1,657 research outputs found

    Ús de Google Docs i Moodle per facilitar l’aprenentatge cooperatiu a classe i generar automàticament la llibreta de treball dels estudiants de tecnologia i la seva avaluació.

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    Aquest TFM consisteix en la construcció i prova en una classe de secundària d’una eina 2.0 per millorar la dinàmica de les classes de tecnologia, elaborar automàticament la llibreta dels alumnes amb les activitats de classe i afavorir un millor seguiment dels estudiants per part del professor. Les hipòtesis inicials del projecte eren que l’ús d’eines TIC a classe incrementa la motivació dels alumnes, i que la recollida automàtica i posterior explotació permet al professor tenir múltiples evidències del coneixement i habilitats dels alumnes. Disposar d’aquestes evidències facilita la monitorització i el suport personalitzat al seu procés d’aprenentatge. Per construir l’eina s’ha fet servir Google Docs, com a suport per recollir i processar les activitats, i Moodle, per importar les avaluacions, degut a la popularitat i ús generalitzat d’aquestes dos eines. Després de cada classe, el docent avalua les activitats dels alumnes i valora el seu grau d’aprenentatge i aprofitament, per adaptar, si convé, el plantejament de la següent sessió. L’ús d’aquestes dos eines és especialment adient, donat que combinem Moodle, una de les infraestructures docents més habituals als centres de secundària, amb Google Docs, una de les eines més populars de treball cooperatiu online. L’eina s’ha provat amb una unitat didàctica de 2n d’ESO en un grup classe que treballa habitualment en grups d’aprenentatge cooperatiu. Com a grups de control s’han fet servir dos grups més, del mateix nivell, treballant amb metodologia tradicional, i el mateix grup, també treballant amb metodologia tradicional. L’acollida dels alumnes ha estat molt bona i estan molt motivats per aprendre l’ús de l’eina. A més, donada la immediatesa d’aquesta metodologia per introduir la informació, els alumnes dediquen menys temps als aspectes formals i més temps a l’objecte de l’activitat

    Uso de Google Docs y MOODLE para generar automáticamente la libreta de trabajo des estudiantado y su evaluación. Cómo usar herramientas 2.0 para dinamizar las clases y facilitar el trabajo del profesor

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    En las últimas décadas, la manera de impartir clase ha cambiado sustancialmente: de un modelo centrado en el docente, se ha evolucionado hacia un modelo protagonizado por el alumnado, mediante el uso de nuevas herramientas tecnológicas, que han implicado un aumento de la carga de trabajo de los docentes. Esta propuesta pretende desarrollar un sistema que facilita la realización digital de actividades por parte del alumnado, a la vez que permite a los docentes la fácil recogida de ejercicios en clase y su análisis y evaluación posterior, mediante el uso de Moodle y Google Docs. // In the last decades, the way of teaching has changed substantially from a teachercentered model to a students-centered model. This has been facilitated by the use of new Technologies but, on the other side, has resulted in a increase of the theacher’s work load. This proposal pretends to develop a tool that facilitates the students resolution of the activities proponed by teachers, as long as let teachers to collect, evaluate and explode easy and automatically all of these information by using Moodle and Google Docs.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Extrapulmonary tuberculosis : mimicking metastases in a patient with melanoma in a high TB-burden country ; case report

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    Q4This is a case report that includes an analysis about extrapulmonary tuberculosis and his singularities, cause can be confused with cancer. Our patient an 83-year-old woman from Pasto-Colombia presents a mimicking metastasis with melanoma. This guides us to understand that extrapulmonary tuberculosis is a rare pathology, but it should be considered as a potential differential diagnosis of any osteolytic lesion. That is the reasons for to be one of the great imitators in medicine, we come up with are totally necessary in a differential diagnosis with malignancies, a high index of suspicion.Revista Internacional - Indexad

    Successful and stable operation of anaerobic thermophilic co-digestion of sun-dried sugar beet pulp and cow manure under short hydraulic retention time.

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    This work consists of a long-term (621 days) experimental study about biogas production from sun dried sugar beet pulp and cow manure. Thermophilic (55°C) anaerobic co-digestion was performed in semi-continuous reactors, testing ten hydraulic retention times (30-3 days) (HRTs) and organic loading rates (2-24 gVS/Lreactor∙d) (OLRs). Results showed that the best global system performance (regarding stability, biogas production, and organic matter removal) was achieved at an HRT as short as 5 days (OLR of 12.47 gVS/Lreactor∙d) with a biogas yield of 315 mL/gVSadded. The gradual OLR increase allowed system control and time-appropriate intervention, avoiding irreversible process disturbances and maintaining admissible acidity/alkalinity ratios (<0.8) for HRTs ranging from 30 to 4 days. The accumulation of acetic acid was the main cause of the process disturbance observed at short HRTs. It was deduced that for the HRT of 3 days, the methane productivity was mainly owing to the hydrogen-utilizing methanogens pathway. This research clearly shows how an adequate combination of agro-industrial wastes and livestock manure could be processed by anaerobic co-digestion in short HRTs with great efficiency and stability and deepens in the understanding of the start-up, stability and optimization of the co-digestion

    Insights into Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Lignocellulosic Biomass (Sugar Beet By-Products) and Animal Manure in Long-Term Semi-Continuous Assays

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    Biogas production through anaerobic digestion has proven to be one of the most important pillars of the transition into the circular economy concept, a sustainable approach for biorefinery. This work aims to extend and improve knowledge in the anaerobic co-digestion of complementary substrates, given insights into wastes biodegradability and the influence of manure composition on the anaerobic process stability. Anaerobic co-digestion of sugar beet by-products with two kinds of animal manure (pig and cow) was investigated in semi-continuous assays, analyzing both common and non-classical parameters. Co-digestion with manure clearly mitigated the inhibitory effect of volatile fatty acids at high organic loading rates, leading to increases in methane production by 70% and 31% in comparison with individual digestion of sugar beet by-products, for co-digestion with pig and cow manure, respectively. Non-classical parameters could give more insight into the coupling/uncoupling of the anaerobic digestion phases and the involved microorganisms. Indirect parameters indicated that the process failure at the critical organic loading rates was mainly due to methanogenesis inhibition in the co-digestion with pig manure, while in co-digestion with cow manure or in individual digestion of sugar beet by-products, both hydrolysis-acidogenesis and methanogenesis phases were affected. Biomethanation degree refers to the maximum methane potential of organic wastes. Sugar beet by-products required a long digestion-time to reach high biodegradability. However, short digestion-times for co-digestion assays led to a high biomethanation degree

    Thermophilic Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Exhausted Sugar Beet Pulp with Cow Manure to Boost the Performance of the Process: The Effect of Manure Proportion

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    Sugar beet by-products are a lignocellulosic waste generated from sugar beet industry during the sugar production process and stand out for their high carbon content. Moreover, cow manure (CM) is hugely produced in rural areas and livestock industry, which requires proper disposal. Anaerobic digestion of such organic wastes has shown to be a suitable technology for these wastes valorization and bioenergy production. In this context, the biomethane production from the anaerobic co-digestion of exhausted sugar beet pulp (ESBP) and CM was investigated in this study. Four mixtures (0:100, 50:50, 75:25, and 90:10) of cow manure and sugar beet by-products were evaluated for methane generation by thermophilic batch anaerobic co-digestion assays. The results showed the highest methane production was observed in mixtures with 75% of CM (159.5 mL CH4/g VolatileSolids added). Nevertheless, the hydrolysis was inhibited by volatile fatty acids accumulation in the 0:100 mixture, which refers to the assay without CM addition. The modified Gompertz model was used to fit the experimental results of methane productions and the results of the modeling show a good fit between the estimated and the observed data

    Moisture source identification for precipitation associated with tropical cyclone development over the Indian Ocean: a Lagrangian approach

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGIn this study, we investigated the moisture sources for precipitation through a Lagrangian approach during the genesis, intensification, and dissipation phases of all tropical cyclones (TCs) that occurred over the two hemispheric sub-basins of the Indian Ocean (IO) from 1980 to 2018. In the North IO (NIO), TCs formed and reached their maximum intensity on both sides of the Indian Peninsula, to the east in the Bay of Bengal (BoB), and to the west in the Arabian Sea (AS). The oceanic areas where TCs occurred were their main moisture sources for precipitation associated with TCs. Additionally, for TCs over the BoB, continental sources from the Ganges River basin and the South China Sea also played a notable role; for TCs over the AS, the Somali Low-Level jet (along the African coast in a northerly direction) also acted as an essential moisture transport. In the South IO (SIO), the western, central, and eastern basins were identified as the preferred areas for the genesis and development of TCs. During TC activity, the central IO and the Wharton and Perth basins mostly supplied atmospheric moisture. The Mascarene High circulation was the main moisture transport mechanism for the precipitation of TCs formed in the SIO basin. In both basins, during their intensification process, TCs gained more moisture (even more intensely when reaching the hurricane category) than during the genesis or dissipation stages. Additionally, the modulation during monsoonal seasons of the moisture contribution to the TCs was more noticeable over the NIO basin than for the SIO. Overall, the moisture uptake for precipitation from the sources for TCs occurred slightly faster in the NIO basin than in the SIO basin.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B 2019/070Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2020/193Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/44Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-095772-B-I00Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2021-122314OB-I0

    Effect of Temperature on Biohydrogen and Biomethane Productions by Anaerobic Digestion of Sugar Beet by-Products

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    This work analyzes the effect of temperature on the anaerobic digestion of sugar beet by-products for both biohydrogen and biomethane production. The findings demonstrate that the anaerobic process was significantly affected by the increase in temperature from mesophilic to thermophilic or hyper-thermophilic conditions. Therefore, it was found that the mesophilic temperature was more suitable for the anaerobic digestion of sugar beet by-products, using either the raw feedstock or the pretreated feedstock at higher temperatures. The specific production of biohydrogen from thermophilic acidogenic digester was 1.7 fold higher than that obtained from the hyper-thermophilic one. Moreover, when raw feedstock was used in single stage digesters, a methane production rate of 0.55 LCH4/Lr*d was obtained from the mesophilic digester, which was 45% higher than that of the thermophilic one. It has been observed that the increase in temperature led to a high accumulation of volatile and long chain fatty acids, inhibiting and slowing down the anaerobic process

    Tailoring the acid strength of microporous silicoaluminophosphates through the use of mixtures of templates: Control of the silicon incorporation mechanism

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    SAPO-5 samples have been synthesized with triethylamine (TEA), benzylpyrrolidine (BP) and mixtures of them as structure directing agents (SDAs). It has been observed that in the as-synthesised materials the concentration of SDAs (molecules per unit cell) and the Si content are similar. According to the different molecular size of both SDAs, the samples exhibit higher organic weight and lower water content as the molar fraction of BP in the synthesis gel increases. These differences in selectivity for organic/water incorporation influences the mechanism of Si substitution in the AlPO lattice: the higher organic content obtained at higher BP/TEA ratio leads to the formation of large Si islands, while the higher water content of the sample obtained with TEA enhances the formation of isolated Si(OAl)4 environments. Interestingly, it has been found that these two opposite trends can be tailored to a certain point by using mixtures of both SDAs, TEA and BP, in the required ratio. The catalytic activity of the samples has been tested in the isomerisation of m-xylene. It has been observed a higher activity of samples obtained with BP as the main SDA, thus evidencing the better performance of large Si islands in this reaction.MEC (CTQ2006-06282)Peer reviewe

    Oceanic and terrestrial origin of precipitation over 50 major world river basins: Implications for the occurrence of drought

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    The terrestrial and oceanic origins of precipitation over 50 major river basins worldwide were investigated for the period 1980–2018. For this purpose, we used a Lagrangian approximation that calculates the humidity that results in precipitation from the entire ocean area (ocean component of the precipitation, PLO) and the entire land area (land component, PLT) as well as the sum of both components (Lagrangian precipitation, PL). PL and its components were highly correlated with precipitation over the basins, where PLT accounted for >50 % of the PL in most of them. This confirmed the importance assigned by previous studies to terrestrial recycling of precipitation and moisture transport within the continents. However, the amount of PLO in almost all North American river basins was highlighted. The assessment of drought conditions through the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) at a temporal scale of 1- and 3-months revealed the number of drought episodes that affected each river basin, especially the Amazon, Congo, and Nile, because of the lower number of episodes but higher average severity and duration. A direct relationship between the severity of drought episodes and the respective severity computed on the oceanic and terrestrial SPI series was also found for the majority of basins. This highlights the influence of the severity of the SPI of oceanic origin for most basins in North America. However, for certain basins, we found an inverse relationship between the severity of drought and the associated severity according to the SPI of oceanic or terrestrial origin, thus highlighting the principal drought attribution. Additionally, a copula analysis provided new information that illustrates the estimated conditional probability of drought for each river basin in relation to the occurrence of drought conditions of oceanic or terrestrial origin, which revealed the possible main driver of drought severity in each river basin.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2019/070Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2021/134Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2020/193Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-095772-B-I00Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2021-122314OB-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/44Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISU