patches within metalliferous mine tailings and surrounding forests in southeast Spain. The results indicated that the improvement in soil conditions (as shown by softening of climatic conditions and lower scores for salinity and water-soluble metals and higher for biological parameters) induced by vegetation colonization was consistent throughout seasons. This amelioration was more evident in the more complex vegetation patches (trees with herbs and shrubs under the canopy), compared to bare soils and simpler soil-plant systems (only trees), and closer to forest soils outside the tailings. Bare soils and, to a lesser extent, vegetation patches solely composed by trees, showed stronger seasonal variability in temperature, moisture content, salinity, and water-soluble metals. In contrast, changes in biological and biological-related parameters were more pronounced in the more complex vegetation patches within mine tailings and surrounding forests due to its greater biological activity. In summary, the results demonstrated that vegetation patches formed by spontaneous colonization act as microsites that modulate seasonal variability in soil conditions and stimulate biological activity. This suggests that tailings vegetation patches might have higher resilience against climate change effects than bare soils. Therefore, they should be preserved as valuable spots in the phytomanagement of metal(loid)s mine tailings from semiarid areas.The present study was supported by the project RESCLICONT (CGL2016-80981-R) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and FEDER A way to make Europe. A. Peñalver-Alcalá was hired by the project RESCLICONT. M.N. González-Alcaraz holds a Ramón y Cajal research contract from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC2020-029322-I). We much appreciate the help of M. Carmen Tercero, Héctor M. Conesa and Irene Sánchez during field and laboratory work. Francisco J. Jiménez-Cárceles, from Biocyma environmental consulting, helped us in vegetation field work. We thank to the technicians of the SAIT-UPCT for their laboratory and analytical assessments

    Tsunami hazard at the Western Mediterranean Spanish coast from seismic sources

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    Spain represents an important part of the tourism sector in theWestern Mediterranean, which has been affected in the past by tsunamis. Although the tsunami risk at the Spanish coasts is not the highest of the Mediterranean, the necessity of tsunami risk mitigation measures should not be neglected. In the Mediterranean area, Spain is exposed to two different tectonic environments with contrasting characteristics. On one hand, the Alboran Basin characterised by transcurrent and transpressive tectonics and, on the other hand, the North Algerian fold and thrust belt, characterised by compressive tectonics. A set of 22 seismic tsunamigenic sources has been used to estimate the tsunami threat over the Spanish Mediterranean coast of the Iberian peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Maximum wave elevation maps and tsunami travel times have been computed by means of numerical modelling and we have obtained estimations of threat levels for each source over the Spanish coast. The sources on the Western edge of North Algeria are the most dangerous, due to their threat to the South-Eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula and to theWestern Balearic Islands. In general, the Northern Algerian sources pose a greater risk to the Spanish coast than the Alboran Sea sources, which only threaten the peninsular coast. In the Iberian Peninsula, the Spanish provinces of Almeria and Murcia are the most exposed, while all the Balearic Islands can be affected by the North Algerian sources with probable severe damage, specially the islands of Ibiza and Minorca. The results obtained in this work are useful to plan future regional and local warning systems, as well as to set the priority areas to conduct research on detailed tsunami risk

    Tsunami hazard maps of spanish coast at national scale from seismic sources

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    Tsunamis are a moderately frequent phenomenon in the NEAM (North East Atlantic and Mediterranean) region, and consequently in Spain, as historic and recent events have affected this area. I.e., the 1755 earthquake and tsunami affected the Spanish Atlantic coasts of Huelva and Cadiz and the 2003 Boumerdés earthquake triggered a tsunami that reached Balearic island coast in less than 45 minutes. The risk in Spain is real and, its population and tourism rate makes it vulnerable to this kind of catastrophic events. The Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 and the tsunami in Japan in 2011 launched the worldwide development and application of tsunami risk reduction measures that have been taken as a priority in this field. On November 20th 2015 the directive of the Spanish civil protection agency on planning under the emergency of tsunami was presented. As part of the Spanish National Security strategy, this document specifies the structure of the action plans at different levels: National, regional and local. In this sense, the first step is the proper evaluation of the tsunami hazard at National scale. This work deals with the assessment of the tsunami hazard in Spain, by means of numerical simulations, focused on the elaboration of tsunami hazard maps at National scale. To get this, following a deterministic approach, the seismic structures whose earthquakes could generate the worst tsunamis affecting the coast of Spain have been compiled and characterized. These worst sources have been propagated numerically along a reconstructed bathymetry, built from the best resolution available data. This high-resolution bathymetry was joined with a 25-m resolution DTM, to generate continuous offshore-onshore space, allowing the calculation of the flooded areas prompted by each selected source. The numerical model applied for the calculation of the tsunami propagations was COMCOT. The maps resulting from the numerical simulations show not only the tsunami amplitude at coastal areas but also the run-up and inundation length from the coastline. The run-up has been calculated with numerical model, complemented with an alternative method, based on interpolation on a tsunami run-up database created ad hoc. These estimated variables allow the identification of the most affected areas in case of tsunami and they are also the base for the local authorities to evaluate the necessity of new higher resolution studies at local scale on specific areas

    A Sparse-Bayesian Approach for the Design of Robust Digital Predistorters Under Power-Varying Operation

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    "Early access"In this article, a sparse-Bayesian treatment is proposed to solve the crucial questions posed by power amplifier (PA) and digital predistorter (DPD) modeling. To learn a model, the advanced Bayesian framework includes a group of specific processes that maximize the likelihood of the measured data: regressor pursuit and identification, coefficient estimation, stopping criterion, and regressor deselection. The relevance vector machine (RVM) method is reformulated theoretically to be implemented in complex-valued linear regression. In essence, given an initial set of candidate regressors, the result of this sparse-Bayesian learning approach is the most likely model. Experimental results are provided for the linearization of class AB and class J PAs driven by a 30-MHz fifth-generation new radio signal for a fixed average power, where the evolution of the figures of merit versus the number of active coefficients is examined for the proposed sparse-Bayesian pursuit (SBP) algorithm in comparison to other greedy algorithms. The SBP presents a good performance in terms of linearization capabilities and computational cost. Furthermore, the proposed Bayesian framework enabled the design of a DPD model structure, deselect regressors, and readjust coefficients in a direct learning architecture, demonstrating the robustness to changes in the power level over a 10-dB range.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación 10.13039/501100011033Junta de Andalucía - Fondos FEDER US-126499