209 research outputs found

    Beeswax foundations with impregnated thymol for Varroa control

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    The use of essential oils and organic acids is generally accepted as an alternative tool for the control of the Varroa Destructor levels in bee's colonies, avoiding mite resistance and reducing the residues contaminations resulting from the systematic application of synthetic chemicals

    Performance of alternative acaricides in organic beekeping under portuguese northest conditions

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    The use of chemical acaricides in organic beekeeping is legally restricted to natural compounds such as essential oils and organic acids. Generally. these alternative methods present good efficiency to control Varroa destructor levels in bee colonies and avoid residues contaminations of honey.[l [ Their main disadvantage lies in the chemical hazard of this compounds and in the efficacy dependence on natural conditions

    Levantamento da situação de descarga de águas residuais industriais das empresas sediadas nos Parques Industriais de Adaúfe e Celeirós

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    O levantamento da situação de descarga de águas residuais industriais das empresas sediadas nos Parques Industriais de Adaúfe e Celeirós foi efectuado de Abril a Junho de 2000. A AGERE- E.M. como empresa responsável pelos sistemas de drenagem e tratamento de esgotos, demonstrou todo o interesse neste trabalho, uma vez que lhe permitiu conhecer pormenorizadamente as actividades industriais predominantes e consequentemente o tipo de efluentes produzidos. Este levantamento foi conseguido através de um trabalho de campo que englobou a visita às empresas com conhecimento directo dos seus processos produtivos. Desta forma, efectuou-se uma recolha rigorosa e exaustiva da situação quanto ao: ramo de actividade industrial, identificação e características da empresa, processo produtivo, abastecimento de água, caracterização de efluentes e ainda recolha de outros elementos que permitiram de uma forma actual, possuir um conjunto de informações importantes para o conhecimento da realidade das indústrias sediadas nestes parques

    Effect of lipids on biomass development in anaerobic fixed-bed reactors treating a synthetic dairy waste

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    The aim of this work was to follow the evolution in quantity and quality of the biomass developed during the operation of two anaerobic fixed bed reactors treating a synthetic dairy waste with different lipid contents. The feasibility of a special reactor design that allowed the biomass withdrawal with minimum operation disturbances was tested. The HRT was maintained at 1.5 days and the influent concentration was gradually increased from 3 to 12 g COD/l. Initially, one reactor was loaded with skim milk and the other one with whole milk, with equal organic loading rates (OLR). The effect of lipids was evaluated in terms of reactor performance, total, adhered and entrapped biomass and evolution of biomass quality determined in batch assays by: (i) measuring of potential specific methanogenic activity against direct (acetate, H2/CO2) and indirect (propionate and butyrate) substrates; (ii) measuring of the resistance of acetoclastic bacteria to the presence of sodium oleate. The lipids reduced the adhered fraction of biomass. The methanogenic activity against butyrate was enhanced in the presence of lipids, but no significant effect was detected on the other measured activities. The biomass taken from the reactor fed with lipids was more susceptible to the presence of sodium oleate, but, over the operation period, this susceptibility was reduced

    "Bulking" filamentoso na ETAR de Braga: Análise, diagnóstico e soluções

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    No tratamento secundário de águas residuais o processo de lamas activadas é o mais comunmente utilizado. Este assenta no crescimento de bactérias formadoras de flocos que se separa por gravidade do sobrenadante clarificado, sendo indispensável para uma boa floculação um crescimento equilibrado entre estas bactérias e as bactérias filamentosas. Quando existe um crescimento excessivo destas últimas dá-se o fenómeno indesejado de “bulking” filamentoso. Neste trabalho procedeu-se ao estudo deste fenómeno na ETAR de Braga, tendo-se efectuado observações microscópicas das bactérias filamentosas presentes e caracterizado morfológicamente os flocos por análise de imagem. No período estudado registou-se o predomínio de M. parvicella, e após o seu desaparecimento dos tipos 1851, 1863 e N. limicola I e II. Verificou-se ainda que o “bulking“ filamentoso aparenta ser um problema “crónico” nesta estação de tratamento, principalmente devido ao elevado crescimento das espécies encontradas.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PRAXIS XXI/BD/20325/99

    Synthesis of novel 6-enaminopurines

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    Two different approaches have been used for the synthesis of 6-enaminopurines 6 from 5-amino-4-cyanoformimidoyl imidazoles 1. In the first approach imidazoles 1 were reacted with ethoxymethylenemalononitrile or ethoxymethylenecyanoacetate under mild experimental conditions and this led to 9-substituted-6-(1-amino-2,2-dicyanovinyl) purines 6a-f or 9-substituted-6-(1-amino-2-cyano-2-methoxycarbonylvinyl) purines 6g-k. These reactions are postulated to occur through an imidazo-pyrrolidine intermediate 7, which rapidly rearranges to the 6-enaminopurine 6. In the second approach 6-methoxyformimidoyl purines 3, prepared in two efficient steps from 5-amino-4-cyanoformimidoyl imidazoles 1, were reacted with malononitrile and methylcyanoacetate with a mild acid catalysis (ammonium acetate or piperidinium acetate) to give 6-enaminopurines 6a, 6d, 6f, 6g and 6k in very good yields. Only low yields were obtained for the 6-enaminopurine 6j, as competing nucleophilic attack on C-8 of either 3d or 6j causes ring opening with formation of pyrimido-pyrimidines 11 and 10a respectively.Universidade do Minho. Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - PRAXIS/C/QUI/10101/1998

    Telerobotics : methodology for the development of a through-the-internet robotic teleoperated system

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    This work presents a methodology for the development of Teleoperated Robotic Systems through the Internet. Initially, it is presented a bibliographical review of the Telerobotic systems that uses Internet as way of control. The methodology is implemented and tested through the development of two systems. The first is a manipulator with two degrees of freedom commanded remotely through the Internet denominated RobWebCam (http://www.graco.unb.br/robwebcam). The second is a system which teleoperates an ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) Industrial Robot of six degrees of freedom denominated RobWebLink (http://webrobot.graco.unb.br). RobWebCam is composed of a manipulator with two degrees of freedom, a video camera, Internet, computers and communication driver between the manipulator and the Unix system; and RobWebLink composed of the same components plus the Industrial Robot. With the use of this technology, it is possible to move far distant positioning objects minimizing transport costs, materials and people; acting in real time in the process that is wanted to be controller. This work demonstrates that the teleoperating via Internet of robotic systems and other equipments is viable, in spite of using rate transmission data with low bandwidth. Possible applications include remote surveillance, control and remote diagnosis and maintenance of machines and equipments

    Progresses in the development of a Step-NC compliant additive manufacturing system

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    The new standard of numerical control, known as STEP-NC, is categorized as the future of the advanced manufacturing systems. Greater flexibility and interoperability are some potential benefits offered by STEP-NC to meet the challenges of the new industrial landscape that is envisaged with the advent of Industry 4.0. Meanwhile, STEP-NC object-oriented programming has been partially applied and developed for machining processes (milling, turning...). But with the processes of additive manufacturing has not happened the same and the development is still incipient. This work presents the advances in the development of a new STEP-NC compliant additive manufacturing system, focusing particularly on the development of the information model. The application model activities in the IDEF0 nomenclature and application reference model in EXPRESS are presented. The AM-layer-feature concept has been introduced to define the manufacturing feature of additive processes based on material deposition layer-by-layer. Finally, a STEP-NC program generated from the EXPRESS model is presented, which can be implemented on an additive manufacturing system to validate the proposed model.El nuevo estándar de control numérico, conocido como STEP-NC, es categorizado como el futuro de los sistemas avanzados de manufactura. Mayor flexibilidad e interoperabilidad son algunos de los potenciales beneficios que ofrece STEP-NC para enfrentar los desafíos del nuevo panorama industrial que se vislumbra con el advenimiento de la Industria 4.0. Mientras tanto, la programación orientada a objeto de STEP-NC ha sido parcialmente aplicada y desarrollada hasta el momento para los procesos de mecanizado (fresado, torneado…). Pero con los procesos de manufactura aditiva no ha sucedido lo mismo y el desarrollo es aún incipiente. Este trabajo presenta los avances en el desarrollo de un nuevo sistema de manufactura aditiva basado en STEP-NC, enfocándose particularmente sobre el desarrollo del modelo de información. EL modelo de actividades de aplicación en la nomenclatura del IDEF0 y el modelo de referencia de aplicación en EXPRESS son presentados. El concepto AM-layer-feature ha sido introducido para definir la feature de manufactura de los procesos aditivos basados en deposición de material capa por capa. Finalmente, se presenta un programa en STEP-NC generado desde el modelo EXPRESS, el cual puede ser implementado sobre un sistema de manufactura aditiva para validar el modelo propuesto

    Aspectos fisiopatológicos da desnutrição no paciente portador de hepatopatia crônica

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    The nutritional alterations which result from hepatic diseases are frequent and of greatextension. The metabolism and protein synthesis are greatly affected in patients withchronic hepatopathy; these patients present poor digestion and poor absorption ofnutrients, resulting from pancreatic-biliary deficiency or associated enteropathy, witha seemingly increased energetic demand. The control of these alterations requiresconstant screening on the part of hepatologists and clinicians. Therefore, the objectiveof the present article is to review and discuss the various causes of proteic-caloricmalnutrition in chronic hepatopathy.As alterações nutricionais que decorrem das doenças hepáticas são freqüentes e degrande magnitude. O metabolismo e a síntese protéica estão gravemente afetadosem pacientes com hepatopatia crônica; estes pacientes apresentam má digestão emá absorção dos nutrientes, provocada por deficiência pancreático-biliar ou enteropatiaassociadas, com uma demanda energética que parece aumentada. O controle destasalterações requer constante vigilância por parte de hepatologistas e clínicos. Destaforma, o objetivo do presente artigo é revisar e discutir as diversas causas dadesnutrição protéico-calórica na hepatopatia crônica

    Effect of lipids and oleic acid on biomass development in anaerobic fixed-bed reactors. Part I: biofilm growth and activity

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    Two similar anaerobic fixed-bed bioreactors which allowed the biomass to be periodically withdrawn were run in parallel. After feeding each digester with synthetic dairy wastes of different lipid content (Period I), both digesters were fed with increasing sodium oleate concentrations with skim milk as co-substrate (Period II) and oleate as the sole carbon source (Period III). In Period I, the digester fed with lipids was more effcient and exhibited lower levels of volatile fatty acids than the digester fed without lipids. The biofilm built up in the presence of lipids was thinner, but more resistant to the presence of oleate than the biofilm formed in the absence of lipids, which lost 53% of its solids after contacting with oleic acid. The specific methanogenic activity with butyrate as substrate was enhanced in the presence of lipids, but no significant effect was detected on the acetoclastic and hydrogenophilic activities, which remained similar for both digesters along the trial period