625 research outputs found

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    Software implementation of automatic Fuzzy system generation and optimization

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    Automatic fuzzy system generation from sample data is a common task in fuzzy modeling. Here usually first an initial system is created using clustering, grid partitioning or other approaches and next, the parameters of the system are optimized based on the difference between the sample output and the output of the fuzzy system. The software being presented in this paper supports the whole process providing a wide range of parameterization opportunities. It also includes an optimization toolbox that offers five optimization algorithms, from which one represents a novel approach. The proposed new algoríthm was compared with four well-known methods using several benchmark functions and it ensured better results in case of many functions

    Casting Issues of Thick-Walled High Pressure Die Castings

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    Die casting is a manufacturing process for producing accurately dimensioned, sharply defined, smooth or textured surface metal parts. It is accomplished by injecting liquid metal at fast velocity and under high pressure into reusable steel dies. Compared to other casting processes, die casting is at the top end of both velocity and pressure. The high velocity translates into a very turbulent flow condition. The process is often described as the shortest distance between raw material and the finished product. Pre-fill is a process technique that is the result of significantly delaying the start of fast shot beyond the “metal at the gate” position. It can be stated as a percentage of cavity fill or as a distance beyond metal at the gate

    An Empirical Analysis of NMT-Derived Interlingual Embeddings and their Use in Parallel Sentence Identification

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    End-to-end neural machine translation has overtaken statistical machine translation in terms of translation quality for some language pairs, specially those with large amounts of parallel data. Besides this palpable improvement, neural networks provide several new properties. A single system can be trained to translate between many languages at almost no additional cost other than training time. Furthermore, internal representations learned by the network serve as a new semantic representation of words -or sentences- which, unlike standard word embeddings, are learned in an essentially bilingual or even multilingual context. In view of these properties, the contribution of the present work is two-fold. First, we systematically study the NMT context vectors, i.e. output of the encoder, and their power as an interlingua representation of a sentence. We assess their quality and effectiveness by measuring similarities across translations, as well as semantically related and semantically unrelated sentence pairs. Second, as extrinsic evaluation of the first point, we identify parallel sentences in comparable corpora, obtaining an F1=98.2% on data from a shared task when using only NMT context vectors. Using context vectors jointly with similarity measures F1 reaches 98.9%.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Szignálátvitelhez kapcsolódó gének izolálása Gibberella fujikuroiból = Cloning of genes connected to signal transduction of Gibberella fujikuroi

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    Összefoglalás A gomba MAP (mitogén aktivált protein) kináz gének szekvenciaelemzésével a szerzők új alcsoport-specifikus YSAPK és YERK MAP kináz motívumokat azonosítottak és PCR-alapú klónozási rendszert dolgoztak ki a fonalas gombák körében. Meghatározták a Fusarium proliferatum két MAP kináz génje (Fphog1 és Fpmk2) genomi szekvenciáját. Az YSAPK alcsoportba tartozó DeltaFphog1 mutáns funkcionális vizsgálata és komplementálása igazolta a gén abiotikus stressztoleranciában (hő-, só-, ozmotikus, UV-C és hidrogén-peroxid stressz) betöltött fontos szerepét. A só- és ozmotikus stressz esetében a szerzők igazolták, hogy az Fphog1 gén a programozott sejthalál (PCD) negatív regulátora. A rendelkezésre álló adatok szerint ez az első közlemény a HOG-típusú MAP kinázok apoptózisban játszott szerepéről. A só- ill. ozmotikus stressznek kitett DeltaFphog1 mutáns micéliumsejtekben négy ismert apoptózis marker fokozott jelenlétét azonosították: aktív oxigénformák képződése, mitokondriális membránpotenciál változása, sejtmagok dezintegrációja és a DNS fragmentációja. A Fusarium verticillioides YERK2 alcsoportba tartozó DeltaFvmk2 MAPK mutánsa fokozott szenzitivitást mutatott a sejtfal dezintegrációját kiváltó anyagokkal (kongó vörös, SDS) szemben. A mutáns szenzitívebb volt az alkohol- és formamid-kezeléssel szemben is. A gomba apoptózis modell illetve az Fvmk2 MAPK gén alkohol- és formamid-toleranciában játszott szerepe gyakorlati felhasználási lehetőségeket kínál a jövőben. | Based on multiple sequence alignment of fungal mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) genes, new YSAPK and YERK MAPK subgroup specific motifs were identified within filamentous species. Using this approach, a nested PCR-based cloning strategy was developed to clone genomic sequences of two MAP kinase genes (Fphog1 and Fpmk2) from Fusarium proliferatum. Functional analysis and complementation of three independent DeltaFphog1 mutants verified the fundamental role of this MAPK gene in multiple abiotic stress tolerance (heat, salt, osmotic, UV-C and hydrogen peroxide stresses). Detailed analysis of the effect of salt (NaCl) and osmotic (sorbitol) stressors identified Fphog1 gene as a negative regulator of programmed cell death (PCD). According to our knowledge this is the first report on the role of a HOG-type MAPK gene in the regulation of apoptosis. Four apoptosis markers were detected in mycelial cells of DeltaFphog1 mutant strain: increased level of active oxygen species (AOS), changes in mitochondrial membrane potential, nuclear disintegration and DNA fragmentation. The DeltaFvmk2 mutant of F. verticillioides showed increased sensitivity to treatments with cell wall disintegrating compounds such as SDS and congo red. This mutant was also sensitive to ethanol and formamide treatments. The fungal apoptosis model and the role of Fvmk2 MAPK in alcohol and formamide tolerance offer practical possibilities in the future

    Populism unrestrained: Policy responses of the Orbán regime to the pandemic in 2020–2021

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    The paper provides a case study on how the Orban regime in Hungary has dealt with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in 2020-2021. Despite having led worldwide rankings in pandemic-related death rates since the second part of 2020, the government was not politically shaken by COVID-19. Institutionally unrestrained, the governing majority periodically renewed emergency legal regimes to control public discourses and curtail the financial resources of opposition-led local governments. The policy conduct of the regime is discussed in the context of authoritarian populism, which is conceptualized along a strategy-based approach to populism. In this, authoritarian populism is seen to generate democratic legitimacy for dismantling the institutional foundations of liberal democracy and the rule of law. This had been happening in Hungary well before COVID-19 kicked in, but the pandemic provided enhanced opportunities for this strategy. Meanwhile, fiscal policies became increasingly expansionary, signalling a partial return to the practice of preelection overspending