477 research outputs found

    Pleito de Villarejo : informe

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    Autor tomado del textoTít. tomado de la cub.Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    La respuesta del directivo europeo en el nuevo marco internacional

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    La respuesta del directivo europeo en el nuevo marco internacional

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    Connections between the facial and trigeminal nerves: Anatomical basis for facial muscle proprioception

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    Proprioception is a quality of sensibility that originates in specialized sensory organs (proprioceptors) that inform the central nervous system about static and dynamic conditions of muscles and joints. The facial muscles are innervated by efferent motor nerve fibers and typically lack proprioceptors. However, facial proprioception plays a key role in the regulation and coordination of the facial musculature and diverse reflexes. Thus, facial muscles must be necessarily supplied also for afferent sensory nerve fibers provided by other cranial nerves, especially the trigeminal nerve. Importantly, neuroanatomical studies have demonstrated that facial proprioceptive impulses are conveyed through branches of the trigeminal nerve to the central nervous system. The multiple communications between the facial and the trigeminal nerves are at the basis of these functional characteristics. Here we review the literature regarding the facial (superficial) communications between the facial and the trigeminal nerves, update the current knowledge about proprioception in the facial muscles, and hypothesize future research in facial proprioception

    Modeling of energy efficiency for residential buildings using artificial neuronal networks

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    The energy efficiency dataset used to support the findings of this study has been deposited in the GitHub repository https://github.com/mereshow/ann-energy-efficiency.git.[Abstract] Increasing the energy efficiency of buildings is a strategic objective in the European Union, and it is the main reason why numerous studies have been carried out to evaluate and reduce energy consumption in the residential sector. The process of evaluation and qualification of the energy efficiency in existing buildings should contain an analysis of the thermal behavior of the building envelope. To determine this thermal behavior and its representative parameters, we usually have to use destructive auscultation techniques in order to determine the composition of the different layers of the envelope. In this work, we present a nondestructive, fast, and cheap technique based on artificial neural network (ANN) models that predict the energy performance of a house, given some of its characteristics. The models were created using a dataset of buildings of different typologies and uses, located in the northern area of Spain. In this dataset, the models are able to predict the U-opaque value of a building with a correlation coefficient of 0.967 with the real U-opaque measured value for the same building

    Propuesta metodológica para la prevención y tratamiento de las lesiones por rayos / A methodological proposal for preventing and treating those lesions caused by lightning

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    Las lesiones causadas por los rayos constituyen la primera causa de muerte en Cuba por los llamados fenómenos meteorológicos. Aproximadamente 65 cubanos mueren anualmente por esta causa. En la provincia de Pinar del Río en el año 2008 las lesiones por los rayos representaron la segunda causa de muerte por accidentes en la edad de 0-18 años y la primera de 5-14 años. En la economía los daños son cuantiosos, (afectaciones en la infraestructura de las comunicaciones y redes eléctricas en los sistemas informáticos y equipos electrodomésticos, entre otros). Así como se encuentran entre las causas principales de incendios forestales. En Cuba, por esta causa la mayor pérdida de vidas humanas se produce entre los 16 - 30 años de edad, fundamentalmente en zonas rurales. Un tercio de los casos son mortales y de los que sobreviven el 70% desarrollan secuelas frecuentes. Por no existir en la provincia de Pinar del Río una Metodología diseñada para la prevención y tratamiento de este tipo de accidente a nivel de la Atención Primaria y Secundaria de Salud, así como con la finalidad de impartir este tema en la Docencia Médica de pregrado y postgrado se decide presentar esta investigación. Palabras clave: lesiones por acción del rayo/prevención, metodología. ABSTRACT Lesions caused by lightning are the main cause of death in Cuba produced by the so-called meteorological phenomena estimating 65 victims yearly. In Pinar del Rio province (year 2008), this kind of lesion represented the second cause of death by accidents in the 0-18 year old group and the first cause in the 5-14 year old group. In the economy the damages are serious (damages in the infrastructure of communications and electricity plants, informatic systems and electrodomestic equipments and so on). They are also involved in the forest fires. The higher number of human deaths is observed in the 16-30 year old group in the rural areas mainly. A third of the cases is fatal and among those survivors 70% develop frequent sequela. In this province there is not a design of methodology for preventing and treating this kind of accident at primary and secundary health care and it is intended to teach this subject in the pregraduate and postgraduate medical teaching Key words: lightning injuries/prevention, methodology

    A novel low-pass filter based on dielectric impedance inverters to enhance the multipactor breakdown threshold

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    This work presents a novel low-pass filter based on using dielectric materials, in the critical areas of the structure, to prevent high-power space condition adverse effects, like multipactor breakdown. It is shown that the use of dielectric pieces in the inverters of the filter leads to increased gaps between metallic parts in the irises. In addition, by completely filling up the air space in critical gaps, the multipactor breakdown thresholds can be increased. Moreover, they also lead to a volume reduction, increasing compactness of the structure. To demonstrate the proposed concept, a prototype has been manufactured with an aluminum housing and a Teflon dielectric material, and tested for multipactor effect at ESA-VSC Laboratory. Tests confirmed that the manufactured filter has good electrical performance with cut-off frequency 13.6 GHz, insertion losses 0.32 dB, return losses better than 15 dB, and additionally does not show multipactor breakdown up to the maximum power tested in the experimental facility (5.5 kW).This research work has been financially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación in the frame of the project “Green an Efficient Technologies for Advanced Telecommunication Systems (GRETAS)” with Ref. TPID2019-103982RB-C42

    Woodchip bioreactors provide sustained denitrification of brine from groundwater desalination plants

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    Woodchip bioreactors are widely known as a best management practice to reduce excess nitrate loads that are discharged with agricultural leachates. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of citrus woodchip bioreactors for denitrification of brine (electrical conductivity ≈ 17 mS cm-1) from groundwater desalination plants with high nitrate content (NO3--N ≈ 48 mg L-1) in the Campo de Cartagena agricultural watershed, one of the main providers of horticultural products in Europe. The performance was evaluated relative to seasonal changes in temperature, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) provided by woodchips, hydraulic residence time (HRT) and woodchip aging. Bioreactors (capacity 1 m3) operated for 2.5 years (121 weeks) in batch mode (24 h HRT) with three batches per week. Denitrification efficiency was modulated by DOC concentration, temperature, hydraulic residence time and the drying-rewetting cycles. High salinity of brine did not prevent nitrate removal from occurring. The high DOC availability (> 25 mg C L-1) during the first ≈48 weeks resulted in high nitrate removal rate (> 75 %) and nitrate removal efficiency (until ≈ 25 g N m-3 d-1) regardless of temperature. Moreover, the high DOC contents in the effluents during this period may present environmental drawbacks. Denitrification was still high after 2.5 years (reaching ≈9.3 g N m-3 d-1 in week 121), but dependence on warm temperature became more apparent with woodchips aging from week ≈49 onwards. Nitrate removal efficiency was highest on the first weekly batch, immediately after woodchips had been unsaturated for four days. It was attributable to a flush of DOC produced by aerobic microbial metabolism during drying that stimulated denitrification following re-saturation. Hence, alternance of drying-rewetting cycles is an operation practice that increase bioreactors nitrate removal performance.This study was supported by the Chair of Sustainable Agriculture for the Campo de Cartagena (Cátedra de Agricultura Sostenible para el Campo de Cartagena)

    Educational Resources for Self-learning of Descriptive Geometry

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    Proceeding of: 2nd International Symposium on the Education and Mechanism and Machine Science (ISEMMS 2017), 23-24 November 2017, Leganés, Madrid.In this work, two educational resources for self-learning of Descriptive Geometry are presented: the “Zero Course” and the “Support Course”. The creation of this e-learning material responds to the need that our students at University Carlos III de Madrid have to reach a minimum level at the beginning (Zero Course), and during (Support Course) the first course on technical drawing. First, the need is made out through results of surveys carried out in previous years. Then, some e-learning applications are exposed, among which the most appropriate to the need are chosen. Finally, the designed courses are described including all the technical resources. The results of the surveys carried out on the students of these courses, as well as some statistics of their qualifications, are also presented.Publicad

    Innervation of the Human Cavum Conchae and Auditory Canal: Anatomical Basis for Transcutaneous Auricular Nerve Stimulation

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    The innocuous transcutaneous stimulation of nerves supplying the outer ear has been demonstrated to be as effective as the invasive direct stimulation of the vagus nerve for the treatment of some neurological and nonneurological disturbances. Thus, the precise knowledge of external ear innervation is of maximal interest for the design of transcutaneous auricular nerve stimulation devices. We analyzed eleven outer ears, and the innervation was assessed by Masson’s trichrome staining, immunohistochemistry, or immunofluorescence (neurofilaments, S100 protein, and myelin-basic protein). In both the cavum conchae and the auditory canal, nerve profiles were identified between the cartilage and the skin and out of the cartilage. The density of nerves and of myelinated nerve fibers was higher out of the cartilage and in the auditory canal with respect to the cavum conchae. Moreover, the nerves were more numerous in the superior and posterior-inferior than in the anterior-inferior segments of the auditory canal. The present study established a precise nerve map of the human cavum conchae and the cartilaginous segment of the auditory canal demonstrating regional differences in the pattern of innervation of the human outer ear. These results may provide additional neuroanatomical basis for the accurate design of auricular transcutaneous nerve stimulation devices