36 research outputs found

    Ich hätte da eine Analyse

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    Horatius hatása az ó- és újklasszikus iskola költőire

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    A new metalinguistic degree morpheme

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    In this paper, we discuss and analyze ...ish/-ish in three of its uses: as a modifier of gradable adjectives; as a clause-final particle that hedges on a speaker's degree of commitment to a proposition; and as a general precision-regulator. In each case, -ish/. . . ish makes reference to a degree that is slightly less than the standard for the constituent it applies to. We propose that proposition-modifying . . . ish belongs to the class of metalinguistic degree morphology alongside metalinguistic comparisons, which have received recent attention in the literature (e.g., Giannakidou & Yoon 2011; Morzycki 2011). We argue for a unified analysis of ...ish/-ish as a degree modifier, where the relevant degree variable can be provided lexically, or through a type-shifting operation that makes available a degree of precision in the sense of Morzycki (2011). This study has implications for research on the semantics of metalinguistic degree morphology, imprecision, speaker-oriented phenomena, and the role of subjectification in semantic change.

    New vaginal moisturizer is well-accepted and reduces symptoms related to the genitourinary syndrome of menopause in Brazilian women: O novo hidratante vaginal é bem aceito e reduz os sintomas relacionados à síndrome geniturinária da menopausa nas mulheres brasileiras

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    Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness and acceptability of a new vaginal moisturizer composed of a combination of humectants, moisturizers, bioadhesives, and viscosity polymers (sodium hyaluronate 0.1%, polycarbophil 1.5%, carbomer 1.5%, and glycerin 1%) for relief of vulvovaginal symptoms associated with genitourinary syndrome of menopause in Brazilian postmenopausal women. Methods: An open clinical trial was performed with 33 postmenopausal women between 47 and 68 years of age with genitourinary syndrome of menopause symptoms such as vaginal dryness accompanied by pain or discomfort during intercourse. Clinical efficacy in relieving symptoms of genitourinary syndrome of menopause and acceptability were assessed using a Likert scale questionnaire. Efficacy and safety were assessed through gynecological examination, which included visual inspection of the epithelium and vaginal contents, and determination of vaginal pH. Wilcoxon's non-parametric test and paired Student's t-test were used for statistical analyses.Results: After 3 weeks of treatment, most participants reported improvement in GSM symptoms like vaginal dryness (p<0.001), discomfort during or after sexual intercourse (p<0.001), pain during or after sexual intercourse (p<0.001), vaginal odor (p=0.047) and itching (p=0.032) and good acceptability of the moisturizer. There was no alteration in the vaginal health index; however, a reduction in vaginal inflammation (p=0.046) was observed. No clinically significant adverse events were reported by participants. Conclusions: Treatment with non-hormonal vaginal moisturizer for 3 consecutive weeks in postmenopausal women with symptoms of genitourinary syndrome of menopause promoted improvements in vaginal hydration, showing a clinically adequate profile of efficacy and safety, in addition to a satisfactory degree of acceptability

    A volatilitás rejtély vizsgálata a koronavírus-járvány idején az amerikai tőkepiacon

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    INST: Szakdolgozatok (GTK) - Szakdolgozatok (GTK)Kutatásomban arra a kérdésre keresem a választ, hogy az alacsony volatilitás anomália – azaz az a jelenség, hogy a magas volatilitású, azaz magas kockázatú vállalatok alulteljesítenek az alacsony volatilitásúakhoz képest – jelensége (1) általánosságban jelentkezik-e válságidőszakok alatt, illetve (2) megfigyelhető-e a legutóbbi, koronavírus-járványhoz kapcsolódó recesszió alatt

    A fejlesztőpedagógusi szerep, a fejlesztő pedagógus helyzete a szervezetben - Egy egyházi intézményben a fejlesztőpedagógus helye

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    Dolgozatom témája a fejlesztés általánosan, a fejlesztés helye egy református óvodában. A fejlesztőpedagógus szerepe és helye egy keresztyén intézményben, aminek egy megvalósítási formáját a Budafoki Református Gyülekezet által fenntartott Halacska Óvodán keresztül szerettem volna bemutatni

    Real-world, observational, retrospective study to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of treatment with sorafenib in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Em 2020, o câncer hepático representou 4,7% do número de novos casos de câncer, sendo a sexta malignidade mais comum, e terceira principal causa de morte relacionada ao câncer no mundo. O carcinoma hepatocelular é responsável por cerca de 90% dos casos de câncer hepático. Para os casos de diagnóstico em estádio avançado, é indicada a terapia sistêmica. O primeiro agente a demostrar benefício em pacientes com carcinoma hepatocelular avançado foi o sorafenibe, em dados publicados em 2008 a partir de um estudo clínico randomizado que demonstrou a sua eficácia (estudo SHARP). Embora os estudos clínicos randomizados sejam o padrão ouro para avaliar a segurança e eficácia de novos agentes terapêuticos, seus controles restritos podem levar à inclusão de uma população que não seja representativa do perfil de pacientes encontrados na prática clínica. Nesse sentido, os estudos de mundo real são importantes para complementar e expandir as informações obtidas previamente nos estudos clínicos randomizados. Diante disso, o objetivo deste estudo é avaliar, no contexto de mundo real, a efetividade do uso de sorafenibe no tratamento de carcinoma hepatocelular avançado, através de análises de sobrevida global e tempo até a progressão radiológica e clínica / sintomática, em pacientes tratados em uma instituição brasileira. MÉTODO: Foi realizada coleta de dados retrospectivos dos prontuários de pacientes tratados com sorafenibe entre 2009 e 2020. As curvas de sobrevida foram estimadas pelo método de Kaplan Meier e comparadas usando o teste de log-rank. O método de regressão de Cox foi utilizado para a estimativa do hazard ratio e intervalos de confiança de 95%, para avaliar interação entre potenciais fatores prognósticos e sobrevida. RESULTADOS: O estudo incluiu os dados de 368 pacientes. A sobrevida global observada neste estudo (9,6 meses) foi menor do que a encontrada no estudo SHARP (10,7 meses), porém essa diferença não foi considerada significante. O tempo até a progressão radiológica (5,3 meses) no contexto de mundo real foi semelhante ao observado no estudo randomizado SHARP (5,5 meses). O tempo até a progressão sintomática / clínica (2,3 meses) foi significativamente inferior ao encontrado no estudo SHARP (4,1 meses), porém essa análise apresenta limitações em um delineamento de estudo retrospectivo. O tipo de progressão, escala de performance ECOG, estágio BCLC, classificação Child-Pugh e etiologia da doença demonstraram influenciar a sobrevida global dos pacientes. Com relação à segurança, 27,4% da população avaliada não apresentou boa tolerabilidade ao tratamento com sorafenibe e 24,5% da população total necessitou que o tratamento fosse interrompido devido a toxicidade. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados indicam que o tratamento com sorafenibe foi efetivo na população avaliada. As variáveis sobrevida global e tempo até a progressão radiológica não apresentaram diferença significativa com relação aos resultados do estudo SHARP, demonstrando um alinhamento entre os resultados de mundo real e de um estudo clínico randomizado. O tempo até a progressão sintomática / clínica apresentou diferença significante com relação ao estudo SHARP, mas essa análise foi realizada com algumas limitações por se tratar de um estudo retrospectivoINTRODUCTION: In 2020, liver cancer accounted for 4.7% of new cancer cases, being the sixth most common malignancy and the third leading cause of cancer-related death in the world. Hepatocellular carcinoma is responsible for about 90% of liver cancer cases. For cases diagnosed at an advanced stage, systemic therapy is indicated. The first agent to show benefit in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma was sorafenib, in data published in 2008 from a randomized clinical trial that demonstrated its efficacy (SHARP study). Although randomized clinical trials are the gold standard for evaluating the safety and efficacy of new therapeutic agents, their restricted controls can lead to the inclusion of a population that is not representative of the profile of patients encountered in clinical practice. In this sense, real-world studies are important to complement and expand the information previously obtained in randomized clinical trials. Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate, in the real world context, the effectiveness of using sorafenib in the treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma, through analyzes of overall survival and time to radiological and clinical/symptomatic progression, in patients treated in a Brazilian institution. METHOD: Retrospective data was collected from the medical records of patients treated with sorafenib between 2009 and 2020. Survival curves were estimated using the Kaplan Meier method and compared using the log-rank test. The Cox regression method was used to estimate the hazard ratio and 95% confidence intervals, to evaluate the interaction between potential prognostic factors and survival. RESULTS: The study included data from 368 patients. The overall survival observed in this study (9.6 months) was lower than that found in the SHARP study (10.7 months), but this difference was not considered significant. The time to radiological progression (5.3 months) in the real-world setting was similar to that observed in the SHARP randomized trial (5.5 months). The time to symptomatic / clinical progression (2.3 months) was significantly shorter than that found in the SHARP study (4.1 months), but this analysis has limitations in a retrospective study design. The type of progression, ECOG performance scale, BCLC stage, Child-Pugh classification and disease etiology have been shown to influence the overall survival of patients. Regarding safety, 27.4% of the population evaluated did not show good tolerability to treatment with sorafenib and 24.5% of the total population required treatment interruption due to toxicity. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that treatment with sorafenib was effective in the population evaluated. The variables overall survival and time to radiological progression did not show a significant difference in relation to the results of the SHARP study, demonstrating an alignment between the real-world results and randomized clinical trial results. The time to symptomatic / clinical progression showed a significant difference in relation to the SHARP study, but this analysis was carried out with some limitations as it was a retrospective stud

    Counterfactual biscuit conditionals: A temporal remoteness Approach

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    Hypothetical conditionals like If you are hungry, your stomach is growling and "biscuit" conditionals like If you are hungry, there is pizza in the fridge have been analysed as sharing the same syntactic and semantic template, differing only in the presence of an additional pragmatic inference leading to the "biscuit" effect in the latter case (Franke 2009: a.o.). However, when considering their counterfactual versions, the two forms differ in the verbal morphological make-up of the consequent clause, which posits a challenge to the unified approach. The present papers develops an analysis of tense and mood morphology within the unified approach where the key idea is that counterfactuals biscuits involve breaking Sequence of Tense and so-called Sequence of Mood. Unacceptable biscuit and hypothetical forms are ruled out via pragmatic competition between weaker and stronger forms and via the Gricean Principle of Manner