75,135 research outputs found

    Cross-listing, price discovery and the informativeness of the trading process

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    This paper analyzes the price discovery process of a set of Spanish stocks cross-listed at the NYSE. Our methodology distinguishes between two sources of information asymmetries. Market-specific information that is revealed through the trading process and public disclosures simultaneously revealed to both markets but subject to informed judgments. We compute the information share of the Spanish and U.S. trading activity during the daily 2-hour overlapping interval. Empirical results show that the NYSE contribution to the price discovery process is not negligible. But the NYSE information is basically trade-unrelated

    Adequate encodings of logical systems in UTT

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    In this paper, we present an existing and formalized type theory (UTT) as a logical framework. We compare the resulting framework with LF and give the representation of two significant type systems in the framework: the typed lambda calculus which is closely related to higher-order logic and a linear type system which is not possible to encode in LF.Postprint (published version

    A higher-order behavioural algebraic institution for ASL

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    In this paper, we generalise the semantics of ASL including the three behavioural operators for a fixed but arbitrary algebraic institution. After that, we define a behavioural algebraic institution which is used to give an alternative semantics of the behavioural operators, to define the normal forms of the both semantics of behavioural operators and to relate both semantics. Finally, we present a higher-order behavioural algebraic institution.Postprint (published version

    Mutualism supports biodiversity when the direct competition is weak

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    A key question of theoretical ecology is which properties of ecosystems favour their stability and help maintaining biodiversity. This qu estion recently reconsid- ered mutualistic systems, generating intense controversy about the role of mutu- alistic interactions and their network architecture. Here we show analytically and verify with simulations that reducing the effective intersp ecific competition and the propagation of perturbations positively influences struct ural stability against envi- ronmental perturbations, enhancing persistence. Notewor thy, mutualism reduces the effective interspecific competition only when the direct interspecific competition is weaker than a critical value. This critical competition i s in almost all cases larger in pollinator networks than in random networks with the same connectance. Highly connected mutualistic networks reduce the propagation of e nvironmental perturba- tions, a mechanism reminiscent of MacArthur’s proposal tha t ecosystem complexity enhances stability. Our analytic framework rationalizes p revious contradictory re- sults, and it gives valuable insight on the complex relation ship between mutualism and biodiversity

    Proof assistance for refnement in type theory

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    In this paper, we represent in type theory a proof system for refinement of algebraic specifications. . The representation is not adequate but full because the use of proof obligations to represent side-conditions. Using this representation, we can develop a proof tactic to help the development of proofs of refinement.Postprint (published version

    A genetic algorithm for the mixed flow shop problem

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    In this thesis we present a new interesting version of the mixed flow shop se-quencing problem, which at the same time is a version of the classic flow shop,a very common topic on operations research.We propose a genetic algorithm to solve it that we will compare at the endwith a simple initial genetic-based algorithm previously design. For that wefirst focus on the crossover operator as we consider it the most challenging parton a sequencing problem. We study and compare 5 different crossover operatorsand we choose the one that performs better. Finally we calibrate the populationsize, the weight of mutation and crossover operators on the algorithm and alsothe mutations operator itself.The goal of the thesis is to better understand the specific mixed flow shopproblem version presented and design a genetic algorithm that clearly improvesthe performance of the initial algorith

    A Medium for Social Health

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    A graph semantics for a variant of the ambient calculus more adequate for modeling SOC

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    In this paper we present a graph semantics of a variant of the well known ambient calculus. The main change of our variant is to extract the mobility commands of the original calculus from the ambient topology. Similar to a previous work of ours, we prove that our encoding have good properties. We strongly believe that this variant would allow us to integrate our graph semantics of our mobile calculus with previous work of us in service oriented computing (SOC). Basically, our work on SOC develops a new graph transformation system which we call temporal symbolic graphs. This new graph formalism is used to give semantics to a design language for SOC developed in an european project, but it could also be used in connection with other approaches for modeling or specifying service systems.Postprint (published version