206 research outputs found

    Los edificios de paneles más altos de España

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    RESUMEN Este artículo describe el proceso constructivo de un conjunto de 484 viviendas realizadas con paneles prefabricados portantes de hormigón. Dicho conjunto edi¿catorio, de 20 plantas de altura, se compone de diversos bloques que integran además, locales comerciales, o¿cinas, trasteros, 4 plantas de garaje e instalaciones comunes. El principal interés de este edi¿cio consiste en haber alcanzado veinte plantas sobre rasante y 4 más de sótano con el sistema constructivo de paneles prefabricados de hormigón INDAGSA; el cual dispone de un Documento de Idoneidad Técnica emitido por el IETcc, con el número DIT 452. Las obras de INDAGSA son conocidas por ser precisas, ordenadas y limpias; debido a estas características, se pudieron establecer visitas no sólo para doctorandos de la ETSAM, sino para estudiantes de la Cátedra de sistemas industrializados y prefabricados. A través de la descripción del sistema constructivo, podremos mostrar una perspectiva global de las posibilidades de los sistemas de paneles prefabricados de hormigón y las capacidades evolutivas de éstos

    Lepton flavor violation in the Simplest Little Higgs model

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    The flavor sector of Little Higgs models based on product groups, notably the Littlest Higgs with T parity (LHT), has been extensively studied and some amount of fine tuning was found to be required to meet the experimental constraints. However, no such attention has been paid to other classes of models. Here we analyze the phenomenology of flavor mixing in the lepton sector of a simple group model, the Simplest Little Higgs (SLH). We obtain the Feynman rules of the SLH in the 't Hooft-Feynman gauge up to the necessary order and calculate the leading contributions to the rare processes mu -> e gamma, mu -> eee and mu-e conversion in nuclei. We find results comparable to those of the LHT model, because in both cases they arise at the one-loop level. These require the flavor alignment of the Yukawa couplings of light and heavy leptons at the per cent level or an effective scale of around 10 TeV.Comment: 41 pages, 8 figures; minor changes and one reference added, version to appear in JHE

    Separation of the optical and mass features of particle components in different aerosol mixtures by using POLIPHON retrievals in synergy with continuous polarized Micro-Pulse Lidar (P-MPL) measurements

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    The application of the POLIPHON (POlarization-LIdar PHOtometer Networking) method is presented for the first time in synergy with continuous 24/7 polarized Micro-Pulse Lidar (P-MPL) measurements to derive the vertical separation of two or three particle components in different aerosol mixtures, and the retrieval of their particular optical properties. The procedure of extinction-to-mass conversion, together with an analysis of the mass extinction efficiency (MEE) parameter, is described, and the relative mass contribution of each aerosol component is also derived in a further step. The general POLIPHON algorithm is based on the specific particle linear depolarization ratio given for different types of aerosols and can be run in either 1-step (POL-1) or 2 steps (POL-2) versions with dependence on either the 2- or 3-component separation. In order to illustrate this procedure, aerosol mixing cases observed over Barcelona (NE Spain) are selected: a dust event on 5 July 2016, smoke plumes detected on 23 May 2016 and a pollination episode observed on 23 March 2016. In particular, the 3-component separation is just applied for the dust case: a combined POL-1 with POL-2 procedure (POL-1/2) is used, and additionally the fine-dust contribution to the total fine mode (fine dust plus non-dust aerosols) is estimated. The high dust impact before 12:00UTC yields a mean mass loading of 0.6±0.1gm-2 due to the prevalence of Saharan coarse-dust particles. After that time, the mean mass loading is reduced by two-thirds, showing a rather weak dust incidence. In the smoke case, the arrival of fine biomass-burning particles is detected at altitudes as high as 7km. The smoke particles, probably mixed with less depolarizing non-smoke aerosols, are observed in air masses, having their origin from either North American fires or the Arctic area, as reported by HYSPLIT back-trajectory analysis. The particle linear depolarization ratio for smoke shows values in the 0.10–0.15 range and even higher at given times, and the daily mean smoke mass loading is 0.017±0.008gm-2, around 3% of that found for the dust event. Pollen particles are detected up to 1.5km in height from 10:00UTC during an intense pollination event with a particle linear depolarization ratio ranging between 0.10 and 0.15. The maximal mass loading of Platanus pollen particles is 0.011±0.003gm-2, representing around 2% of the dust loading during the higher dust incidence. Regarding the MEE derived for each aerosol component, their values are in agreement with others referenced in the literature for the specific aerosol types examined in this work: 0.5±0.1 and 1.7±0.2m2g-1 are found for coarse and fine dust particles, 4.5±1.4m2g-1 is derived for smoke and 2.4±0.5m2g-1 for non-smoke aerosols with Arctic origin, and a MEE of 2.4±0.8m2g-1 is obtained for pollen particles, though it can reach higher or lower values depending on predominantly smaller or larger pollen grain sizes. Results reveal the high potential of the P-MPL system, a simple polarization-sensitive elastic backscatter lidar working in a 24/7 operation mode, to retrieve the relative optical and mass contributions of each aerosol component throughout the day, reflecting the daily variability of their properties. In fact, this procedure can be simply implemented in other P-MPLs that also operate within the worldwide Micro-Pulse Lidar Network (MPLNET), thus extending the aerosol discrimination at a global scale. Moreover, the method has the advantage of also being relatively easily applicable to space-borne lidars with an equivalent configuration such as the ongoing Cloud-Aerosol LIdar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) on board NASA CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation) and the forthcoming Atmospheric Lidar (ATLID) on board the ESA EarthCARE mission.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Chiral Anomaly and CPT invariance in an implicit momentum space regularization framework

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    This is the second in a series of two contributions in which we set out to establish a novel momentum space framework to treat field theoretical infinities in perturbative calculations when parity-violating objects occur. Since no analytic continuation on the space-time dimension is effected, this framework can be particularly useful to treat dimension-specific theories. Moreover arbitrary local terms stemming from the underlying infinities of the model can be properly parametrized. We (re)analyse the undeterminacy of the radiatively generated CPT violating Chern-Simons term within an extended version of QED4QED_4 and calculate the Adler-Bardeen-Bell-Jackiw triangle anomaly to show that our framework is consistent and general to handle the subtleties involved when a radiative corretion is finite.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, version to appear in PR

    l W nu production at CLIC: a window to TeV scale non-decoupled neutrinos

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    We discuss single heavy neutrino production e+ e- -> N nu -> l W nu, l = e, mu, tau, at a future high energy collider like CLIC, with a centre of mass energy of 3 TeV. This process could allow to detect heavy neutrinos with masses of 1-2 TeV if their coupling to the electron V_eN is in the range 0.004-0.01. We study the dependence of the limits on the heavy neutrino mass and emphasise the crucial role of lepton flavour in the discovery of a positive signal at CLIC energy. We present strategies to determine heavy neutrino properties once they are discovered, namely their Dirac or Majorana character and the size and chirality of their charged current couplings. Conversely, if no signal is found, the bound V_eN < 0.002-0.006 would be set for masses of 1-2 TeV, improving the present limit up to a factor of 30. We also extend previous work examining in detail the flavour and mass dependence of the corresponding limits at ILC, as well as the determination of heavy neutrino properties if they are discovered at this collider.Comment: LaTeX 32 pages. Added comments and references. Matches version to appear in JHE

    Implicit Regularization and Renormalization of QCD

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    We apply the Implicit Regularization Technique (IR) in a non-abelian gauge theory. We show that IR preserves gauge symmetry as encoded in relations between the renormalizations constants required by the Slavnov-Taylor identities at the one loop level of QCD. Moreover, we show that the technique handles divergencies in massive and massless QFT on equal footing.Comment: (11 pages, 2 figures

    Precise limits from lepton flavour violating processes on the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity

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    We recalculate the leading one-loop contributions to mu > e gamma and mu -> eee in the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity, recovering previous results for the former. When all the Goldstone interactions are taken into account, the latter is also ultraviolet finite. The present experimental limits on these processes require a somewhat heavy effective scale ~2.5 TeV, or the flavour alignment of the Yukawa couplings of light and heavy leptons at the ~10% level, or the splitting of heavy lepton masses to a similar precision. Present limits on tau decays set no bounds on the corresponding parameters involving the tau leptonComment: 41 pages, 11 figures; v3: matches published version in JHE