799 research outputs found

    Reasons for Success and Failure of Projects

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    This paper discusses information from at least ten peer-reviewed project management related articles on project success and failure. The articles provide information on the challenges faced in global projects. This paper will address the link between infrastructure, culture and project outcome. Regardless of the chosen methodology, there are many possible reasons for project failure, partial success and total success, the articles have discussed different factors which could be a reason or a partial reason for the outcome of a project. Agile methodology is becoming increasingly popular and utilized on large and complex projects. Large projects that lack clarity in some respects can adopt this methodology as it accommodates the changing nature of the project objectives. (Symonds, 2012) addressed the importance of effective financial management to keep costs within budget on a large or complex project. The articles also draw attention to the fact that different types of projects could have varying critical success factors, and these would need to be identified for each specific project. The author of each article has a different focus in his or her research on why projects may succeed or fail. (Walid, 1996) explains that there are critical success factors which must be identified and achieved by the project team to attain project success. (Glass, 1999) however, focused on the human contribution to project success or failure. His research addressed the impact that the project manager has on the performance of the project team. This paper evaluates the assertions made by previous researchers on the subject to establish the relationship between infrastructure, culture and project outcome

    The Topes de Collantes Sanatorium: A Look at the Global Sanatorium Movement, the Climate Cure Theory, and How Tuberculosis Influenced Modern Architecture

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    The Topes de Collantes Sanatorium in Cuba was constructed during a time in medical history when it was commonly believed that a specific climate played a strong role in tuberculosis treatment. My research paper addresses how the so-called “Climate Cure” theory spread throughout the Western hemisphere and influenced the construction of sleek, modern tuberculosis sanatoriums. Previous research and scholarship have looked at major TB sanatoriums in Europe and the United States in depth, however, little has been looked at TB sanatoriums in smaller countries such as Cuba. I seek to fill in this gap of tuberculosis’ history by taking a close look at Cuba’s handling of tuberculosis with the Topes de Collantes Sanatorium as well as what similarities and differences that institution had with other medical facilities and theories abroad. My research will use architectural, medical, and political forms of analysis in looking at how and why the Topes de Collantes Sanatorium in Cuba came to be. Through this, I argue that the project of the Topes de Collantes Sanatorium took after the architecture of other sanatoriums abroad and by medical writings that advocate for the climatic treatment of tuberculosis. This historical argument and research is significant because it delves into why and how different countries, governments, architects, and medical professionals decided to tackle tuberculosis through a new take on modern architecture and an emphasis on the natural environment

    Enjeux Sociaux de l’Intégration aux Communautés Protestantes Évangéliques en Côte d’Ivoire : Cas de la Communauté Vases d’Honneur

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    L’objectif de ce travail est d’examiner les enjeux sociaux de l’intĂ©gration des populations Ă  l’église   vases d’honneur. Cette Ă©tude se base sur une recherche documentaire Ă  laquelle s’ajoute une observation participante menĂ©e dans le centre principal de la communautĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que l’église promeut des idĂ©ologies plaçant l’être humain Ă  l’origine de sa vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© socioĂ©conomique. Pour lutter contre celle-ci, cette communautĂ© enseigne des procĂ©dĂ©s et s’est dotĂ©e d’une organisation qui accompagne les croyants. Sous ce rapport, elle se prĂ©sente comme un outil de cohĂ©sion sociale et de rĂ©silience socioĂ©conomique. L’étude met Ă  la disposition des dĂ©cideurs et du corps social, des indicateurs de suivi et de contrĂ´le du secteur, dans un contexte de multiplication des communautĂ©s religieuses, sujettes Ă  controverses.   The objective of this work is to examine the social issues of the integration of populations into the church vessels of honor. This study is based on a literature search supplemented by a participant observation conducted in the main center of the community. The results show that the church promotes ideologies that place the human being at the root of his socio-economic vulnerability. To fight against it, the church teaches procedures and has an organization that accompanies believers. In this respect, it presents itself as a tool for social cohesion and socio-economic resilience. The study provides decision-makers and the social body with indicators for monitoring and control of the sector, in a context of multiplication of religious communities, subject to controversy

    Enjeux Sociaux de l’Intégration aux Communautés Protestantes Évangéliques en Côte d’Ivoire : Cas de la Communauté Vases d’Honneur

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    L’objectif de ce travail est d’examiner les enjeux sociaux de l’intĂ©gration des populations Ă  l’église   vases d’honneur. Cette Ă©tude se base sur une recherche documentaire Ă  laquelle s’ajoute une observation participante menĂ©e dans le centre principal de la communautĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que l’église promeut des idĂ©ologies plaçant l’être humain Ă  l’origine de sa vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© socioĂ©conomique. Pour lutter contre celle-ci, cette communautĂ© enseigne des procĂ©dĂ©s et s’est dotĂ©e d’une organisation qui accompagne les croyants. Sous ce rapport, elle se prĂ©sente comme un outil de cohĂ©sion sociale et de rĂ©silience socioĂ©conomique. L’étude met Ă  la disposition des dĂ©cideurs et du corps social, des indicateurs de suivi et de contrĂ´le du secteur, dans un contexte de multiplication des communautĂ©s religieuses, sujettes Ă  controverses.   The objective of this work is to examine the social issues of the integration of populations into the church vessels of honor. This study is based on a literature search supplemented by a participant observation conducted in the main center of the community. The results show that the church promotes ideologies that place the human being at the root of his socio-economic vulnerability. To fight against it, the church teaches procedures and has an organization that accompanies believers. In this respect, it presents itself as a tool for social cohesion and socio-economic resilience. The study provides decision-makers and the social body with indicators for monitoring and control of the sector, in a context of multiplication of religious communities, subject to controversy

    Enjeux Socioéconomiques de l’Intégration aux Communautés Protestantes Evangéliques en Côte d’Ivoire : Cas de Vases d’Honneur « Centre Kodesh de Cocody »

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    L’objectif de ce travail est d’examiner les enjeux socioĂ©conomiques  de l’intĂ©gration des populations Ă  la communautĂ© vases d’honneur. Cette Ă©tude a privilĂ©giĂ© la dĂ©marche qualitative en se basant sur la recherche documentaire et l'observation participante menĂ©e dans le centre  oĂą officie le pasteur principal  de la communautĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que l’église promeut des idĂ©ologies plaçant l’être humain Ă  l’origine de sa vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© socioĂ©conomique. Pour lutter contre celle-ci, cette communautĂ© enseigne des idĂ©ologies  et s’est dotĂ©e d’une organisation qui accompagne les croyants. Sous ce rapport, elle se prĂ©sente comme un outil de cohĂ©sion sociale et de rĂ©silience socioĂ©conomique. L’étude met Ă  la disposition des dĂ©cideurs et du corps social, des indicateurs de suivi et de contrĂ´le du secteur, dans un contexte de multiplication des communautĂ©s religieuses, sujettes Ă  controverses.   The objective of this work is to examine the socio-economic social issues of the integration of populations into the community vessels of honor.  This study favoured the qualitative approach based on literature research and participant observation conducted in the main centre where the community's senior pastor officiates. The results show that the church promotes ideologies that place the human being at the root of his socio-economic vulnerability. To fight against it, this community teaches ideologies and has an organization that accompanies believers.. In this respect, it presents itself as a tool for social cohesion and socio-economic resilience. The study provides decision-makers and the social body with indicators for monitoring and control of the sector, in a context of multiplication of religious communities, subject to controversy

    Crafting an Image: Love, Confidence, and Representation in Leonard Fink’s Photographs of the Gay Liberation Movement

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    Honorable Mention Winner Leonard Fink (1930-1993) was an American photographer who documented the modern Gay Liberation Movement and inaugural Christopher Street Liberation Day marches that evolved into the Pride Marches we now know of today. This research addresses how Fink used photography as both a form of personal expression and participation in the growing LGBTQ community as well as to document these critical moments in modern queer US history. Prior scholars and research have looked at the Christopher Street Liberation Day marches and the role it had on the LGBTQ movement following the Stonewall Riots, however, little has been done on the individuals who worked behind the scenes in helping solidify and physically capture these game-changing moments of queer history taking place. I will use the figure Leonard Fink and his photographs to fill in these missing gaps to show the major and influential role photography played within the late twentieth-century queer movement. This work is historically significant because it centers around an individual who had a major role in the modern LGBTQ US movement and showcases the ways he used photography to both document and express himself as well as the broader community around him

    Push/Pull Factors, Networks and Student Migration from Côte d’Ivoire to France and Switzerland

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    Since 2011, the Ivorian government has invested heavily in higher education to meet its labour market’s growing demand. In this article, we analyse the drivers of Ivorian student mobility from Côte d’Ivoire to France and Switzerland, highlighting the central role of migrant networks. We focus on the decision-making process and find that migration networks play an important role at every step: from initial aspirations to concrete plans and efforts to study abroad. Using 38 in depth interviews and two focus groups with Ivorian students who aspire to study in France and Switzerland, members of the education board, migration officers, and members of the Ivorian diaspora, we reveal that the functioning of the Ivorian higher education system is a factor of uncertainty for many students who consider that salvation can only come from migration. In addition, social representations linked to foreign diplomas inspire Ivorian students to choose international mobility. Migrant networks further encourage Ivorian students to move abroad because stories from successful migrants sharing their mobility experience are coupled with the provision of key resources to support mobility projects

    Inflation persistence, noisy information and the Phillips curve

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    Una vasta literatura ha documentado que la persistencia de la inflación en Estados Unidos ha disminuido en las últimas décadas. Pero este hallazgo es difícil de explicar en los modelos monetarios. Usando datos de encuestas sobre expectativas de inflación, documento un comovimiento positivo entre errores de predicción promedio ex-ante y revisiones de predicción (que sugieren lentitud en las predicciones) de 1968 a 1984, pero no encuentro comovimiento después. Extiendo el modelo neokeynesiano para incluir información ruidosa y dispersa sobre el estado agregado, y muestro que la inflación es más persistente en períodos de mayor lentitud del pronóstico. Mis resultados sugieren que los cambios en la formación de expectativas de las empresas explica alrededor del 90 % de la caída en la persistencia de la inflación desde mediados de la década de 1980. También encuentro que los cambios en la dinámica de la curva de Phillips pueden explicarse por el cambio en las fricciones de información. Después de controlar los cambios en las fricciones de información, estimo solo una modesta disminución en la pendiente. Un factor más significativo en la dinámica de la curva de Phillips es el cambio hacia una menor miopía y persistencia intrínseca. Finalmente, encuentro evidencia de infrarrevisión de pronósticos en el período post-COVID, lo que explica el aumento de la persistencia de la inflación actual.A vast literature has documented how US inflation persistence has fallen in recent decades, but this finding is difficult to explain in monetary models. Using survey data on inflation expectations, I document a positive co-movement between ex-ante average forecast errors and forecast revisions (suggesting forecast sluggishness) from 1968 to 1984, but no co-movement thereafter. I extend the New Keynesian setting to include noisy and dispersed information about the aggregate state, and show that inflation is more persistent in periods of greater forecast sluggishness. My results suggest that changes in firm forecasting behavior explain around 90% of the fall in inflation persistence since the mid-1980s. I also find that the changes in the dynamics of the Phillips curve can be explained by the change in information frictions. After controlling for changes in information frictions, I estimate only a modest decline in the slope. I find that a more significant factor in the dynamics of the Phillips curve is the shift towards greater forward-lookingness and less backward-lookingness. Finally, I find evidence of forecast underrevision in the post-COVID period, which explains the increase in the persistence of current inflation

    Logical and thermodynamical reversibility: optimized experimental implementation of the NOT operation

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    The NOT operation is a reversible transformation acting on a 1-bit logical state, and should be achievable in a physically reversible manner at no energetic cost. We experimentally demonstrate a bit-flip protocol based on the momentum of an underdamped oscillator confined in a double well potential. The protocol is designed to be reversible in the ideal dissipationless case, and the thermodynamic work required is inversely proportional to the quality factor of the system. Our implementation demonstrates an energy dissipation significantly lower than the minimal cost of information processing in logically irreversible operations. It is moreover performed at high speed: a fully equilibrated final state is reached in only half a period of the oscillator. The results are supported by an analytical model that takes into account the presence of irreversibility. The Letter concludes with a discussion of optimization strategies

    Comparaison des caractéristiques nutritionnelles et rhéologiques des bouillies infantiles préparées par les techniques de germination et de fermentation

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    Le sevrage est une étape importante dans l’alimentation du nourrisson. Aussi, les techniques de germination et de fermentation ont été utilisées pour améliorer les propriétés des farines composées à base de maïs, de sorgho et de soja. Les caractéristiques physicochimiques et rhéologiques, la composition nutritionnelle et la valeur énergétique des bouillies préparées à partir de ces farines ont été déterminées. Les résultats ont révélé, respectivement pour la farine composée germée et la farine composée fermentée, une teneur en glucides de 69,20% et 67,80%, un taux de lipides de 7,5% et 4,5% et une teneur en protéines de 15,80% et 15,25%. La valeur énergétique de la farine composée germée est de 402,3 kcal/100 g de matière sèche et celle de la farine composée fermentée est de 361,39 kcal/100 g de matière sèche. La bouillie issue de la farine composée germée a une matière sèche de 30,60%, une densité énergétique de 122,4 kcal/100 g de matière sèche et une fluidité de 120 mm/30 sec. La bouillie issue de la farine composée fermentée a une matière sèche de 30,05%, une densité énergétique de 120,20 kcal/10 ml et une fluidité de 100 mm/30 sec. Ces farines composées fermentées et germées ont permis de préparer des bouillies infantiles conformes aux normes de l’OMS, pourraient contribuer à lutter contre la malnutrition infantile.Mots clés : Aliment de complément, nourrisson, malnutrition infantile, germination, fermentatio
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