22 research outputs found

    Prática de ensino supervisionada em educação pré-escolar: o papel da familia na aprendizagem das crianças

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    O presente relatório pretende dar a conhecer como decorreu toda a minha Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), realizada ao longo do ano letivo de 2011/12, no Jardim Infantil Nª Sª da Piedade (JINSP), na valência de Creche e de Jardim-de-Infância. Ao longo deste documento, para além de serem relatados alguns dos aspetos que considerei mais importantes na minha prática, serão abordados temas como a Metodologia de Trabalho de Projeto, a importância da investigação-ação e a construção da minha profissionalidade, tendo por base a reflexão suportada em referenciais teóricos. Será ainda dado, ao longo de todo o relatório, um maior relevo à temática do papel da família na aprendizagem das crianças, nomeadamente à importância da interação desta com o contexto institucional; ABSTRACT:This report intends to explain and demonstrate how my Supervised Teaching Practice was carried out, during the school year 2011/12, at the “Nossa Senhora da Piedade” in the Pre-school and in the Creche. Throughout this document, besides reports on some of the aspects I considered more relevant, other subjects such as Project Working Methodology, the importance of Investigating-Action and the growth and development of my professionalism will be addressed, based on the reflection I made upon scientific bibliography. The matter of the interactions with family, its importance within childrens' school life and its role in their learning process will be emphasized on through the following report

    Design, Fabrication and Characterization

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    Funding Information: This work was financed by national funds from FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the scope of the projects LA/P/0037/2020, UIDP/50025/2020, and UIDB/50025/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute of Nanostructures, Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication, i3N, and also under project dPCR4FreeDNA of the same research unit, PTDC/BTM-SAL/31201/2017. Furthermore, the work received funding from FCT in the scope of projects UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020 of the Research Unit on Applied Molecular Biosciences, UCIBIO, and the project LA/P/0140/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy, i4HB. B. J. Coelho acknowledges FCT for the attribution of grant SFRH/BD/132904/2017 and grant COVID/BD/152453/2022. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Microfluidic-based platforms have become a hallmark for chemical and biological assays, empowering micro- and nano-reaction vessels. The fusion of microfluidic technologies (digital microfluidics, continuous-flow microfluidics, and droplet microfluidics, just to name a few) presents great potential for overcoming the inherent limitations of each approach, while also elevating their respective strengths. This work exploits the combination of digital microfluidics (DMF) and droplet microfluidics (DrMF) on a single substrate, where DMF enables droplet mixing and further acts as a controlled liquid supplier for a high-throughput nano-liter droplet generator. Droplet generation is performed at a flow-focusing region, operating on dual pressure: negative pressure applied to the aqueous phase and positive pressure applied to the oil phase. We evaluate the droplets produced with our hybrid DMF–DrMF devices in terms of droplet volume, speed, and production frequency and further compare them with standalone DrMF devices. Both types of devices enable customizable droplet production (various volumes and circulation speeds), yet hybrid DMF–DrMF devices yield more controlled droplet production while achieving throughputs that are similar to standalone DrMF devices. These hybrid devices enable the production of up to four droplets per second, which reach a maximum circulation speed close to 1540 µm/s and volumes as low as 0.5 nL.publishersversionpublishe

    Self-Cleaned Photonic-Enhanced Solar Cells with Nanostructured Parylene-C

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    Foundation for Science and Technology. Grant Number: UID/CTM/50025/2019 SuperSolar. Grant Number: PTDC/NAN-OPT/28430/2017 TACIT. Grant Number: PTDC/NAN-OPT/28837/2017 LocalEnergy. Grant Number: PTDC/EAM-PEC/29905/2017 FCT. Grant Number: SFRH/BD/148078/2019Photonic front-coatings with self-cleaning properties are presented as means to enhance the efficiency and outdoor performance of thin-film solar cells, via optical enhancement while simultaneously minimizing soiling-related losses. This is achieved by structuring parylene-C transparent encapsulants using a low-cost and highly-scalable colloidal-lithography methodology. As a result, superhydrophobic surfaces with broadband light-trapping properties are developed. The optimized parylene coatings show remarkably high water contact angles of up to 165.6° and extremely low adhesion, allowing effective surface self-cleaning. The controlled nano/micro-structuring of the surface features also generates strong anti-reflection and light scattering effects, corroborated by numeric electromagnetic modeling, which lead to pronounced photocurrent enhancement along the UV–vis–IR range. The impact of these photonic-structured encapsulants is demonstrated on nanocrystalline silicon solar cells, that show short-circuit current density gains of up to 23.6%, relative to planar reference cells. Furthermore, the improvement of the devices' angular response enables an enhancement of up to 35.2% in the average daily power generation.authorsversionpublishe

    Open-source tool for real-time and automated analysis of droplet-based microfluidic

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Royal Society of Chemistry.Droplet-based microfluidic technology is a powerful tool for generating large numbers of monodispersed nanoliter-sized droplets for ultra-high throughput screening of molecules or single cells. Yet further progress in the development of methods for the real-time detection and measurement of passing droplets is needed for achieving fully automated systems and ultimately scalability. Existing droplet monitoring technologies are either difficult to implement by non-experts or require complex experimentation setups. Moreover, commercially available monitoring equipment is expensive and therefore limited to a few laboratories worldwide. In this work, we validated for the first time an easy-to-use, open-source Bonsai visual programming language to accurately measure in real-time droplets generated in a microfluidic device. With this method, droplets are found and characterized from bright-field images with high processing speed. We used off-the-shelf components to achieve an optical system that allows sensitive image-based, label-free, and cost-effective monitoring. As a test of its use we present the results, in terms of droplet radius, circulation speed and production frequency, of our method and compared its performance with that of the widely-used ImageJ software. Moreover, we show that similar results are obtained regardless of the degree of expertise. Finally, our goal is to provide a robust, simple to integrate, and user-friendly tool for monitoring droplets, capable of helping researchers to get started in the laboratory immediately, even without programming experience, enabling analysis and reporting of droplet data in real-time and closed-loop experiments.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    Estratégia Nacional para a Medicina Genómica - PT_MedGen: desafios e prioridades

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    Documento preparado pela Comissão nomeada pelo Despacho n.º 5135/2021, de 20 de maio do SEAS (Diário da República n.º 98/2021, Série II de 2021-05-20, pp 107-108): Fernando de Almeida, Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge I.P. – Presidente da Comissão; Astrid Moura Vicente, Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge I.P. – Coordenadora da Comissão e responsável pelo GT Doenças Complexas; Patrícia Calado, Agência de Investigação Clínica e Inovação Biomédica – Cocoordenadora da Comissão e responsável pelo GT Comunicação; Manuel Santos, Universidade de Aveiro, GenomePT – Responsável pelo GT Boas práticas de Sequenciação; Ana Sofia Carvalho, ICBAS - Instituto de ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto - Responsável pelo GT Questões Éticas, Legais e Sociais; Cíntia Águas, Membro do GT Questões Éticas, Legais e Sociais; Cátia Sousa Pinto, Serviços Partilhados do Ministério da Saúde E.P.E. – Responsável pelo GT Dados de Saúde; Mário Jorge Gaspar da Silva, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa; BioData.pt – Responsável pelo GT Interoperabilidade de Partilha de Dados; Ana Portugal Melo, BioData.pt - Membro do GT Interoperabilidade de Partilha de Dados; Mónica Duarte Correia de Oliveira, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa – Responsável pelo GT Economia da Saúde; Joana Feijó, Health Cluster Portugal – Responsável pelo GT Indústria e Setor Privado; Laura Vilarinho, Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge I.P. – Responsável pelo GT Doenças Raras; Carla Oliveira, I3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação, Universidade do Porto – Responsável pelo GT Cancro.Com os contributos adicionais de: Ana Berta Sousa, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Lisboa Norte; Ana Fortuna, Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto; Gabriela Sousa, Instituto Português de Oncologia de Coimbra; Guiomar Oliveira, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra; João Paulo Oliveira, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João; Jorge Pinto Basto, Colégio da Especialidade de Genética Médica da Ordem dos Médicos; Jorge Saraiva, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra; Margarida Venâncio, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra; Patrícia Dias, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Lisboa Norte; Sérgio Sousa, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra.À Comissão compete a definição de roadmap para o planeamento e implementação da Estratégia Nacional para a Medicina Genómica, que apoiará a contribuição de Portugal na iniciativa 1+MG.O presente documento visa propor o conceito e as linhas de ação prioritárias da Estratégia Nacional para a Medicina Genómica (PT_MedGen). O documento baseia-se na auscultação de alguns dos principais stakeholders nacionais, representados na Comissão nomeada pelo Despacho n.o 5135/2021 coordenada pelo INSA, e ainda na consulta de outras entidades e peritos de relevância. A estratégia PT_MedGen tem a meta global de criar infraestruturas e processos que permitam a adoção de abordagens de medicina personalizada na prática clínica, a par com a contribuição para a iniciativa 1+MG. Esta estratégia promoverá ainda a investigação, a inovação, a competitividade e a internacionalização, permitindo a criação de conhecimento e valor significativos na área da saúde.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impacto da terapia hormonal sobre o peso corpóreo Impact of hormone replacement therapy on body weight

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    OBJETIVO: avaliar o efeito da terapêutica hormonal (TH) no peso de mulheres na peri-menopausa, assim como o efeito de diferentes regimes terapêuticos no referido parâmetro. MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo de 139 mulheres, com menopausa há menos de 2 anos, acompanhadas na consulta de climatério do nosso departamento. Obtiveram-se dois grupos: mulheres a quem se iniciou TH (n=89) e outro, grupo controle, sem terapia hormonal (n=50). Em cada grupo, foi avaliada a modificação ponderal no intervalo de 1 ano após a primeira consulta. Nas submetidas a TH, avaliou-se esse mesmo parâmetro em função de diferentes regimes terapêuticos preconizados: estrogênio isolado vs estroprogestagênio e dose standard vs baixa dosagem. A análise estatística foi realizada com recurso ao programa SPSS®, adotando-se como nível de significância valores p<0,05. RESULTADOS: os dois grupos foram semelhantes no que diz respeito a características basais e demográficas. No nosso estudo, constatou-se um aumento ponderal médio superior no grupo controle relativamente ao grupo de mulheres sob TH (434 vs 76 g), embora a diferença verificada não seja estatisticamente significativa (p=0,406); Nas usuárias de TH, aquelas sob estrogênio isolado tiveram um aumento ponderal acrescido face a mulheres sob terapêutica com estroprogestativo (775 vs 24 g), embora com diferenças não significativas, o mesmo sucedendo quando analisada a dosagem de TH inicialmente prescrita (92 vs 49 g). CONCLUSÕES: apesar da crença comum do aumento ponderal associado à TH, os resultados do estudo descrito parecem contrariar esse aspecto, não havendo um ganho ponderal adicional ao normalmente associado a este período da vida da mulher.<br>PURPOSE: to evaluate the effect of hormone replacement therapy (HT) on the weight on perimenopausal women as well as the effect of different treatment regimens on this parameter. METHODS: a retrospective study of 139 women with menopause for less than 2 years, who were monitored with periodical visits in our department. We compared two groups: women who started HT (n=89) with women who had no hormonal treatment (n=50) and in the two groups, we evaluated the changes in body weight over a 1-year period. In the first group, we assessed the same parameter as a function of different treatment regimens: estrogen alone versus estrogen combined with progestin and standard dose versus low dose. The SPSS® program was used for statistical analysis, with the level of significance set at p<0.05. RESULTS: the groups were similar with respect to demographic and baseline characteristics; weight gain was higher in the untreated group (434 vs 76 g), but the difference observed was not significant (p = 0.406); among HT users, those taking estrogen alone had an increased weight gain compared to women taking estrogen with progestin (775 vs 24 g), although no statistically significant difference was observed and the same applied when comparing the dose initially prescribed (92 vs 49 g). CONCLUSIONS: despite the common belief about weight gain associated with HT, the results of the present study seem to contradict this point, with no additional weight gain beyond that normally associated with this period in a woman´s life

    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia in adolescence — a gynecological perspective

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    Objectives: Analysis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) cases, gynaecological implications, referral reasons to gynaecologist and treatment. Material and methods: Retrospective, longitudinal, single-centre study with female CAH paediatric patients ≥ 10 years-old, followed between 1998–2018 in gynaecology and endocrinology departments at a public university tertiary hospital. Results: 47 patients, 34.0% (n = 16) with classic, 66.0% (n = 31) with non-classic forms (NCAH), CYP21 deficit and 46,XX karyotype. We found a normal median menarche age (11.5 IQR 2 [6–15] years-old), but significantly earlier in NCAH (p = 0.003). Precocious puberty occurred in 48.9%, n = 23. Primary amenorrhea occurred in salt-wasting form (21.4%, n = 3). Oligomenorrhea and hirsutism were significantly more prevalent in NCAH (p = 0.018, p = 0.014 respectively) and acanthosis nigricans and virilization signs in classic forms (p = 0.05, p = 0.000 respectively). Sixteen patients (34.0%) were referred to gynaecology, mostly due to menstrual irregularities (50.0%, n = 8). Medical treatment with isolated or combined corticoids, oestrogen and progestogen were chosen in all but one case. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues were used in 19.0% (n = 9). Surgery was performed in 34.0% (n = 16) patients, median age 2.0 IQR 2.5 (0.6–90) years-old. Conclusions: This paper highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary approach. Early treatment contributes to a phenotypical feminine differentiation and normalization of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis, which is essential given the gynaecologic and obstetric consequences of untreated cases

    Survey on Aesthetic Vulvovaginal Procedures: What do PortugueseDoctors andMedical Students Think?

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    <div><p>Abstract Objective To assess themedical doctors andmedical students’ opinion regarding the evidence and ethical background of the performance of vulvovaginal aesthetic procedures (VVAPs). Methods Cross-sectional online survey among 664 Portuguese medical doctors and students. Results Most participants considered that there is never or there rarely is amedical reason to perform: vulvar whitening (85.9% [502/584]); hymenoplasty (72.0% [437/607]); mons pubis liposuction (71.6% [426/595]); “G-spot” augmentation (71.0% [409/576]); labia majora augmentation (66.3% [390/588]); labia minora augmentation (58.3% [326/559]); or laser vaginal tightening (52.3%[313/599]).Gynecologists and specialistsweremore likely to consider that there are no medical reasons to performVVAPs; the opposite was true for plastic surgeons and students/residents. Hymenoplasty raised ethical doubts in 51.1% (283/554) of the participants. Plastic surgeons and students/residents were less likely to raise ethical objections, while the opposite was true for gynecologists and specialists. Most considered that VVAPs could contribute to an improvement in self-esteem(92.3% [613/664]); sexual function (78.5% [521/664]); vaginal atrophy (69.9% [464/664]); quality of life (66.3% [440/664]); and sexual pain (61.4% [408/664]). Conclusions While medical doctors and students acknowledge the lack of evidence and scientific support for the performance of VVAPs, most do not raise ethical objections about them, especially if they are students or plastic surgeons, or if they have had or have considered having plastic surgery.</p></div