549 research outputs found

    Liquidity Crises and Corporate Cash Holdings in Chile

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    This paper addresses the way optimal cash holdings decisions may be affected in episodes of adverse liquidity shocks. Motivated by the recent financial crisis, we are particularly interested in understanding how firm characteristics can explain differences in the adjustment speed to desired cash holdings, and how these characteristics determine whether a firm is more or less affected during a liquidity crisis. To address those issues, we use a large panel dataset with quarterly information of Chilean firms during the period 1996 through 2009. In line with some previous empirical evidence, our findings show that leverage, banking debt, liquid assets, size and volatility affect cash holdings. We also find that liquidity crises have had an overall negative and economically significant effect on the firms’ cash holdings and this effect varies across firm size. In addition, our results reveal other important component of heterogeneity across firms: we find that medium-sized firms are less capable of adjusting cash holdings than do small and large firms.

    Characteristics of the 3 most common types of occupational accident in Spanish sub-surface and surface mining, from 2003–2008

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    The rate for work related accidents in Spanish mining has decreased during recent years. However, the incidence rate per 100,000 workers in the Spanish mining sector in 2007 was significantly higher than the ones reported in the mining industry of other countries. This result implies that studies and research should be carried out in order to reveal the nature of the factors influencing the high incidence rates of the Spanish mining sector. Thus, this article offers features of the 3 most common types of accident of the Spanish mining industry during the period of 2003–2008. For each type of accident, the analysis proceeds as follows: 1) Modeling of the adjusted exponential distribution in terms of workdays lost; 2) Calculation of the risk index adjusted by age group of injured workers; 3) Identification of the 3 main deviations or immediate causes. Los índices de siniestralidad laboral en la minería española han disminuido en los últimos años. Sin embargo, la incidencia por cada 100.000 trabajadores en el año 2008 era considerablemente mayor que la de la minería de otros países. Ello implica que deban realizarse estudios e investigaciones que pongan de manifiesto la naturaleza de los factores que influyen en la alta incidencia de siniestralidad laboral del sector minero español. Así, en el presente estudio se presentan las características más importantes de los 3 tipos de accidentes más frecuentes de la minería española en el período 2003-2008.Por cada tipo de accidente se realiza lo siguiente: 1) Modelización de la distribución de los accidentes en función de los días perdidos; 2) Cálculo del Índice de Riesgo por grupos de edades de los trabajadores accidentados; 3) identificación de las 3 principales desviaciones o causas inmediatas de los accidentes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Environmental sustainability in the mining sector: evidence from Catalan companies

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    This paper examines the adoption of environmental practices in small and medium sized companies inthe surface mining industry in Catalonia (Spain). To fulfill this aim, a survey of 41 items concernint environmental management systems and environmentally sustainable practices has been conducted. Results show that companies have committed themselves to environmental and sustainable issues. The majority of companies claim to understand the effects of their activities on the environment and they care for responsible access and management of natural resources. Restoration plans and the annual waste declaration are mandatory in Catalonia, and rational resources exploitation practices have been adopted by a high percentage of mines. Finally, some examples of good environmentally sustainable practices are introduced.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    DTDA: An R Package to Analyze Randomly Truncated Data

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    In this paper, the R package DTDA for analyzing truncated data is described. This package contains tools for performing three different but related algorithms to compute the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator of the survival function in the presence of random truncation. More precisely, the package implements the algorithms proposed by Efron and Petrosian (1999) and Shen (2008), for analyzing randomly one-sided and two-sided (i.e., doubly) truncated data. These algorithms and some recent extensions are briefly reviewed. Two real data sets are used to show how DTDA package works in practice.

    Critical reading and use of comics in teaching French as a foreign language

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    Adapting teaching to all learning styles is a very difficult feat. However, it is desirable for teachers to diversify learning methods as much as possible and to take into account individual differences to improve the chances of success for as many learners as possible. The present research provides a methodological proposal on the multiple possibilities of comics as a tool in the field of foreign languages, focusing on the possible uses of comics with French as a Foreign Language (FFL) students guided towards the reading, analysis and comprehension of academic texts mixed with concepts and expressions of the current society. The results indicate possible positive effects on vocabulary development and motivation towards reading and overcoming language barriers in reading authentic material using context and prior knowledge. Therefore, the comic book is an excellent tool for developing students' reading competence in a foreign language, which aims not only to serve as a way of learning the linguistic characteristics of the target language, but also to learn about the sociocultural reality of said language (both current and past) and to arouse curiosity towards its artistic and cultural representations. In addition, it is a format that increases students’ motivation by creating a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom in which teamwork and reflection are encouraged.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/5

    Kernel density estimation with doubly truncated data

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    In some applications with astronomical and survival data, doubly truncated data are sometimes encountered. In this work we introduce kernel-type density estimation for a random variable which is sampled under random double truncation. Two different estimators are considered. As usual, the estimators are defined as a convolution between a kernel function and an estimator of the cumulative distribution function, which may be the NPMLE [2] or a semiparametric estimator [9]. Asymptotic properties of the introduced estimators are explored. Their finite sample behaviour is investigated through simulations. Real data illustration is included.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovació

    A comparison of Hans Scharoun's schools and the Saunalahti school in Finland

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    Hans Scharoun es uno de los arquitectos alemanes que en un contexto de posguerra reflexionó sobre las escuelas como espacios de aprendizaje para una integración social. Entendió y desarrolló la escuela como una prolongación de la casa donde los más pequeños se inician en la vida en comunidad y se concibe como un espacio que no solo instruye, sino que educa. Estas ideas se comparan medio siglo más tarde con la escuela finlandesa Saunalahti, que siendo reconocida como “la escuela del futuro” constituye el símbolo de una institución en una pequeña población para recordar que la educación es la base de la sociedad. El articulo aborda una comparativa entre unos centros y otro, como ejemplo de los colegios finlandeses, para evidenciar el paso de esta institución como ciudad en miniatura a la escuela como centro cívico de la ciudad.Hans Scharoun is one of the post-war German architects who considered schools to be places in which to teach social integration. He regarded and designed schools as a continuation of the home where children are initiated into community life, and also as a space where children are not only taught but also brought up. These concepts are compared half a century later with the Saunalahti school in Finland acclaimed as the ‘school of tomorrow’, and which symbolises the school in a small town and serves as a reminder that education is the basis of society. By comparing Scharoun’s schools with an example of Finnish schools, this paper shows how this institution has evolved from a miniature city to the civic centre of the city

    Aspectos territoriales de la oferta-demanda de servicios de salud en el departamento Maipú (Mendoza) : 2012-2015

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    El propósito del estudio consistió en analizar la dinámica de la oferta - demanda de servicios de salud del sector público del Departamento Maipú una de las seis jurisdicciones político administrativas que conforman el Gran Mendoza desde un enfoque territorial, prestando especial atención a las diferencias existentes entre los espacios urbano, rural y rural-urbano. Se partió de la hipótesis de que dicha dinámica presenta diferencias en cada uno de estos tipos de espacios en función de las características de la oferta y de la demanda. El tipo de investigación puede definirse como exploratorio y la metodología de trabajo implicó la realización de análisis documental y de trabajo en terreno en forma complementaria. Los principales resultados obtenidos permitieron comprender a la dinámica de la oferta demanda de servicios de salud como resultado de complejos procesos de decisión en los cuales intervienen factores vinculados con la oferta de especialidades médicas y asistenciales, la accesibilidad, la distancia geográfica y el arraigo cultural, entre otros. De acuerdo con la legislación de la provincia de Mendoza, los conceptos "Departamento" y "Municipio" corresponden a la misma jurisdicción político - administrativa.The aim of this study is to analyse the dynamic of the supply and demand of public health services in the municipality of Maipú one of the six administratives jurisdiction that form the urban area called "Gran Mendoza" through a territorial approach, taking into account the existing differences among urban, rural and ruruban spaces. The hypothesis from which this study arises is that, the mentioned dynamic presents differences among those spaces according to supply and demand characteristics. This research could be define as exploratory. The work methodology consisted on documental analysis and fieldwork in a complementary way. The main results enable the understanding of the dynamic of supply and demand of public health services as a consequence of complex decision processes in which factors related to medical specialty, accessibility, geographical distance, cultural roots, among others, intervene. Regarding the Province legislation, the terms "Department" and "Municipality" are synonyms, and refer to the same administrative jurisdiction.Fil: Beceyro, Ana Carolina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y LetrasFil: Aguilar Álvarez, Carla Paola . Universidad del Aconcagu