1,367 research outputs found

    Cesta básica de los alimentos

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    Estimating the Cost of the Spanish Sustainable Food Basket through the Reference Budgets Approach

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    Reference budgets (RB) are illustrative priced baskets containing the minimum goods and services necessary for well-described types of families to have adequate social participation. Cross-country comparable food RB with the minimum cost were previously developed in 26 EU countries. However, sustainability was not considered. The aim of this paper is to present the development of healthy and sustainable food baskets for Spanish adults. This work follows the steps proposed in previous European projects to build RB: (1) revision of guidelines on healthy and sustainable eating and expert consultations, (2) translation into a concrete list of foods, (3) pricing. The results indicate that a sustainable diet can be cheaper than current recommendations when only the dietary content is considered, representing monthly savings of about EUR 7.27. This is mainly explained by the shift towards more plant-based proteins. Adding constraints on origin, packaging and seasonality increases the overall cost of the food basket by EUR 12.22/month compared with current recommendations. The Spanish Sustainable Food Reference Budget illustrates the cost of applying different criteria to improve dietary sustainability in the Spanish context, and can be useful to support the ecological transition, since providing different levels of adherence to a sustainable dietary pattern can ease its access across socioeconomic group

    Self-Perception and Demands of Kindergarten and Primary Teachers on Interactive Whiteboard Training

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    El artículo que presentamos está basado en un estudio realizado con el objetivo de conocer y describir la autopercepción del profesorado de infantil y primaria sobre su formación y sus demandas formativas en relación a la PDI en el contexto catalán. Para ello se ha administrado un cuestionario online y se han realizado diversos focus group. Los resultados muestran que la percepción de los profesores en cuanto a su formación es que ésta no responde a sus demandas formativas, destacando una necesidad mayor de formación didáctica que tecnológica y de formación maestro-maestro, más que técnico-maestro.This paper is based on a study aimed at knowing and describing the self-perception of kindergarten and elementary school teacher about theirtraining and their training needs in relation to the interactive whiteboard (IW) in the Catalan context. To that effect, an online survey has been administered and several focus groups have been developed. The results show that the perception of the teachers in relation with their training is that it does not meet their training needs, highlighting a greater need for didactical training rather than technological and teacher-teacher training rather than technician-teacher

    The Measurement of Food Insecurity in High-Income Countries: A Scoping Review

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    The measurement of food insecurity is essential to monitor the prevalence, risk factors, consequences and effects of food insecurity and the interventions and policies implemented to tackle it. Yet, how best to apply it remains an unsettled issue due to the multifaceted and context-dependent nature of food insecurity. We report a scoping review of measures of food insecurity at the individual and household level in high-income countries with the final purpose of facilitating a catalogue of instruments to be used by both researchers and practitioners. The scoping review was conducted following the methodological framework of Arksey and O’Malley and the Joanna Briggs Institute guidelines. We included all types of documents published between 2000–2020 using instruments that estimate food insecurity at both individual and household level in high-income countries, and with respondents including adolescents, adults, and elderly. We identified a total of 23 measurement strategies being used in 33 peer-reviewed publications and 114 documents from the grey literature. Our results show that most measures focus on the access dimension of food insecurity and that further research is required to develop measures that incorporate aspects of quality of dietary intake and relevant individual, household and social conditions related to food insecurity

    Determinación del coste mínimo para una alimentación sostenible en España al alcance de todos

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    III Congreso de Alimentación, Nutrición y Dietética. Combinar la nutrición comunitaria y personalizada: nuevos retos

    Leadershp and collaborative governance of educational projects in the community

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    [ES] Introducción y objetivos: En el contexto socioeconómico actual la colaboración entre organizaciones educativas y sociales de la comunidad supone un activo clave para la mejora de los resultados educativos. El presente artículo profundiza en el liderazgo de estrategias colaborativas en el ámbito escolar y educativo para gobernar de forma exitosa proyectos socioeducativos de ámbito comunitario. De este modo, describe las estrategias necesarias para liderar dichos proyectos, así como las estructuras de toma de decisiones requeridas para sacar el máximo rendimiento a la colaboración interorganizacional. Metodología y tratamiento de datos: Para ello se toma como referencia el caso de Barcelona (España), donde existe una destacada tradición de colaboración comunitaria mediante el desarrollo de Redes Socioeducativas (RS). El estudio lleva a cabo un análisis de contenido de 30 entrevistas realizadas a profesionales experimentados en el liderazgo y el gobierno de RS de éxito. Resultados y discusión: Los resultados muestran un modelo de liderazgo dirigido a tejer alianzas a nivel comunitario, donde los líderes pretenden establecer sinergias entre las diferentes instituciones y servicios mediante la conexión cualitativa de los diferentes profesionales, generando confianza entre los mismos y fomentando la discusión, el consenso y la innovación. Además, los resultados subrayan la existencia de espacios específicamente diseñados para la toma de decisiones colaborativas, que van de más representativos —donde se deciden cuestiones generales o estratégicas—, a más operativos —donde se discuten cuestiones técnicas y de acción de proyecto—. Los resultados subrayan la importancia de equilibrar representatividad y operatividad para la efectividad en el gobierno de la red. Finalmente, se constata la existencia de 3 modelos diferenciados de gobernanza de la red, resaltando la importancia de adoptar el propio modelo a las características y necesidades de cada programa. [EN] Introduction and objectives: In the current economic context collaboration between educational and social organizations in the community is a key asset for improving educational outcomes. This article intends to describe the strategies needed to lead collaborative projects in a community level, so as the structures of decision-making required to make the most of inter-organizational collaboration. Methodology and data processing: This paper looks at the case of Barcelona (Spain), where there is an outstanding tradition of community collaboration and successful experiences of Educational Networks (EN). The study conducted a content analysis of 30 interviews with experienced professionals in leadership and governance of successful EN. Results and discussion: Results show a leadership model aimed at building alliances at the community level, where leaders seek synergies weaving between different institutions and services by qualitatively connecting different professionals, building trust between them and encouraging discussion consensus and innovation. Moreover, the results highlight the existence of spaces designed specifically for collaborative decision making, ranging from more general or representative -where strategic issues are decided- to more technical and operational -where action project issues are discussed-. The results underline the importance of balancing between professional representation and action to achieve project effectiveness. Finally, the existence of 3 different models of network governance is found, highlighting the importance of adopting the model to the characteristics and needs of each program

    Scientific Research in Cuban Universities and its Characterization from SCImago Institutions Ranking

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    Número Especial: Funciones sociales de la ciencia; Ciencia y sociedad en la Cuba de Hoy; Educación Superior y Política Científica[EN] Based on bibliometric indexes developed by SCImago Research Group, from the Higher Council of Scientific Research of Spain, the characterization of the scientific activity in Cuban universities is done. The volume and the thematic specialization of scientific production is analyzed; those that have generated a bigger quantity of research articles along the five year periods covered by the SCImago ranking of Iberian-American institutions during the 2009-2013 period are identified. Institutions with more international collaboration and how this has influenced on the visibility and impact of the researches are analyzed. The impact of scientific production on the international community is studied, from new indexes based on the analysis of quotations. Universities with bigger volumes of excellence scientific production are identified, as well as those with more leadership not only on their general production, but on the most visible literature they generate. The international context is used, and specifically the Iberian-American environment, to establish comparative patterns and a group of factors that can influence the future development of national research in the academic environment are analyzed.[ES] A partir de indicadores bibliométricos desarrollados por el grupo de Investigación SCImago, del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científfcas de España (CSIC), se realiza la caracterización de la actividad cientiffca en las universidades cubanas. Se analiza el volumen y la especialización temática de la producción científica y se identifican las que han generado una mayorcantidad de articulos de investigación a Io largo de los quinquenios abarcados por el ranking de instituciones iberoamericanas de SCImago durante el periodo 2009-2013. Se examinan las instituciones con mayor colaboración internacional y cómo esta ha ejercido una influencia sobre la visibilidad y el impacto de las investigaciones. Se estudia el impacto de la producción científica sobre la comunidad internacional, a partir de novedosos indicadores basados en análisis de citas. Se identifican las universidades que han alcanzado mayores volúmenes de producción científfca de excelencia, así como aquellas con mayor liderazgo no solo sobre su producción general, sino sobre Ia literatura rnás visible que generan. Se utiliza el contexto intemacional, y específicamente en el entorno iberoamericano, para establecer patrones comparativos y se analizan un conjunto de factores que pueden influir en el desarrollo futuro de las investigaciones nacionales en el ámbito académico.Peer reviewe

    Development and validation of a questionnaire about determinants of academic success in secondary school students

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    Introduction: School failure is a major challenge at individual and social levels, owing to its negative impact on social cohesion, citizen participation, economic development, and sustainability and also its impact on health habits. Various studies have shown the link between family socio-economic level and educational results, to the point that this factor has been regarded as their principal determinant. Nonetheless, the essentially attributing school failure to the students’ milieu is only descriptive in value and could impede the development of more appropriate responses to this challenge. A better systemic and integral understanding of the phenomenon might contribute to a better approach to the problem through the development of new proposals for public policy and socio-educational actions. To this end, it is necessary to have appropriate measurement instruments that evaluate different dimensions in an integrated manner. Method: The objective of this study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Questionnaire on Determinants of Success at School (QDSS) in a sample of 858 secondary-school students resident in vulnerable socio-demographic settings from 5 Spanish cities. The questionnaire combines items about factors that specialist literature has significantly linked to educational attainment, excluding those that already have specific validated questionnaires. Results: The principal component analysis gave 7 factors: school environment, relationships with classmates, personal expectations, social capital, ITC study resources, climate in class, and family support. The goodness of fit indices show good properties for the questionnaire. Conclusion: The QDSS is an instrument that has appropriate psychometric properties for use in identifying factors that support educational success in secondary-school students.Introducción: El fracaso escolar supone un gran desafío tanto a nivel individual como a nivel social, por su impacto negativo en la cohesión social, la participación ciudadana, el desarrollo económico, la sostenibilidad e incluso su incidencia sobre los hábitos de salud. Diversos estudios han puesto de manifiesto la asociación entre el nivel socioeconómico familiar y los resultados escolares, hasta el punto de que dicho factor se ha considerado su principal determinante. No obstante, el hecho de atribuir el fracaso escolar esencialmente al contexto de pertenencia solo tiene valor descriptivo y podría estar dificultando el desarrollo de respuestas más adecuadas a este gran desafío. Una mejor comprensión sistémica e integral del fenómeno podría contribuir a un mejor abordaje de la problemática mediante el desarrollo de nuevas propuestas de política pública y de acción socioeducativa. Para ello, es necesario disponer de los instrumentos de medida adecuados que evalúen diferentes dimensiones de una manera integrada. Método: el objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario sobre Condicionantes de Éxito Escolar (CCEE) en una muestra de 858 alumnos de secundaria residentes en contextos socio-demográficos vulnerables de 5 ciudades españolas. El cuestionario recoge ítems sobre aquellos factores que la literatura especializada ha vinculado de manera relevante con el rendimiento escolar, excluyendo aquellos que ya disponen de cuestionarios específicos validados. Resultados: el análisis de componentes principales dio lugar a 7 factores: contexto escolar, relaciones con los compañeros, expectativas personales, capital social, recursos TIC para el estudio, clima en clase y apoyo familiar. Los índices de ajuste muestran unas buenas propiedades del cuestionario. Conclusión: se concluye que el CCEE es un instrumento que posee propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para su uso en la identificación de factores que apoyan el éxito educativo en alumnos de secundaria