15 research outputs found

    Környezeti tudatformálás a Veszprémi Egyetemen

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    Simulation of a Secondary Settler Based on Sedimentation Curves

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    The settlers of wastewater treatment plants are of the same importance as the activated sludge tanks. This role manifests in the course of simulating wastewater treatment systems as well. Several models describing the process of sedimentation were developed of which the one-dimensional models dividing the settlers into given layers are wide-spread. In this paper the parameter dependence of the Takács-model was studied. Samples were taken from the wastewater arriving to the secondary settler at different times in order to determine the settling profiles belonging to different concentrations. The Vesilind function and the maximum practical settling velocity were derived base on these data. Using three sets of measurement data the Takács model was fitted by modifying certain parameters. The simulation results gave an overestimation on the concentrations of the effluent in all three cases and there were differences of a few percents in the lowest layer as well. Taking the changes in the order of magnitude of the suspended solids concentration into consideration in the process of sedimentation i.e. it had to be decreased from 4000–6000 g/m3 to 8–12 g/m3 the higher values in the effluent layer are acceptable until they are below the permissible limit

    RDF — Refuse Derived Fuel, possibilities in the North-Balaton Regional Waste Management System

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    Diverting household waste from landfill had become a must for EU member states. The mechanical and biological treatment of household wastes is one of the key method to reach this goal. The object of the mechanical handling is to separate the recyclable fraction and transform the non-recyclable part into Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) for energetic use and produce fraction for biological treatment. Our challenge to identify the ideal technology for RDF production for the North-Balaton Regional Waste Management System, by studying the existing technologies, and emerging needs from the growing market especially for Cement Industry and pyrolitic technologies

    Comparison of Physical and Chemical Measurements of Séd Stream in Veszprém and Holt-Sebes-Körös together with Sebes-Körös in Békés

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    The most essential purpose of the modern society is that it’s able to handle and find solution for environmental problems especially water pollution which is serious problem not only for present but future generation as well. As the load to our surface water has become more significant consequently a continuously increasing demand has been created for adequate water quality and quantity water. The Water Framework Directive is a long-term water policy of the European Union. Aim of WFD is the classification and protection of the water according to consistent viewpoints. Objectives of the researches are the identification and testing of the effects of the potential pollutants sources and critical sites in Séd (Veszprém) and in Sebes-Körös in Békés

    Application of Life-Cycle Assessment for a Pharmaceutical Product

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    In this paper the object is a life-cycle assessment (LCA) of a pharmaceutical product. The target of the analysis is to compare different packaging alternatives from environmental aspect. The product is an antidepressive produced by one of the leading Hungarian pharmaceutical factories. In the market the product appears as injection and as a pill packaged in two different ways, in glass bottle and in blister (aluminium and plastic foils laminated together). These three systems: injection, glass and blister are compared in this paper using LCA